What Was The Religious Conflict in The 16th Century and Brake With Rome

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What was the religious conflict in the 16th century?

- Martin Luthar 1517 thought he found catholic fundamentals is not found in the Bible so he invented his own religion, to protest. - Originally Henry hated it and he wrote a book against it. - A fundamental catholic belief was heaven or hell, depending on your actions and they believed in purgatory which is in limbo for average characters who dont go to heaven or hell. - If youve committed sins you could by indulgences get out of jail free card money making scheme for church and thats why Luthar criticised it. - He hung is research on a church in wittingberg Protestant, no purgatory, pope, beautiful singing and churches were not the essence of their religion. He said the main thing should be your relationship with G-D rather than ceremony such as pilgrimages, going to priests, buying indulgences. - ,prot priests were allowed to marry and even women could be vicars. - By 1530 the idea of no pope appealed to Henry as it gave him the power to do what he wanted and gets as much as annulments he wanted. Also he believed it was a good way to make money as the cath church was extremely rich, - Indulgences got you out of purgatory accord to the cath, but the prots did not believe in purgatory and saw indulgences as a mere way of making money. - Luthar emphasised that people should learn the Bible in their own language soloscriptura. - The vernacular is what he emphasised on, the spoken language of the country.

- For the caths, baby boys had to be bapti...., THEY HAD 7 SACRIMENTS ALLTOGETHER, but we dont need to know each - one. - Luthar looks at these sacraments in the Bible and he says ONLY THREE OF THESE WERE MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE. - They were mutual in the sense both cristians, believing yoshki to be son of G-D. - The Break with Rome- this is the separation of England under Henry of breaking allegiance with the pope, started in 1527 but the actual break was in 1534 where he passed the law removing the authority of the pope. - ,catholism- religion of England before the break, form of cristianity prevalent in England until break. - ,protestentism- religion England moved towards from 1534, they didnt become completely prot e.g. letting priests to marry, most catholism still remained. The only thing Henry was interested in was the annulment and the money. - ,transubstantiation- prevalent part of mass, holy communion one of 7 rights of passage where all the congregants each bread and wine as yoshki supposedly gave food and wine to his disciples before he died to represent taking the body and blood of yoshky into themselves. - ,cath and prot both did this, but the prot only did it as a symbolic act, but the caths make it more ritual and say it the substances wine and bread magically turns into yoshkis body parts. The prots were anti this and considered it to be superstitious. This was another big difference Henry personally liked it but Crammner and Cromwel didnt. - Simony, sells positions in church for money, prots were really anti this corrupt act. Pluralism when people had many

different positions such as Wolsey, although prots were anti this. Nepotism- appointing family members prots also anti this. ,anti clericism criticism of cath practises and morals. Heresy- the prots were considered to be heretics but then the caths did. Mass, the prayers which were mutually called this but maybe the cath placed more emphasis on this. Reformation, the movement of cath to prot. Luther, a German priest who started prot. Sacrament, caths had 7 but prots 3. ,eucharist- the eating of bread and wine when trans.... takes place. ,priest religious leader. Purgatory, limbo prots anti. Official language of church which prots answer. Venacular-lang of the country. Penance- reinforce repentance, through sin, confession fasting and good deeds only cath to confess and be sins, Indulgences- paying for your sins to be given. ,saints live pure lives become semi divine only caths. Humanists- criticism of cath church. Different from prots didnt completely want to break away from chur. ,monks and nuns religious leaders, caths could marry prots couldnt. ,benefit of clergy- clergymen who claim to be outside law. Moor is also anti clerical but didnt completely want to break away. Thomas Cromwell- politician and lord chancellor and devout catholic.

- Zwinglians follow swiss reformer Zwingli more radical then luthar who said transub didnt exist. And was only a ritual - Eucharists bread and wine - ,lolards considered heretics said Bible should be in the vernacular - Sacraments second rights of passage that caths went through. - ,William tendlyle first translator of Bible into vernacular. - Soloscripture prot believe to learn Bible regularly.

- Henry still puts pressure for annulment up to 1534 he hoped Hnery will still give in and give an annulment. However, no matter how many messages he sent the pope didnt allow it as Charles still controlled him. - Cromwell political, crammer religious both prots. - Cromwell starts as servant and becomes more powerful until up to 1532 he is the key advisor. - Through various acts of parliament Henry dissembles the cath church. Henry was happy with all aspects of cath except pope. - Justification by faith alone prot believe about personal relationship Anne, Cromwell, Crammer believed with whole ideology, where Henry just wanted to get rid of pope and all the money. - Lolard supposedly heretics, 14th century burnt alive for wanting Bible in vernacular. - Working Luthar was Zwingli and calvin French lawyer.

- ,solo scriptura latin for just the scripture people should learn Bible regularly and thats all you need to be a good cris. - These believes only grow in the 1530s as there was no main religious leaders. Until Henry prot wasnt making much headway in England. - Thomas, more close friend of Henry, was prot but denied papal authority and refused to make oath of loyalty to the king so was executed. - Crammer wouldnt say he was a prot until the official break but everybody already knew. - Conservative faction e.g. duke of Norfolk got Anne Bolyn executed, making it more cath, set back. - However Cromwell who was close to Anne almost got caught up and killed but stayed alive and becoming an influential prot later. - ,monostires cath institution as the monks prayed for everyones souls, the dissolution tilted towards prot. - He dissolved them in sections because it made him look bad, he wanted to cover himself that he was doing it because thye were corrupt, as he said the good monks and nuns could move into the big ones. He was also testing what reaction it will give, it was extremely negative as the rebellion pil of grace happened. Although h Henry had no defeated the opposition. - 6 articles sudden change back, cath reintroduced. This was because Henry had no received what he wanted annulment,

power of church and money he did not disagree with the other ones and thats why he went back. This was going against Cromwell, who was executed a year later, THIS WAS SEEN AS A CAUSE OF THAT. Wedding with Anne Cleaves was annulled quickly at the time of non consummation, he didnt have relations with her. The portrait sent she looked much more attractive, when she came in reality Henry deemed her to be repulsive and only married her for the money that came with it. It was also a politically important marriage. Cromwell was responsible for this appalling marriage and as Henry was much more eratic at this time he killed Cromwell. The conservative faction then took over the court tilting the country back towards cath. At the end of this many historians described England as being English cath they were not roman as they had broken with rome o they still kept a numerous amount of cath practises. How did these lead to the break with Rome Lutherism- this is another name for the initial idea of protentism lead to break as Henry was attracted by the idea that Henrys lack of argument Divine law- he thought he was being punished in the eyes of GD for marrying his brothers widow.

- Parliament- tool Henry uses to get the annulment. Here there is much focus on anti-clericalism fabricated by Cromwell. Thomas Cromwell - Crammer

- Charles V- held pope as prisoner so there will be no way there will be an annulment. - Lo0Catherine of Aragon- since she is a Spanish princess and related to Charles who prevents annulment, strong willed and determined not to. - Male heir- most important to him - Anne Boleyn, persuaded him with prot. And Henry was infatuated with her. - Charles stayed in control of pope until 1530s. - There is no rebellion against the annulment which said public opinion was extremely strong. - The more powerful Cromwell gets the more England moves towards prot. - Crammer was on the religious side and not like Cromwell who was a prot. - Anne Berlin persuaseds Henry to promote crammer as archbishop of canterberry, he marries Anne and Henry in secret.

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