Persuasive Speech

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Tao-on, Ma.Celestine R.

ENG023 B45 Persuasive Speech Plan 3 March 2012 SAME-SEX MARRIAGE General Purpose: To persuade my audience to agree in legalizing same-sex marriage Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience about the pros of same-sex marriage Central Idea:Same-sex marriage should be legalized all over the world. Homosexuals have their own rights too because they are humans like us. They should have the same equal rights as heterosexuals do. Outline: These past few years homosexuals coming out of the closet have grown in large numbers. They are now fighting for their rights because they are just like us; the only difference is their sexuality. Same-sex marriage is one of the controversial topics regarding homosexuals. They always ask, Should gay marriage be legal? For me, yes it should be legal. I. II. Same-sex marriage is a union between two people of the same sex. Same-sex marriage should be legalized. A. It is a right of everyone to be married to the one they want to, regardless of sex. 1. If we based this on the US constitution, marriage is a right as established in the 1967 US Constitution. B. It does not harm heterosexual marriages or family values. C. Denying them to be married also infers that it is okay to discriminate them. D. Gay men and lesbians form stable, committed relationships that are equivalent to heterosexual relationships. 1. This is according to studies and biographies that the researchers have collected. E. Legalizing gay marriage is not related in any ways to polygamy, bestiality, or interspecies marriage. Some churches are now recognizing same-sex marriage and are now conducting ceremonies. A. In New York Times, the United Church of Christ announced that they are officially supporting same-sex marriage. B. There also some churches who are either supporting homosexuality or opposed to discrimination against them. There are advantages and good outcomes in same-sex marriage. A. Same sex couples can adopt a child and raise it as their own.



B. According to a study in June 2010, children of same sex couples were rated higher than the children of heterosexual couples in academic and social competence and had fewer social problems. C. This marriage gives same sex couples the same basic rights as heterosexual couples do. D. It is now legal in 10 countries and in some states in the US. Conclusion: Being a homosexual doesnt make one sick. Loving another one is the same for heterosexuals and homosexuals. And if we love someone, we would want to be with them forever. Just because someone is different from what we are doesnt mean we have a right to discriminate them. They are humans like us and they want to be accepted because of who they are and who they love. They also share the same planet as us, breathes the same air we breathe and thus, they still have the same rights we have. Bibliography: marriage.Retrieved from on 15 February 2012 from Dewan, S.(2005).United Church of Christ backs same-sex marriage.Retrieved from The New York Times on 15 February 2012 from Vanasco, J.(2009).Some churches support gay rights.RetrievedfromThe Huffington Poston 15 February 2012 from

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