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Landscape Reference Manual

Autodesk, Inc. 7 Liberty Hill Road Henniker NH 03242 USA 5/97 Release 8

Copyright 1995, 1997 by Autodesk, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable format except in the manner described in the documentation. Autodesk, Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of the product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product at all times in the future. Trademarks
AutoCAD, the Softdesk Logo, Softdesk, The Auto-Architect are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and other jurisdictions by Autodesk, Inc. The AEC Authority and the AEC Authority logo are trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. All other company names and product names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1..................................................................................................................................................7 Introduction............................................................................................................................................7 How the Manual is Organized............................................................................................................7 Requirements and Recommendations.................................................................................................8 Conventions Used in this Manual.......................................................................................................8 Command Conventions ......................................................................................................................9 Command Reference Formats ..........................................................................................................10 Menu Formats ..................................................................................................................................10 Starting the Landscape Program.......................................................................................................10 Creating Job Directories for Softdesk Landscape............................................................................10 Setting the Job Path and Table .........................................................................................................12 Chapter 2................................................................................................................................................15 Terminology and Concepts ..................................................................................................................15 Job Organization and Concepts........................................................................................................15 Reserved Column Names.................................................................................................................17 Process of Job Application..............................................................................................................21 Chapter 3................................................................................................................................................23 Planting................................................................................................................................................23 Placing Planting Symbols.................................................................................................................23 Planting Menu ..................................................................................................................................24 Chapter 4................................................................................................................................................44 Irrigation..............................................................................................................................................44 Irrigate Menu ...................................................................................................................................44

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................................................55 SiteWork..............................................................................................................................................55 Sitework Pull-down Menu ...............................................................................................................55 Lines Menu.......................................................................................................................................56 Contours Menu.................................................................................................................................62 Walks and Patios Menu....................................................................................................................65 Parking Menu ...................................................................................................................................69 Sport Fields Menu............................................................................................................................72 Track and Field Menu......................................................................................................................79 Chapter 6 ................................................................................................................................................81 Annotation............................................................................................................................................81 Annotation Pull-down Menu ............................................................................................................82 Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................................................93 Utility Commands.................................................................................................................................93 Utility Pull-down Menu....................................................................................................................93 dB Files Menu................................................................................................................................105 Appendix A ...........................................................................................................................................129 Maintaining Integrity ..........................................................................................................................129 Resolving AutoCAD Related Problems.........................................................................................129 Resolving Table Related Problems................................................................................................132 Appendix B............................................................................................................................................133 File Listing.........................................................................................................................................133 Landscape Files .............................................................................................................................133 Index......................................................................................................................................................135

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Command List
-- => --.......................................................25 -- => --.......................................................45 --------........................................................25 --------........................................................45 (1st field) ...................................................45 (1st field), (2nd field) ................................25 (job)...........................................................25 (job)...........................................................45 (table) ........................................................25 (table) ........................................................45 =>3D..........................................................28 =>3D+DTM...............................................29 =>Attach ....................................................36 =>Concep ..................................................27 =>GCover..................................................34 =>Heads ....................................................46 =>Hedges...................................................32 =>Illust ......................................................27 =>Indiv ......................................................46 =>Plants.....................................................30 =>Row On .................................................26 =>Row On .................................................45 Annotation Filters... ...................................89 Barbed Wire Fences ..................................60 Baseball.....................................................72 Basketball..................................................74 Brick Hatching...........................................69 Browse ......................................................36 Browse ......................................................49 Chain Link Fences......................................61 Chained Leaders ........................................88 Convert Attributes to Table Data...............98 Convert Table Data to Attributes...............97 Convert to 3D + DTM..............................100 Convert to 3D ............................................99 Convert to Conceptual ...............................98 Convert to Illustrative................................99 Copy ..........................................................40 Copy ..........................................................51 Create Legend............................................83 Create Table ..............................................82 Current.......................................................36 Current.......................................................46 Delete Annotation ......................................89 Delete Job................................................113 Delete ........................................................41 Delete ........................................................51 Digitize Contours.......................................62 Display Query............................................97 Edit ............................................................52 EditPlt........................................................42 Existing Job .............................................105 Football .....................................................73 Handicap Curb Out ....................................72 Hockey.......................................................77 Horseshoes ................................................77 Job Status.................................................106 Label On End.............................................63 Label On Line ............................................63 Lacross ......................................................76 Ledges........................................................58 Lines With Symbols...................................59 Lines With Text..........................................59 Long Jump...Shotput and Hammer Throw ..79

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Command List

Move Symbol To DTM............................101 Multiple Leaders........................................87 New Job...................................................105 Pack Job File... ........................................113 Parallel Parking .........................................71 Parking Lot.................................................69 Parking On Curve.......................................71 Password Setting......................................104 Paver Patios, Brick Patios .........................67 Paver Walks, Brick Walks.........................66 Pick Table................................................126 Query Drawing...........................................93 Rounding and Unit Settings... ...................103 Select .........................................................64 Shadows.....................................................41 Shore Lines ................................................58 Shuffle Board.............................................76 Simulate Growth ......................................102 Single Leaders ...........................................86

Soccer ........................................................75 Specify.......................................................39 Specify.......................................................49 Spot Elevations..........................................65 Stock Fences ..............................................61 Stone Walls................................................56 Swap Symbol...........................................101 Symbol Leaders... ......................................84 Table Directory........................................126 Table Editor.............................................123 Table Manager.........................................114 Tag Item .....................................................85 Tennis ........................................................75 Track..........................................................79 Trap ...........................................................78 Tree Lines..................................................57 Update Job... ............................................107 Update........................................................52

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Chapter 1

The Landscape program is a complete software package for the professional landscaper. It runs within the AutoCAD drawing editor, and should be used in conjunction with AutoCAD Release 14 and Version 8 of the Softdesk AEC Tools program.

How the Manual is Organized

This manual consists of the following chapters: Chapter 1, Introduction, provides a summary of the topics covered in this reference manual. It also describes the conventions used in this manual and how to start the Landscape program. Chapter 2, Terminology and Concepts, describes many of the Landscape concepts, used by the table features in Landscape. Chapter 3, Planting, describes the commands used to place plant symbols, with or without database attachments, in the drawing. Chapter 4, Irrigation, describes the commands used to place irrigation symbols, with or without database attachments, in the drawing. Chapter 5, SiteWork, describes the commands used to perform various functions, such as creating a parking lot, drawing special lines, and drawing contour lines. Chapter 6, Annotate, describes the commands used to draw tables, legends, tags, and leaders on a specific annotation layer. Chapter 7, Utility, describes the commands used to optimize the current drawing and to convert plant blocks between conceptual, illustrative, and 3D symbol. This chapter also describes the commands used to manage the database. Chapter 8, Building Tools, describes all of the commands available from the Building Tools toolbar.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Chapter 1: Introduction

Appendix A, Maintaining Integrity, lists and answers potential problems relating to maintaining an accurate database with a drawing. Appendix B, Customizing the Software, discusses creating custom borders and title blocks, reducing the amount of disk space taken up by the Landscape program and accessing Softdesk programs that are on more than one drive. Appendix C, File Listing, lists the path, file name, command name, and description of various files used by Landscape.

Requirements and Recommendations

This version of Landscape operates on any Microsoft Windows NT 3.51, 4.0 or Windows 95 operating system. To run properly, the Landscape program requires a minimum of the following hardware and software. Intel 486, Pentium (recommended), or better, or compatible processor 32 MB of RAM (minimum) 64 MB of disk swap space (minimum) 640 x 480 VGA video display (1024 x 768 recommended) A mouse or other digitizer device CD-ROM drive (for initial installation only) AutoCAD Release 14 Softdesk AEC Tools, version 8.0 or higher

Conventions Used in this Manual

This section describes the format of the notations used in the Softdesk reference manuals. It is important to realize the distinctions between these conventions; to both expedite and ensure your comprehension of the material. We have adopted some conventions that make descriptions more consistent and easier to understand. Typographical Conventions Throughout the manual we use different formatting to express different information. This section describes the typographical conventions used in this manual.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Command Conventions

Formatting italic

prompt text bold <Enter> {variable} ZOOM [Command]

Description Italicized text is used for filenames, file extensions, directory paths, manuals, and program names. It is also used to represent variable data (data that may change from one instance to another). Text in this monospaced typeface represents text displayed on the computer screen, including prompts and the contents of ASCII text files. Bold text represents an action that you must make. Text in angle brackets represents a key or keys on the computer keyboard. Italic text in curly brackets represents a variable value. The value displayed on your monitor may vary from one instance to another. AutoCAD command names and system variable names are shown in all capital letters. Softdesk command names are shown with brackets.

In addition, the following formatting conventions are used to highlight important information: Note: This denotes important information that you should keep in mind.

This denotes a situation that may cause an error or a loss of data.

Command Conventions
Many of the commands found in Landscape are recursive. This means they repeat a series of prompts and functions until they are told to stop. To end a recursive program, press <Enter> in response to the first prompt of the loop. For example, if a command is repeating a loop that inserts a symbol in a drawing and the first prompt of the loop is an Insertion point prompt, press <Enter> at this prompt to exit the loop. Some commands have a single loop that is recursive rather than an entire task. The most common loop is one where the command allows you to select several objects to be operated upon. This loop is signified by a Select objects prompt. Press <Enter> in response to this prompt to exit the loop. Many commands found in Landscape prompt for the selection of an object or objects. Most of these prompts support the use of all AutoCAD selection methods. These selection methods include windows, crossings, and removal of objects from selection sets. For more information on selection sets and the AutoCAD selection methods, see the AutoCAD online Help.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Chapter 1: Introduction

Command Reference Formats

Each command contains a description of the command, including tips on how to use a command most effectively. The command description often describes techniques to make a command easier to use, and may include prerequisites. The complete prompt sequence is given with brief explanations where required.

Menu Formats
Each menu reference in the guide contains the following information. A menu location, or directory, is given to assist in locating the menu. This is given on the introductory menu page and is shown in the following form:

[Sitework] [Lines]
Commands on the menu are described in the order in which they appear on the menu in the sections following the menu path.

Starting the Landscape Program

Landscape is designed to coexist with other Softdesk menus and configurations. For this program to work, a special batch file is created during installation to start AutoCAD and Landscape. For information on installing the Landscape program, see Chapter 2, Installation in the Softdesk AEC Tools Getting Started Guide.

Creating Job Directories for Softdesk Landscape

Landscape is designed for use in many drawings with attachments to an unlimited number of database files. In addition to the drawing and database files, the program also generates a large number of job files. Because of the large number of files that can be required for any one project, Landscape provides use of two directories for locating the job and database files. Before starting any project, a directory structure should be established. A typical directory structure consists of a project directory for the drawing files with a job directory located below it. The database directory could also be located under the drawing directory or in a directory that could easily be accessed from other projects. A single project with exclusive access to the database files is illustrated in the following figure.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Creating Job Directories for Softdesk Landscape


Directory Structure A
The following illustration shows two projects sharing access to common database files.

Directory Structure B
Avoid using the same directory for both the project and database files. Project files also use *.dbf files for program use. Accessing a program .dbf file, as a database file for attachments, corrupts the project files and your job. Note: Since Landscape can write as well as read database files, caution should be exercised when sharing database files between jobs. Changes made to database files for one job may be incorrect for the second one accessing the same file.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 1: Introduction

Setting the Job Path and Table

After the drawing setup is finished, the following dialogue box is displayed.

Database Query Job Specification Dialogue Box

The job path is automatically created and is created in the project name directory. For example, if the project name is garden, then the following directory path is created, project/garden/job. The job path is the location for the job table management files, password definition file (password.dbf), annotation, setting, and index files. Job Name: This edit box sets the job name. The job name defines the extended entity data application and the name of the job management table file stored in the job directory. Any valid eight (8) character file name can be used as a project name. Password: This edit box sets the password for certain commands. Setting a password limits access to certain commands that may irreversibly alter the project. The Password option creates a password.def file that is stored in the job directory. All drawings that are attached to jobs in the directory containing the password.def file use the same password. When a job is created in a new directory, a new password must be specified. Type in a password or type an asterisk (*) to bypass the password option. The password has an eight (8) character limit. Symbols and numbers are allowed, but spaces are not. When defining a password, it is best to use a word or series of characters with some significance so that it is not easily forgotten. It is also important not to use a password that is easily accessible to other users. For example, it is not advisable to use either your first or last name as a password. If the password for the current directory is already set, then the password prompt is not displayed and the setup continues with the next step. Table File Paths: This edit box sets the location for the table files. The table files path is the location for the table records that are attached to entities in the drawing. Any *.sdf, *.cdf, or *.dbf files created with the Export commands, on the Annotation pull-down menu, are placed in the table directory as well. Text files, raster files, slides, and slide libraries that are referenced by the R_TEXTFILE, R_RASTER, and the R_SLIDE reserved field names are located in the table directory. Note: Changes in the project or table paths remain in effect for all landscape projects until they are changed by you.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Setting the Job Path and Table

The Table Manager dialogue box displays, to select the current table for the drawing.

Table Manager Dialogue Box

See the Using the Table Manager section in the Landscape Tools chapter for more information on this command. After the table is selected, the Annotation and Report Filters dialogue box is displayed.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 1: Introduction


Annotation and Report Filters Dialogue Box

See the [Annotation Filters...] command description in the Annotation chapter for more information on this dialogue box. After selecting the appropriate filters, the Landscape menu is displayed.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Chapter 2

Terminology and Concepts

Softdesk Landscape uses a project management table file of information to store and retrieve data. Table files used by the Landscape program conform to industry standard *.dbf files, and are dBASE IV compatible.

Job Organization and Concepts

The following terms and concepts are presented to provide an understanding of how Landscape manages the table link. Understanding Projects A project defines the application for which Landscape is applied. Landscape requires at least one project table file to store information for the drawings created for the project. All Softdesk Landscape project files are stored and recalled from within the project directory. The directory path is userspecified and can be independent of the directory containing the project drawings and table files. One project can handle any number of drawings and table files. In addition, more than one project can be assigned to any one drawing. Each project created within a drawing creates an associated application name for extended entity data. Extended entity data is used to connect the entity to a specific row in the project table file. The project table file contains the entity handle, drawing name, attached table name, and record number for all attached entities. The following are examples of projects. Inventory Personnel Maintenance Landscape

Understanding Tables A table is a structured collection of information stored in a file with a .dbf extension. The table files used by Landscape are industry standard database files that are dBASE IV compatible. Any number of table files can be accessed by the project management file. Table files are made up of rows of information. The following are examples of tables. Furniture Irrigation Mechanical parts Employees Plants

You are responsible for the construction and design of table files from which information is attached to entities. There are many sources for learning about database management, including books and classes.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 2: Terminology and Concepts

Understanding Rows A table is composed of rows containing user-defined information. A row is a collection of related information treated as a single unit. Each attached entity references a single row. An example of a typical row found in an employee table includes: last name, first name, address, city, state, and zip code. Smith Joe 111 Somewhere Street Anyplace NH 12345

Querying an entity with a row attachment displays all of the row information. Understanding Columns Each unit of information in a row is called a column. Columns serve as titles for the information stored in the row, and also describe the type of data stored. There are five types of supported columns. Character Numeric Logical Date Memo

Character columns can be defined from 1 to 254 characters in length. Numeric columns are used for storage of numbers that can receive mathematical operations. A numeric column can include up to 20 numeric places, including a leading space for the sign (+ or -), and a space for the decimal point, if required. Logical columns are used to store information that indicates a simple true/false, yes/no, or on/off type of condition. Memo columns are used to reference variable-length information stored in an external file with a .dbt extension. Memo columns can be used to access information such as lot descriptions, application notes, and employee profiles. Date columns must be limited to eight (8) characters and be entered in the following form: YYYYMMDD. Note: Although memo columns can be included in a table structure, they are not recognized by this version of Softdesk Landscape. See the Reserved Column Names section in this chapter for more information.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Reserved Column Names

Column names must begin with a letter, contain no spaces, and be no more than ten characters long. The following are examples of column names for the row shown above. LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP

The Softdesk Landscape program can use any table that contains the required columns for an estimating takeoff. Creating table files with predefined estimating columns allows any drawing attached with rows from the table to be easily accessed for estimating.

Reserved Column Names

Column names reserved for Softdesk use begin with an R_. Reserved column names must be defined as shown in the following section in order for the program to process them automatically. The following list shows the reserved column names with a description for their use. R_BLOCK The reserved block column name is designed to contain the name of the block of the attached entity and requires the following column definition. Column type: Character Column width: 31 Decimal places: Not applicable When a row is attached to an entity, the entity block name is compared to the table block name. If the names are not the same, prompts are displayed showing the AutoCAD and table block names. The following prompt is displayed to update the table block name.
Update table row with block name (Yes/No) <Yes>:

If the entity is not a block, the following warning message is displayed.

WARNING: Table file indicates a reserved block name of {Block Name}

R_COLOR The reserved color column name is designed to contain the number of the color of the attached entity and requires the following column definition. Column type: Numeric Column width: 4 Decimal places: 0 When a row is attached to an entity, the entity color number is compared to the table color number. If the numbers are not the same, prompts are displayed showing the AutoCAD and table color numbers. A prompt is also displayed that gives you the option of updating the entity or table line type, or ignoring the condition.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 2: Terminology and Concepts

R_ENTITY The reserved entity column name is designed to contain the name of the attached entity and requires the following column definition. Column type: Character Column width: 12 Decimal places: Not applicable When a row is attached to an entity, the name of the entity is compared to the table entity name. If the names are not the same, prompts are displayed showing the AutoCAD and table entity names. A prompt is also displayed that gives you the option of updating the entity or table line type, or ignoring the condition. R_LTYPE The reserved linetype column name is designed to contain the name of the line type of the attached entity and requires the following column definition. Column type: Character Column width: 31 Decimal places: Not applicable When a row is attached to an entity, the entity line type name is compared to the table line type name. If the names are not the same, prompts are displayed showing the AutoCAD and table line type names. A prompt is also displayed that gives you the option of updating the entity or table line type, or ignoring the condition. R_AREA The reserved area column name is designed to contain the area of attached polyline or circle entities and requires the following column definition. Column type: Numeric Column width: User definable Decimal places: User definable When a row is attached to a valid entity, the area is calculated and compared to the table area. Prompts are displayed to show the AutoCAD area and the Table area. If the areas are not the same, a prompt is displayed asking if the table area should be updated to the area calculated by AutoCAD. The unit of measurement for the table area value can vary from the AutoCAD calculated area, based on the measurement values specified when initializing the drawing. The displayed area values are shown in table units of measurement with a precision specified by the row definition. See Chapter 1, Introduction, for more information on setting measurement units. R_PERIMETE The reserved perimeter column name is designed to contain the perimeter length of attached polyline or circle entities and it requires the following column definition. Column type: Numeric Column width: User definable Decimal places: User definable When a row is attached to a valid entity, the perimeter is calculated and compared to the table perimeter. Prompts are displayed showing the AutoCAD perimeter and the Table perimeter. If the perimeters are not the same, a prompt is displayed asking if the table area should be updated to the perimeter calculated by AutoCAD. The unit of measurement for the table perimeter value can vary from the AutoCAD calculated perimeter, based on the measurement values specified when initializing the drawing. The displayed perimeter values are shown in table units of measurement with a precision specified by the row definition. See Chapter 1, Introduction, for more information on setting measurement units.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Reserved Column Names

R_LENGTH The reserved length column name is designed to contain the length of attached polyline or line entities and requires the following column definition. Column type: Numeric Column width: User definable Decimal places: User definable When a row is attached to a valid entity, the length is calculated and compared to the table length. Prompts are displayed showing the AutoCAD length and the Table length. If the lengths are not the same, a prompt is displayed asking if the table length should be updated to the length calculated by AutoCAD. The unit of measurement for the table length value can vary from the AutoCAD calculated length, based on the measurement values specified when initializing the drawing. The displayed length values are shown in table units of measurement with a precision specified by the row definition. See Chapter 1, Introduction, for more information on setting measurement units. R_DATE The reserved date column name is designed to contain the date the row was attached to the entity and requires the following column definition. Column type: Date Column width: Not applicable Decimal places: Not applicable When a row is attached to a entity, a prompt is displayed asking if the table should be updated with the current date.
Update table row date with {Date} (Yes/No) <Yes>:

R_ZONE The reserved zone column name is designed to contain the name of the zone of the attached entity and requires the following column definition. Column type: Character Column width: 31 Decimal places: Not applicable When a row is attached to an entity, the entity is checked to see if it resides in a zone. If more than one zone is found, a prompt displays for the correct zone name. The zone name is compared to the table zone name. Prompts are displayed showing the AutoCAD zone and the Table zone. If the zone names are not the same, a prompt is displayed showing the AutoCAD and table zone name, with the option to update the table row. If the entity is not found in a zone, NONE is displayed as the AutoCAD zone names. The name NONE should not be used by the table R_ZONE column name. R_SLIDE The reserved slide file name contains the name of an AutoCAD slide associated with the row. The slide name can be independent or referenced from a slide library. Query commands recognize the column name and display the slide, if requested. Column type: Character Column width: Enough for slide and library name. Decimal places: Not applicable The slide or slide library file must be stored in the same directory as that of the table so it can be retrieved. R_RASTER The reserved raster file name contains the name of the raster file associated with the row. The raster

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 2: Terminology and Concepts

file name can be any valid file name that is recognized by the program call, specified in the acad.pgp file. Query commands recognize the column name and display the raster file, if requested and supported. The raster file must be stored in the same directory as that of the table in so it can be retrieved. Column type: Character Column width: 12 Decimal places: Not applicable This column uses the Image Viewer specified in the External Program Settings dialogue box. See the Softdesk AEC Tools online Help for more information on this dialogue box. R_TEXTFILE The reserved text file name contains the name of a text file associated with the row. The text file name can be any valid file name but should include the extension. Query commands recognize the column name and display the text file, if requested. The text file must be stored in the same directory as that of the table so it can be retrieved. Column type: Character Column width: 12 Decimal places: Not applicable This column uses the Text Editor specified in the External Program Settings dialogue box. See the Softdesk AEC Tools online Help for more information on this dialogue box. Attaching Rows to Blocks that have Attribute Tags Blocks that contain attribute tags can be automatically updated during attachment, provided the tag name exactly matches a column name in the row. Both the tag and column must be defined before the row is attached. When the tag and column value do not match, the following prompts are included in the row attachment command dialogue. Note that a difference is detected if there are any discrepancies in case between the values.
Attribute {Tag Name} value: {Value} Table {Column Name} value: {Value} Update (AutoCAD/Table/Ignore) <Ignore>:

If A for AutoCAD is entered, then the tag value is updated to match the contents of the column. If T for Table is selected, then the column value is updated to match the contents of the tag. If I for Ignore is selected, then neither the column nor tag value is changed.

Process of Job Application

Understanding the process that Softdesk products use to link AutoCAD entities to external table files can improve the functionality of the software and help avoid potential problems. Attaching a row from a table to an entity does not write the row data to the entity as extended entity data. Instead, a reference to the row is written to the job table file and a pointer to the row in the job table is attached to the entity in the form of extended entity data. This method of operation provides many advantages, but care must be taken to insure proper association between the entity, job table, and the row from the user-selected table. The following section discusses this issue in more detail. Each time a row from a user-selected table is attached to an entity, a new row that defines the attachment is immediately added to the project table. The row has the following four columns. Attached entities handle Current drawing name


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Process of Job Application

Table file name containing the attached row Attached row number

The job table provides the ability to associate as many drawing and table files as are required to manage the project. Any changes made to the row in the user-selected table are immediately available when querying the entity, without any modification to the entity. The job management table is the key link to maintaining accurate information between two very powerful program applications. Changes made to drawings or tables without using Softdesk Landscape can destroy the link and corrupt the job. A complete backup of all files related to the job should be made each time a landscape session is started. A good understanding of how AutoCAD treats entity handles helps maintain an integrated link between AutoCAD and table files.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 2: Terminology and Concepts


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Chapter 3

This chapter describes the commands used to insert symbols representing individual plants, hedges, or ground cover into a drawing. The planting symbols inserted in the drawing can either be simple conceptual symbols, 2D illustrative symbols, or 3D symbols. 3D symbols can also be placed onto the surface of a Softdesk Digital Terrain Model (DTM) program. To increase the drawings intelligence, planting material may be selected from a plant database. When the planting symbols are inserted from the plant database, a row attachment to that database is made automatically. These database attachments allow the conversion of one type of plant symbol to another, and can also be used in bill of material takeoffs and estimating.

Placing Planting Symbols

The following sections describe the different types of planting symbols that can be placed using the Landscape program. Plants As individual plants are placed in the drawing, the program will use a randomization factor to slightly change the plant size, and rotation angle. Hedges Hedges are always represented as individual plants inserted along a centerline If database attachment are being made, each plant will have the same row attached to it.. No information is attached to the center line. Optionally, the hedge may be represented as a boundary line and hatch pattern. In this case, the individual plants are still drawn, but the layer they are placed on is turned off. The centerline is drawn on the reference layer, which is always turned off. Ground Cover Ground cover takes the form of one or more regularly spaced plant symbols surrounded by a boundary line. If database attachment are being made, each plant will have the same row attached to it. Optionally, the boundary may be filled with a hatch pattern. In this case, the layer that the individual plants are on is turned off. Database Attachments An individual plant may have only one row attached. This row specifies the plant's common name, species, genus, variety, and other data relating to that particular variety of plant. It may also specify the

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 3: Planting

block name of the symbol that will be used to represent the plant and a code name, if the plant is one you believe will be used frequently. This code name can also be used with Estimating. There are fields for three different block names depending on whether you are inserting conceptual symbols, 2D illustrative symbols, or 3D illustrative symbols.

Planting Menu
The Planting menu provides three groups of commands to place plant symbols in the drawing.

Planting Menu
The commands in the first group are dynamic labels that display information about the current planting database table. The information displayed by these labels changes relative to the settings of other parts of the Planting menu. Note: Exiting the AutoCAD program may remove the display from any of the three dynamic commands. To restore the correct display, select the horizontal bar directly above the dynamic commands. Certain graphics cards may also remove the dynamic display. Use the previously described solution to remedy the situation should it arise. Directly below the dynamic labels, one of five different symbols is displayed. These commands affect the function of the dynamic commands. They are explained in the following section. The second group of commands are three toggles whose initial values are [=>Row On], [=>Concep], and [=>Plants]. These toggles affect the functions of the commands in the third group. The first toggle determines whether or not database attachments are automatically added to the symbol. The second toggle determines what kind of symbols is used for individual plants -- conceptual, illustrative, 3D, or 3D with the elevations of the symbols automatically adjusted to be placed on a Softdesk surface. The


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Planting Menu

third toggle determines if individual plants, hedges, or ground cover will be placed in the drawing, or if existing symbols in the drawing will be attached with database information. The third group of commands are used to insert or draw symbols representing individual plants, hedges, or ground cover and make database attachments. A few related commands are also included, such as [Copy] and [Delete]. When a symbol is drawn or inserted, a row from the plant table may be attached automatically. Most of these commands use the information displayed by the first group of commands and the toggle settings in the second group. The following is the initial menu after selecting [Planting] in the Landscape main menu. All the fields and their possible variations are discussed with conditional commands, such as [Shadows], at the end of the chapter. --------

Refreshing the Dynamic Labels Select the horizontal bar located above the dynamic commands to refresh the display.

Displaying the Job Name This command is a dynamic label that displays the name of the current job. Selecting the [(job)] command displays the Select Job Name dialogue box and allows loading a new job. When the Select Job Name dialogue box is exited, the [(job)] label reflects any changes that were made.
For more information, see the section describing the [Existing Job] command in the Landscape Tools chapter. (table)

Displaying the Table Name This command is a dynamic label which displays the name of the current table. Selecting the [(table)] command displays the Table Manager dialogue box and allows loading a new table. When the Table Manager dialogue box is exited, the [(table)] label reflects the new current table.
For more information on the Table Manager dialogue box, see the [Table Manager...] command description in the Landscape Tools chapter. (1st field), (2nd field)

Displaying First and Second Field in the Row This command dynamically displays the value of the first and second fields in the current row, and allows you to change the current row. This command works in conjunction with the [-- => --] toggle explained in the following command description.
Note: When you step through the rows using [(1st field)] or [(2nd field)], the row number and value of the first field are displayed where the coordinates are displayed ordinarily on the menu bar. -- => --

Toggling Row Increment/Decrement This command acts like a toggle to change the way the rows are traversed when the [(column1)] command is selected. The following settings are available.
=>: Increments the row by one when selected. <=: Decrements the row by one when selected. +>: Automatically increments the row by one after the current row has been attached, or increments the row by one when selected.

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Chapter 3: Planting

<-: Automatically decrements the row by one after the current row has been attached, or decrements the row by one when selected.. < >: Automatically accesses the Browse Table dialogue box after a row is attached. Selecting the [< >] toggle does not affect the current row setting. =>Row On

Toggling the Row Attachment On and Off This command is a toggle. When the [=>Row On] toggle displays as shown, it indicates that when you insert a planting symbol, draws a hedge, or draws a ground cover using one of the other commands in the current side screen menu, the current row from the current plant table is attached to the individual plant block or blocks.
Selecting the [=>Row On] command changes it to [=>RowOff] and disables the row attachment. [=>Row On] is the default setting for this toggle. Note: Only the [Current] command is displayed in the side screen list of commands when row attachment is toggled off. If [=>Row On] is displayed in the side screen menu, the current row from the current plant table is attached to the inserted symbol and the row attachment is recorded in the current project table.. The field in the table that the planting commands use for the planting symbol name are shown in the following table.
Field R_CONCEPT R_2DSYM R_3DSYM Used for Conceptual Symbols Illustrative Symbols Three Dimensional Symbols

Note: Plant width and height defaults are supplied by the values contained in the WIDTH_FT and HGT_FT fields of the plant table. The units used for the table values can be FT, IN, MM, CM, DC, and MT. The characters following the underscore (_) must represent the correct units. For example, WIDTH_CM assumes that the numbers in the field are expressed in centimeters. Technical Information The symbol used when drawing plants is determined by the current plant mode: Conceptual Mode, Illustrative Mode, 3D Mode, or 3D Mode with DTM. If [=>Row On] is active, the name of the plant block is taken from a reserved field in the plant table that corresponds to the plant mode. For instance, if Illustrative Mode is active, an insertion command looks for a reserved field in the table called R_2DSYM. The value for this field is the name of the block that is used. If the field is blank, you are prompted to fill it in. If [=>RowOff] is in effect (that is, rows are not being automatically attached), then the insertion command always prompts the user for the block to be used. The Softdesk Symbol Manager may be displayed from which you can select a block. Thus, the symbol used for an individual plant is determined either by the row being attached or by prompting for a symbol choice. Note: It is important to note that the links between plant symbols and the plant table can be established at any point in the design process. Plants can be inserted into the drawing to help establish conceptual design, then specific information, from the plant database, can be attached to the symbol at the appropriate point in the design process. See the [=>Attach] command description in this chapter for more information.


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Planting Menu


Toggling Conceptual Block Types This command is a toggle. When it displays as shown, it indicates that when you insert a plant symbol using one of the other commands in the current side screen menu, a conceptual plant block will be used. Selecting the [=>Concept] command changes it to [=>Illust] and changes the function of the commands displaying below it (although they may look the same). Selecting [=>Illust] changes it to [=>3D]. Selecting [=>3D] either changes it back to [=>Concep] or changes it to [=>3D+DTM], depending on the other toggle settings in the menu. Selecting [=>3D+DTM] changes it back to [Concep]. Thus, this group of toggles allows you to switch between Conceptual Mode, Illustrative Mode, 3D Mode, and 3D Mode with DTM. These are explained in more detail later on. [=>Concep] is the default setting for this toggle.
When inserting conceptual planting symbols, if the database attachments are not being used, or if the current row does not contain a conceptual block, the Symbol Manager dialogue box will be used to select the planing symbol, as shown in the following illustration.

Conceptual Plants Palette in Symbol Manager


Toggling Illustrative Block Types This command is a toggle. When it displays as shown, it indicates that when you insert a plant symbol using one of the other commands in the current side screen menu, a 2D illustrative plant block will be used. Selecting the [=>Illust] command changes it to [=>3D]. [=>Concep] is the default setting for this toggle.
If the computers graphics card does not support 256 colors, then some of the illustrative and 3D blocks may appear grey. This is because they are drawn in colors above AutoCAD color 16. To edit the colors of any planting symbol, the block drawing's colors must be changed.

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Chapter 3: Planting

When inserting illustrative planting symbols, if the database attachments are not being used, or if the current row does not contain a illustrative block, the Symbol Manager dialogue box will be used to select the planing symbol, as shown in the following illustration.

Illustrative Plants Palette in Symbol Manager


Toggling 3D Block Types This command is a toggle. When the [=>3D] command displays as shown, it indicates that when you insert a plant symbol using one of the other commands in the current side screen menu, a threedimensional plant block will be used. The elevation of the three-dimensional block will NOT be adjusted for any DTM that might be present. That is the function of the next command. Selecting the [=>3D] command changes it to either [=>3D+DTM] or [=>Concep] depending on the other toggle settings in the menu. [=>Concep] is the default setting for this toggle.
When inserting 3D planting symbols, if the database attachments are not being used, or if the current row does not contain a 3D block, the Symbol Manager dialogue box will be used to select the planing symbol, as shown in the following illustration.


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Planting Menu


3D Plants Palette in Symbol Manager


Toggling 3D Surface Block Types This command is a toggle. When the [=>3D+DTM] command displays as shown, it indicates that a threedimensional plant block will be used by the planting command, and the symbol will be moved to the correct elevation on a Softdesk surface after it is inserted in the drawing. Commands will initially place the blocks at whatever insertion points you pick. The last thing the command will do is move all the blocks up or down so that their insertion points lie on the surface specified. If a block is inserted at a point that does not lie above or below the surface, it will not be moved. Selecting the [=>3D+DTM] command changes it to [=>Concep]. [=>Concep] is the default setting for this toggle.
Note: The Softdesk DTM program must be loaded and a surface (TIN) created it available in the current project for this command to work.

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Chapter 3: Planting


Inserting Plant Symbols This command is a toggle. When it displays as shown, it indicates that all the commands below it in the side screen menu (except for the menu control commands at the bottom) deal with symbols used for individual plants. Selecting the [=>Plants] command changes it to [=>Hedges] and changes the function of the commands displaying below it (although they may look the same). Selecting [=>Hedges] in turn changes it to [=>GCover] and selecting [=>GCover] redisplays [=>Plants]. Each selection changes the functions of the command below to toggle's commands.
[=>Plants] is the initial value for this toggle. When the toggle displays as [=>Plants], the [Current] command is used to insert individual plant symbols. The type of symbol being inserted is controlled by the plant mode toggle: either [=>Concep], [=>Illust], [=>3D], or [=>3D+DTM] which stand for Conceptual, Illustrative, Three dimensional, and Three dimensional with DTM, respectively. Placing Planting Symbols After the planting symbol has be selected, either by selecting a plant from the plant table or by selecting a symbol block from the Symbol Manager dialogue box, the program prompts for crown width and insertion point. If the planting symbol is from the planting database, the default crown width comes from the table. The program then inserts the planting symbol at a random rotation angle and repeats the prompt for additional insert points. If illustrative planting symbols are being used, the scale factor (crown width) is slightly different for each symbol. If 3D planting symbols are being used, after selecting the plant block, the Plant Size Specifications dialogue box is displayed, to set the size of the 3D plant block.

Plant Size Specifications Dialogue Box

The following section describes the options in this dialogue box.


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Planting Menu

Fixed height and width When this radio button is activated, the options in the Fixed height and width portion of the dialogue box are available. Random height and width When this radio button is activated, the options in the Random Height and Width portion of the dialogue box are available. Fixed Height and Width When the Fixed height and width radio button is activated, the plants placed are uniform in size. Crown width: This field sets the plant's crown width. Plant height: This field sets the height of the plant. Random Height and Width When the Random height and width radio button is activated, the plants placed are randomly sized. Maximum width: This sets the maximum width of the randomly sized plant symbols. Minimum width: This sets the minimum width of the randomly sized plant symbols. Maximum height: This sets the maximum height of the randomly sized plant symbols. Minimum height: This sets the minimum height of the randomly sized plant symbols. In 3D mode with DTM, the same blocks are used as in 3D mode. However, the insertion commands move each block up or down after insertion so that the insertion point of the block is adjusted for Northing and Easting, and the placed on the surface of a Softdesk surface. You are prompted for the DTM surface name when first using the insertion command. A requirement of using [=>3D+DTM], is that the Softdesk COGO and DTM programs must be installed, and the drawing must have been initialized in the Softdesk Civil environment. If this is not the case, the plant will not move to the proper location, and the following prompt is displayed.
Unable to move to DTM. This drawing has not been setup in the Softdesk Civil environment.

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Chapter 3: Planting


3D with DTM Symbols


Inserting Hedges When the toggle displays as [=>Hedges], the planting commands draw hedges along a polyline.

Drawing Hedges with Illustrative Symbols


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Planting Menu

The commands first prompt the to draw a polyline representing the centerline of the hedge. All the normal polyline options such as arc, line, and undo are available while drawing the centerline. Once the line is drawn, options to curve fit or spline the polyline are displayed. Optionally, an existing polyline can be selected for the centerline. After the centerline is established, the program will give the total length of the centerline, and prompt for a hedge width. The default width of the hedge is established by the current plant selected. The command will the calculate the total number of plants to place on the centerline and report this number as a default. The command then places the plants on the centerline, and reports the amount of plants placed and their spacing and allows a change the number of plants. Note: If a new number of plants are specified, the plants already drawn as the hedge are erased and the new plants are drawn. Individual plant blocks are inserted along the centerline with the indicated spacing between them. The plant symbol used is determined by the plant mode toggle in the same way it is determined when [=>Plants] is displayed instead of [=>Hedges]. The crown width of the plants is the same as the plant width. If [=>Row On] is active, then the current row in the current plant table is attached to each individual plant block. Finally, the command prompts for placing a hatched representation instead of individual plant symbols. If this option is selected, the program will ask prompt to change the boundary to a series of arcs and will prompt for an arc length. Then the following icon menu displays to allow the selection of a hatch pattern for the hedge.

Select Hatch Pattern Icon Menu

After selecting the pattern, the program prompts for hatch pattern scale and angle, and allows adjustment of the hatch pattern after it has been placed initially.

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Chapter 3: Planting


Drawing Hedges with Hatch Representation

If hatching is selected, the layer with the individual plants is turned off. =>GCover

Inserting Ground Cover When the toggle displays as [=>GCover], the [Current] command is used to draw an area of ground cover.

Triangular and Square Ground Cover Patterns

The planting commands first prompt you to draw a polyline representing the boundary of the ground cover. If the polyline is not closed, the program closes it automatically. Once the boundary is drawn, options to fit or spline the curve are displayed.


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Planting Menu

Optionally, an existing polyline can be selected for the boundary. After selecting the plant symbol and size, the program continues. After prompting for the spacing of the plants, the command displays an icon menu showing the two layout patterns that can be used. These are represented by arrays of dots in triangular and square patterns. The following icon menu is displayed.

Layout Patterns Icon Menu

Once the pattern and angle are chosen, the boundary is hatched with the selected dot pattern. Then, the dots are replaced by the individual plant symbols. The options to change the angle, scale, pattern, or base point are displayed. Note: Scale refers to the spacing between the plants in the finished pattern. The same options are available in ground cover as with hedges to change the boundary into a hatch representation.

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Chapter 3: Planting


Ground Cover Hatch Representations

When an insertion command is being used in 3D+DTM mode, the elevations of the blocks inserted are not changed until you are ready to exit the command. For example, if you insert a 3D plant block using the [Current] command and copies it to three other places while still in the command, neither the original block inserted nor any of the copies are moved to the DTM surface until you press <Enter> when finished. =>Attach

Attaching the Current Table Row This command attaches a row the planting database to entities in the drawing.

Drawing or Attaching the Current Plant This command draws or attaches the current plant symbol, or prompt for a symbol if row attachment is off, using the program set above in the [=>Plants], [=>Hedges], [=>Gcover] or [=>Attach] toggle. See the respective descriptions in this chapter for more information.

Selecting a Plant with Browse This command allows the selection of a plant from the plant database, and then place the as in the [Current] command.
Selecting the [Browse] command displays the Edit Table dialogue box for browsing, as shown in the following illustration.


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Planting Menu


Edit Table Dialogue Box

At the top of this screen the current table name and row number are displayed. Each setting is described in the following section. Table Name This label displays the name and location of the current table. Selecting the Change... button displays the Table Manager dialogue box to change the current table. See the Using the Table Manager section in the Landscape Tools chapter for more information. Row Number {#} of {#} This edit box displays the number of the current row. When the number of a desired row is entered, the specified row data is displayed automatically. Row Contents The list box near the top of the Edit Table dialogue box displays the contents of the current row. Edit When using the Edit Table dialogue box for browsing, this edit box is disabled, because the dialogue box was designed for viewing and not editing row data. To change existing table data, or add new rows to the table, use the [Table Editor...] command. Rows

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Chapter 3: Planting

This section contains buttons to move through the existing rows, and create or delete rows. First: Moves to the first row in the table. Next: Moves to the next row in the table. Previous: Moves to the previous row in the table. Last: Moves to the last row in the table. New... Undelete: When using the Edit Table dialogue box for browsing, these buttons are disabled, because the dialogue box was designed for viewing and not editing row data. To change existing table data, or add new rows to the table, use the [Table Editor...] command. Text This button displays a text file associated with the row information, provided it is properly associated with a reserved column name. See the R_TEXTFILE reserved column name description in the Terminology and Concepts chapter for more information. Slide This button displays a slide associated with the row information, provided it is properly associated with a reserved column name. Slide files are attached when the reserved column R_SLIDE is present and there is a value for it in the current row. The value in the column is the name of the slide file or slide library. See the R_SLIDE reserved column name description in the Terminology and Concepts chapter for more information. Image This button displays a raster image associated with the row information, provided it is properly associated with a reserved column name. Raster files are attached when the reserved column R_RASTER is present and there is a value for it in the current row. The value in the column is the name of the raster file. See the R_RASTER reserved column name description in the Terminology and Concepts chapter for more information. Linear When using the Edit Table dialogue box for browsing, this button is disabled. Search The settings in this section search the highlighted column for a specified pattern. See the section describing the Search section in this chapter for more information. Clear Column When using the Edit Table dialogue box for browsing, this button is disabled, because the dialogue box was designed for viewing and not editing row data. To change existing table data, or add new rows to the table, use the [Table Editor...] command. Once a plant is selected, the command works exactly the save as the [Current] command. Specify

Attaching a Specific Row The [Specify] command works exactly like the [Browse] command except that instead of browsing for a row if information, a search for the row to be attached is made. Once a row is chosen, it is made the current row and the command continues exactly as the [Current] command.


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Planting Menu

This command is only displayed when the [=>Row On] toggle is set to on. The Row Specification dialogue box is displayed when the [Specify] command is selected.

Row Specification Dialogue Box

Column Name: This popup list contains all the column names for the current table. The column selected and displayed in the field is the column in which the search is conducted. Search Pattern: Enter the search pattern in this field. This field is case sensitive. Once the search pattern is filled in and the OK button is selected, the Browse dialogue box is displayed, showing all the occurrences of the search pattern in the selected column for the current table.

Browse Table for Fir

You can scroll through the fields by selecting one of the buttons at the bottom of the dialogue box. These scroll through a page of rows. Multiple pages can be viewed using <Page Up> and <Page Down>. Select the desired row by highlighting it and pressing <Enter> or selecting the OK button. This row becomes the current row and the command continues in the same way as the [Current] command. Note: The search is sensitive to case. If, for example, the common name for a plant appears as Southern pine in the table, then you must type in the search value using exactly the same combination of upper and lower case. For example, the text southern pine would not be found.

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Chapter 3: Planting


Copying an Entity with an Attached Row The [Copy] command is used to copy an entity that has a row attached to it. The row attachment must be in the current job table, although it does not have to be from the current user table. If the row does not meet this criteria or if the entity does not have a row attached, then the entity is ignored. Only one entity can be copied at a time.
Note: This command is only displayed when the [=>Row On] toggle is set to on. You are prompted to pick the entity, then the base point and the second point of displacement. Alternatively, the user can enter an M for multiple, then pick the base point and make multiple copies. The command finds the row attached to the original entity and attaches the same row to each of the copies, making new entries in the project table accordingly.

Copying Entities
Selecting this command displays the following prompts.
Select object: Base point or displacement (Multiple): Base point: Second point of displacement:

Note: Using the AutoCAD COPY command will place plants in the drawing that are not validly attached to the current job. The [Update Job...] command can correct this situation. Technical Information This command was modeled after the AutoCAD COPY command. It is limited to entities with row attachments to avoid confusion and was designed to work on only one entity at a time for the same reason. Delete

Deleting Entities with Attached Rows The [Delete]command is used to delete entities with row attachments. The row attachments must be in the current job table, although they may be from different user tables. More than one entity may be deleted at a time and any of the standard AutoCAD selection mechanisms may be used. The [Delete] command only deletes entities with valid rows attached. All other entities selected are not erased, but are left highlighted.
Select objects: Entity deleted from drawing. Attachment reference removed from project file. Select objects:


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Planting Menu

Press <Enter> at the Select objects prompt to exit the command. Note: Using the AutoCAD DELETE command will leave invalid information in the job table. The [Update Job...] command can correct this situation. Shadows

Drawing Shadows on Plant Blocks The [Shadows] command only displays in the Planting menu when [=>Illust] displays there as well. The [Shadows] command draws shadows on plant blocks. The command prompts you to select one or all plant blocks. It then prompts you to specify the direction for the shadows by picking two points on the screen. Next, an icon menu is displayed from which you can choose the type of shadow to use. The command inserts a copy of the shadow block chosen at each plant, using the plant's insertion point and scale factor as the insertion point and scale factor for the shadow.

Using Shadows
Selecting this command displays the following prompts.
Select plants for shadows (Enter for all plants)... Indicate direction of light rays. Source point for light: Direction for light:

The following icon menu displays.

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Chapter 3: Planting


Shadow Icon Menu

Select the desired shadow type from the icon menu.
Shadow: shadow1

The selected symbols are shadowed. EditPlt

Editing Existing 3D Plants This command edits existing 3D plant blocks by displaying a dialogue box, which contains the current information about the block. Then, the displayed information can be edited. The following prompts are displayed.
Select plants to edit... Select object:

The following dialogue box is displayed.


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Planting Menu


Plant Size Specifications Dialogue Box

See the [=>Plants] command description in this chapter for more information on the Plant Size Specifications dialogue box. Note: This command is only displayed if [=>3D] or [=>3D+DTM] is displayed in the menu.

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Chapter 3: Planting


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Chapter 4

This chapter describes the Irrigation menu and commands. The Irrigation commands are used to place irrigation systems in the drawing, with or without attachments to a irrigation parts database table.

Irrigate Menu
This side screen menu contains commands to place various irrigation symbols such as heads, pipes, and assorted irrigation parts. The commands for irrigation are all located on the side-screen menu.

Irrigation Menu

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Chapter 4: Irrigation


Refreshing the Dynamic Labels Select the horizontal bar located above the dynamic commands to refresh the display.

Displaying the Job Name This command is a dynamic label. It displays the name of the current job. Selecting the [(job)] command displays the Select Job Name dialogue box and allows loading a new job. When the Select Job Name dialogue box is exited, the [(job)] label reflects any changes that were made.
See the [Existing Job] command description in the Landscape Tools chapter for more information. (table)

Displaying the Table Name This command is a dynamic label. It displays the name of the current table. Selecting the [(table)] command displays the Select Table dialogue box and provides a way to load a new table. When the Select Table dialogue box is exited, the [(table)] label reflects the new current table.
Note: For Irrigation commands, a table with irrigation parts should be used. The irrig.dbf or irrig_m.dbf files in the tutorial directories are provided as samples. See the [Table Manager...] command description in the Landscape Tools chapter for more information. (1st field)

Displaying the First Field in the Current Row This command dynamically displays the value of the first field in the current row and allows you to make a different record the current one. This command works in conjunction with the [-- => --] toggle explained in the following command description.
-- => --

Toggling Row Increment/Decrement This command acts like a toggle to change the way the rows are traversed when the [(1st field)] command is selected. The following settings are available.
=>: Increments the row by one when selected. <=: Decrements the row by one when selected. +>: Automatically increments the row by one after the current row has been attached, or increments the row by one when selected. <-: Automatically decrements the row by one after the current row has been attached, or decrements the row by one when selected.. < >: Automatically accesses the Browse Table dialogue box after a row is attached. Selecting the [< >] toggle has no affect on the current row setting. =>Row On

Toggling the Row On and Off This command is a toggle. When it displays as shown, it indicates that when you insert an irrigation symbol, a row from the current irrigation table is automatically attached to the entity.


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Irrigate Menu

If an individual irrigation symbol is inserted, a row is attached to that block. If a group of symbols is inserted, each individual head or part has a row attached. In the case of pipes, each straight line has a row attached. Selecting the [=>Row On] command changes it to [=>RowOff]. [=>Row On] is the default setting for this toggle. Technical Information If [=>Row On] is active, the name of the irrigation block is taken from a reserved field in the irrigation table. If [=>RowOff] is in effect (that is, rows are not being automatically attached), then the insertion command always prompts the user for the block to be used. An icon menu may be displayed from which the user can select a block. Thus, the symbol used for an individual head is determined either by the row being attached or by prompting for a symbol choice. =>Heads

Toggling between Heads, Parts, and Pipe This toggle controls which type of irrigation symbol is placed in the drawing.
It is important to make sure that the row value and this field's value agree. For example, if [=>Heads] is displayed, the selected row should be a valid head, not a pipe or part. =>Indiv

Toggling Between Individual and Grid This toggles selects whether, when using the [Current] command, a single head is placed or a grid of head symbols is placed in the drawing. This toggle only displays when [=>Heads] is displayed two lines above.

Placing Irrigation Symbols This command places the current irrigation symbol either as a single symbol or, for the head symbols, within an area defined by a polyline, at a user-designated size and pattern.
Note: Before using irrigation commands, be sure that the current table contains irrigation parts. Irrigation Heads This section shows how to place irrigation heads into the drawing. Make sure that an irrigation head symbol is selected in the [(1st field)] command. If a pipe or parts symbol is selected, this command will not work correctly.

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Chapter 4: Irrigation


Irrigation Head and Spray Radius

When the [Current] command is used with [=>Heads] and [=>Indiv] selected, the following prompts are displayed.
Select point for head location: Spray radius <{#}>: Included angle for spray (or Dynamic) <0>: Job (jobname) table <path> /irrig.dbf, row 1 attached. Second point of displacement:

When the [Current] command is used with [=>Heads] and [=>Grid] selected, a different set of prompts are displayed to place the grid and symbols within a polyline.
Draw boundary line for grid (Enter to select existing polyline). From point: Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width/<Endpoint of line>: Curve pline (Fit curve/Spline curve/Continue) <Continue>: Area = {#}, Perimeter = {#} Spray radius <{#}>:

Select the pattern to place irrigation heads from the following icon menu.

Select Icon Menu


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Irrigate Menu

The prompts continue, displaying the default spacing between the heads. The spacing is calculated so that the spray patterns fill the area with a minimum of overlap.
Spacing between heads <{#}>: Hatch angle <{#}>: Select new base point Angle/Scale/Pattern: This layout will contain x irrigation heads. Continue (Yes/No) <Yes> Project (prjname) table <path> /irrig.dbf, row 1 attached. Erase boundary (Yes/No) <No:

The following illustration shows both patterns of irrigation head placement.


Triangular and Square Irrigation Head Patterns

Irrigation Parts The following prompts are displayed when the [Current] command is selected and [=>Parts] is displayed.
Insertion point: Rotation angle <{#}>:

The Edit Attributes window is displayed if the block has attributes attached to it. The prompts continue.
Project (prjname) table <path> /irrig.dbf, row 1 attached. Insert same part (Yes/No) <Yes>:

Irrigation Pipes The following prompts are displayed when the [Current] command is selected and [=>Pipes] is displayed.
From point: To point: Project (prjname) table <path> /irrig.dbf, row 1 attached. To point:

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Chapter 4: Irrigation


Browsing the Current Table This command attaches data to selected entities in the drawing. The attached data indicates a specific row in the current table. The desired table and row must be established prior to selecting the entities to attach.
Selecting the [Browse] command displays the Edit Table dialogue box as shown in the following illustration.

Edit Table Dialogue Box

See the [Browse] command description in the Planting chapter for more information on this dialogue box. After the row is selected in the dialogue box, the following prompts are displayed, to place the selected block in the drawing.
Insertion point: Project {Project name}, table {Table name}


Attaching a Specific Row The [Specify]command works exactly the same as the [Current] command except that instead of attaching the current row, you conduct a search for the row to be attached.
Note: This command only displays when the [=>Row On] toggle is set to on. The Row Specification dialogue box is displayed.


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Irrigate Menu


Row Specification Dialogue Box

Project Name: This label displays the name and location of the current project. Table Name: This label displays the name and location of the current table. Column Name: This field specifies which column to search through for the specified pattern. Select the name from a popup list that displays when the down arrow is selected. Search Pattern: This is the pattern to search for in the specified column. This field is case sensitive. The command creates an index to the table based on this field if one does not already exist. Another window displays listing the matching rows in horizontal format. The field headers are displayed across the top of the page and each row occupies one line with the field values under the appropriate header.

Index for Shemin

Choose the necessary row by highlighting it and pressing <Enter>. This row becomes the current row and the command continues in the same way as the [Current] command. If only one value is found in the search, the command continues as the [Current] command using that value without displaying the dialogue box.

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Chapter 4: Irrigation

Note: The search is sensitive to case. If, for example, the name for an irrigation symbol appears as Example in the table, then you must type in the search value using exactly the same combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, the text example would not be found. Copy

Copying a Symbol with an Attached Row The [Copy] command is used to copy an entity that has a row attached to it. The row attachment must be recorded in the current project table, although it does not have to be from the current user table. If the row does not meet this criteria or if the entity does not have a row attached, then the entity is ignored. Only one entity can be copied at a time.
Note: This command is only displayed when the [=>Row On] toggle is set to on. You are prompted to pick the entity, then the base point and the second point of displacement. Alternatively, you can enter an M for multiple, then pick the base point and make multiple copies. The command finds the row attached to the original entity and attaches the same row to each of the copies, making new entries in the project table accordingly. Technical Information This command was modeled after the AutoCAD COPY command. It is limited to entities with row attachments to avoid confusion and was designed to work on only one entity at a time for the same reason. Selecting this command displays the following prompts.
Select object: <Base point or displacement>/Multiple: Base point: Second point of displacement:


Deleting Entities with Attached Rows The [Delete]command is used to delete entities with row attachments. The row attachments must be recorded in the current project table, although they may be from different user tables. More than one entity may be deleted at a time and any of the standard AutoCAD selection mechanisms may be used. The [Delete] command only deletes entities with valid rows attached. All other entities selected are not erased, but are left highlighted.
Select objects: Entity deleted from drawing. Row reference removed from project table. Select objects:


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Irrigate Menu


Editing Irrigation Symbols This command changes the spray radius or angle of spray for the selected irrigation head symbols.
Select irrigation heads: Spray radius <{#}>: Included angle for spray (Dynamic) <0>:


Updating the Symbols After using the [Copy] or [Delete] commands, selecting the [Update] command updates the screen. For example, when an irrigation head is moved, selecting the [Update] command moves all the associated symbols, such as the spray radius, to their new location.

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Chapter 4: Irrigation


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Chapter 5

This chapter describes the commands used to do site work, including drawing stones walls, tree lines, and shore lines. Commands are also provided to insert sport fields and track & field event symbols.

Sitework Pull-down Menu

The Sitework pull-down menu contains commands that are used to access other menus, each containing another group of commands with related functions. Some of the functions provided in these menus are drawing special lines, creating contours with elevations, and designing a parking lot. The following illustration shows the Sitework pull-down menu.

Sitework Pull-down Menu

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Chapter 5: SiteWork

Lines Menu
[Sitework] [Lines]
The Lines menu offers several specialized line commands such as stone walls, tree lines, shorelines, barbed wire, and stockade fences. Stone Walls

Drawing a Stone Wall The [Stone Walls] command draws a line representing a stone wall. The command draws the line using a series of ellipses. The default size of the ellipses is based initially on the current horizontal and annotation scales.
This command first prompts you to select an existing polyline or to draw a centerline for the stone wall. If the draw option is used, you are prompted to select points along the centerline, or to select one of the following options:
Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width/<Endpoint of line>:

Each of these options is described in the following section. Arc: This option adds curves to a polyline representing the stone wall. Close: This option connects the last point drawn with the first point drawn. The Close option can be used only if you have drawn at least 3 other points for the polyline. Halfwidth: This option divides the current wall width in half. The new width is reported at the command line. You can also change the width at the command line. Length: This option allows you to specify a straight segment for the polyline. Undo: This option removes the last point drawn and returns the command to the previously selected point. Width: This option specifies the width of the polyline that represents the stone wall. <Endpoint of Line>: This option lets you select the next point of the polyline to be the endpoint of a line. After selecting an option, the prompt repeats enabling you to continue drawing the polyline to define the stone wall. Once the centerline is complete, you can specify if the polyline should be fit to a curve, a spline, or neither. Please refer to the AutoCAD online Help for a complete description of the POLYLINE command and its options. The command displays information about the stone wall at the command line, and you are prompted for the length of the individual stones in the wall. The following illustration shows the parameters of a stone wall.


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Lines Menu


Stone Wall
After the stone wall is created in the drawing, the initial prompt in the sequence displays again. You can either continue drawing the stone wall or press <Enter> to exit the command. The stone wall is drawn on the STONEWALL layer. The polyline used for the centerline of the wall is changed to the REFERENCE layer. This layer is turned off by the program so that it disappears from the screen. It is still available, however, if you want to attach a database record to it or find the linear feet of the stone wall in the drawing. The stone wall block (za_stone.dwg) can be modified to look like a series of stones as long as they are placed within the space of the single stone. This file is located in the <sdsk top>\za\dwg directory. Tree Lines

Drawing a Tree Line The [Tree Lines] command draws a line representing a line of trees. The default size of the arcs is initially based on the current horizontal and annotation scales. The prompts that display when drawing a tree line are the same as for the [Stone Walls] command. However, you are prompted to specify the side of the polyline for the arcs that represent the trees. See the [Stone Walls] command description for more information on the prompts. The following illustration shows the parameters of a tree line.

Tree Line
After the tree line is created in the drawing, the initial prompt in the sequence displays again. Either continue drawing the tree line or press <Enter> to exit the command.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 5: SiteWork

The tree line is drawn on the TREELINE layer. The polyline used to lay out the tree line is changed to the REFERENCE layer. Shore Lines

Drawing a Shoreline The [Shore Lines] command draws two polylines to represent shorelines. A prerequisite for this command is that the outline of the water's edge must be defined, using a line, polyline, arc, or circle. When the command is selected, you are prompted for a point on the shore and a point in the water.
The following illustration shows the parameters of a shore line.

Shore Line
The shore lines are drawn on the SHORELINE layer. The distance between the shore lines is controlled by the annotation plot size variable. Ledges

Drawing a Ledge Line The [Ledges] command draws a line that represents a ledge. When the command is used, you are prompted to draw the ledge from point to point. Next, select the side of the ledge for the ledge marks and specify the ledge mark width and spacing.



Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Lines Menu

The [Ledge] command draws the ledge marks on the selected side of the line. Once a ledge has been defined, the command repeats. To end the command, press <Enter> at this point. The ledge line is drawn on the LEDGELINE layer. Lines With Text

Drawing a Utility Line The [Lines With Text] command draws a utility line labeled with user-defined text. When the command is selected, you are prompted to first draw the centerline or to select an existing polyline. The prompts and the options that are displayed are similar to the [Stone Walls] command. See the [Stone Walls] command description in this chapter for more information. Next, specify the text to be inserted on the selected line and the distance between repetitions of the text.
The following illustration shows the parameters of drawing a line with text.

Labeled Utility Line

After the line with text is created in the drawing, the initial prompt in the sequence displays again. Pressing <Enter> at that first prompts displays a prompt that allows you to select an existing polyline or exit the command. Text is placed in the line, which is broken at the necessary places. The line is on the SPECLINE layer while the text is drawn on the SPECTEXT layer. Lines With Symbols

Drawing a Line with a User-defined Block The [Lines With Symbols] command draws a line with a user-defined block. When the command is selected, you are first prompted to draw the centerline or select a polyline as the line to contain the symbols. Next, select the block from the drawing or enter the block name to be inserted on the line. You are then prompted for the block alignment, the distance between the symbols, and the gap length between the symbols.
Note: Blocks that contain attributes can be used, but you are prompted to fill in the attribute values each time a copy of the block is placed on the line. The following illustration shows the parameters of drawing a line with symbols.

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Chapter 5: SiteWork


Line With User-defined Block

After the line with symbol is created in the drawing, the initial prompt in the sequence displays again. Pressing <Enter> at that first prompts displays a prompt that allows you to select an existing polyline or exit the command. The line is drawn on the SPECLINE layer. Barbed Wire Fences

Drawing Barbed Wire Fences The [Barbed Wire Fences] command draws a line representing a barbed wire fence. When the command is selected, you are prompted to draw the centerline to define the barbed wire fence or to select an existing polyline. The prompts and the options that are displayed are the same as for the [Stone Walls] command. Next, specify the width of the barbs and the distance between the barbs. See the [Stone Walls] command description in this chapter for more information.
The following illustration shows the parameters of a barbed wire fence.

Barbed Wire Fence

After the fence is created in the drawing, the initial prompt in the sequence displays again. Pressing <Enter> at that first prompts displays a prompt that allows you to select an existing polyline or exit the command. The barbed wire fence is drawn on the BARBWIRE layer. The polyline used for the centerline of the fence is placed on the REFERENCE layer.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Lines Menu

Stock Fences

Drawing a Stockade Fence The [Stock Fences] command draws a line representing a stockade fence. When the command is selected, you are prompted to draw the centerline to define the stockade fence or to select an existing polyline. The prompts and the options that are displayed are the same as for the [Stone Walls] command. Next, specify the width of the posts and the distance between the posts.
Note: The initial default post width is based on the annotation scale. The initial default post spacing is 8' in imperial units and 2.5 meters in metric. The following illustration shows the parameters of a stockade fence.

Stockade Fence
If the polyline representing the centerline of the fence has been fitted or splined, the fence posts are positioned along the centerline at the specified distance apart. A final post is placed at the end of the line. If the polyline has not been fitted or splined, the posts are positioned along each straight segment at the specified distance apart with another post placed at the end of each segment. If this causes two posts to be too close together, then the post closest to the one at the end of the segment is erased. This is done so that the command mimics the way a fence would most likely be laid out in practice. The original polyline is erased and the posts are connected with straight line segments. After the fence is created in the drawing, the initial prompt in the sequence displays again. Either continue drawing the stockade fence or press <Enter> twice to exit the command. The stockade fence is drawn on the STOCKFNC layer. Chain Link Fences

Drawing a Chain Link Fence The [Chain Link Fences] command draws a line representing a chain link fence. When the command is selected, you are prompted to draw the centerline to define the chain link fence or to select an existing polyline. The prompts and options that are displayed are identical to the ones described in the [Stock Fences] command description in this chapter.
The following illustration shows the parameters of a chain link fence.

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Chapter 5: SiteWork


Chain Link Fence

Please refer to the [Stock Fences] command for a description of how the command works with fitted or splined polylines. After the fence is created in the drawing, the initial prompt in the sequence displays again. Either continue drawing the chain link fence or press <Enter> twice to exit the command. The chain link fence is drawn on the CHAINFNC layer.

Contours Menu
[Sitework] [Contours]
The Contours menu provides one command for digitizing contours, followed by several commands for labeling contours. There is also a command for spot elevations. Digitize Contours

Entering Contours as Polylines with Elevations The [Digitize Contours] command allows you to draw contour lines. This is usually done by digitizing them in from a paper map, although the [Digitize Contours] command could also be used to draw contour lines through elevation points already in the drawing in a "connect-the-dots" fashion.
When the [Digitize Contours] command is selected, a prompt for the contour interval is displayed. Enter the difference in elevation between successive contour lines. Next, the command prompts for the contour highlight interval. Contours whose elevations are divisible by the highlight interval are placed on the highlight layer. As an example, if the contour interval is 2 and the contour highlight interval is 10, then contours with an elevation of 102, 104, and 106 are placed on the contour layer. Contours with an elevation of 90, 110, and 120 are placed on the contour highlight layer. After specifying the intervals, enter the starting elevation and starting point for the first contour. Each successive point in the contour is prompted for. The contour is drawn in as a polyline with the given elevation. When entering points is finished, pressing <Enter> or entering a "C" closes the contour. The command automatically fits a curve to the polyline and prompts for the elevation of the next contour. If a plus sign (+) is entered (or you press <Enter> to accept the default), the contour elevation is incremented by the contour interval.
Next contour relative to 0.0000 (+/-/=/Change/Quit/) <+>:


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Contours Menu

For example, if the contour interval is 2 and the first contour has an elevation of 104, then the new contour will have an elevation of 106. If a minus sign (-) is entered, the contour elevation is decremented by the contour interval. If you enter an equal sign (=), the same elevation is used. Entering a "C" or typing in the word "Change" prompts for a new elevation. Entering "Q" or "Quit" ends the program. The contour lines are placed on the CONTOURL1 layer. The highlighted lines, as specified in the prompts, are placed on the CONTOURL2 layer. Label On End

Labeling a Contour with Elevation on End of Line The [Label On End] command labels contour lines with their elevations. It is used to place the labels, with the requested precision, at the ends of the contour.
Contour polylines with elevations must exist in the drawing for this command to work correctly. See the [Digitize Contours] command description in this chapter for more information on drawing contour lines. When the command is selected, you are prompted for the labeling precision and the contour line to label.

Labeling a Contour at the End

The command places the label on the CONTOURTX layer. Note: The setting of the DIMZIN variable may sometimes override the labeling precision entered by you. See the AutoCAD online Help for more information on DIMZIN. Label On Line

Labeling a Contour on the Contour Line The [Label On Line] command labels contour lines with their elevations. The labels are placed, in the requested precision, on the contour lines and gaps are broken out of the lines around the labels.
Contour polylines with elevations must exist in the drawing for this command to work. See the [Digitize Contours] command description in this chapter for more information on drawing contour lines.

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Chapter 5: SiteWork


Labeling a Contour in the Lines

When the command is used, you are prompted for the labeling precision, whether to break the contours around the label, and the location for the label on the contour. The command places the label in cyan (color 4) on the CONTOURTX layer. Note: The setting of the DIMZIN variable may sometimes override the labeling precision entered by the user. See the AutoCAD online Help for more information on DIMZIN. Select

Labeling Contours with Elevations The [Select] command allows you to label contour lines with their elevations. The labels are placed on the contour lines and gaps are broken out of the lines around the labels just as in the [Label On Line] command. The [Select] command automates the process, however, so that you can label a large number of contours very quickly. The command only labels those contours whose elevations are divisible by the contour interval.
Contours with elevations must exist in the drawing for this command to work correctly. See the [Digitize Contours] command description in this chapter for more information on drawing contour lines. You are first prompted for the labeling precision, then specify the contour interval and whether to break the contours around the label. Next, you are prompted to pick the endpoints of an imaginary line that crosses the contours to label. The command finds the points where this line crosses contours and places labels at those points, breaking out the contours around the labels automatically.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Walks and Patios Menu


Automatically Labeled Contours

The text is placed on the CONTOURTX layer. Note: The setting of the DIMZIN variable may sometimes override the labeling precision entered by you. See the AutoCAD online Help for more information on DIMZIN. Spot Elevations

Labeling a Point with Specified Elevation The [Spot Elevations] command labels a point with a specified elevation. When the command is selected, you are prompted for the elevation, for the point to label, and the direction for the text.

Labeling a Point
The command labels the elevation and places a tick mark at the point specified. The tick is placed on the CONTOURL1 layer and elevation label is placed on the CONTOURTX layer. Note: This label is positioned differently depending on the setting of the ORTHO toggle.

Walks and Patios Menu

[Sitework] [Walks and Patios]
This menu contains the commands that create walkways and patios and fills them with hatch patterns or user-sized bricks.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 5: SiteWork

Paver Walks, Brick Walks

Creating Walkways These commands create a walkway with hatching from a polyline. To create a walkway, either draw a polyline or select an existing polyline, as the centerline of the walkway. The commands draw the walkway with the specified width.

Drawing a Walkway with a Paver Hatch Pattern

You are prompted to draw a polyline or select an existing polyline for these commands. The prompting for each of the commands is similar. When using the [Brick Walks] command, you can define the size of the brick pattern for the walkway as shown in the following illustration.

Defining the Brick Sizes

During the command, you are prompted for hatch patterns from the following icon menu.


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Walks and Patios Menu


Select Hatch Pattern Icon Menu

You are prompted for the hatch scale, angle, and whether to change the position of the hatch pattern after selecting one from the icon menu. The centerline of the walkway is placed on the REFERENCE layer, the hatch pattern is placed on the WALK-HAT layer, and the boundary line is placed on the WALK-BND layer. Paver Patios, Brick Patios

Creating Patios Creating patios is similar to creating walkways. The prompts are the same except that the boundary line for patios is user-defined.

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Chapter 5: SiteWork


Drawing a Patio with a Paver Hatch Pattern

You are prompted to draw a polyline or select an existing polyline for these commands. Like the [Paver Walks] and [Brick Walks] commands, you are prompted for hatch patterns from the following icon menu.

Select Hatch Pattern Icon Menu


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Parking Menu

Brick Hatching

Filling an Area with a Brick Hatching Pattern The [Brick Hatching] command fills in a pre-existing object with a user-sized brick pattern. Select the objects to be filled and enter the information requested for the height and length of the block or brick, and the mortar joint thickness.
Then specify the base point and angle for the hatch pattern. The final prompt allows you to change the base point, angle, and scale of the hatching pattern. Note: The [Brick Hatching] command has been enhanced to allow you to modify the hatch angle, style, and pattern while still remaining in the command.

Parking Menu
[Sitework] [Parking]
The Parking menu provides commands for drawing parking stalls at an angle, parallel, or along a curve. Parking Lot

Designing Parking Lots

This command helps design and layout parking lots in the drawing.

Parking Lot Options

The first three prompts enable you to define the size and angle of the individual stalls. Next, specify the dimensions for other parts of the parking lot. The starting point and direction of the rows are then specified. Define which side along the direction of the rows to place the parking lot. The next prompt displays the Parking Layout icon menu.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 5: SiteWork


Parking Layout Icon Menu

Next, define the number of stalls for the parking lot. To view your drawing, select View from the list in the Description section of the dialog box. The following prompt is then displayed at the command line.
Options (Continue/Settings/Undo/Quit) <Continue>:

Continue: This option enables you to return to the Parking Layout dialog box and continue drawing parking lots. Settings: This option lets you change the parking lot specifications and dimensions. The settings for the stall width, stall length, parking angle can be changed by selecting this option. Undo: This option removes the last parking lot. Exit: Use this option to quit the [Parking Lot] command. Continuing at this point places more parking stalls in the selected direction. The type of stall can be changed with each placement by selecting a different form from the icon menu. If a parking angle of 90 degrees is specified in the settings, an icon menu of forms for 90 degree stalls is displayed each time. If an angle other then 90 degrees is specified, a different icon menu showing angled stalls is displayed.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Parking Menu


Parking Layout Variable Angle Icon Menu

Parallel Parking

Placing Parallel Parking Stalls The [Parallel Parking] command draws parking stalls at right angles to the line along which they are arrayed.

Parallel Parking
This command begins by prompting you for the size of the stalls. Next, the prompts enable you to specify the line along which the parallel stalls are placed. The command then reports how many stalls can be fit along the selected line. If a number is entered at the Number of stalls prompt, that number of stalls is placed in the drawing, using the size set up previously. The next prompt that displays reports how many stalls were placed in the drawing. Pressing <Enter> at the first prompt exits the command. Parking On Curve

Placing Parking Stalls on a Curve The [Parking On Curve] command is used to draw parking stalls along a curve.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 5: SiteWork

Note: The curve must be an arc and must be drawn before using this command. It is not enough to pick points where you know the curve will go.

On Curve Parking
When this command is selected, you are prompted for the stall width and length, the beginning point, endpoint, and another point on the curve. You are then prompted for the location of the parking lines, the number of stalls, and the starting point for the stalls. Handicap Curb Out

Placing a Handicap Ramp This command places a handicap ramp in the drawing. Begin by specifying the width of the ramp. You are then prompted for the amount of rise or sidewalk height.
Next, define the slope for the ramp and flare. The final two prompts enable you to place the ramp at a specified angle. The ramp is placed in the drawing after the angle is specified.

Sport Fields Menu

[Sitework] [Sport Fields]
This menu contains commands to place various sporting fields in the drawing. All of the commands place symbols on the SPORTS layer. Baseball

Placing a Baseball Diamond This command draws a parametric baseball or softball diamond. You specify whether the diamond is for baseball or softball. If baseball is specified, prompts are displayed to determine if a little league diamond or a major league diamond is to be drawn, the length of the foul lines, insertion point, and rotation angle. If softball is specified, prompts are displayed to determine if the diamond is for fast pitch games or slow pitch games, for the length of the foul lines, insertion point, and rotation angle.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Sport Fields Menu


Baseball Diamonds
The following illustration shows an example of a softball diamond.

Softball Diamonds

Placing a Football Field This command inserts a block representing a football field. You are given the option of inserting another block representing a track encircling the field. The blocks are sized automatically.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 5: SiteWork


Football Field with Track


Placing a Basketball Court This command draws an array of one or more parametric basketball courts.

Basketball Courts
First, specify the court dimensions, then specify the number of courts in each row. If more than one court is specified, an additional prompt, for spacing between courts, is displayed. Next, a prompt is displayed for the number of rows. If more than one row is specified, an additional prompt is displayed for spacing between the rows. The final two prompts place the courts in the drawing. If the rotation angle is zero (0), the insertion point is the lower left corner of the lower left court in the array.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Sport Fields Menu


Placing a Soccer Field This command draws an array of one or more parametric soccer fields. You specify the width and length of each field, number of fields per row, distance between the fields in a row, number of rows, and distance between the rows. The prompts for the insertion point and the rotation angle for the array are displayed next. If the rotation angle is zero (0), the insertion point is the lower left corner of the lower left field in the array.

Soccer Field

Placing Tennis Courts This command inserts one or more blocks, representing tennis courts, in a rectangular array. You are prompted for the number of courts per row, distance between the courts in a row, number of rows, and distance between rows. The prompt for the insertion point and the rotation angle for the array display next. If the rotation angle is zero (0), the insertion point is the lower left corner of the lower left court in the array.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 5: SiteWork


Tennis Court

Placing a Lacrosse Field

This command inserts a block representing a lacrosse field.

Lacrosse Field
Shuffle Board

Inserting Shuffleboard Courts This command inserts one or more blocks, representing shuffleboard courts, in a rectangular array. The following illustration shows the symbols used for shuffleboard courts.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Sport Fields Menu


Shuffleboard Courts
A prompt is displayed for the number of courts in each row. If more than one court is specified, an additional prompt is displayed for spacing between courts. Next, a prompt is displayed for the number of rows. If more than one row is specified, an additional prompt is displayed for spacing between the rows. Prompts are also displayed for the insertion point and rotation angle. If the rotation angle is zero (0), the insertion point is the lower left corner of the lower left court in the array. Horseshoes

Placing Horseshoe Pits This command inserts one or more blocks representing horseshoe pits, in a rectangular array. You can specify pits inserted are for men or women. A different block is used for each type of pit.

Horseshoe Pits
Next, specify the number of pits in each row. If more than one pit is specified, an additional prompt is displayed for spacing between the pits. A prompt is then displayed for the number of rows. If more than one row is specified, an additional prompt is displayed for spacing between the rows. Prompts are also displayed for the insertion point and rotation angle. If the rotation angle is zero (0), the insertion point is the lower left corner of the lower left court in the array. Hockey

Placing a Hockey Rink This command inserts a block representing a hockey rink. You are prompted for the insertion point and rotation angle. The insertion point is the lower left hand corner.

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Chapter 5: SiteWork


Hockey Rink

Placing a Trap Field This command inserts a block representing a trap field. You are prompted for the insertion point and rotation angle. The insertion point is the center of the trap field.

Trap Field


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Track and Field Menu

Track and Field Menu

[Sitework] [Track and Field]
The commands in this menu are used for drawing symbols that represent various track and field events. Track

Inserting a Running Track This command inserts a block representing a running track. You are prompted for the insertion point and rotation angle. The insertion point is the center of the track.

Running Track
Note: The same block is used to represent the track encircling a football field. Long Jump...Shotput and Hammer Throw

Placing Various Sport Field Symbols All these commands work the same way. Prompts are displayed for the insertion point and rotation angle, and each respective command inserts a single block representing the field event.

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Chapter 5: SiteWork


Field Symbols


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Chapter 6

This chapter describes the Annotation pull-down menu and commands. The Annotation commands are used to draw tables, legends, tags, and leaders with table and AutoCAD graphic information. All annotation is drawn on the layer specified in the layer defaults and uses the text style specified in the text settings. The layer color, annotation text font, and text height can be established using the Layers... and Text Styles... buttons from the Project Settings dialogue box. See the [Project Settings...] command description in the Softdesk AEC Tools online Help for more information. Information displayed by the Annotation commands can be controlled by filtering the table and AutoCAD data. Use the [Annotation Filters...] command to create the desired filters. The Annotation commands can be applied to the selection set created using the [Query Drawing] command or entities can be selected specifically for annotation.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 6: Annotation

Annotation Pull-down Menu

The Annotation pull-down menu provides groups of commands for annotation of the plants and irrigation systems. The [Create Table] and [Create Legend] commands provide methods of displaying information in table format in clear areas of the drawing. The commands are also provided to draw a variety of different leaders for user-specified entities. A command is also included for deleting annotation. The following illustration shows the Annotation pull-down menu.

Annotation Pull-down Menu

Create Table

Generating a Table This command uses a selection set to build a table in the drawing. The command either prompts for a selection set or uses the last selection set created using the [Query Drawing] command. The selection set is then searched for entities with attached rows. When an entity with a row attachment that points to the current table is found, the values of all columns indicated by the current annotation filter settings are extracted and placed on a single line in the table. The headings for the table are the column names. If an AutoCAD filter has been set in the annotation filters, the associated items are also included in the table, with the descriptors used as headings. After all the entities have been processed, prompts to draw a box with horizontal and/or vertical lines to separate the entries display, and the table can be moved into its final position.

Table Without Totals

When selecting the [Create Table] command, you first presented with the number of valid and invalid attachments. You are then prompted to generate the table and the type of table. When I for Individual is entered, the following prompt is displayed.
Annotating data attached to table {Current Table Name} only!

Next, specify the location and size of the table. A rubberband line extends from the upper left hand corner of the table, allowing you to change the position of the table, if necessary. If the table location is satisfactory, press <Enter> to accept the current location of the table.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Annotation Pull-down Menu

When T for Total is entered, the same prompts are displayed as do when an Individual table is generated. An additional column is added to the table to display quantity information. Any valid AutoCAD selection set technique may be used. Only entities attached with the current table are included in the table. Technical Information: The [Create Table] command creates a new line of information for every entity with a valid table attachment. Duplicate lines of information are output for identically attached entities when the individual option specified. See Also: See the [Query Drawing] command description in the Landscape Tools chapter and the [Annotation Filters...] command description in this chapter for more information. Create Legend

Generating a Legend This command uses a selection set to create a legend in the drawing. The command either prompts for a selection set or uses the selection set using the [Query Drawing] command.
The command begins by displaying an icon menu of legend symbols for selection. Once a symbol is selected, the selection set is searched for attached rows. When an entity with a row attachment that points to the current table is found, a rubberband line is started from the entity. At this point a legend symbol is located manually with an optional leader. Once all of the legend symbols are located, the values of all columns indicated by the [Annotation Filters...] command settings are extracted and placed on a single line in the legend table. The headings for the table are the column names. If an AutoCAD filter has been set using the [Annotation Filters...] command, the associated items are included in the table, with the descriptors used as headings.

Legend with Table Information

After all the entities have been processed, prompts are displayed to draw a box with horizontal and/or vertical lines separating the entries. When selecting the [Create Legend] command, you are first prompted to select the legend symbol from the following dialogue box.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Chapter 6: Annotation


Legend Symbols Dialogue Box

Next, specify whether to include a leader with the symbol. An entity is highlighted and a rubberband line is started from a point on the entity. If leaders are included with the legend symbol, you are prompted to draw the leader. Any number of leader points can be selected. The symbol is added to the end of the leader automatically. If leaders are excluded from the legend symbol, you are prompted to place the symbol. Once the legend symbols are located, specify the location for the upper left corner of the table. A rubberband line extends from the upper left hand corner of the table, allowing you to reposition the table if necessary. If the table location is satisfactory, press <Enter> at this prompt to accept the current location of the table. Any AutoCAD selection method can be used. Only entities attached with the current table are included in the legend. Technical Information: The [Create Legend] command combines all identical row information based on the table and AutoCAD filter settings. A single line of information is used for identically attached entities. Leaders are controlled by the settings established in the Project Settings dialogue box. All leader settings are recognized except for leader lines. See Also: See the [Query Drawing] command description in the Landscape Tools chapter and the [Annotation Filters...] command description in this chapter for more information. Symbol Leaders...

Placing a Legend Symbol This command adds additional legend symbols for an existing legend table, so that the [Create Legend] command does not need to be selected again. The command inserts a symbol selected from the icon menu with a number in the center. Leaders can be included with each symbol. If leaders are selected, prompts are displayed for the points defining the leader, then the number to go in the center of the symbol. When leaders are not selected, prompts for the insertion point of each symbol and the number are displayed.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Annotation Pull-down Menu


Symbol with a Leader

When selecting the [Symbol Leaders...] command, you are first prompted to select the symbol. The Legend Symbols dialogue box displays for selection as shown in the following illustration.

Legend Symbols Dialogue Box

Next, specify whether to include a leader with the symbol. If the leader is included, you are prompted to draw the leader. If the leader is not included, you are prompted for the legend number and the symbol location. Technical Information Leaders are controlled by the settings established with the options in the Annotation Settings dialogue box. This dialogue box is can be accessed by selecting the Annotation... button from the Project Settings dialogue box. See the [Project Settings...] command description in the Softdesk AEC Tools online Help for more information. Tag Item

Tagging Entities This command uses a selection set to tag individual entities in the drawing with table and AutoCAD information. The command either prompts for a selection set or uses the last selection set created using the [Query Drawing] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu.

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Chapter 6: Annotation

Each entity in the selection set receives a tag that has a dynamic rubberband line extended from it to a user-specified point. The tag is placed at the selected point and the rubberband line disappears. The tag displays the values of all table columns and AutoCAD information indicated by the [Annotation Filters...] command.

Entity with a Tag

Specify the tag justification at the following prompt.
Tag justification (Left/Center/Middle/Right/TL/TC/TR/ML/MC/MR/BL/BC/BR <Left>:

The options that are available at this prompt control the location of the text relative to the rubberband line that extends from the symbol. Each option is described in the following table.
Option Left, BL Center Middle Right, BR TL TC TR ML MC MR BC Line Placement Bottom left corner of tag Bottom center of tag Middle center of tag Bottom right corner of tag Top left edge of tag Top center of tag Top right edge of tag Middle left edge of tag Center of the tag Middle right edge of tag Centered in the bottom edge of tag

The tag displays at the end of the rubberband line which can be move by selecting a point to place the tag. Single Leaders

Tagging an Entity with a Single Leader This command uses a selection set to attach leaders of table and AutoCAD information to individual entities in the drawing. The command either prompts for a selection set or uses the last selection set created using the [Query Drawing] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu.


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Annotation Pull-down Menu


Item Tagged with a Single Leader

The prompting begins by highlighting an entity and starting a rubberband line from a point on the entity. Press <Enter> to accept the default point for the leader arrow or select a new arrow point. Any number of points can be picked to define the leader. The text is added after the leader is completed automatically. Technical Information: The [Single Leaders] command is not restricted to the current table. Any number of table attachments can be annotated. Use any valid AutoCAD selection set technique to select the entities. See Also: See the [Annotation Filters...] command description in this chapter for more information. Multiple Leaders

Tagging Equivalent Entities with Multiple Leaders This command labels entities that have identical rows attached to them with a common leader, and will produce an optional total. Entities in the selection set with rows that are not identical to the row attached to the first entity in the selection set are ignored.
After selecting the entities to annotate, enter the suffix for the count, or enter a period (.) to not add the count. The count will be the last item in the annotation list. A leader is drawn from the first entity and additional arrows are attached to the remaining entities in the selection set.

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Chapter 6: Annotation


Multiple Entities Tagged with a Single Leader

Specify the entities to attach the leader to. Use any valid AutoCAD selection set technique. Press <Enter> to accept the default point for the leader arrow or select a new arrow point. Any number of points can be picked to define the leader. The text is automatically added after the first leader is completed. Additional leaders will be shown in highlight from the entity to the first leader. Each additional leader can be accepted with a return or redrawn with as many points as necessary for clarity. See Also: See the [Annotation Filters...] command description in this chapter for more information. Chained Leaders

Tagging Equivalent Entities with a Chain Leader This command labels entities with identical rows attached to them with a common leader. Entities in the selection set with rows that are not identical to the row attached to the first entity in the set are ignored. This command is similar to the [Multiple Leaders] command. The two commands differ only in the manner in which the leader connects the multiple entities.
A leader is drawn from a point on the first entity specified. The leader text displays the values of all columns indicated by the table filter settings. An arrow is then drawn from the starting point of the leader to a specified point on the next entity. Once the first two entities have been joined, the starting point for any subsequent arrows is the end point of the last arrow drawn. A point on the new entity is requested to extend the arrow to. The headings for leader text are the column names. If an AutoCAD filter has been set, the associated items are included in the information, with the describers used as headings. Leader text will be either right or left justified, depending on the direction of the leader.


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Annotation Pull-down Menu


Entities Tagged with Chain Leader

The [Chained Leaders] command displays the same prompts as the [Multiple Leaders] command. See Also: See the [Annotation Filters...] command description in this chapter for more information. Delete Annotation

Removing Annotation This command is used to delete annotation placed on the layer specified for Table annotation text. This command prompts you to select the annotation in the drawing to delete. Selection can be made freely around any entities. Only annotation will be deleted.
Technical Information: This command assumes that anything drawn on the layer for Table annotation text is annotation. If the layer name for Table annotation text is the same as for general annotation, the general annotation will be selected and erased as well. Annotation Filters...

Setting Table and AutoCAD Filters This command creates a list of table and AutoCAD filters that control what data appears in annotation and reports. Selecting the [Annotation Filters...] command displays the Annotation and Report Filters dialogue box as shown in the following illustration.

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Chapter 6: Annotation


Annotation and Report Filters Dialogue Box with Table Columns

This dialogue box controls which column's data is taken from the current table for annotation and reports. All of the settings that are available from this dialogue box are described in the following section. Job Name This label displays the name and location of the current job. It cannot be edited. Table Name This label displays the name and location of the current table. It cannot be edited. Column Names This list box displays a list either of AutoCAD properties or the names of the columns in the current table depending on the setting of the Filter file radio buttons. By default, all of the columns in the current table are set to display in the annotation and reports, so the Column Names list box is empty when the Table Filter file radio button is activated. The AutoCAD properties by default are set to be excluded from the annotation and reports, and therefore the Column Names list box displays all of the AutoCAD properties when the AutoCAD Filter file radio button is activated. To add a table column or AutoCAD property to the filter list, double-click on the name. It is removed from the Column Names list box and added to the Filter Names list box automatically. All of the items can be added to the list using the All button at the bottom of the dialogue box. Filter Names This list box displays the names of the columns in the current table or the AutoCAD properties from which data should be taken to create annotation and reports. By default, all of the columns in the current table are set to appear in the annotation and reports and display in the Filter Names list box.


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Annotation Pull-down Menu

The AutoCAD properties, by default, are set to be excluded from the annotation and reports, and therefore the Column Names list box displays all of the AutoCAD properties when the AutoCAD radio button is activated. To remove a table column or AutoCAD property from the list, double-click on the name. It is removed from the Filter Names list box and added to the Column Names list box automatically. All of the items can be removed from the list using the Clear button at the bottom of the dialogue box. Filter This section provides buttons to add or remove filter settings quickly. Clear: This button removes all of the items from the Filter Names list box. All: This button adds all of the items from the Column Names list box to the Filter Names list box. Filter file This section provides two settings to control the type of filter that is set. Table: This radio button specifies that table filters are to be set. AutoCAD: This radio button specifies that AutoCAD filters are to be set. When the AutoCAD radio button is activated, the Annotation and Reports Filters dialogue box displays as shown in the following illustration.

Annotation and Report Filters Dialogue Box with AutoCAD Properties

Include Headers in Annotation and Reports: This check box determines if annotating is done with or without headings. The headings are table column names and AutoCAD property names. When toggled on, headers are included in tags and leaders, and are displayed in the following format: HEADING : Value.

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Chapter 6: Annotation


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Chapter 7

Utility Commands
This chapter describes the commands on the Utility pull-down menu. Note: This menu was named LA Tools in the previous release of the Landscape program.

Utility Pull-down Menu

The Landscape Utility commands are used to do project level processing, optimize the current drawing to improve speed on the [Query Drawing] command, convert plant blocks between conceptual, illustrative, and 3D representations, and run growth simulations. Project level processing provides commands to maintain the integrity of the drawings linked to the databases, such as a command to keep the project database as small as possible and a command to remove attachments quickly in the current drawing. The following illustration shows the Utility pull-down menu.

Utility Pull-down Menu

Query Drawing

Querying Objects in the Drawing This command is used to select and display table information associated with objects in the current drawing. The first seven commands offer unique methods for defining a search pattern for creating a selection set. The following prompt is displayed, when the [Query Drawing] command is selected.
Selection method (Global/Individual) <Global>:

If G for Global is entered, all objects in the drawing are queried. If I for Individual is entered, you select individual objects in the drawing to query. After specifying the selection method, the following

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

prompt is displayed. This prompt provides options for filtering the selection on a job level or on the current table only. Note: This prompt only displays if more than one job and one table have been created.
Query filter (Job/Table/Current) <Job>:

The following section describes the options available from this prompt. Job: This option creates a selection of objects that are attached to any tables associated with the current job. Table: This selection displays the Job Table Files dialogue box to select the table to search on as shown in the following illustration.

Job Table Files Dialogue Box

A selection of objects that are attached to the current job and the specified table is created. Current: This option creates a selection that contains objects that are attached to the current table. Only the objects attached to the current table file are found. Once a filter has been specified, the search begins. If a selection of objects are found with row attachments, the following prompts display to report attachment statistics and allow examination of the information attached to the objects.
Number of objects searched: {#} Valid attachments: {#} Invalid attachments: {#} Examine attached rows <No>:

If Y (for yes) is entered to examine the row attachments, the Query Selection Viewer dialogue box is displayed as shown in the following illustration. The dialogue box displays the row information for each object found.


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Utility Pull-down Menu


Query Selection Viewer Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the settings available in this dialogue box. Job Name: This label displays the name and location of the current job. It cannot be edited. Table Name: This label displays the name and location of the current table. It cannot be edited. Row Number: This label displays the number of the current row. {#} of {#} Entities: The first number indicates the order in which the current entity was selected relative to the other entities in the selection. The second number indicates the total number of entities in the selection. For example, 2 of 6 Entities indicates that the current row is attached to the second entity that was included in the selection, and that the selection contains six (6) entities in all. Text: This button displays a text file associated with the row information, provided it is associated properly with a reserved column name. See the R_TEXTFILE reserved column name description in the Terminology and Concepts chapter. The value for the column is the name of the text file. The Landscape program issues the program command setup in the system general defaults automatically. This offers you the opportunity to set the name of a specific text editor or word processor to be used for the viewing/editing of files when the Text button is used. The text file or library must be in the same directory as the current table. The text column does not have to be highlighted in order to view the text. Select the Text button when in the current row. The program finds the column and displays the text if it is found. Slide: This button displays a slide associated with the row information, provided it is associated properly with a reserved column name. Slide files are attached when the reserved column R_SLIDE is present and there is a value for it in the current row. The value in the column is the name of the slide file or the AutoCAD reference for a slide file that is in a slide library. See the R_SLIDE reserved column name description in the Terminology and Concepts chapter. The slide file or library must be in the same directory as the current table. The slide column does not have to be highlighted in order to view the slide. Select the Slide button when in the current row. The program finds the column and displays the slide if it is found.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

Image: This button displays a raster image associated with the row information, provided it is associated properly with a reserved column name. Raster files are attached when the reserved column R_RASTER is present and there is a value for it in the current row. The value in the column is the name of the raster file. See the R_RASTER reserved column name description. The raster file must be in the same directory as the current table. The raster column does not have to be highlighted in order to view the slide. Press the Image button when the current row displays. The program finds the column and displays the raster image if it is found. AutoCAD: This button displays the Object Properties dialogue box which contains graphic data from the drawing about the current object as shown in the following illustration.

Object Properties Dialogue Box

The object name, the layer name, the linetype, the thickness, and the color of the selected object display. The text style, shape name, or block name may also display depending on the object type. Select the OK button to return to viewing the table attached to the object. Job: If the object is attached to multiple jobs, selecting the Job button displays the different attachments that are associated with the object. Object This section contains buttons to view the rows attached to the different objects in the selection. First: Moves to the first object in the selection. Next: Moves to the next object in the selection. Previous: Moves to the previous object in the selection. Last: Moves to the last object in the selection. Display This section contains several different options to graphically identify the object attached to the row currently displayed. Blink: This option allows manual blinking. Press the pick button on the pointing device to turn the selection set off, and press the pick button again to redisplay the set. Pressing a key exits the graphic screen and returns to the Query Selection Viewer dialogue box. Mark: This button is disabled in this release. Zoom: This button is disabled in this release.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Utility Pull-down Menu

Creating a Permanent Selection Set After the Query Selection Viewer dialogue box is exited, a prompt shows the number of objects found in the temporary selection and asks for what action should be performed on the list.
Found {#} objects in selection. Selection option (Blink/Common/Add/Ignore/New/Remove) <New>:

The [Query Drawing] command creates a permanent selection set of objects at this prompt. The temporary selection can be used in the following five ways to create a permanent selection. Blink: This option allows manual blinking. Press the pick button on the pointing device to turn the selection set off, and press the pick button again to redisplay the set. Pressing a key exits the graphic screen and returns to the Query Selection Viewer dialogue box. Common: Creates a new permanent selection of common objects in the permanent and temporary selection sets. Add: Adds the temporary selection to the permanent selection. Ignore: Discards the temporary selection. New: Begins a new permanent selection with the temporary selection. Remove: Removes the temporary selection from the permanent selection. The permanent selection set is used for relationship queries, display options, and all the Annotation commands. Display Query

Displaying the Selection Set This command displays the permanent selection set. The [Display Query] command provides three options for examining the permanent query selection created with the [Query Drawing] command. Specify the display option at the following prompt.
Enter display option (Blink/List/Off) <Blink>:

The three options are described in the following section. Blink: This option displays the graphic screen and allows manual blinking. Press the pick button on the pointing device to turn the selection set off, and press the pick button again to redisplay the set. List: This option sequentially displays the rows attached to the object(s) in the selection. Selecting the List option displays the Query Selection Viewer dialogue box. See the [Query Drawing] command description in this chapter for more information about this dialogue box. Off: This option temporarily removes the selection set from view on the screen. Use the AutoCAD REGEN or REDRAW command to display the selection set. Each time the [Display Query] command is selected, the objects are stored as a previous selection set which can be used with any command that accepts a previous selection set as input. Convert Table Data to Attributes

Converting Attached Table Row Into Attributes This command converts blocks with an attached table row to blocks with hidden attributes. The attributes for each block are written to the current table, the attributes are removed from the block, and the table row is attached to the new blocks. The attributes are defined as shown in the following list.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

Attribute Attribute Mode Attribute Tag Attribute Prompt Attribute Default Text Justification Text Style Text Height Text Start Point

Definition Invisible Column name Not used Not used Left Current setting Current setting Block insert point

Select a block with an attached table row to begin the conversion. Note: Using this command removes the attachment of the block to the table file. All blocks in the current drawing that match the selected blocks must have an attachment to the same table in order for the conversion process to succeed. The attached table row is not altered by the conversion. Note: The current table must consist of the exact structure of the attributes being extracted from the selected blocks. Convert Attributes to Table Data

Converting Attributes Into Attached Table Row This command converts blocks with attributes to blocks with an attached table row. The attributes for each block are written to the current table, the attributes are removed from the block, and the table row is attached to the new blocks.
Note: The current table must consist of the exact structure of the attributes being extracted from the selected blocks. Convert to Conceptual

Converting Plants to Conceptual This command converts plant symbols to their conceptual representation. Only plants with valid row attachments are converted.
The command works by replacing the existing block with the block whose name is stored in the R_CONCEPT field of the attached record. If this field is blank, you are given the option selecting a conceptual plant symbol to filling it in. The record attachment is maintained on the symbol. Note: Only plants located on the layers provided through program control can be converted. When the [Convert to Conceptual] command is selected, prompts are displayed to select the plants to convert.


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Utility Pull-down Menu


Converting Plants to Conceptual

All the valid AutoCAD selection methods can be used or all the plants can be selected by pressing <Enter>. Convert to Illustrative

Converting Plant Symbols to Illustrative This command converts plant symbols to their illustrative representations. It works exactly the same as the [Convert to Conceptual] command except that the name of the replacement block is taken from the R_2DSYM field of the attached row.

Converting Plants to Illustrative

Convert to 3D

Converting Plant Symbols to 3D This command converts plant symbols to their 3D representations. It works exactly the same as the [Convert to Conceptual] command except that the name of the replacement block is taken from the R_3DSYM field of the attached row.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands


Converting Plants to 3D
Convert to 3D + DTM

Converting and Placing Plants on a Softdesk DTM Surface This command performs the same actions as the [Convert to 3D] command. In addition, the command translates the XY coordinates of the points to their corresponding Northing and Easting, and moves the plant blocks so that their insertion points lie on the specified Softdesk DTM surface. After the plants are converted, prompts are displayed for the DTM project name and the DTM surface name.
Any plants that do not lie directly above or below the DTM surface are not moved.


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Utility Pull-down Menu


3D Plants on a DTM
Note: The DTM module must be loaded and a valid TIN must exist for this command to work completely. Move Symbol To DTM

Moving Blocks Vertically This command is used to move blocks in a vertical direction so that the insertion points are resting on the surface of a DTM (Digital Terrain Model). If a block is not located directly above or below the designated DTM surface, it is not moved. Any entities selected that are not blocks are ignored.
Note: The DTM module must be loaded for this command to work. A prompt is displayed to select the objects to move. Swap Symbol

Swapping Two Blocks This command swaps the positions of two blocks. You are prompted to pick the two blocks, one at a time. Once the blocks have been selected, they are switched at their insertion points. The prompts continue until the you press <Enter> without selecting a block.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands


Swapping Two Blocks

Note: This command only works properly on two symbols that are each composed of a single block. It does not work on parametric symbols such as baseball fields. Simulate Growth

Simulating the Growth of 3D Plants This command visually displays the growth of 3D plants in the drawing. Negative values are allowed.
Growth simulation is accomplished by resizing plant blocks in width and height. The growth rates for a plant are determined by the values stored in the R_GSIMH_IN and the R_GSIMW_IN fields of the attached table column. R_GSIMH_IN contains the amount, in inches, that the plant grows in height in a year. R_GSIMW_IN contains the amount, in inches, that the plant grows in width in a year. If either of these fields are zero (0), an error message is displayed and the command continues to process the other selected plants. Plants without rows attached are ignored. Note: To indicate that you want the tree simulation to be performed using millimeters, change the field name to reflect millimeters. The two fields are R_GSIMH_MM and R_GSIMW_MM. Prompts are displayed to select the objects to convert. The following dialogue box displays.

Growth Simulation Dialogue Box


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Utility Pull-down Menu

Years of growth: This field contains the years to grow the tree. The number can be typed into the field or selected with the sliding bar. The basic tree symbol in the right of the dialogue box shows an approximation of the growth size for a symbol. Randomization percentage: This field contains a value that is a percentage of the height and width simulated growth columns in the plant table. When plants are grown, the variations in size are controlled by this value. The following illustration shows a growth simulated tree.

Simulated Growth
Note: Obviously, real trees do not grow at a constant rate throughout their lives due to a number of factors, so the growth simulation is not completely accurate. Also, the command scales the plant blocks as if they were originally drawn to be one unit in width and one unit in height. All the plant symbols in this package have been drawn one unit in width, but their heights vary. As a result, the value in the R_GSIMH_IN field is only an approximation. Plant databases without valid growth columns cannot be processed for growth simulation and if those columns are not in the table, the simulation command is ended. Rounding and Unit Settings...

Modifying the Unit Settings This command sets the rounding type used for the drawing and table. Selecting the [Rounding and Unit Settings...] command displays the following dialogue box.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands


Table Units and Rounding Dialogue Box

All of the settings available in this dialogue box are described in the following section. Method for Rounding The radio buttons in this section specify which rounding method to use. No Rounding: When this radio button is activated, values are shown in their entirety. Rounding is not performed. Standard Rounding... Round Down: These radio buttons allow you to specify the rounding increment to use. The rounding increment is specified in the edit box below the Method for Rounding radio buttons. When the Standard Rounding radio button is activated, the value is rounded either up or down. The other settings round the value up or down only. For example, when the Rounding increment is set to 1, the Standard Rounding option rounds 1.3 to 1 and 1.6 is rounded to 2. Rounding increment: This edit box is used in conjunction with the Standard Rounding, Round Up, and Round Down radio buttons, and specifies the rounding value to use. Table units: This popup list sets the units to be used in generated tables. The options that display depend on the current drawing units. If imperial units are in use, the table unit options are inches or feet. If metric units are in use, the table units options are centimeters, millimeters, decimeters, and meters. The table units are only relevant to the R_AREA, R_LENGTH, and R_PERIM reserved columns. See the Reserved Column Names section in the Terminology and Concepts chapter. Password Setting

Resetting the Password for Database/Query This command resets the password specified during the initial project setup. The old password must be entered before a new password is declared. Specify the password to replace at the following prompt.
Enter old password:


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dB Files Menu

If an incorrect password is entered, the following prompts are displayed.

Invalid password. Try again. Enter old password:

Once the correct old password is entered the following prompt is displayed.
Enter new password:

Note: The password function may be disabled by typing an asterisk (*) at this prompt. Each time a password is established, a file is stored in the project directory. Each project directory will only maintain one password file regardless of how many projects are stored in that directory. The same password is used for all drawings and job files associated with the project.

dB Files Menu
[Utility] [dB Files]
The dB Files menu provides commands that allow deleting, updating and packing the current job. Commands are also provided attach rows from tables to entities in the drawing and remove existing attachments. Row attachment is accomplished by first setting the table and row to be attached, and then selecting the entities to receive the attachment. A row may be attached to one or more entities in the drawing, however an entity can only be attached with one row per project. Entities are attached with a number indicating the row in the project table. This method allows any editing to the table to be immediately reflected when the entity is queried. For a more thorough explanation of the manner in which rows are attached, see the Terminology and Concepts chapter. New Job

Creating a New Job This command creates a new job. The [New Job] command prompts for the job name for the new job. The job table is stored in the current project directory.
Existing Job

Working on an Existing Job This command loads an existing job. If more than one job exists selecting the [Existing Job] command displays the Registered Job Files dialogue box as shown in the following illustration.

Registered Job Files Dialogue Box

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

The following section describes each of the settings available in this dialogue box. Job Name This label displays the name and location of the current job. It cannot be edited. Table Name This label displays the name and location of the current table. It cannot be edited. Job Files All of the job files and that are registered to the current drawing are listed beneath this heading. The status column indicates whether or not the job file is found. Use the pointing device to highlight and select the desired job file. Once the desired file is selected, the Job Name label is updated accordingly. Status This column displays whether the job files have been found. A Found status displays if the table is found in the job path specified. A Not Found status displays if either the table has been deleted from the operating system and the entity attachments have not been removed, or the current table path is set incorrectly. Highlight the desired job, then select the OK button at the bottom of the dialogue box to set the existing job current. The dialogue box disappears and an informational prompt is displayed. Job Status...

Displaying the Job Status This command displays the Job Status dialogue box as shown in the following illustration. This dialogue box shows the job name, the name of the current table, and a list of tables attached to the job. Settings cannot be made in this dialogue box.

Job Status Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the options available from this dialogue box.


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dB Files Menu

Job Name This label displays the name and location of the current job. It cannot be edited. Table Name This label displays the name and location of the current table. It cannot be edited. Table Files... Link Files The files that display in the center of the Job Status dialogue box vary depending on which radio button is activated. Table Files: When this radio button is activated, the list box displays a list of the tables that are associated with the current job. Drawing Files: When this radio button is activated, the list box displays a list of drawings that are associated with the current job table. The following illustration shows a typical display when the Drawing Files radio button is activated.

Job Status Dialogue Box - Drawing Files

Link Files: When this radio button is activated, the list box displays a list of links that are associated with the current job. Table Files This list box displays all of the table, drawing, or link files associated with the current job including the directory location they were expected to be found in. Status This column displays whether or not the files are found. A Found status displays if the file is found in the table path specified. A Not Found status displays if either the file has been deleted from the operating system and the entity attachments have not been removed, or the current path is set incorrectly. Update Job...

Updating the Job File This command updates the current drawing and job file. The process of managing the drawing and database links can create invalid row and entities with bad row attachments. This can occur when entities are erased, copied or when other editing processes are used that change or add entities. The

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

[Update Job...] command finds these conditions and provides a number of options to make corrections. See Appendix B, Maintaining Integrity, for a thorough examination of problems that can be corrected with the [Update Job...] command. Selecting the [Update Job...] command displays the following dialogue box.

Job Update Dialogue Box

The following section describes the options in this dialogue box. Update reserved table columns This setting controls whether reserved columns are updated. When this check box is toggled on, the Reserved Column Settings dialogue box is displayed. See the Updating the Reserved Column Settings section in this chapter for more information. Update attribute values This setting controls whether attributes that match a column in the current table are updated. When this setting is on, the Attribute Update Settings dialogue box is displayed. See the Updating the Attributes section in this chapter for more information. Update annotation text This setting controls whether the annotation in the drawing is updated to reflect changes that have been made to the table. Update zone tags This setting controls whether the zone tags are updated to reflect any changes that have been made to the zone, such as sizing or renaming. Password When the password option has been enabled, this setting is active and the correct password must be entered before the update can be performed. Updating the Reserved Column Settings During an update, each attached entity is examined for reserved column values. If a reserved column is not accurately referenced, you have the option of updating either the reserved column or the referenced value in the drawing or in the entity. The Reserve Column Settings dialogue box provides settings to control whether or not prompts display before reserved columns are updated. When some reserved


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dB Files Menu

columns (such as R_COLOR) are used, either the table reference or the AutoCAD setting can be updated. When other reserved columns (such as R_ENTITY) are used, only the table reference can be updated. The Reserved Column Settings dialogue box is accessed by toggling the Update reserved table columns check box on in the Job Update dialogue box.

Reserved Column Settings Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the settings available from this dialogue box. Table Data Information The settings in this section control how reserved columns that can only be updated in the table are treated when a discrepancy is found. The following table lists the reserved columns that are affected by these settings.

Updating Control: The settings in this section control the display of prompts when a discrepancy is found between the value in the reserved column and the actual value. Prompt for Action: This setting specifies that prompts display each time a discrepancy is encountered. For example, if the Prompt for Action radio button is activated, and the R_ZONE reserved column has been used, the following prompts are displayed.
AutoCAD zone: {Zone Name} Table zone: {Zone Name} Update table row (Yes/No) <Yes>:

Update Table Automatically: This setting updates the row to match the actual value automatically. Prompts are not displayed for confirmation. Ignore Comparison: This setting maintains the value in the row and the actual value. Neither is updated to match the other. Message Control: The settings in this section are active only if either the Update Table Automatically or the Ignore Comparison radio button is activated in the Updating Control section.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

Displays All Messages: All informational messages display. For example, if the R_ZONE reserved column is used, and the Update Table Automatically radio button is activated, the following prompts are displayed.
AutoCAD zone: {Zone Name} Table zone: {Zone Name} Update table row (Yes/No) <Yes>: Table reserved columns updated.

Suppress All Messages: Messages are not displayed. Display Status Message Only: Only the informational prompt is displayed. For example, if the R_BLOCK reserved column is used, and the Update Table Automatically radio button is activated, the following prompt is displayed.
Table reserved columns updated.

AutoCAD Property Information The settings in this section control how reserved columns that can updated in the table or AutoCAD are treated when a discrepancy is found. The following table lists the reserved columns that are affected by these settings.

Updating Control: The settings in this section control the display of prompts when a discrepancy is found between the value in the reserved column and the AutoCAD setting. Prompt for Action: This setting specifies that prompts display each time a discrepancy is encountered. For example, if the Prompt for Action radio button is activated, and the R_COLOR reserved column has been used, the following prompts are displayed.
AutoCAD color: {Color Number} Table color: {Color Number} Update (AutoCAD/Table/Ignore) <Ignore>:

When A for AutoCAD is entered, the AutoCAD color is updated to match the color stored in the table. When T for Table is entered, the color stored in the table is updated to match the AutoCAD color. When I for Ignore is entered, both colors remain unchanged despite the discrepancy. Update AutoCAD Automatically: This setting updates the AutoCAD setting automatically to match the value in the row. No prompts display for confirmation. Update Table Automatically: This setting updates the row automatically to match the AutoCAD setting. No prompts display for confirmation. Ignore Comparison: This setting maintains both the value in the row and the AutoCAD setting. Neither is updated to match the other. Message Control: The settings in this section are active only if either the Update Table Automatically or the Ignore Comparison radio button is activated in the Updating Control section. Displays All Messages: All informational messages display. For example, if the R_ZONE reserved column is used, and the Update Table Automatically radio button is activated, the following prompts are displayed.


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AutoCAD zone: {Zone Name} Table zone: {Zone Name} Update table row (Yes/No) <Yes>: Table row updated.

Suppress All Messages: No messages display. Display Status Message Only: Only the informational prompt displays. For example, if the R_BLOCK reserved column is used, and the Update Table Automatically radio button is activated, the following prompt is displayed.
Table reserved columns updated.

Updating the Attributes The [Update Job...] command provides an option to update block blocks that are attached to table rows, provided the attribute tag exactly matches the column name. During an update, each entity is examined for attribute values. If an attribute value is not accurately referenced, you have the option of updating either the attribute or the row. The Attribute Update Settings dialogue box provides settings to control whether or not prompts are displayed before attributes are updated. For more information, see the Attaching Rows to Blocks that have Attribute Tags section in the Terminology and Concepts chapter. The Attribute Update Settings dialogue box is accessed by toggling the Update attribute values check box on in the Job Update dialogue box.

Attribute Update Settings Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the settings available from this dialogue box. Updating Control The radio buttons in this section control the display of prompts when a discrepancy is found between the value in the reserved column and the AutoCAD setting. Prompt for Action: This setting specifies that prompts display each time a discrepancy is encountered. For example, if the Prompt for Action radio button is activated, the following prompts are displayed.
Attribute {Tag Name} value: {Value} Table {Column Name} value: {Value} Update (AutoCAD/Table/Ignore) <Ignore>:

Update AutoCAD Automatically: This setting updates the AutoCAD attribute tag automatically to match the value in the row. Prompts are not displayed for confirmation. Update Table Automatically: This setting updates the row automatically to match the AutoCAD attribute tag. Prompts are not displayed for confirmation.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

Ignore Comparison: This setting maintains both the value in the row and the AutoCAD setting. Neither is updated to match the other. Message Control The settings in this section are active only if one of the Update AutoCAD Automatically, Update Table Automatically, or the Ignore Comparison radio buttons is activated in the Updating Control section. Message Control: The settings in this section are active only if either the Update Table Automatically or the Ignore Comparison radio button is activated in the Updating Control section. Displays All Messages: All informational messages are displayed. For example, if the Update AutoCAD Automatically radio button is activated, the following prompts are displayed.
Attribute {Tag Name} value: {Value} Table {Column Name} value: {Value} Update (AutoCAD/Table/Ignore) <Ignore>: A Block attributes updated.

Suppress All Messages: Messages are not displayed. Display Status Message Only: Only the informational prompt is displayed. For example, if the Update AutoCAD Automatically radio button is activated, the following prompt is displayed.
Block attributes updated.

Once the [Update Job...] command options have been set, the job file name displays and the job table is scanned for valid entity attachments. If rows are found without entities attached, the following prompts are displayed.
Job file has {#} row(s) without entity attachments. Job file options (Delete/List/Ignore) <List>:

The rows can be deleted or ignored. The List option allows viewing the row. If L for List is entered, the prompt to delete or ignore the bad attachments is displayed again. If all job table rows are correctly referenced, a prompt is displayed stating that the job file rows have valid attachments. The second process scans all the entities in the drawing and determines if they are attached to tables and if the attachments are valid. If any entities are found that incorrectly reference the job table, the following prompt is displayed.
Drawing has {#} entities with bad table attachments.

The prompts continue with options for correcting bad table attachments.
Entity update options (Reattach/Unattach/Erase/Blink/Ignore) <Blink>:

Each of the options available at this prompt are described in the following section. Reattach: The Reattach option allows attaching rows to the specified entities. If the bad attachment cannot be reattached, the reference is removed creating an entity without an attachment. A prompt displays the number of attachments and unattachments that have been made. Unattach: The Unattach option removes any existing attachments for the entities in the selection set. Erase: The Erase option removes the specified entities from the display screen. Blink: The Blink option displays the graphic screen and allows manual blinking. The following prompts are displayed.
Pick button toggles entities ON/OFF Press any other key to continue.


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Press the pick button on the pointing device to turn the selection set off, and press the pick button again to redisplay the set. Ignore: When the Ignore option is selected, no action is taken on entities with bad attachments. The process continues to update any links in the drawing. This process is performed automatically to insure that link files are properly cross-referenced with the entities. Annotation text and zone tags are also updated automatically to reflect any changes that have been made. Prompts are displayed during this process that tell you the link files, annotation text, and zone tags are being updated. The last process allows for global validation and updating of any reserved fields and/or attributes attached to the entities. Depending on the settings specified, prompts may be displayed with options for correcting the references. After all the update processing is complete, an informational message is displayed. Pack Job File...

Packing the Job Database This command examines the job database and removes all deleted records. The command processes all drawings attached to the current job. The job database is packed and attached entities are updated. Selecting the [Pack Job File...] command displays the following dialogue box.

Pack Job File Dialogue Box

Password When the password option has been enabled, this setting is active and the correct password must be entered before the update can be performed. The [Pack Job File...] command creates a script file that ends the current drawing and loads each drawing for processing. After all drawings have been processed the original drawing is reloaded and ready for initialization. Delete Job...

Erasing an Existing Job This command removes all table attachments to entities within the current drawing to the current job and deletes the database table. Selecting the [Delete Job...] command displays the following dialogue box.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands


Delete Table Attachments Dialogue Box

When the password option has been enabled, this setting is active and the correct password must be entered before the delete can be performed. Table Manager...

Editing a Tables Structure This command invokes the Edit Table Structure dialogue box to redefine the current table as shown in the following illustration.

Edit Table Structure Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the options available from this dialogue box. Change... This section of the dialogue box displays the name and location of the current table. Selecting the Change... button displays the Table Manager dialogue box. See the Using the Table Manager section in this chapter for more information on this dialogue box.


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Defined Column List This list box displays all the columns that are defined for the current table. Use the Edit, New, Copy, or Delete buttons to add a new column or change an existing column definition. Operations This section contains buttons used to change the current table definition by adding, editing, or deleting existing columns. Buttons are also provided to move an existing column from one location to a new location in the table definition. The Cut and Paste buttons work in conjunction with each other allowing a column to be cut from one part of the file, then pasted in another location in two easy steps. Changing the definition of a table can cause data to be lost due to column deletion or restructuring. Use the New, Delete, and Copy buttons with great care and always make a backup of the table before editing the definition. A backup file (*.bak) of the *.dbf file that is being edited is created and stored in the same location as the *.dbf file. Note: All of the standard dBASE IV rules apply when defining columns. Edit: This button allows editing an existing column format. To edit a column first highlight the column to edit then select the Edit button. The Column Definition dialogue box displays as shown in the following illustration.

Column Definition Dialogue Box

The Column Definition dialogue box displays the format of the current column. Use the following settings to edit the format of the column. Name: This edit box sets the name for the column. Each column name must begin with a letter and cannot exceed ten (10) characters. Column names must adhere to dBASE IV restrictions and can only include letters, numbers, and the underscore character (_). Type: This setting provides a popup list of valid column types. The following column types are available: Character, Numeric, Logical, Date, and Memo. See the Understanding Columns section in this chapter for more information. Width: This edit box sets the width of the column. Edit the width value using the same method used for the column name. A width value need not be specified when using Date, Memo, or Logical column types. Landscape automatically sets the proper column width for these column types. Decimal: This edit box sets the decimal precision used for the column. Edit the decimal value using the same method used for the column name. The decimal setting only needs to be filled in when defining Number column types, otherwise ignore it. The default value is supplied automatically for all other column types. When the column format has been edited as desired, select the OK button at the bottom of the dialogue box to save the changes and return to the Edit Table Structure dialogue box. Select the Cancel button to return to the Edit Table Structure dialogue box without saving the edits. New: This button creates a new column for the current table. The new column is either inserted or appended to the list of existing columns, depending on the setting of the Placement toggles on the Edit Table Structure dialogue box. See the Placement section in this chapter for more information.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

Selecting the New button displays the Column Definition dialogue box as shown in the following illustration.

Column Definition Dialogue Box

The Column Definition dialogue box displays and is ready to accept data to define the new column. The cursor displays in the Name edit box. A column name must be entered. See the section describing the Edit button in this chapter for more information. Copy: This button copies the currently highlighted column and either inserts or appends it to the list of existing columns, depending on the which radio button is activated in the Placement section of the Edit Table Structure dialogue box. See the Placement section in this chapter for more information. Selecting the Copy button displays the Column Definition dialogue box as shown in the following illustration.

Column Definition Dialogue Box

The current values for the highlighted column display as the default settings. The setting in the Name edit box must be changed, because duplicate column names are not allowed in a table. See the section describing the Edit button in this chapter for more information. Delete: This button deletes the currently highlighted column. Once the column is deleted, the remaining column definitions are moved up in the column list shown in the Edit Table Structure dialogue box automatically. Note: If there is only one column in the list, it cannot be deleted. The Confirm dialogue box shown in the following illustration may or may not display when the Delete button is selected depending on the current setting of the Confirm toggle on the Edit Table Structure dialogue box.

Confirm Dialogue Box

See the section, in this chapter, describing the Confirm Delete check box. Note: Once a column is deleted, all the row data for that column is lost. Select the OK button at the bottom of the dialogue box to delete the column. Select the Cancel button to exit the Confirm dialogue box without saving the deleted column.


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Cut: This button removes the highlighted column from the list of columns and places it into the buffer. The column can then can be retrieved from the buffer using the Paste button and pasted into the list in a different location. Paste: This button is not active and is greyed-out until a column has been selected using the Cut button. When the Paste button is selected, the column that is currently stored in the buffer is inserted either at the end of the list of columns, or directly above the location of the highlighted column, depending on which radio button is activated in the Placement portion of the Edit Table Structure dialogue box. See the section describing the Placement radio buttons. Placement This section contains two radio buttons to control how columns are inserted into the table definition. Append: When this radio button is activated, new columns or columns that have been cut and pasted are placed at the end of the table definition, regardless of which column is highlighted. This is the default setting. Insert Before: When this radio button is activated, new columns or columns that have been cut and pasted are placed directly above the location of the column that is highlighted. Insert After: When this radio button is activated, new columns or columns that have been cut and pasted are placed directly below the location of the column that is highlighted. Confirm Delete This check box controls whether or not the Confirm dialogue box displays when a column is deleted. The Confirm Delete setting is on by default. Using the Table Manager The Table Manager dialogue box provides commands to change the current table, create a new table, copy an existing table, or create a file from the current table.

Table Manager Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the settings available in this dialogue box. File List All of the table files that are found in the current table directory are listed beneath this heading. Use the pointing device to highlight and select the desired table.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

Files This section contains commands to delete the current table, create a new table by specifying the new table name, or copy the existing table to a new name. A button also provides access to a dialogue box that can be used to create a *.cdf, *.sdf, or *.dbf file from the current table. Copy: The Copy button accesses the Copy Table dialogue box. See the Copying an Existing Table section in this chapter for more information. Delete: The Delete button removes the highlighted table. Selecting the Delete button displays the Confirm dialogue box as shown in the following illustration.

Confirm Dialogue Box

If the table that displays is not the table that is to be removed, exit the Confirm dialogue box by selecting the Cancel button, then select a new table in the Table Manager dialogue box. See the Table Manager dialogue box description in this chapter for more information. New: The New button accesses the New Table dialogue box. See the Creating a New Table section in this chapter for more information. Build: The Build button accesses the Build File dialogue box. See the Building a New File from the Current Table section in this chapter for more information. Copying an Existing Table The Copy Table dialogue box provides settings to create a new table by copying the current table and specifying a new name. This dialogue box is accessed from the Table Manager dialogue box by selecting the Copy button.

Copy Table Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the settings that are available in this dialogue box. Source This label displays the name of the current table. If the current table is not the desired file to copy, exit the Copy Table dialogue box by selecting the Cancel button, then select a new table in the Table Manager dialogue box. Destination This setting establishes the name and location of the copied table. Enter the directory path and name for the new table. If a directory path is not specified, the current table path is used. If an extension is not specified, a .dbf extension is assumed.


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Other extensions may be used, but the resulting file will not be included in the list displayed in the Table Manager dialogue box, since it only looks for files with the .dbf extension. If the table already exists, the Confirm dialogue box displays as shown in the following illustration.

Confirm Dialogue Box

Select the OK button to replace the existing table, or select the Cancel button to exit the Confirm dialogue box and return to the Copy Table dialogue box to specify a new name for the table. Creating a New Table The New Table dialogue box is used to define a new table. This dialogue box is accessed from the Table Manager dialogue box by selecting the New button.

New Table Dialogue Box

Table Name This edit box establishes the name for the new table. The table name is limited to eight (8) characters or less. The name should not include any paths or extensions. The table is given a *.dbf extension and is placed in the current table directory automatically. The table path is set during the initial Landscape setup prompts or by using the [Table Directory] command. See the [Table Directory] command description in this chapter for more information. Building a New File from the Current Table The Build File dialogue box allows you to create a comma (*.cdf) or system (*.sdf) delimited file, or a standard *.dbf file from the current table. The Build File dialogue box is accessed by selecting the Build button from the Table Manager dialogue box.

Build File Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the settings available in this dialogue box.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

Source Filename This label displays the name of the current table. If the current table is not the desired file to build the new table from, exit the Build File dialogue box by selecting the Cancel button, then select a new table in the Table Manager dialogue box. See the Table Manager dialogue box description for more information. Target Filename This setting establishes the file name for the new file. The new file is placed in the same directory as the source file, and the extension is determined based on the radio button that is activated in the Format portion of the dialogue box. Do not enter an extension in the Target Filename edit box. Format The settings beneath this heading establish the type of file to create and the extension of the new file. The following table shows the available file types and the associated extension.
File Type Database System Delimited Comma Delimited User Delimited Extension dbf sdf cdf txt

DBF: This radio button specifies that a standard dBASE IV file is to be created. SDF: This radio button specifies that a standard system delimited file is to be created. CDF: This radio button specifies that a standard comma (,) delimited file is to be created. Delimited: This radio button allows you to specify the delimiter and quote characters. Delimiter: This edit box sets the separator to use between columns in the output file. Alphanumeric characters and spaces are valid delimiters. The default setting is a comma (,). Quote: This edit box specifies the character that is used to identify character fields in the output file. Alphanumeric characters and spaces are valid delimiters. The default setting is a single quote mark ('). Deleted Rows The radio buttons in this section of the dialogue box specify if and how rows that have been deleted from the table are to be represented in the new file. Output: This option restores the deleted rows and includes them in the new table. Do Not Output: This option does not include the deleted rows in the new table. Show as: *Deleted*: This option substitutes the string *Deleted* in the new table for rows that have been deleted from the source table. Subset The buttons in this section of the dialogue box allow a new table to be created by specifying a subset of the current table. Columns...: All of the columns in the table are written to the output file by default. The Columns... button lets you limit the number of columns that are written out. Selecting this button accesses the Select Column Names dialogue box as shown in the following illustration.


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Select Column Names Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the settings available in this dialogue box. Source This section provides a listing of the columns that are defined in the current table. Double-click on the column(s) to include in the Target list box. Once all the columns are in the Target list box, select the OK button to save the settings and return to the Build File dialogue box. Target This list box provides a listing of the columns that are to be included in the new current table. Double click on a column name to remove it from the Target list box and return it to the Source list box. Rows: All of the rows in the table are written to the output file by default. The Rows button lets you limit the number of rows that are written out. This button accesses the Select Rows dialogue box as shown in the following illustration.

Select Rows Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the settings available in this dialogue box.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

Row Number This edit box displays the number of the current row. When the number of the desired row is entered, the specified row data displays automatically. Columns... Values This list box displays the contents of the current row. The rows can only be viewed and cannot be edited using the Select Rows dialogue box. Rows can be edited using the [Table Editor...] command. See the [Table Editor...] command description in this chapter for more information. First This button moves to the first row in the table. Next This button moves to the next row in the table. Previous This button moves to the previous row in the table. Last Moves to the last row in the table. SELECT This button selects the current row to be included in the new table. {#} selected, {#} rows in selection. This informational message provides a running total of the number of row(s) that have been selected, as well as the total number of row(s) in the new table. Note: It is possible to include a row more than once. Search The settings in this section search the current column for a specified pattern. Column: This option lets you select the column to conduct the search on. Pattern: Enter the value to search for, then press <Enter>. An index file is generated for the specified column and the first row in the table that contains the value is found and displayed in the Select Row dialogue box. If the specified value is not found, the value that is the closest to it is displayed. Each time a new column is searched, a unique index file is created provided an index file for that column does not already exist. An index file is valid only for the current Select Row dialogue box. A new index is generated each time the dialogue box is displayed. Next: This option searches for the next row in the table that contains the value specified with the Pattern setting or is the next closest. If a pattern has not been entered, this button is inactive and, as a result, is grayed out. Previous: This option searches for the previous row in the table that contains the value specified with the Pattern setting or is the next closest. If a search specified has not been entered, this button is inactive and, as a result, is grayed out.


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Table Editor...

Managing Row Data This command allows editing the table data, one row at a time. Selecting the [Table Editor...] command displays the Edit Table dialogue box as shown in the following illustration.

Edit Table Dialogue Box

The Edit Table dialogue box displays the contents of the table file, one row at a time. The rows display individually and each column occupies a separate line. The user can scroll through the columns of a particular row or through the available rows. The following section describes each of the settings available in this dialogue box. Change... This section of the dialogue box displays the name and location of the current table. Selecting the Change... button displays the Table Manager dialogue box. See the Using the Table Manager section in this chapter for more information on this dialogue box. Row Number {#} of {#} This edit box displays the number of the current row. When the number of the desired row is entered, the specified row data displays automatically. Row Contents The list box near the top of the Edit Table dialogue box displays the contents of the current row. Highlight the column value to edit, then click once on the column value. The current value displays in the Edit edit box and can be edited as desired. Click on the column value once more to invoke the edit box. Edit This edit box displays the contents of the currently highlighted column. Editing each column is different depending on the data type of the column. Each data type is described in the following table.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands


Description This is an editable scrolling string. Depending on the size of the column, the entire string may or may not be visible. Enter dates in the following format: YYYYMMDD. For integer numbers, only digits are allowed. For real numbers, digits are all that are allowed. To enter values for the decimal portion of a number, enter a decimal point (.). Press <Spacebar> to toggle between true (T) and false (F). Memo fields are not supported in this release.


Press <Esc> to exit any edits. Pressing <Enter> saves the edits and updates the row accordingly. Rows This section contains buttons to move through the existing rows, and create or delete rows. First: This button moves to the first row in the table. Next: This button moves to the next row in the table. Previous: This button moves to the previous row in the table. Last: This button moves to the last row in the table. New: This button creates a new, blank row in the table. The row is appended to the end of the table. Copy: This button creates a new row by copying the current row. The row is appended to the end of the table. Delete: This button deletes the current row from the table. Clear: This button clears out all the information in the current row. Text... This button displays a text file associated with the row information, provided it is properly associated with a reserved column name. The value in the column is the name of the text file or the AutoCAD reference for a text file that is in a text file library. See the R_TEXTFILE reserved column name description in the Terminology and Concepts chapter. Slide... This button displays a slide associated with the row information, provided it is properly associated with a reserved column name. Slide files are attached when the reserved column R_SLIDE is present and there is a value for it in the current row. The value in the column is the name of the slide file or the AutoCAD reference for a slide file that is in a slide library. See the R_SLIDE reserved column name description in the Terminology and Concepts chapter. Image... This button displays a raster image associated with the row information, provided it is properly associated with a reserved column name. Raster files are attached when the reserved column R_RASTER is present and there is a value for it in the current row. The value in the column is the name of the raster file. See the R_RASTER reserved column name description in the Terminology and Concepts chapter.


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Search The settings in this section search the current column for a specified pattern. Column: This option lets you select the column to conduct the search on. Pattern: Enter the value to search for, then press <Enter>. An index file is generated for the specified column and the first row in the table that contains the value is found and displayed in the Edit Table dialogue box. If the specified value is not found, the value that is the closest to it is displayed. Each time a new column is searched, a unique index file is created provided an index file for that column does not already exist. An index file is valid only for the current Edit Table dialogue box. A new index is generated each time the dialogue box is displayed. Next: This option searches for the next row in the table that contains the value specified in the Pattern edit box or is the next closest. If a pattern has not been entered, this button is inactive and, as a result, is grayed out. Previous: This option searches for the previous row in the table that contains the value specified in the Pattern edit box or is the next closest. If a search specified has not been entered, this button is inactive and, as a result, is grayed out. Linear... This button accesses the Browse dialogue box. See the Using the Browse Table Dialogue Box section in this chapter for more information. Using the Browse Table Dialogue Box The Browse Table dialogue box offers a way to choose the desired row quickly by displaying multiple rows of the table at one time. The dialogue box displays approximately 16 rows at a time. Each row occupies a separate line, as shown in the following illustration.

Browse Table Dialogue Box

The following section describes each of the settings available in this dialogue box.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands

Change... This section of the dialogue box displays the name and location of the current table. Selecting the Change... button displays the Table Manager dialogue box. See the Using the Table Manager section in this chapter for more information on this dialogue box. Row Number This edit box displays the number of the highlighted row. When the number of the desired row is entered, the specified row data displays automatically. Row Listing The list box in the center of the dialogue box displays the table rows. The headings that display above the list box correspond with the column names defined for the table. The table can be viewed in its entirety using the buttons below the list box. Page Up This button displays the previous page of rows. Page Dn This button displays the next page of rows. Top This button moves to the first row in the table. Bottom This button moves to the last row in the table. Begin...End These buttons move the data displayed in the row listing from the beginning column to the end column. The amount of information shown at one time depends on the column sizes defined in the table. Highlight the desired row, then select the OK button to return to the Edit Table dialogue box with the selected row shown as the current row. Pick Table

Opening a Table by Entity Example This command opens a table by picking an entity in the drawing. If the entity has extended entity data pointing to a row in the project table, the attached table is determined and opened. The command prompts you to select an object with a table attachment.
See Also: See the [Table Manager...] command description in this chapter for more information.


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Table Directory

Setting the Table Directory Path This command allows you to change the directory in which the other Landscape commands will look for tables. The command prompts for the file path for the table files. If the path specified does not exist, a prompt is displayed stating the directory is unknown and if the directory should be created. If Y for Yes is entered, the directories are created automatically. If N for No is entered, the file path prompt is displayed again.

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Chapter 7: Utility Commands


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Appendix A

Maintaining Integrity
Making any changes to a drawing, during or after table information has been attached, can result in inaccurate results unless great care is taken in the process. Since the job management system depends on entity handles, a good understanding of how AutoCAD treats entities that are edited is required to avoid inaccurate results. Any AutoCAD editing command that changes an entity into more than one generates new handles for those new entities. If the edited entity is attached to the job table, every new entity shares the same attachment. Since only one entity can reference a single record in the job management table, all the new entities are inappropriately attached. The best rule of thumb is to remove table attachments prior to editing, and reattach the data after completing the changes. Note: Any command that changes a single polyline into two or more polylines generates all new handles and discards the original handle. The following information describes potential AutoCAD problems and appropriate methods for avoiding or solving the problems.

Resolving AutoCAD Related Problems

ERASING Problem: Solution: Solution: UNDOING Problem: Solution: COPYING Problem: Solution: Copying entities that are attached to the job table creates a new entity with extended entity data pointing to the wrong entry in the job table. Use the [Copy] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus, instead of the AutoCAD COPY command. Undoing entities deletes that are attached to the job table leaves invalid entries in the job table. Use the [Update Job...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after undoing. Erasing entities that are attached to the job table leaves invalid entries in the job table. Use the [Delete] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus before erasing the entity. Use the [Update Job...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after erasing the entity.

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Appendix A: Maintaining Integrity

Solution: Solution:

Create a new entity instead of using the AutoCAD COPY command. Use the [Update Job...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after copying.

EXPLODING Problem: Solution: Solution: Exploding entities that are attached to the job table leaves invalid entries in the job table referencing entities that don't exist. Use the [Delete] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus before exploding the entity. Use the [Update Job...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after exploding the entity.

MIRRORING Problem: Solution: Solution: Solution: Problem: Mirroring entities that are attached to the job table without deleting the old entities creates new entities with extended entity data pointing to the wrong entries in the job table. Use the [Delete] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus before mirroring the entity, then reattach the record to the original entity. Create new entity instead of using the AutoCAD MIRROR command where applicable. Use the [Update Job...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after mirroring the entity. Mirroring entities that are attached to the job table and deleting the old entities creates mirrored entities with the same handles as the deleted entities. The attached table reference is still valid. Use the [Attach] command from the Planting screen menu to update the new entity if necessary. Use the [Delete] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus to remove the reference to an incorrect record.

Solution: Solution:

OFFSETTING Problem: Solution: Solution: Solution: Offsetting entities that are attached to the job table creates a new entity with extended entity data pointing to the wrong entry in the job table. Use the [Delete] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus before offsetting the entity, then reattach the record to the original entity. Create new entity instead of using the AutoCAD OFFSET command where applicable. Use the [Update Jobs...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after offsetting the entity.

TRIMMING Problem: Solution: Solution: Solution: Trimming an entity that is attached to the job table could create new entities with extended entity data pointing to the wrong entry in the job table. Use the [Delete] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus before trimming the entity, then reattach the record to the appropriate entities. Create new entity instead of using the AutoCAD TRIM command where applicable. Use the [Update Jobs...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after trimming.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Resolving AutoCAD Related Problems

ARRAYING Problem: Solution: Solution: Solution: BREAKING Problem: Solution: Solution: BLOCKING Problem: Creating a block from entities that are attached to the job table using either the AutoCAD BLOCK or WBLOCK command removes the entities from the drawing and leave valid entries in the job table. Use the [Delete] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus before blocking the entities. Use the [Update Jobs...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after blocking the entities. Breaking an entity that is attached to the job table could create new entities with extended entity data pointing to the wrong entry in the job table. Use the [Delete] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus before breaking the entity, then reattach records to the appropriate entities. Use the [Update Jobs...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after breaking. Arraying entities that are attached to the job table creates new entities with the same extended entity data pointing to the wrong entry in the job table. Use the [Delete] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus before arraying the entities, then reattach the records to the original entities. Create new entities instead of using the AutoCAD ARRAY command where applicable. Use the [Update Jobs...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after arraying.

Solution: Solution:

PEDIT - JOIN Problem: Joining entities results in an entirely new polyline which will reference only the record of the selected polyline to join to. All of the joined entity references are lost, but valid entries still remain in the job table. Use the [Delete] command from the Planting or Irrigation screen menus on each of the entities that are attached to a table before joining them. Use the [Update Jobs...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu after joining entities.

Solution: Solution:

PEDIT - EDIT VERTEX - BREAK Problem: Solution: Breaking a polyline creates two polylines. The original polyline is still properly attached, but the new entity is not attached or referenced in the job table. Use the [Attach] command from the Planting screen menu to add the record reference to the new polyline.

HANDLES Problem: Solution: Solution: Turning handles off or using the destroy handles option removes integrity link to job table. Enable handles and attach records as if starting a new drawing. Use the [Update Jobs...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Appendix A: Maintaining Integrity

RENAMING A DRAWING Problem: Solution: Renaming a drawing that has entities with attachments to a table creates entities with bad record attachments due to the drawing name change. Use the [Update Jobs...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu.

SAVING A DRAWING WITH A NEW NAME Problem: Solution: Saving a drawing with a new name that has entities with attachments to a table creates entities with bad record attachments due to the drawing name change. Use the [Update Jobs...] command from the LA Tools pull-down menu.

Resolving Table Related Problems

Tables accessed by the user to attach records to entities can be accessed and manipulated outside of AutoCAD. This is a powerful feature, but another source for potential problems in maintaining an accurate link between AutoCAD entities and table rows. The following information describes potential table problems and appropriate methods for avoiding or solving the problems. Some of the solutions provided assume a strong understanding of database table programming and the method Softdesk Landscape uses to attach the various table rows to a job. PACKING Problem: Solution: Solution: SORTING Problem: Solution: Solution: Sorting a table changes the order of the record numbers which is critical to the job management table and corrupts the facility job. Sort the table before making attachments in AutoCAD. Modify the job management table to reflect the record number changes made by the sort. Packing a table changes the order of the record numbers which is critical to the job management table and corrupts the facility job. Pack the table before making attachments in AutoCAD. Modify the job management table to reflect the record number changes made by the pack.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Appendix B

File Listing
This is a list of files that are created by the Softdesk Landscape commands. The tables presented in this section are divided into the following sections.
Table Columns Path File Name Command Name Description Type Definition Directory where file is placed Name of file which is created. Name of command which creates or accesses a file. Brief description of the contents of the file. File archiving importance.

When referencing an entry in a table, the following conventions are used for directory names.
Entry <projname> <dwgname> <job> Definition Represents the project name. Represents the drawing name. Represents the job directory.

File Archiving Importance The files listed in the following table with a P in the Type column are of primary importance and should be archived with all other information pertaining to the particular project. Some recreation is required if these files are not archived. Files listed with a T are temporary and do not need to be archived with the project. Project Name A project name creates a file storage subdirectory, which allows you to define multiple alignments under the same project name. This storage path makes it easy to archive an entire project. Every drawing must have a project name, and you can use the same project name for different drawings. Project names are specified when a new drawing is begun, and can be no more than eight (8) characters long. The files listed in the following table are of primary importance and should be archived with all other information pertaining to the particular project.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Appendix B: File Listing

Landscape Files
Path File Name Command Name Description Type



Created during initialization or using the [Password Setting] command Created during initialization or using the [New Job] command Created using the [Table Manager...] command, or by an external program [Project Settings...] command [Project Settings...] command [Update Job...] or [Pack Job File...] commands [Table Manager...] commands Query specify Browse search

Stores password



Job Tables



Data Tables

proj proj job lastyle.dat user.bak

Layer configuration Text style configuration Job Table backups


data data data

user.bk user.cdx user.cdx

Data Tables Temp table index Temp table index



Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

(job) command.....................................................45 (projct) command .................................................25 (table) command............................................. 25, 45 Barbed Wire Fences command.............................. 60 Baseball command ............................................... 72 Basketball command ............................................ 74 block types 3D .................................................................. 28 3D+DTM........................................................ 29 conceptual ....................................................... 27 illustrative........................................................ 27 Brick Patios command.......................................... 67 Brick Walks command ......................................... 66 Browse command ...........................................36, 49 Browse Table dialogue box ..................................125 Bsktball command................................................ 74 Build File dialogue box.........................................119

1st field planting)...........................................................25

2nd field planting)...........................................................25

Ch Link command ............................................... 61 Chain Link Fences command ................................ 61 Chained command ............................................... 88 Chained Leaders command ................................... 88 Column Definition dialogue box............................116 columns definition of ..................................................... 16 naming...........................................................115 reserved .......................................................... 17 Combined command ............................................ 79 command conventions ............................................ 9 commands recursive ........................................................... 9 Concept command ............................................... 98 Confirm dialogue box ..........................................116 contours as polylines with elevations ............................... 62 labeling on end of line....................................... 63 labeling on the contour line................................ 63 Convert Attributes to Table Data command............ 98 Convert Table Data to Attributes command............ 97 Convert to 3D + DTM command .........................100 Convert to 3D command ...................................... 99 Convert to Conceptual command........................... 98 Copy command irrigation.......................................................... 51 planting ........................................................... 40 Copy Table dialogue box .....................................118 Covert to Illustrative command.............................. 99

3D command .......................................................99 3D+DTM command ........................................... 100

annotation chained leaders .................................................88 deleting............................................................89 legend..............................................................83 multiple leaders.................................................87 single leaders....................................................86 symbols ...........................................................84 table ................................................................82 tag...................................................................85 Annotation and Report Filters dialogue box .............90 Annotation Filters command ..................................89 Annotation pull-down menu...................................82 Att->Dbf command...............................................98 attach blocks with tags ................................................20 Attribute Update Settings dialogue box.................. 111

B Wires command ................................................60

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual



Create Legend command.......................................83 Create Table command .........................................82 crown width .........................................................31 Current command heads...............................................................47 irrigation ..........................................................46 parts ................................................................48 pipes................................................................48 current plant attaching ..........................................................36 drawing............................................................36 current table row attaching ..........................................................36

fences barbed wire ..................................................... 60 chain link......................................................... 61 stockade.......................................................... 61 filters annotation ....................................................... 89 Filters command .................................................. 89 Football command................................................ 73

ground cover inserting .......................................................... 34 Growth command ...............................................102

Database Query Job Specification ..........................12 dB Files menu .................................................... 105 Dbf->Att command...............................................97 Delete Annotation command..................................89 Delete command irrigation ..........................................................51 planting............................................................41 Delete command........................................... 89, 113 Delete Job... command........................................ 113 Delete Table Attachments dialogue box................. 114 Digitize command.................................................62 Digitize Contours command...................................62 directory table .............................................................. 126 Directy command ............................................... 126 Discus command ..................................................79 Display Query command .......................................97

Handicap Curb Out command ............................... 72 HandiCrb command ............................................. 72 hardware requirements ........................................... 8 heads toggling on....................................................... 46 hedges inserting .......................................................... 32 High Jmp command ............................................. 79 High Jump command............................................ 79 Hockey command ................................................ 77 Horseshoes command........................................... 77 H-shoes command ............................................... 77

Illust command .................................................... 99 Indiv toggle.......................................................... 46 Irrigate menu ....................................................... 44 irrigation symbols editing............................................................. 52 updating .......................................................... 52

Edit command irrigation ..........................................................52 Edit Table dialogue box....................................... 123 Edit Table Structure dialogue box......................... 114 Editor command ................................................. 123 EditPlt command ..................................................42 estimating rounding and setting units ................................ 103 Exist command................................................... 105 Existing Job command......................................... 105

Javelin command ................................................. 79 job creating new ...................................................105 deleting ..........................................................113 display current ............................................25, 45 packing the database........................................113 updating .........................................................107 Job Status dialogue box........................................106 Job Status... command ........................................106 Job Update dialogue box ......................................108


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Label On End command........................................63 Label On line command ........................................63 Lacrosse command ...............................................76 Layout Patterns icon menu ....................................35 leaders chained ............................................................88 multiple............................................................87 single...............................................................86 Ledge command ...................................................58 Ledges command..................................................58 Legend Symbols dialogue box................................84 Lines With Symbols command...............................59 Lines With Text command ....................................59 Long Jmp command .............................................79 Long Jump command............................................79

Manager command ............................................. 114 Manual conventions ................................................8 Move Symbol to DTM command ........................ 101 Multipl command..................................................87 Multiple Leaders command....................................87

plant height.......................................................... 31 Plant Size Specifications ....................................... 30 plant symbols inserting .......................................................... 30 plan-view baseball diamond.............................................. 72 basketball court................................................ 74 football field .................................................... 73 hockey rink ..................................................... 77 horseshoe pits .................................................. 77 lacrosse field.................................................... 76 running track ................................................... 79 shuffleboard .................................................... 76 soccer field ...................................................... 75 softball diamond............................................... 72 tennis courts .................................................... 75 trap field.......................................................... 78 Pole Vault command ............................................ 79 Pole Vlt command................................................ 79 polylines with elevations ....................................... 63 Prk. Lot command ............................................... 69 project definition of ..................................................... 15 load existing....................................................105 status .............................................................106

naming a column ................................................ 115 New command ................................................... 105 New Job command ............................................. 105 New Table dialogue box...................................... 119

Query command .................................................. 93 Query Drawing command ..................................... 93

Registered Job Files dialogue box..........................105 Reserved Column Settings dialogue box ................108 reserved columns R_area ............................................................ 18 R_block .......................................................... 17 R_color ........................................................... 17 R_date ............................................................ 19 R_entity .......................................................... 18 R_length.......................................................... 19 R_ltype ........................................................... 18 R_perimete...................................................... 18 R_raster .......................................................... 19 R_slide............................................................ 19 R_textfile......................................................... 20 R_zone ........................................................... 19 Rounding and Unit Settings... command................103 row definition of ..................................................... 16 row attachment toggling on and off ........................................... 26 row data managing........................................................123 row decrement..................................................... 25 row increment...................................................... 25 Row Specification dialogue box ............................. 50 rows toggling on and off ........................................... 45

On Curve command..............................................71 On End command.................................................63 On Line command ................................................63

Pack command................................................... 113 Pack Job File... command ................................... 113 Parallel command .................................................71 Parallel Parking command .....................................71 Parking Lot command...........................................69 Parking On Curve command..................................71 parts toggling on .......................................................46 password setting............................................................ 104 Password command............................................ 104 Password Setting command ................................. 104 Patios command brick................................................................67 paver ...............................................................67 Paver Patios command..........................................67 Paver Walks command .........................................66 Pick command ................................................... 126 Pick Table command .......................................... 126 pipe toggling on .......................................................46

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual



Select Column Names dialogue box ...................... 121 Select command ...................................................64 Select Rows dialogue box .................................... 121 selection set displaying.........................................................97 Settings command............................................... 103 Shadows command...............................................41 Shore command ...................................................58 Shore Lines command...........................................58 Shotput and Hammer Throw command ..................79 Shotput command.................................................79 Shuffle Board command........................................76 Shuffle command .................................................76 Simulate Growth command ................................. 102 Single command ...................................................86 Single Leaders command.......................................86 Sitework pull-down menu......................................55 Soccer command ..................................................75 Specify command irrigation ..........................................................49 planting............................................................39 Sport Fields menu.................................................72 Spot Elevations command .....................................65 SpotElev command...............................................65 Status command ................................................. 106 Stock command....................................................61 Stock Fences command.........................................61 Stone Walls command...........................................56 StonWall command...............................................56 Swap Sym command .......................................... 101 Swap Symbol command...................................... 101 Symbol command.................................................84 Symbol Leaders... command .................................84

table definition of ..................................................... 15 display current ............................................25, 45 load by entity..................................................126 load existing................................................25, 45 manager .........................................................114 set path ..........................................................126 Table command ................................................... 82 Table Directory command ...................................126 Table Editor... command .....................................123 Table Manager command ....................................114 Tag Item command .............................................. 85 Tennis command ................................................. 75 To DTM command.............................................101 Track command................................................... 79 Trap command .................................................... 78 Tree Lines command............................................ 57 TreeLine command .............................................. 57 Triple J command ................................................ 79 Triple Jump command.......................................... 79

Units rounding and setting ........................................103 Update command................................................107 irrigation.......................................................... 52 Update Job command..........................................107 Utility pull-down menu ......................................... 93

Walks and Patios menu ........................................ 65 Walks command bricks.............................................................. 66 paver .............................................................. 66 walls stone............................................................... 56 With Sym command............................................. 59 With Txt command .............................................. 59


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Softdesk, Inc. Customer Software License

Please read this License carefully.

You are purchasing a license to use SOFTDESK Software. The Software is owned by and remains the property of SOFTDESK, is protected by international copyrights, and is transferred to the original purchaser and any subsequent owner of the Software media for their use only upon the license terms set forth below. Opening the packaging and / or using SOFTDESK Software indicates your acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions, or if after use you are dissatisfied with your SOFTDESK Software, return the Software, manuals and any partial or whole copies within thirty (30) days of purchase to the party from whom you received it for a full refund.

GRANT OF LICENSE. SOFTDESK, INC. ("SOFTDESK"), hereby grants the original purchaser ("Licensee") the limited rights to possess and use the accompanying SOFTDESK Software ("Software"), consisting of machine-readable computer code and documentation, upon the terms and conditions specifically set out in this License.

YOUR AGREEMENT. Licensee agrees that the Software will be used solely for Licensee's internal purposes, and that at any one time, the Software will be installed on a single computer only. If the Software is installed on a networked system, or on a computer connected to a file server or other system that physically allows shared access to the Software, Licensee agrees to provide technical or procedural methods to prevent use of the Software by more than one user at one time. Additional Software copies (and license rights) must be purchased for multiple users.

Licensee is granted a perpetual, royalty-free license to copy and distribute the block symbols or other graphic representations ("SOFTDESK SYMBOLS") included within the Software, in both hard-copy format or upon computer-readable media, PROVIDED:

such distribution arises exclusively from the inclusion of SOFTDESK SYMBOLS within Licensee's proprietary drawings, plans or other workproduct ("Licensee Workproduct") developed in the ordinary course of Licensee's business;

SOFTDESK SYMBOLS are not incorporated within a software application or file which is or is part of a software application;

no Software code is distributed; and

Licensee provides clear notice as to the inclusion within Licensee Workproduct of proprietary, copyrighted material owned by SOFTDESK, INC.

One machine-readable copy of the Software may be made for BACK-UP PURPOSES ONLY, and the copy shall display all proprietary notices, and be labeled externally to show that the back-up copy is the property of SOFTDESK, and that its use is subject to this License. Documentation in whole or part may not be copied.

Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual


Use of the Software by any department, agency or other entity of the U.S. Federal Government is limited by the terms of the attached "Rider for U.S. Governmental Entity Users", which is incorporated by reference.

Licensee may transfer its rights under this License, PROVIDED that the party to whom such rights are transferred agrees to the terms and conditions of this License, and written notice is provided to SOFTDESK. Upon such transfer, Licensee must transfer or destroy all copies of the Software.

Except as expressly provided in this License, Licensee may not use, copy, disseminate, modify, distribute, sub-license, sell, rent, lease, lend, give or in any other way transfer, by any means or in any medium, including telecommunications, the Software. Licensee will use its best efforts and take all reasonable steps to protect the Software from unauthorized use, copying or dissemination, and will maintain all proprietary notices intact.

TERM. This License is effective as of the time Licensee receives the Software, and shall continue in effect until Licensee ceases all use of the Software and either destroys, or returns to SOFTDESK, all copies thereof, or until automatically terminated upon the failure of Licensee to comply with any of the terms of this License.

LIMITED WARRANTY. SOFTDESK warrants the Software media to be free of defects in workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from purchase. During this period SOFTDESK will replace at no cost any such media returned to SOFTDESK, postage prepaid. This service is SOFTDESK's sole liability under this warranty.



GENERAL. This License is the complete and exclusive statement of the parties' agreement. Should any provision of this License be held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the remainder of the License shall nonetheless remain in full force and effect. This License shall be controlled by the laws of the State of New Hampshire and the United States of America, as applicable.


Softdesk Landscape Reference Manual

Sign and Mail the Enclosed Registration Card Now, and Receive:

Notice of Software Updates


This is a Rider to the SOFTDESK, INC. Customer Software License, ("License"), and shall take precedence over the License where a conflict occurs.


The Software was: developed at private expense; no portion was developed with government funds; is a trade secret of SOFTDESK and its licensor for all purposes of the Freedom of Information Act; is "commercial computer software" subject to limited utilization as provided in any contract between the vendor and the government entity; and in all respects is proprietary data belonging solely to SOFTDESK and its licensor. For units of the DOD, the Software is sold only with "Restricted Rights" as that term is defined in the DOD Supplement to DFAR 252.227-7013 (b)(3)(ii), and use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. Manufacturer: SOFTDESK, Inc., 7 Liberty Hill Road, Henniker, NH 03242 USA If the Software was acquired under a GSA Schedule, the Government has agreed to refrain from changing or removing any insignia or lettering from the Software or Documentation or from producing copies of manuals or disks (except for backup purposes) and: (1) Title to and ownership of the Software and Documentation and any reproductions thereof shall remain with SOFTDESK and its licensor; (2) use of the Software shall be limited to the facility for which it is acquired; and (3) if the use of the Software is discontinued at the original installation and the Government wishes to use it at another location, it may do so by giving prior written notice to SOFTDESK, specifying the new location site and class of computer. Governmental personnel using the Software, other than under a DOD contract or GSA Schedule, are hereby on notice that use of the Software is subject to restrictions that are the same or similar to those specified above.





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