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{1033}{1069}Paolo, are you here?
{1677}{1757}Oh Paolo, of course l love you!
{1941}{1989}""Confess Marriage Life""
{2342}{2372}Dear Marikla
{2377}{2421}l"m writing to you|because I need your advise.
{2422}{2517}l"m 25 and|have been married for 5 years.
{2527}{2612}Pretty, l"ve been told|and nice to be around.
{2620}{2680}I have a good job|and a wonderful husband.
{2684}{2768}I know I married a bit young,|but it"s worked out really well.
{2772}{2900}Lots of passion to start out with, and|lots of understanding to keep
it together.
{3218}{3324}Except that, for a while, now l"ve been|feeling upset in a kind of s
trange way.
{3327}{3478}lt"s hard to explain, I want to live|more, more fully, more intensel
{3489}{3579}My days are so uneventful|they"re almost hum-drum.
{3594}{3636}I tell myself that|it must be the season
{3637}{3744}that"s making me have these|strange restless cravings.
{3762}{3852}But the fact is that they"ve become|stronger and stronger lately.
{3858}{3947}Especially since that night|my sister Nadia took us to a party
{3951}{3999}in honor of a Venetian poetess{4127}{4210}l"d like to fuck you and not touch you
{4216}{4350}and loose tongued, make a chant resound|among the uncertain hairs of
your ass.
{4359}{4435}l"d like to stuff|dancing cunts in your mouth.
{4438}{4553}l"d like to cover you|with sticky breasts and perfumed sweat!
{4555}{4673}And down between your balls,|suck your cock into my heartache.
{4681}{4829}l"d like, between lusty corn-hole rings|and a sob, to lick your knee
{4837}{4927}And upwards,|from your belly to your heart.
{4947}{5077}And to find some rest, l"d like not|to be able to come any more
{5133}{5159}How gentle!
{5162}{5189}Absolutely sensational!
{5191}{5264}- She brought tears to my eyes!|- Neo-positivist influence{5690}{5744}Congratulations,|your book will be a smash!
{5746}{5807}l"m Nadia Valentini.|I run a body-fitness gym.
{5808}{5852}Come in and give it a try|whenever you like.
{5945}{5975}Nadia Valentini{5984}{6044}- l"d love to be able to write like you.|- Ah{6247}{6361}Really! l"ve never seen|a love-line so long or so hard!
{6731}{6781}May I beg you? Shall we dance?
{6784}{6801}Well, certainly!
{7025}{7108}Everyone gate-crashes in Rome-|no one needs an invitation.
{7111}{7172}I wasn"t invited either.
{7210}{7329}I accompanied the poetess.|ln Venice we are next-door neighbors.
{7331}{7399}No where"s like Venice, is it?|I was born there.
{7401}{7492}Ah, oui? Do you know how it was|once described by a famous French po
{7511}{7599}Venice- sexe femelle d"Europe{7786}{7841}Are you a sailor, with those tattoos?
{7848}{7959}Oh, I travel around you know.
{7962}{8005}I pick up old things.
{8008}{8093}I wish you"d go there and pick up|those two old biddies and throw th
em out!
{8098}{8126}- lt"s truly amazing|- You like the boy?
{8129}{8171}Well, he is my husband, after all{8174}{8223}Come on, husbands don"t count!

{8253}{8341}Maybe not for you,|but mine counts a lot for me!

{8418}{8525}l"d like to fuck you|and not to touch you,
{8606}{8722}loose-tongued, make a chant resound
{8763}{8832}among the uncertain hairs ofyour ass.
{8845}{8893}l"ll bet you"re sopping wet.
{8940}{9034}Excuse me. My head is spinning.
{9347}{9429}Don"t bother with museums, you fools,|art is among us, we are art!
{9431}{9487}I give you two perfect examples of the|baroque their prominent masse
s flatten out
{9488}{9535}as they come down.|Borromini brought to life!
{9537}{9610}Turn them around|and you have two prominent asses
{9611}{9661}in pure rococo style, gorgeous!
{9825}{9845}Shhh. Do not be afraid.
{9851}{9912}l"m not afraid.|But I don"t know what your name is.
{9915}{9988}Ah, tres juste.|Alphonse Donatien.
{10002}{10037}""Pirate of Love""
{11030}{11055}Man, that"s not fair!
{11049}{11107}l"m doing everything I promised to do.
{11728}{11751}Diana, are you in there?
{11764}{11820}Yes, Paolo. Just a minute!
{12242}{12277}I hadn"t seen you for a while.|Anything wrong?
{12279}{12356}Of course not, I just had to pee.|Do you want to leave, darling?
{12360}{12413}Yeah, l"m bored silly.|This party"s the shits.
{12415}{12487}Whatever you like. l"ll get my things.
{12806}{12835}You"re dripping.
{12886}{12977}And it"s not pee!|What gives you hot so soon?
{12983}{13036}Well, if you touch me there,|of course I get wet.
{13038}{13101}You know how sensitive I am.
{13120}{13141}Do it some more{13284}{13330}Was it that guy or me|who brought it out in you?
{13338}{13351}What guy?
{13361}{13426}Your partner. The dancer.
{13463}{13525}Oh. He"s French.|He has a home in Venice, he said.
{13530}{13579}He came on like some kind of cyclone.
{13625}{13673}Oh, Paolo you"re driving me crazy.
{13689}{13727}A little mature, wasn"t he?
{13737}{13782}Mature isn"t the word.
{13800}{13832}You should have called me, my dear.
{13834}{13933}You just seem to assume that I fought him.|I even found him in the
bathroom there.
{13936}{13958}That filth!
{13961}{14059}You just didn"t realize it,|right there, standing behind the door!
{14064}{14141}Ah, you"re kidding! lt"s just|another one of your silly stories!
{14144}{14176}He had me naked in no time.
{14179}{14200}Quit that!
{14221}{14260}He wanted to give it to me in the ass.
{14286}{14310}lt you hadn"t shown up|right then at the door.
{14313}{14365}You"re inventing everything.|I know it! l"m no idiot!
{14386}{14433}He thought my ass was beautiful.
{14503}{14544}How was- how was his thing?
{14546}{14608}Did he make you feel it?|Was it as hard as this?
{14906}{14942}You like my ass, Paolo, don"t you?
{14945}{14978}How many times do I have to tell you?|lt"s the most gorg{15118}{15198}You can"t give an opinion unless you-|unless you look at it first!
{15304}{15326}Tell me I have a beautiful ass!
{15341}{15367}Oh, God!
{15567}{15597}Let"s go home, come on!
{15633}{15662}Let"s do it here!

{15754}{15774}Hurry up!
{15807}{15837}Huh! Amateurs!
{15909}{15962}Tell me, tell me you made it all up!
{15989}{16016}Oh, tell me!
{16021}{16056}Be quiet!
{16234}{16277}And they call us whores, huh!
{16291}{16322}You got it!
{16863}{16931}Okay now, lazy-bone, rise and shine!
{16935}{16974}l"ll teach you some good manners!
{17034}{17087}No, you"re hurting me! Stop it!
{17092}{17140}You"re being raped Mister.|How do you like it?
{17168}{17262}Put it on hold! Carnal violence is|put off until this evening!
{17434}{17494}Hey, let go!|Let go of the merchandise!
{17803}{17851}lf mother could see the chaos|you make me live in!!
{17862}{17897}I think it"s nice.
{17908}{17963}And besides wicked witches|don"t have to like it
{17966}{18045}I beg your pardon! You"re not to speak|about my mother like that!
{18046}{18108}Okay, Mr. Grumbly, okay!
{18474}{18533}lt"s just the Water Music, of Mozart!
{18554}{18599}Come sing{18641}{18673}You can Handel that!
{19191}{19234}That"s complete amorality!
{19237}{19272}You pig!
{19561}{19605}That son of a bitch|dribbled right up the middle!
{19611}{19719}You kidding?|That shit head"s nowhere!
{19720}{19745}He couldn"t find the hole in that hoop|if they stuffed his face in
side it!
{19753}{19786}The boy"s got great hands!
{19788}{19830}- You know what Hal Taylor would do?|- That turkey?
{19836}{19894}That so-called turkey|is a great clutch player!
{19897}{19922}ls that what you call a center?
{19923}{20025}He"s the greatest center playing|in the league right now.
{20027}{20075}- l"m out of patience with assholes like you|- Don"t give me that
{20076}{20127}- who wouldn"t know a point guard from pivot!|- Your guys need a c
rooked umpire to win!
{20128}{20171}You ever seen a basketball game?
{20248}{20294}You let go of me, goddam it?
{20297}{20354}Let go of what? Jesus Christ, a fag!
{20356}{20394}l"ve been standing here|talking to a fag all this time!
{20397}{20479}You"re the one who grabbed my cock! Now l|know why you like that T
aylor kid so much.
{20481}{20529}You"re just lucky,|this is my stop coming up!
{20532}{20581}Or what, you would"ve kissed me?
{21130}{21176}Miss, take my seat. Please do!
{21182}{21248}Thanks, no, my stop is coming up.
{21816}{21835}l"m sorry.
{21838}{21894}Hey, listen! You gotta get|a couple of things clear.
{21903}{21955}Get the mud out of your upstairs!
{21958}{21988}I can see it"s hard on you.
{21989}{22064}That little thing|might just ruin your vocation!
{22066}{22081}Miss{22083}{22143}Take my advice, kid! Go confess all!
{22146}{22201}How- about a phone call?
{22204}{22223}Do you know my number?
{22225}{22241}No{22243}{22280}You"re outta luck, boy!
{22436}{22467}So long!
{22780}{22804}Hi, Lello.

{22816}{22865}You"re crying, what"s the matter?

{22882}{22961}He"s left me!|He"s gone back to his wife!
{22966}{23046}The battle-axe has the vapors, and he|feels guilty, says it"s our
{23048}{23065}ls that true?
{23068}{23128}I should know? Perhaps it is{23130}{23190}Only with a million guys to pick on,|why pick on my guy?
{23193}{23251}Lello, you just get your best drag|on tonight and go cruising,
{23252}{23310}you"ll find one|ten thousand times better!
{23312}{23335}You really think so?
{23496}{23544}Hey, your diet! Antonietta?
{23547}{23642}Like the lady said, everything I like is|either illegal, immoral,
or fattening!
{23735}{23806}Look! l"ve got|a terrific surprise for you!
{23811}{23884}lt gave me some ideas for|a really memorable night with Pierre.
{23885}{23902}ls there a new way in it, huh?
{23904}{23950}The ""Atom Bomb"", just try it!
{24094}{24154}You"re just dying|to take it home with you, Lello!
{24156}{24228}I bought six like it yesterday,|only a much better quality!
{24231}{24307}Then you should invite us all up to|have a look at them. Unless yo
u can do...
{24573}{24631}Hello, kids, hard at work? That"s fine!
{24632}{24657}Hi, Mr. Silvino.
{24663}{24725}Oh, Antonietta!|Some new items have come in.
{24726}{24798}Would you mind very much|modeling a few in the South Wing?
{24800}{24861}Oh, that"s really nice of you.
{24870}{24899}l"ll be right there.
{24902}{24939}Come along, my dear.
{25031}{25075}Some girls have all the luck, huh!
{25169}{25236}The rest of you can take a break!
{25310}{25350}Come here!
{25385}{25416}Lean back!
{25519}{25545}Ah yes.
{25563}{25603}Now bend this leg a little.
{25622}{25652}And turn around now.
{25668}{25734}Pull your panties up|tight between the cheeks{25865}{25901}Oh, just my size!
{25956}{26052}This morning I woke up|with a third leg like a telephone pole,
{26055}{26091}and I thought of you right away!
{27162}{27206}Good morning all.|Hello, Diana.
{27208}{27243}Hello, Mrs. Tommasini
{27253}{27307}You seem to be dressed|in mourning, though.
{27310}{27372}I am, unfortunately.|I lost my little Danny.
{27375}{27446}Oh, l"m terribly sorry.|Somebody very close?
{27458}{27508}Oh, yes, intimate!|We"d been together for ages.
{27509}{27548}He was a wonderful Labrador.
{27557}{27601}Oh, I imagine.
{27609}{27643}And how"s your husband the Senator?
{27645}{27708}ln France, eating foie gras|and fighting hunger in the world.
{27710}{27763}Have you prepared those articles|as I asked you?
{27766}{27787}Of course!
{27807}{27852}I can"t wait to fill up my drawers.
{27978}{28006}Let"s try these.
{28018}{28069}But they"re the same ones|you chose last Thursday.
{28080}{28137}l"m no idiot,|I stick with what works well.
{28140}{28241}They wound up ripped to shreds.|That engineer has tastes of his ow
{28249}{28312}An engineer?|Your newest conquest, huh?

{28322}{28374}No, but one of the most generous.|Cartier!

{28410}{28471}Oh well, at least l"m never bored|in the afternoons.
{28472}{28528}l"ve found a little group of friends.
{28532}{28598}I was introduced by Alicia.|She"s a client of yours?
{28600}{28645}Alicia? Oh, I know Mrs. Dow.
{28648}{28710}Right, the one they call Mrs. Sow.
{28711}{28773}Doctors, lawyers, under secretaries.|You"ll make great money!
{28776}{28825}lf you"re interested,|l"ll talk to her about you.
{28828}{28935}Oh Gee, thanks a lot, but l,|I just don"t think I could really, I
{28937}{29026}Traffic in poontang? Come on, honey,|this isn"t what you think it
{29028}{29128}l"m not really a pro. Fills in spare time!|And plenty of ladies do
{29133}{29224}Anyway, real whores never come,|I do, like an avalanche!
{29227}{29257}Oh, men have great imaginations!
{29261}{29334}I learn something nice and quirky|on almost every date!
{29335}{29382}You mean that wouldn"t interest you?
{29389}{29445}My husband has imagination enough.
{29449}{29544}Oh, mine doesn"t! How inventive can|an envoy to the European Parli
ament be?
{29547}{29592}Oh, but it"s so romantic|to meet someone unknown,
{29593}{29648}in some hotel room, in an apartment.
{29651}{29758}Your heart goes like mad, it"s an adventure,|of the unknown, it"s
{29765}{29866}And then the thrill of feeling yourself|up for sale, the shame, th
e sin!
{29872}{29914}l"d give it a whirl, if I were you!
{29926}{29974}I must say I really think|l"ll pass on your{29976}{30031}I know a bishop|who"d simply adore you!
{30040}{30081}Priests have never been my ideal.
{30083}{30146}They"re the best customers, believe me!|All right, l"ll take it gr
{30149}{30178}Okay, great!
{30305}{30353}Mrs. Tommasini is really very nice.
{30356}{30385}She"s a big success in what she does,
{30386}{30480}which is actually something like what I do,|if you want to know th
e truth.
{30484}{30522}ln there getting poked, yes.
{30523}{30594}My precious favors|in return for a raise in pay.
{30598}{30658}My husband isn"t sorry,|and neither am l!
{30661}{30685}Do you mean that?
{30686}{30734}Well, he doesn"t know|all the details, of course!
{30738}{30771}No guilt about it, for Pierre?
{30776}{30833}Please, l"m not in love with|this old geezer!
{30836}{30897}But you"re still betraying|your husband, aren"t you?
{30899}{30949}I don"t see|how you got that in your mind.
{30956}{30989}Come on, don"t play so dumb!
{30991}{31020}lt"s not easy to define.
{31023}{31106}With Pierre it"s special,|there"s tenderness, and more!
{31108}{31171}With the others, a poke is a picnic!
{31182}{31206}See you soon, Diana.
{31207}{31273}Should you change your mind,|just call me up on the telephone.
{31278}{31337}Okay, l"ll keep it in mind, thanks.
{31498}{31554}I don"t know how you can bring yourself|to do those things with th
e boss.
{31555}{31599}Just for openers, he"s as ugly as sin.
{31601}{31683}l"m not gonna cry over that!|There"s my handsome Mister Pierre!
{31685}{31728}And there"s something special|about the uglies.

{31731}{31772}They"re so much more generous|than the pretties.

{31773}{31840}Fact is, they need to have us girls|pardon their homeliness, all t
he time.
{31864}{31879}I guess.
{31880}{31970}Some people call it wicked.|lt"s big fun, though!
{31973}{32086}When I make it with the boss, I feel like|l"m screwing my own Dad.
So, big deal!
{32088}{32162}A little incest!|Happy banging I say!
{32170}{32199}What if you get knocked up?
{32202}{32321}Oh, come on, there"s no danger.|lt"s simple, use the most natural
{32323}{32359}Just take it here!
{32414}{32479}Diana! My God.|Are you all right?
{32535}{32593}Huh? l"m alright. l"m okay.
{32617}{32698}Diana? Would you mind|coming to the workroom?
{32699}{32738}There"s someone here to see you.
{32741}{32846}Oh, yes, yes. Thank you.|l"ll be right there.
{33137}{33172}Nadia, what are you doing here?
{33174}{33213}Delicately, Nadia!
{33225}{33254}Aunt Emmajust kicked the bucket.
{33260}{33290}Oh blessed Mary, she didn"t!
{33296}{33352}lt"s a good thing|I told her to use a little tack!
{33354}{33436}I can"t leave the gym right now.|You"ll have to go to the funeral.
{33439}{33492}And you were always her pet,|and we all know it.
{33506}{33588}But I don"t know.|l"m afraid l, myjob, Paolo...
{33589}{33668}No problem, Diana!|None whatever!
{33670}{33754}You go to Venice tomorrow for|that funeral and don"t worry about u
{33756}{33802}And don"t worry about Paolo.
{33813}{33839}You"re going to be away.
{33840}{33955}And while you are|l"ll take care of him, I promise you.
{34091}{34125}l"m sorry, darling.|I wish I could go with you,
{34126}{34203}but this is a bad time.|l"m up to my neck in work.
{34212}{34291}Don"t worry. l"m a big girl.|I can handle it on my own.
{34298}{34375}l"m worried about your fidelity.|How sexy funerals are!
{34383}{34437}Paolo, that"s... not crazy!
{34440}{34474}lt"s an established historical fact.
{34475}{34601}A funeral atmosphere creates, on its own,|a contrasting, compensat
ing desire to screw.
{34604}{34671}lt says so in an article|on adultery l"ve been reading.
{34674}{34704}Do you know that statistics show
{34705}{34785}that over 60% of ltalian wives|cheat on their husbands?
{34866}{34898}Hey, what the hell"s this?
{34901}{34937}Antonietta gave it to me!
{34944}{34992}What kind of a crowd|do you run around with?
{34996}{35032}People who aren"t ashamed of|what they do.
{35034}{35108}Not up-tight old frumps like you.|Let"s take a look at it.
{35116}{35147}lf you insist{35657}{35714}Come in, please.|ls the gentleman with you?
{35717}{35747}He"s my husband.
{35751}{35785}Wait here, will you darling?
{35788}{35811}Of course, dear.
{35862}{35901}Oh, that"s nice, oh yes.
{35941}{36019}Further down, to the right{36352}{36383}Panties too, please.
{36600}{36641}You"re off target, Jack{36702}{36729}Sit down here{36828}{36857}Now open wide{36902}{36940}Well, what do you think?
{36944}{37040}When you go to your gynecologist,|I mean does he- ?

{37067}{37145}That man? But he"s at least ninety!

{37148}{37196}Supposing he was|a young and handsome guy?
{37199}{37295}Well, it depends. I couldn"t say.|Would it upset you a lot if I di
{37299}{37340}l"d be furious as hell, damnit!
{37378}{37428}And you"d have|no other type of reaction?
{37431}{37459}l"d be excited!
{37462}{37529}You know, that even go on|at the store, all the time!
{37533}{37633}lt"s our boss, what a horny man!|He paws me every single minute, h
{37645}{37690}Oh yeah? Where does he paw you?
{37703}{37781}All over, my tits, my ass{37790}{37860}He was even grabbing a feel|while he was saying his condolences.
{37865}{37924}What a swine!|How about you, how did you react?
{37925}{37986}You just stood there, I bet!|Come on, tell me!
{37995}{38098}I got carried away. I wound up|being dragged into the back room.
{38112}{38182}He opened my legs,|and touched me right on the button{38184}{38212}You mean here, don"t you?
{38215}{38227}Yeah{38229}{38248}Like that?
{38250}{38274}Yes, like that{38287}{38311}Then what?
{38312}{38397}Then he turned me around|and made me bend forward.
{38400}{38447}Higher up, darling, higher up! Please!
{38500}{38563}I can"t take it!|lt"s your fault, you little sow!
{38564}{38632}That imagination of yours|excites me too much!
{42349}{42411}l"m in mourning.|Would you please not act so uncouth?
{42698}{42781}Subject to an absolutely binding clause|by whose terms he will be
in joint
{42783}{42864}from putting up new buildings|or additional floors to the existing
{42867}{42904}I bequeath to Marco Valentini,
{42905}{43001}son of my brother Luigi Valentini|and therefore my legitimate neph
{43003}{43041}the property of Villa di Mira
{43042}{43137}- of which he has clear & free title legally|- She was always so s
{43144}{43193}ls she kidding, that old ruiin?
{43194}{43257}lt"ll only take sixty times|what it"s worth to fix it up!|60 .
{43294}{43351}I bequeath to Diana Bruni
{43352}{43453}daughter of the late Giovanna Valentini|and therefore my legitimat
e niece
{43455}{43531}my property consisting|of the top floor of the building,
{43532}{43612}- Oh!|- at 1477 Giudecca, Old Town.
{43621}{43692}ln its present condition|and with everything inside it
{43692}{43753}such as is to be found|at the moment of my decease.
{43756}{43830}You have all the luck. lt"s just|what I wanted to get my claws on!
{43831}{43870}lt was going to be|my little pied-a-terre in Venice!|terre !
{43873}{43901}Clause three.
{43904}{44020}I do hereby take all my other properties,|and all gifts and income
occurring thereto,
{44023}{44107}as well as my cash account and bonds|in branch number six of the B
ank of Venice
{44110}{44193}and leave them to the convent of|the Carmelite Nuns in Vittorio Ve
{44193}{44253}- Lord be praised.|- who I supported fervently all of my life.
{44267}{44286}Your signatures.
{44481}{44509}You look great.
{44544}{44587}- The air in Rome!|- Thanks.

{44604}{44660}l"m going to take a look at the penthouse.|Do you want to see it?
{44662}{44738}That"s impossible, Marco.|We have guests tonight.
{44741}{44804}Don"t worry about a thing, Nora.|Go on back to Padova.
{44806}{44913}l"ll go along with Diana|and l"ll be home in time for dinner.
{44953}{44988}Once again, please{45031}{45076}Father, you sign down|at the bottom of the page.
{45077}{45118}The last shall be the first.
{45133}{45166}l"m glad you came along with me.
{45169}{45243}Strange lady, aunt Emma.|She liked us a lot, you and me{45246}{45321}Actually, of all the relatives, l"m the one|that spent the least t
ime with her.
{45323}{45343}But you knew about her?
{45346}{45422}Well sure- at least|the things the family said.
{45425}{45509}Discreet, organized, intelligent-|above all, skillful!
{45511}{45556}Skillful? ln what sense?
{45558}{45650}Skillful in bed,|2 or 3 lovers at a time, maybe 4{45657}{45759}The right men though, stalwart citizens,|full of cash and of possi
{45763}{45794}They helped her make her money grow.
{45802}{45881}As it turned out,|she learned lessons very well.
{45884}{45959}For her and for us,|as we heard in her will.
{45966}{45993}How about uncle Harry?
{45998}{46072}A mystery, did he know|about her infidelities or didn"t?
{46073}{46122}Did he like it or was it killing him?
{46127}{46209}Well, I still think he was|really never interested in women.
{46215}{46289}But one thing"s for sure,|Emma was always loyal over him.
{46293}{46368}And if he were alive today|we wouldn"t have inherited a thing.
{46547}{46626}Don"t worry, nobody"s gonna take|your penthouse away from you, Dia
{46634}{46692}lt"s yours, you can do|whatever you want with it.
{46698}{46770}Who knows? I can ran into you|in Venice from time to time.
{46821}{46862}Certainly you will.
{46881}{46913}How"s it going with you and Nora?
{46915}{46945}How about with you and Paolo?
{46978}{47007}Does he know about us?
{47010}{47030}Know what, Marco?
{47040}{47137}That I had you before him, that in bed|you and I did everything yo
u can do.
{47141}{47248}You think so? My dear.|I have some bad news for you!
{47302}{47328}Come on, move it, Marco.
{47329}{47407}I feel like going up to the tip|of the dogana. Do you remember?
{47410}{47435}How could I forget?
{48015}{48090}You"re a habit, you-|I need more- and more{48097}{48147}I used call you the erector set
{48149}{48210}You used to say my erector set.
{48212}{48263}There"s still the same stink|of pee here as always.
{48264}{48319}I bet with all the tourists,|even the ladies take a leak.
{48336}{48354}I was sure.
{48359}{48411}Yes, her comments were|quite uncalled-for.
{48413}{48465}She"s learned nothing|after all these years.
{48857}{48932}Hey, what is this? You"re not going to|leave me high and dry, are
{48937}{49016}Let"s go to my house-|we can do it in style and comfort there.
{49019}{49057}Ah, you mean aunt Emma"s penthouse!
{49060}{49086}That house is mine!
{49089}{49154}Oh, l"ve decided l"m not going back.|l"ll stay till tomorrow.
{49155}{49225}I want to spend|the first night in my house!
{49231}{49312}Yeah, but l"ve got to get back home,|we have these guests coming f

or dinner.
{49315}{49402}Ah, as far as that goes,|I told Paolo that l"d return tonight.
{49675}{49735}No, Diana.|I simply can"t do it. I can"t.
{49745}{49797}No sweat, we"ll make it|for some other time.
{49798}{49899}l"m going to make good use|of my house in Venice, yeah!
{49920}{49964}Marco, that"s the ferry-boat|for the station.
{49965}{50005}lf you run you can make it!
{50019}{50087}Listen, Diana. Do you swear|you"ll let me see the new house?
{50135}{50164}I swear it!
{50179}{50243}But you got to hurry! Hurry!
{50286}{50318}So long!
{50333}{50361}So long!
{56905}{56937}My god!
{56966}{57019}Who would have expected this?
{57140}{57184}You were a trull, aunt Em!
{57467}{57545}Well, it"s sure to have cost you|a lot of blow-jobs this penthouse
{57605}{57681}Daring aunt Emma,|you"re just sensational!
{57724}{57789}I love you more with every snapshot!
{58887}{58969}I did promise Paolo l"d call.|Wonder if the phone works?
{59455}{59517}Donatien, Alphonse
{59815}{59844}Allo, oui?
{59848}{59940}Morning, could I please speak|with uh Alphose Donatien?
{59942}{59966}C"est moi.
{59974}{60085}Ah, you might not recall.|Diana Bruni, you and I met{60087}{60167}at someone"s house in Rome|at the party to meet the poetess?
{60169}{60235}Ah, oui, the lovely lady|I struck up a conversation with.
{60236}{60283}Where are you calling from?
{60286}{60377}Oh, Venice, I was left a small apartment|that I like to redecorate
{60380}{60420}And that is why you thought of me?
{60422}{60490}Partly, after all, you said{60492}{60558}l"m delighted you did!|Let"s talk about it, come on over!
{60561}{60616}Come on over? Where?
{60619}{60689}To my place, right now!|Palazzo Lorenzoni. lt"s easy to find.
{60691}{60745}Just two steps|for the lmgarcadero of Ca Rezzonico-|lmgarcadero of
Ca Rezzonico
{60749}{60799}I know Venice, I know where it is.
{60801}{60825}Then hurry, please!
{60829}{60869}l"ll be seeing you!
{62707}{62737}Oh, is that cold!
{64568}{64595}Bright Star.
{64597}{64707}Hello, uh, haven"t we|already met some where?
{64717}{64792}Flesh lies languid.
{64794}{64862}The mouth has its own empiricist.
{64872}{64959}Turgid behind it rejoices|in the last blaze of the flesh.
{65007}{65074}This is more than strange. lt"s ...
{65110}{65202}Go on in.|Alphonse is waiting for you.
{65865}{65939}You found the place|with very little effort, huh?
{66023}{66096}You were with that poetess?
{66108}{66170}Oh, oui. Just work!
{66196}{66239}At this hour of the night?
{66272}{66352}And you, didn"t you come here for that?
{66451}{66534}Ever since that night|it"s been like this.
{67276}{67317}The house of marvels?
{67329}{67414}Wait till we go upstairs|then we"ll see.

{67432}{67459}To paradise?
{67461}{67542}The inferno, my inferno.
{68256}{68284}Any time{68297}{68320}Show me how to get there{68323}{68351}You go first.
{68369}{68428}I want to admire your ass- ton cul.
{68891}{68926}ls this all right?
{68936}{68979}Or do you want to see more?
{69066}{69128}Come on- come get me!
{69922}{70029}My word- it must have taken you|quite some time to collect all of
{70035}{70095}Oh, I started early, with that one!
{70155}{70189}lt"s my ex-wife.
{70217}{70286}lt"s a very|expressive face, I find!
{70291}{70321}Ah, oui.
{70330}{70470}From her I learned that the physiognomy|of a person is all in the
nates! lci!
{70492}{70536}This is a portrait gallery.
{70552}{70639}You can distinguish the timid ass,|the brave one, the stupid one.
{70642}{70753}the clever, the intelligent,|lazy, happy, sad, carefree.
{70760}{70839}Everyone is the ass that he has.
{70987}{71013}So what am l?
{71041}{71062}Voyons{71238}{71295}A headstrong, willful, disobedient
{71307}{71367}but still a little up-tight, inrtoverted{71371}{71406}Am I hopeless, Doctor?
{71443}{71495}Not if you can play by the rules{71498}{71538}Let"s hear the rules{71542}{71632}You must follow orders and do for me|everything I want.
{71633}{71689}But if you cry out once, I stop.
{71698}{71753}Everything, at your command?
{71797}{71840}Down on all fours, over there.
{71858}{71955}Oh, it"s because the game-|has already started, and you know it!
{73826}{73857}Feel him!
{73879}{73977}No- oh, how strong and proud!
{73979}{74006}lt"s gonna hurt me, isn"t it?
{74009}{74096}Cry out and l"ll stop!|lt"s up to you{74533}{74562}l"m so scared!
{74576}{74607}Do what I tell you{74640}{74707}and it will all be natural.|Breathe deep!
{74722}{74818}As if you were in child birth, in labor.|Breathe with me!
{75096}{75154}Good- come on!
{75237}{75257}Come on!
{75383}{75409}Was that a scream, Diana?
{75412}{75461}No I broke through the canvas, though{75467}{75569}Oh, don"t worry- c"est pas grave,|l"ll have it restored.
{75789}{75857}L"enculeur- du monde!
{76038}{76094}Happy banging, I say!
{76729}{76780}That fur piece was still|hanging up in the closet.
{76781}{76844}I found some snapshots, too.
{76846}{76928}Dear old aunt Emma-|Who would ever have guessed?
{76933}{77035}The apartment is still just the way|you see it there. Nothing"s ch
anged at all.
{77080}{77109}lt"s mind-boggling, you know?
{77111}{77153}You should see the view out the window{77156}{77237}the whole skyline of Venice!|For a young couple in love
{77241}{77288}that place is Paradise!

{77290}{77322}Yeah! We put it up for rent!

{77324}{77395}What? l"m going to keep it|for the two of us!
{77397}{77469}We"re a young couple in love,|aren"t we, darling?
{78670}{78712}That"s something new- you"ve shaved!
{78715}{78802}I have to be a demure and virtuous lady|after all. l"m an heiress.
{78812}{78859}That"ll be the day, oh yeah!
{78873}{78912}What an insult!
{79075}{79141}Aunt Emma got you excited, huh?
{79203}{79233}I guess I should be jealous!
{79243}{79289}l"m the one who ought to be jealous!
{79291}{79367}Tell me the truth, your cousin came over|to see the apartment, did
n"t he?
{79376}{79483}Of course he came over! Marco wouldn"t|let a chance like that go b
{79487}{79519}Did he make a pass at you?
{79525}{79634}Well, he began to talk about when|the two of us used to go out tog
ether{79637}{79669}Tell me{79679}{79732}We"d go up to the tip of the Dogana{79745}{79857}and he"d touch my little flower|under my skirt and l put my hand o
n him.
{79866}{79895}Show me how you did it{80079}{80196}He"d grab my head and get it right down|cause he wanted me to take
it in the mouth
{80199}{80228}What did you do?
{80257}{80331}And did you do it again yesterday,|in your apartment on the Giudec
{81057}{81106}Great, fantasies you got?
{81128}{81159}- Oh yeah?|- Mm-hmm.
{81169}{81215}I know you and Marco|didn"t do a thing, right?
{81218}{81259}I decided to take advantage of ...
{81260}{81306}- Alphonse instead.|- Who is he?
{81376}{81453}That French guy at the party|who I danced with{81485}{81546}Okay, give me the details!|Come on, come on!
{81559}{81675}He was crazy for my ass-|he had to have it, no matter what!
{81733}{81802}I couldn"t have avoided it|even if l"d wanted to!
{81917}{82005}He spread my ass and started|licking my crack, down and up.
{82019}{82120}But it isn"t so painful.|I could be persuaded.
{82180}{82204}And did you..?
{82215}{82304}Did l? Like an express train!
{82358}{82384}What"s the matter?
{82385}{82438}- Why do you want me to stop?|- Who gave that hickey to you?
{82445}{82474}That hickey on your neck!
{82477}{82508}I don"t know what you mean!
{82511}{82536}I thought you were making up|one of your little stories,
{82537}{82580}but this time you really did it!
{82584}{82639}No, please, let me explain!
{82642}{82685}- Listen to me!|- No, it isn"t a fantasy this time.
{82686}{82733}He fucked you!|That bastard prick fucked you!
{82735}{82804}No, Paolo, I swear it.|He didn"t fuck me at all!
{82813}{82847}I took it up the ass!
{83558}{83624}Please, darling- don"t pout{83638}{83675}Better to talk it over, huh?
{83683}{83713}Get away from me!
{83714}{83788}We"ve always had a laugh|over my little affairs{83814}{83881}You told me they made you horny!|You liked that just swell!
{83888}{83918}Because they weren"t true!
{83926}{84030}There"s no difference, it doesn"t matter|in the least. l"m really
only yours.
{84053}{84116}ls it so naughty if I make it|with someone else?

{84119}{84198}I mean it"s all,|happy banging, right?

{84203}{84285}No, no, count me out! I don"t want|any part of your happy banging!
{84308}{84414}I guess it seems like the end of the world|to you right now, but y
ou"ll see, tomorrow
{84475}{84571}Don"t get near me.|We"re history, the past!
{84578}{84629}There never will be a tomorrow for us!
{84758}{84814}l"m not going to share my marriage bed|with someone like you!
{84823}{84856}You slut!
{85076}{85100}I shouldn"t be surprised after all.
{85101}{85197}Blood will tell,|but yours should be spilled!
{86365}{86411}Hey, you look all queer!
{86413}{86461}Thanks to Paolo. Big fight.
{86463}{86492}Beyond repair?
{86494}{86548}Well, he wants a separation.
{86552}{86604}No kidding! Another woman?
{86610}{86677}No, something other than that, a man.
{86700}{86765}No, me. lt was a guy in Venice{86775}{86852}Oh, really!|You know, you had me scared!
{86862}{86888}Turn"s up!
{86893}{86927}Let me get the broads outta here!
{86930}{86957}Head for the showers!
{86959}{87023}I want to hear all the details!
{89546}{89601}Anyway you get carte blanche.
{89622}{89693}Okay then I think|l"ll just pop on over at lunch break.
{89696}{89771}Thanks, Nadia-|I knew I be able to count on you!
{89779}{89821}Do you mind if I have|a shower along as l"m here?
{89822}{89912}I was in such a big rush getting out|this morning. I didn"t even t
ake a bidet.
{89919}{89968}That should never happen. lf you must...
{89978}{90073}put off washing your face, chum|But before leaving, always take a
{90065}{90137}Hey, you never know|what might be coming up!
{91389}{91482}Yeah? Ah, it"s you-|yeah, yeah- sure, of course{92040}{92124}Hi. l"m glad you came.|I could really use your advice.
{92147}{92177}That"s true!
{92227}{92261}I don"t- why?
{92263}{92318}There"s a terrific girl|you"re treating like scum.
{92322}{92359}You don"t know what she did to me!
{92361}{92442}I certainly do. I just don"t see|where it"s such a tragedy.
{92451}{92505}Well, how should l"ve handled it?|Give her a medal?
{92511}{92621}There was no need to do anything! You"ve|got the most wonderful gi
rl in the world!
{92623}{92749}She"s classy! She"s great! Worships you!|So why do you put out her
joy of living?
{92756}{92826}Because wives are supposed to make love|with their husbands, nobod
y else?
{92828}{92929}You dumb-ass moron! We"re talking|about a little affair of no impo
{92935}{92979}You can"t say that|marriage encompassed the universe,
{92980}{93046}or that you represent men of all types!
{93079}{93169}We"re not back in the time of your mother|and your father any more
, take a look!
{93216}{93254}Would you like Diana to be like her?
{93256}{93355}No, of course not- and anyway|l"m the beaten-down one around here.
{93372}{93409}What can I do about it, l"m jealous!
{93413}{93460}Ah, the facts come out in the light!
{93463}{93502}The real trouble is you"re jealous!
{93503}{93593}lt"s absurd and useless,|there"s no kind of sense to it!

{93595}{93669}Paolo, I could understand your misery,|if she were tired of you.

{93675}{93766}But no sorry! She just wants|minimal liberty, sex-wise!
{93769}{93825}Just the thing|you"ve always had, you bum!
{93827}{93914}That"s what"s so horrible! The thought|that she laughs with someon
e else.
{93917}{93963}That she uses the same little love words|as she does with me!
{93965}{94030}Who"s to know?|She might even come!
{94031}{94110}No, no, it"s more that I can stand, Nadia!|I can"t help it, it"s k
illing me.
{94110}{94183}l"m beginning to feel|there"s a time-bomb inside me!
{94332}{94440}A few minutes ago I was asleep and dreaming|that I was with Diana.
lt was a nightmare.
{94444}{94522}l"m telling you.|l"m going- l"m going nuts.
{94524}{94646}l"m with you, Paolo. l"ll prove it,|if you like. l"m very moved, r
eally, Paolo.
{94649}{94707}Here, touch me!
{94747}{94803}Can"t you tell how I feel for you?
{94871}{94980}lf you only knew how many times|I wanted to feel your hands on me{95030}{95060}Lie down!
{95187}{95270}Oh goody- l"m glad to see|I don"t turn you off.
{95614}{95664}Diana doesn"t mind at all{95666}{95735}Nobody"s going to see|any jealous scenes.
{95745}{95776}No, no, no, quit it!
{95804}{95834}I don"t want you- I want Diana!
{95838}{95896}Bullshit!|Your cock is calling you a liar!
{95900}{95973}Poor Diana, she thought|her guy was different!
{95977}{96103}No way! You"re all alike!|Prey to your old-fashioned, stupid ideas
{96110}{96182}Honor, virtuousness, betrayal!
{96192}{96276}And a girl who"s liberated|is just a slut, right?
{96278}{96332}Try to understand, Nadia--|I can"t, I won"t!
{96333}{96414}And if I did, it would be like|admitting Diana was right!
{96416}{96482}She is, you imbecile!|She"s very right!
{96491}{96577}Fighting it"s no use.|You silly bastard!
{96740}{96823}I guess the trouble is you"re a|- faggot, honey!
{96840}{96869}Your panties{97003}{97059}l"ve met assholes before-|but men take the cake!
{97068}{97156}Here"s hell to husbands in general-|and ours in particular!
{97230}{97303}Hey, chin up, little sister!|We"re out to enjoy life tonight.
{97304}{97351}Shorten up that long face!
{97483}{97529}My, would you look at him!
{97533}{97556}Sex on the hoof!
{97569}{97631}Not bad! Let"s take pot luck!
{97801}{97856}Hey, Stud- come here a minute!
{97858}{97874}Who, me?
{97877}{97919}I wonder if you could|give me some information{97921}{97942}Sure, what?
{97970}{97996}How are your hunk?
{98006}{98083}What the fuck!|Come back here, you cunt!
{98093}{98118}Just don"t let me catch you!
{98159}{98190}Hi, girls!
{98254}{98305}Holy mother of God{98319}{98365}What a piece of ass!
{98369}{98397}Tell that"s a transvestite?
{98400}{98447}Hey, sweetheart!|You carrying a dong or not?
{98449}{98467}You goddam right!
{98470}{98491}Display, please!
{98555}{98592}What do you do with it?
{98634}{98672}I can stick it in your ass,|if you like.
{98674}{98733}Or I might stick this thing in yours!

{98739}{98781}Cool with me, twenty bills.

{98792}{98803}Fuck you!
{98805}{98838}Go assholes, so fuck you!
{98847}{98936}I said it first, you ugly,|pimping, bull-dyke bitch!
{98946}{99010}You fucking bitches, l"ll catch you!
{99028}{99075}When we feel like living it up,|where do we go?
{99077}{99108}I know a disco, yay!
{99110}{99157}We can do better than that,|Mother Superior.
{99158}{99201}We"ll go to a place|where anything can happen!
{99202}{99236}Even the worst?
{99240}{99275}lf you get lucky!
{101423}{101469}Hey, just a minute. I don"t{101550}{101591}Hey, girls!
{103272}{103320}l"d like something strong.|What do you have?
{103323}{103382}Try a ""Delirium"".|lt"ll make a corpse dance.|"" .
{103391}{103427}That"s right up my alley{103507}{103521}What"s in it?
{104893}{104939}Excuse me, could you|give me some information?
{104964}{105004}What size are you carrying?
{105007}{105089}You shouldn"t have to ask. The two|of you have already met each
{105110}{105207}The seminarian! I had|a white collar on, in the streetcar!
{105210}{105287}Gosh, yeah, only why are you here?
{105292}{105323}l"m doing my research!
{105324}{105419}How can I do a thesis about sin,|and not know what it is? Avec m
{105815}{105857}Oh god, l"m gonna scream!
{105860}{105896}Shriek, bellow!
{105906}{105996}Ah, I never met a tongue|with a hard-on, you"re great!
{108232}{108265}ls something the matter?
{108313}{108354}Nothing at all.
{109669}{109699}How"s it going?
{109714}{109774}l"m minus underpants!
{109881}{109919}Give me one of those drinks!
{110388}{110454}Hello- ah, yeah.|What"s the news?
{110462}{110523}No, shit no, back off!
{110529}{110577}I don"t give a fuck|about any guarantee.
{110578}{110652}Just get me the fucking money quick,|or it"s your ass!
{110805}{110842}lt"s Diana!
{110844}{110859}You got a party?
{110861}{110940}Oh, yeah. lt"s great fun, fantastic!
{110942}{110982}Diana, it"s 4 A.M.
{111112}{111142}Let me listen them!
{111144}{111231}lt"s Paolo! Guys, say hi!
{111238}{111296}Hi? Paolo!
{111308}{111353}How"s it sound, dear!
{111365}{111456}Stop it! I forbid you!|l"m your husband!
{111459}{111548}Nah, you know who you are?|You"re a dumb stupid asshole!
{111550}{111640}And this girl"s liberated!|I mean I can screw the whole planet!
{111642}{111714}And not only that,|I might not ever come home!
{111717}{111788}Come back or not, who gives a shit,|you won"t find me anyway!
{111789}{111861}l"m getting my ass outta here.|l"ve had it. l"m leaving!
{111866}{111920}Fine, fine, fine!
{111940}{112016}I can"t believe I ever sucked|your cock, you shitface!
{112022}{112124}So, hurry to little mama-|and, and screw her!
{112235}{112268}Hey, you need some help?
{112895}{112915}Have you had it with the party?

{112918}{113002}Yeah, he"s gonna give me a lift.|lt"s almost dawn{113004}{113102}and besides, l"m worried.|Paolo"s threatening to move out.
{113105}{113172}Aw, come on, never!|He"s too in love, that boy!
{113180}{113203}l"m leaving.
{113206}{113339}Fine, great. l"ll stay a little more.|l"ve found a hero of the R
{114538}{114640}Think of what you"re doing, Diana.|Think of us. I love you, Paol
{114643}{114708}P.S. But do you love me?
{114826}{114888}Dear Marikla, not only do I love him.
{114889}{114978}But in my own way|I feel that l"m a faithful wife.
{114984}{115036}Going with other men doesn"t mean|l"m betraying him.
{115037}{115142}Those are just casual flings|of no importance at all.
{115170}{115205}Oh, they"re great for a quick thrill.
{115206}{115308}But they have nothing at all to do|with that mixture of body and
{115312}{115406}that makes my relationship|with Paolo beautiful and unique.
{115424}{115546}That"s why I have no guilty feelings,|no contrition, no remorse.
{115564}{115648}That"s why I don"t want|the love we share to finish like this.
{115678}{115785}But how do I go about|making him understand that? Diana.
{116159}{116235}Feelings- Milan.
{116477}{116518}Hey Sara! Come here!
{117079}{117127}Want some? I just caught.
{117153}{117204}No! I hate them!
{117239}{117264}FeeI bad, uh?
{117265}{117328}Just think, you could be|between Diana"s legs right now,
{117329}{117377}instead of sitting here|eating your heart out.
{117382}{117420}What are you getting out of it?
{117462}{117514}Bullshit! You got a hard-on!
{117521}{117562}He"s a goddam traitor!
{117606}{117689}No, no way! l"ll tell you-|Trouble is, he"s smarter than you.
{117702}{117768}He"s got his priorities straight, he knows|she gives you everyth
ing with love.
{117774}{117829}He feels that you"re acting like|a bit of an ass-hole.
{117830}{117918}Yes, because actually,|you should approve of her.
{117926}{117981}Yeah, you know what that means?|That he"s a prick!
{117990}{118095}Thank God! Anyway what good is it|to destroy yourself with jealo
{118097}{118204}Develop a sense of irony and|have a laugh about it! With Diana!
{118230}{118247}Hey there!
{118249}{118293}Dig up any clams yet?
{118465}{118498}Hey, you know|I think we should be going!
{118499}{118555}- Okay!|- Must be looking for us!
{119025}{119095}Yes? Who"s there? Hello!
{119104}{119141}Please fuck yourself in the ear.
{119154}{119173}Who was that?
{119183}{119236}Oh, one of my anonymous admirers.
{119249}{119293}That"s the second time today|they"ve hung up.
{119296}{119397}He"ll come back, don"t worry!|Husbands always do, more"s the pit
{119492}{119548}Hello- Paolo?
{119550}{119599}Well, somebody"s breathing.
{119635}{119732}Paolo? ls that you?|Can"t you say some little thing?
{119760}{119832}You"re still hoping! What does he have,|this guy, that"s so spec
{119852}{119979}Well, I love him, there"s something special!|But he won"t try to
understand me!
{119981}{120068}lt"s his fault for not understanding|that faithfulness is unnatu

{120090}{120148}Yeah, yeah. But anyhow he"s gone.

{120202}{120229}Oh, oh my God, there he is now!
{120232}{120251}Who, Paolo?
{120255}{120349}No, not Paolo, it"s that Commodore Scarfatti|with his latest pie
ce- uh, niece!
{120353}{120395}That man is so butch|I just can"t bear him!
{120402}{120467}Fine, l"ll take the commission!
{120509}{120577}Hello, Commodore!|Nice to see you again!
{120579}{120632}My dear, Antonietta.
{120649}{120697}This is my long-lost niece, Maria.
{120702}{120799}Well- your family"s remarkable!|All the nieces are so pretty!
{120801}{120832}Good chromosomes.
{120852}{120920}l"ve told Maria all about your things.|She wants some styles...
{120921}{120988}that are truly intimate.|You do get my meaning?
{120990}{121047}I certainly do, Commodore{121092}{121147}Now, let"s see what we can find{121150}{121247}White, red, black?|Miss, what do you prefer?
{121260}{121304}What do you think, Uncle?
{121322}{121451}I must ask Antonietta just how-|She feels about it.
{121453}{121544}Well, I always say|there"s nothing like black, myself.
{121553}{121666}When a person has a light complexion|like your niece, the effect
is sensational!
{121671}{121753}Unless, obviously,|Maria is tanned- here!
{121765}{121813}Oh, not here, no, never!
{121816}{121894}We"ll just try a few of these on now.|Okay, Commodore?
{121897}{121936}Yes! That"s fine!
{122896}{122983}Uncle- I don"t feel this is|right for me, come take a look.
{122985}{123034}lf you knew how I feel{123247}{123322}Let"s see- hmm, looks a little loose{123325}{123345}You think?
{123358}{123394}Would you be so kind as to show us?
{123395}{123454}Of course, Commodore,|whatever you like!
{123572}{123596}Now do you see what I mean?
{123597}{123661}lt"s disgraceful to take advantage|of a young lady like that!
{123664}{123704}Well, l"m sorry to disappoint you{123748}{123776}Unkie{123785}{123825}All right! The panties next.
{123833}{123896}That little lady is older than time{123925}{123970}- Down, down.|- She knows just what he want?
{124071}{124146}And now the denouement, a fast fuck!|lf he can manage to do it!
{124149}{124208}He"ll manage, he"ll manage!|And not just one!
{124209}{124287}lt"s just evil! Certain perversions|are simply intolerable!
{124290}{124336}lt"s all in how you look at it!
{124341}{124466}lf you could l"d tell you to find me a 100|customers like him, a
nd I could retire!
{124483}{124504}Stand up, dear{124510}{124557}l"d shove that guy and|his nieces right in the{124561}{124651}I know, dear, I know! And I know|there"s plenty of room! Hm!
{124669}{124724}Do you suppose that|for the Commodore that"s love?
{124731}{124804}Love, you said? He doesn"t begin|to understand the meaning of th
e word!
{124805}{124877}None of you types do,|all you know is sex!
{125075}{125145}Diana my dear, is something wrong?
{125148}{125210}lt"s a bad period|I just have to get through.
{125233}{125261}A big fight with Paolo.
{125263}{125308}Oh dear, you poor little thing.
{125310}{125389}You mustn"t have the clients|see you like that.
{125391}{125456}That"s it. Come to my office.
{125473}{125514}That"s a good girl!
{125935}{125999}Now what is this?|Tell me the whole story!

{126003}{126073}There"s not much to tell, Mister Silvio.

{126171}{126212}Paolo left me!
{126217}{126300}Oh my poor dear, cry your heart out.|You"ll feel better.
{126309}{126390}lt"s awful. All because I went to bed|with a couple of other guy
{126391}{126438}But l"m not sorry I did it.
{126458}{126518}You didn"t do anything wrong,|not at all
{126710}{126783}Oh, Mister Silvio.|What are you doing?
{126785}{126893}Nothing, relax,|it"ll make you all better.
{127023}{127072}Hey! Wowee!!
{127079}{127133}lt"s him!|I know the sound of that horn!
{127141}{127189}Diana, where are you going?
{127192}{127219}Diana, it"s Paolo!
{127222}{127303}I told you!|A husband is just like a bad penny!
{128048}{128095}So I suppose your folks|are in good health?
{128097}{128169}I guess living, but I never went|to their home at all.
{128178}{128221}Yeah? l"m surprised.
{128225}{128257}l"ve something to say.
{128260}{128300}To me? Okay, l"ll listen.
{128305}{128369}l"ll begin by saying|l"ll never get over what went on.
{128406}{128454}Mean to say something was going on?
{128457}{128519}l"m serious, Diana.|l"m not joking around, you know!
{128547}{128588}I know- me too!
{128719}{128768}I couldn"t leave you.|I was just going out of my head!
{128771}{128823}Oh, Paolo- I love you, Paolo.
{128854}{128893}So l"ve decided now and for all time
{128894}{128979}Live by your own rules.|Go banging and take happiness in it!
{129022}{129072}That"s how I like|to hear my man talking!
{129174}{129204}Who the hell gave you that?
{129212}{129264}Oh, Paolo! You mean all shit!
{129270}{129316}Don"t get mad.|I just want to know, come on!
{129320}{129387}Once I would have told you|that it was boyfriend.
{129389}{129460}This time around l"ll just say|that I bumped into a tree.
{129467}{129517}Tell me the damn truth, Diana,|I gotta know.
{129529}{129622}All right Paolo, the French antiquarian,|he"s completely mad abo
ut little me.
{129623}{129662}You can do better than that!
{129687}{129746}Cousin Marco, he"s arranging|an elopement with me.
{129758}{129805}Go ahead, torture me.|Get your jollies?
{129807}{129908}l"ll always do everything that pleases you.|And it does, doesn"t
{129955}{130014}Yeah, you"re right.|I like you just the way you are.
{130020}{130069}I won"t ask any more question.|Not any more, that is{130070}{130128}From now on, only one truth|is recognized- this!
{130353}{130403}That"s a great ass, looks real!
{130444}{130546}lt creates a very fine effect. I bet you|didn"t know that ass ha
s been restored.
{130555}{130594}Really? You can"t tell.
{130600}{130671}Well, it had a long crack|right down the middle!
{130734}{130798}So, did you like|your first Venetian night?
{130800}{130814}A. Okay!
{130826}{130891}A. Okay? ls that the best|you can come up with?
{130894}{130954}You came up with something better|than that list night, six time
s too!
{130955}{131002}Boy, I expect a hell of|a lot more gratitude than that!
{131005}{131047}And I always pay my debts!
{131084}{131132}No, not now!
{131145}{131230}You"ll ruin my eye-liner!|I have to go. Late already.
{131275}{131352}l"d much admire being let in on the secret,|where"re you going,
done up like that?

{131353}{131378}Date with cousin Marco?

{131395}{131472}Truth is I don"t even know|where l"m going.
{131474}{131572}I just know it"s a fabulous day.|Venice beckons me.
{131600}{131646}And l"ll be happy!
{131702}{131743}Good-bye for now!
{132908}{133034}l"m so in love with, with my husband.|My own way I feel l"m a fa
ithful wife.
{133037}{133106}The other men are just casual flings.|That"s why I feel no guilt
{133117}{133230}Believe me, I did nothing wrong.|But how can I get him to see it
? Diana.
{133352}{133460}Dear Diana. Hundreds of girls write me that|they betray their hu
sbands, but love them.
{133464}{133512}This, as you call it, ""happy banging""{133513}{133586}is no longer the prerogative of|only the males in our society.
{133589}{133618}lt belongs to the women too.
{133619}{133677}The important thing is for him|not to react with ""jealous bangi
{133678}{133743}That"s why I always tell my readers :|live your marriage{133745}{133834}Live your marriage as though|it were a movie, not a prize-fight
{133837}{133886}lnstead of torturing yourselves|body and soul,
{133887}{133991}learn to pretend, to act,|to play a part.
{133999}{134062}Obviously many of the women|who write to me know these things,
{134063}{134135}judging by the letters|l"m printing in this issue.
{134209}{134227}Dear Marikla{134229}{134269}There"s a man, he"s a widower.
{134270}{134351}And I work part-time for him as a|housemaid, because I need the
{134353}{134451}He likes to watch me do the house-work|bare-ass naked, and I don
"t mind one bit.
{134454}{134565}I let him touch me, and sometimes|more than that. Am I abnormal?
{134776}{134833}Venice is an alcove,|more than just a city.
{134842}{134943}A French poet named it|sexe, femelle, d"Europe.
{134957}{134993}Alphonse told you.
{135165}{135190}I love you.
{135203}{135253}And me? Don"t you love me?
{135321}{135377}l"ll settle for loving- this.
{135592}{135643}What about you? Do you love me?
{135763}{135810}Can"t you tell that I love you?
{135859}{135912}Hey, that meat"s delicate too,|take it easy!
{135918}{136005}The problem is, I don"t know how much|film is left in aunt Emma"
s camera!
{136019}{136081}Forget about the camera!|Concentrate on me!
{136106}{136215}Darling, it"s true, we should live|our marriage as though it wer
e a film.
{136221}{136301}A precious heirloom|for our grandchildren!
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