Concentration Rubric ETEC 510

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6 Excellent 86-100% Quality (E1)

is consistently of high quality

5 Strong 73-85%
is of high quality although there may be some minor inconsistencies addresses complex ideas

4 Good 67-72%
is of high quality although there may be some minor inconsistencies addresses complex ideas with some degree of success is energetic but tone is somewhat lacking in confidence demonstrates some risk taking approaches original thought but still well grounded in an existing body of work

3 Moderate 60-66%
is of acceptable quality however the work includes a number of inconsistencies addresses complex ideas with some degree of success is energetic but tone is lacking in confidence

2 Weak 50-59%
is of acceptable quality however the work includes a number of inconsistencies addresses complex ideas with only a small degree of success

1 Poor 0-49%
is of unacceptable quality

Ideas (A1)

addresses complex ideas

shows little or no evidence that complex ideas have been addressed

Scope & Tone (E1)

is energetic demonstrates confidence in tone

is energetic and somewhat confident in tone

lacks lacks direction enthusiasm and and includes tone is lacking in little evidence confidence that ideas explored are connected demonstrates hesitation in risk taking approaches original thought but still well grounded in an existing body of work no evidence of risk taking demonstrates a lack of original thought

Original Thought demonstrates risk taking (A1,2, B1)

includes obvious evidence of original thought

demonstrates some risk taking includes evidence of original thought

demonstrates hesitation in risk taking approaches original thought but still well grounded in an existing body of work

6 Excellent 86-100% Exploration (A1, B1, C1, 3, 4)

includes references to illustrate where thought process began and how original thought is connected to an existing body of work relevant sources are cited correctly

5 Strong 73-85%
includes references to illustrate where thought process began and how original thought is connected to an existing body of work relevant sources are cited correctly

4 Good 67-72%
includes references to illustrate the origin of ideas and how original thought begins to extend beyond that work relevant sources are cited but there are one or two errors

3 Moderate 60-66%
includes references to illustrate the origin of ideas and how original thought begins to extend beyond that work cites sources but there are occasional errors

2 Weak 50-59%
includes references to illustrate the origin of ideas and how original thought begins to extend beyond that work however more extensive exploration is required cites sources but there are occasional errors attempts to use language conventions correctly however there are occasional errors that interfere with meaning

1 Poor 0-49%
includes only one or two references which may or may not be connected to ideas explored attempts to cite sources but there are some errors or missing information

Language (E1)

uses language conventions correctly

uses language conventions correctly with only one or two minor errors

uses language conventions correctly although there may be several minor errors that do not interfere with meaning

attempts to use language conventions correctly however there are occasional errors that interfere with meaning

language conventions have been attempted but the work needs further editing to be of an acceptable level

6 Excellent 86-100% Collaboration (C1, 2)

5 Strong 73-85%

4 Good 67-72%
clear evidence of collaboration with peers and mentors to arrive at creative solutions to problems

3 Moderate 60-66%
some evidence of collaboration with peers and mentors to arrive at creative solutions to problems

2 Weak 50-59%

1 Poor 0-49%

clear evidence clear evidence of collaboration of collaboration with peers and with peers and mentors to mentors to arrive at creative arrive at creative solutions to solutions to problems problems

some evidence little evidence of of collaboration collaboration with peers and with peers and mentors to mentors to arrive at creative arrive at creative solutions to solutions to problems problems

Delivery/Present ation (B1)

demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates satisfactory use attempts to use competency with high degree of high degree of competency with technology for technology for technology for competency with competency with technology for communication communication communication technology for technology for communication and presentation and presentation and presentation communication communication and includes one or several flaws is not evident and and presentation. two minor flaws interrupt the flow flaws interrupt presentation. presentation. may include that interrupt the of the the flow of the presentation is presentation has minor flaws but flow of the presentation presentation and flawless one or two minor these do not presentation but brief discussion discussion is flaws which do interrupt the with content is still is required to required to not interfere with flow of the clear clarify meaning clarify meaning overall flow presentation

6 Excellent 86-100% Citizenship (B2, C4)

consistently demonstrates socially appropriate behaviour highly motivated with excellent organizational skills

5 Strong 73-85%
consistently demonstrates socially appropriate behaviour highly motivated with strong organizational skills

4 Good 67-72%
consistently demonstrates socially appropriate behaviour self motivated with good organizational skills

3 Moderate 60-66%
generally demonstrate socially appropriate behaviour but one or two reminders about netiquette were required a self starter with adequate organizational skills

2 Weak 50-59%
generally demonstrates socially appropriate behaviour but one or two reminders about netiquette were required demonstrated inconsistent motivation and organizational skills

1 Poor 0-49%
demonstrates socially inappropriate behaviour resulting in interruptions in work flow and a need for netiquette instruction demonstrated inconsistent motivation and organizational skills

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