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Entrevista com o Candidato


General Interview Objectives * Through a personal and individual interview, identify the candidates profile (in other words, check that the student does not show signs of potential conflicts that may surface during his/her stay in the USA, creating a potential problem for the student or the university). * Ask the interviewee about the importance of the step he/she is getting ready to take (professional career, leaving in a different culture, homesickness, etc.) and if the student understand its implications. * Provide confidence and encouragement in regards to the cultural differences the student is about to face. This interview is important for International Doorway to identify if the interviewee would be able to enjoy a positive transition into the American college life, which is different from the lifestyle in the students native country. As important as to cover all aspects inherent to the individual development in a foreign country, it is not creating a felling of uncertainty towards leaving the home country that may make the participant change his/her mind.

Individual Interview Layout

1- PERSONAL INFORMATION: a) Student Name and Last Name: ................................................................................. b) Date of Birth: .................................... c) Age: .................... 2- ACADEMIC STATUS: a) High School Student b) High School Graduate c) University Transfer Student d) Other: ......................................................................... 3-THE QUALITY AND ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS YOU ATTENDED IS: a) Excellent b) Very good c) Good d) Regular e) Bad LEVEL OF THE EDUCATIONAL

4- EXPECTATIONS ABOUT PERFORMANCE WHEN OVERASEAS ARE: a) High b) Average c) Low 5- ABOUT THE ACADEMIC MAJOR TO PURSUE IN THE USA: a) Decided on a major b) Have two or three possible options c) Undecided and this is not a concern d) It is not a matter of concern now 6- IN REGARDS TO EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (artistic, socials, work, others) WHAT ARE OF IMPORTANCE TO YOU? ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ 7- COMPETING IS CONSIDERED AS A FACTOR OF: a) Learning b) Pressure c) Production d) Inhibition e) Personal progress f) Frustration g) None of the above 8- TRAVEL ABROAD: a) Never b) Once c) More than once d) Regularly 9- IF TRAVELLED ABROAD, YOUR TRIP/S HAVE BEEN WITH: a) Family b) Friends c) An academic institution d) Alone

10- HAVE YOU EVER BEEN AWAY FROM YOUR PARENTS FOR MORE THAN 15 DAYS? a) Once b) Twice c) More than twice d) Never 11- BEING AWAY MAKES YOU FEEL: a) Released b) Sadness c) Freedom d) Melancholy e) Nothing 12- WHAT WORRIES YOU ABOUT STUDYING IN THE USA? a) The comforts of everyday life b) The new social environment c) The new friendships d) The difficulties of adapting e) The academic achievements f) Health related issues g) Economic factors h) None of the above FINALLY, YOU MAY ADD ANYTHING YOU FEEL IMPORTANT: COMMENTS, OBSERVATIONS, ETC. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................

IMPORTANT: Bear in mind that these are guidelines to be covered throughout the interview

Relatrio Mdico


Name: Age: Address:

Date of Birth: Sex:

In my expert opinion the general state of .s health is excellent. He/She does not present any illness or condition that is contagious or communicable. Mr/ not currently dependant on any specific medication or medical appliance. I can recommend this individual for an extended educational stay in the United States without hesitancy. Date of examination: Signature and stamp of physician:


93NW 97th Street, Miami Shores, FL 33150, U.S.A Tel: (305) 944-1300 - Fax: (305) 946-7711 -

Application, Contrato e Instruo de Preenchimento Unificados


(All fields are required unless listed as optional)

SELECTED PROGRAM (mark with an X)

Digital Photo Required

(Showing the complete face with nothing covering the head and a white background.)

__ Athletic Program

__ Academic Program

Participant Full Name _______________________________________________

First Name Middle Initial Last Name

Date of Birth ___ /___ / ___


Country of Citizenship_____________________

Passport Number________________________ Issuing Country __________________________ Participant Address_______________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ Country______________________________ Phone ______________________________ Province _______________________________ Postal code_____________________________ e-mail __________________________________

Fill out only if younger than 21 years of age: Passport Number________________________ Issuing Country __________________________ Father/Guardian Name ________________________ Identification: _______________________ Mother/Guardian Name ________________________ Identification: _______________________
(Type & Number) (Type & Number)

ABOUT YOUR FORMER EDUCATION (all fields are required) 1- High School Information: High School name ________________________________________ * Graduation Date (or expected) ___ /___ / ___
(day /month / year)

* Grade Average _______ * Passing Grade _______

(Final or cumulative)

* Maximum Possible Grade


2- University Information (if already attended one): Institution Name ____________________________________________________________ Field/s of Study _____________________________________________________________ * Graduation Date (or expected) ___ /___ / ___ * University Grade Average * Maximum Possible Grade * Courses Passed ___________
(Number) (day /month /year) _______ (Final or cumulative grade)


* Passing Grade


3- Test Scores: (Only if taken already, these are NOT required to apply for the Program) * TOEFL Score _______ Date _______ * ACT Score _______ Date _______ * SAT Score _______ Date _______

ABOUT YOUR FUTURE EDUCATION 1- Fields of study or academic Majors of interest: 1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ 1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ 1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ 4- Please briefly describe your ideal institution: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5- Means of financial support: (mark with an X multiple answers are allowed): ___ Student personal funds ___ Funds from parent/guardian ___ Funds from other source (specify) ______________ REGISTRATION 1- Desired classes start date: Fall Term (August) 20___ 2- Academic status (mark with an X): PHYSICAL INFORMATION Height _______ Allergic ________________________ EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITES Hobbies ________________________________ Sports ____________________________ Others________________________________________________________________________ WORKING EXPERIENCE
(Please fill out with your last job experience. Only if applies, work experience is NOT a requirement)

3. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________

2- Do you have a specific institution in mind? (Placement at these institutions is not guaranteed):

3- Do you have a preferred U.S. city or state? (Placement at these institutions is not guaranteed):

Spring Term (January) 20___ Transfer Student ___

Freshmen ___

Weight _______ Current Treatment __________________________

Company / Organization: _____________________________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________________________ Responsibilities: _____________________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL OBJECTIVES (Please describe) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

How did you learn about IDEA? (Please describe, multiple answers are allowed) Newspaper _________________ Magazine ___________________ T.V. ________________________ Recommendation __________________ Academic Fair_____________________ Other ___________________________

Do you have any friends/relatives who would like to hear about IDEA Programs? (Please provide names and e-mail address) Name _________________________________ E-mail _________________________________ Name _________________________________ E-mail _________________________________ Name _________________________________ E-mail _________________________________ Name _________________________________ E-mail _________________________________

*Please fill out the section below ONLY if applying for the ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS PROGRAM*

(a) ATHLETIC INFORMATION Experience _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Athlete Strengths ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Participant Sport/s at the Program __________________________________________________ Position (only if applies) _________________________ Golf Handicap (only if applies) _____ Please select: Dominant Leg right/left Dominant Arm right/left Soccer: Please indicate one playing position for each system of play (only if applies):




Other sports of interest: __________________________________________________


In the city of ________________________, made and entered on ____________________, between International Doorway to Education & Athletics, Corporation and CI Central de Intercmbio henceforth IDEA and CI on one part, and Mr___________________________________________________, Identification number:________________________, henceforth THE PARTICIPANT, with address in ____________________________________________________________, referred to as THE PARTIES. THE PARTIES declare that THE PARTICIPANT wishes to pursue an education at a college or university in the United States of America, henceforth ESTABLISHMENTS. IDEA has signed working agreements with ESTABLISHMENTS with the purpose of obtaining scholarships on behalf of international students such as THE PARTICIPANT. Now therefore, in consideration of mutual covenants and promises contained herein and other good and valuable considerations, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I. IDEA is committed to obtaining scholarship offers from a minimum of Ten (10) ESTABLISHMENTS on behalf of THE PARTICIPANT with funds originated from academic, work & study, or other departments, as follows: A- Five (5) Scholarship offers from ESTABLISHMENTS with a value to be paid by THE PARTICIPANT equal to or less than 50% of the ESTABLISHMENTS cost per academic year including housing, meals, and studies. B - Two (2) Scholarship offers from ESTABLISHMENTS with a value to be paid by THE PARTICIPANT equal to or less than USD $10,000 (Ten thousand American Dollars) per academic year including housing, meals, and studies. C - Two (2) Scholarship offers from ESTABLISHMENTS with a value to be paid by THE PARTICIPANT equal to or less than USD $15,000 (fifteen thousand American Dollars) per academic year including housing, meals, and studies. D - One (1) Scholarship offer from ESTABLISHMENTS with a value to be paid by THE PARTICIPANT equal to or more than 50% of the ESTABLISHMENTS cost per academic year including housing, meals, and studies. both parties are hereinafter

Based on THE PARTICIPANT English knowledge Scholarships will apply towards ESL studies and to the following or most similar academic mayors in the ESTABLISHMENTS, taking into consideration the following order of preference listed by THE PARTICIPANT:
1234______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

ARTICLE II. THE PARTICIPANT must provide IDEA with all documents listed in Appendix A and undergo a counseling interview within a maximum deadline of forty five (45) days as from the date of this contract. ARTICLE III. The total cost of this contract is USD 2119,00; which represents expenses incurred in by IDEA on behalf of THE PARTICIPANT, as well as the costs of services provided by IDEA, as follows: Personal and counseling interviews, evaluation of student records, processing and developing student profile, assistance in the admissions process and obtaining I-20 document, IDEA counseling and support services, and IDEA representation in obtaining the scholarship offers. ARTICLE IV. The cost PARTICIPANT to IDEA.
established in the previous Article will be paid by


ARTICLE V. Within two (2) working days after payment is credited into IDEA account, IDEA will notify THE PARTICIPANT about the information and details of each scholarship and ESTABLISHMENTS facilitating a scholarship offers report. THE PARTICIPANT agrees to inform IDEA the scholarship selected within seven (7) days from receiving the scholarship offers report; which terminates all other non-selected scholarship offers. ARTICLE VI. Lack of payment or timely notification of scholarship selection by THE PARTICIPANT will result in contract termination without any responsibility for any of THE PARTIES. In this case, THE PARTICIPANT will suffer the loss of any amounts already paid. ARTICLE VII. It is specially understood that in the unlikely case that IDEA is unable to obtain the minimum scholarship offers described in Article I, IDEA will refund all amounts already paid by THE PARTICIPANT and this contract will be terminated, without any responsibility for any of THE PARTIES. ARTICLE VIII. Both the process of obtaining a passport and/or any other necessary documentation to exit the country of origin and enter the United States of America is the sole responsibility of THE PARTICIPANT. In case of a student visa denial and after providing written notice along with a copy of the passport's visa denial within two (2) days after the date of denial, IDEA will obtain a new I-20 form for THE PARTICIPANT to re-apply for a student visa the following academic term.

In case of and after a second student visa denial, IDEA will provide a 50% refund of the total cost of this contract only after receiving written notice along with a copy of the passport's visa denial within two (2) days after the date of denial. ARTICLE IX. If THE PARTICIPANT is under age the parents or legal representatives must sign in the space corresponding underneath. It must be understood that the parents or legal representative assume all obligations and responsibilities in this contract places on THE PARTICIPANT. ARTICLE X. In case of controversy in the interpretation or application of the contents of this contract, THE PARTIES, agree to submit all litigation to the jurisdiction and competence of the Courts of Florida State, U.S.A., with express resignation of any other court or jurisdiction that may be claimed, as well as of the laws in force therein. In lieu of judicial resolutions and where every legal notification will be forwarded, THE PARTIES establish their legal addresses stated in the heading of this contract. As evidence of compliance, THE PARTIES sign two (2) identical copies for the same purpose. Both of THE PARTIES acknowledge receipt of their copy.

__________________________ CI/International Doorway

___________________________ PARTICIPANT

Parents or Legal representatives: Name _______________________________Name________________________________ Identity Document Number ____________Identity Document Number ________________ Sign ______________________________Sign___________________________________

Documents to be presented by THE PARTICIPANT: Complete Program admissions application. IDEA counseling interview. Medical release letter. Present curriculum vitae (resume) indicating academic and extra-curricular activities (athletics, arts, or others). High School transcript (original or certified copy) translated into English. High School grade average (per year and cumulative) translated into English. Official TOEFL test IS NOT a requirement to participate in the IDEA Program or to access the IDEA scholarship report. Based on your English level universities might require a TOEFL test to admit you into regular classes. IDEA encourages you to take the TOEFL test and the SAT test if available for testing in your country, since some universities will speed up your admission process if you have taken those tests. Your scholarship report will indicate which universities can admit you with and without each of these test results. Present two letters of recommendation from High School or College (for whom is transferring college hours). Personal essay including the following items (maximum of two pages):
1. Why do I feel I deserve a scholarship? 2. What are my objectives in the USA? 3. What are my plans after completing my education?

If transferring college or university courses: College transcript of courses taken and passed, translated into English (class programs may be requested). Once the amount of scholarship is established: Present proof of financial means (bank statement of similar) to study in the USA for one academic year. This document is necessary for obtaining the F1 student's VISA.



Na cidade de_____________________________, na data de _____________________, entre a International Doorway to Education & Athletics, Corporation e a CI Central de Intercmbio, mencionada como IDEA e CI de um lado, e Sr(a) ______________________ _________________________________________, RG n:_________________________, mencionado como O PARTICIPANTE, residente a _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________, ambos sero mencionados como AS PARTES. AS PARTES declaram que O PARTICIPANTE deseja ter uma educao num college ou universidade nos Estados Unidos, daqui para a frente denominado ESTABELECIMENTOS. A IDEA tem acordos assinados com ESTABELECIMENTOS com o propsito de obter oferta de bolsas para alunos internacionais como O PARTICIPANTE. Agora portanto, as partes concordam como a seguir: ARTIGO I. A IDEA est comprometida a obter oferta de bolsas de um mnimo de Dez (10) ESTABELECIMENTOS com fundos oriundos de departamentos acadmicos, de trabalho&estudo, entre outros, como a seguir: A- Cinco (5) ofertas de bolsa de ESTABELECIMENTOS com um valor a ser pago PELO PARTICIPANTE igual ou menor a 50% do custo do ESTABELECIMENTO por ano acadmico incluindo acomodao, refeies e curso. B- Duas (2) ofertas de bolsa de ESTABELECIMENTOS com um valor a ser pago PELO PARTICIPANTE igual ou menor do que USD $10,000 por ano acadmico incluindo acomodao, refeies e curso. C- Duas (2) ofertas de bolsa de ESTABELECIMENTOS com um valor a ser pago PELO PARTICIPANTE igual ou menor do que USD $15,000 por ano acadmico incluindo acomodao, refeies e curso.

D- Uma (1) oferta de bolsa de ESTABELECIMENTOS com um valor a ser pago PELO PARTICIPANTE igual ou maior do que 50% do custo do ESTABELECIMENTO por ano acadmico incluindo acomodao, refeies e curso. Baseado no nvel de ingls DO PARTICIPANTE as bolsas sero aplicadas para curso de ingls como segunda lngua (ESL) e para o seguinte ou mais similar curso acadmico no ESTABELECIMENTO, levando-se em considerao a seguinte ordem de preferncia listada PELO PARTICIPANTE: 1234______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

ARTIGO II. O PARTICIPANTE deve entregar todos os documentos listados no Apndice A e deve fazer uma entrevista com um consultor dentro de no mximo 45 dias da data de assinatura do contrato. ARTIGO III. O custo total do contrato engloba servios que sero discriminados nos artigos seguintes. ARTIGO IV. O custo estabelecido ser pago PELO PARTICIPANTE. ARTIGO V. Dentro de 15 dias aps o pagamento integral do programa O PARTICIPANTE recebe a notificao e detalhes de cada oferta de bolsa e ESTABELECIMENTOS. O PARTICIPANTE concorda em informar a CI/IDEA sua escolha de bolsa em at 7 dias depois de receber as ofertas; o que encerra todas as outras ofertas no escolhidas. ARTIGO VI. Atraso no pagamento ou em notificar a escolha PELO PARTICIPANTE resulta no trmino do contrato sem qualquer responsabilidade DAS PARTES. Neste caso, O PARTICIPANTE sofrer a perda de qualquer valor pago. ARTIGO VII. Fica estabelecido que na eventualidade da IDEA no ofertar o mnimo de bolsas previsto no Artigo I, haver reembolso dos valores pagos menos a taxa administrativa CI e este contrato ser encerrado sem responsabilidade para quaisquer PARTES. ARTIGO VIII. O PARTICIPANTE responsvel por seus documentos de viagem (passaporte, visto Americano, etc.). Em caso de negativa do visto Americano e depois de notificar por escrito juntamente com uma cpia da negativa de visto em at 2 dias depois da negativa, a IDEA obter um novo I20 para O PARTICIPANTE reaplicar a um novo visto de estudante no prximo semestre acadmico. No caso e depois de uma segunda negativa de visto, a IDEA disponibiliza um reembolso de 50% do custo total, menos a taxa administrativa CI, mas somente aps receber uma solicitao por escrito juntamente da cpia da negativa de visto em at 2 dias aps a negativa.

ARTIGO IX. Se O PARTICIPANTE for menor de idade os pais ou guardies legais precisam assinar abaixo. Fica estabelecido, neste caso, que assumem todas as obrigaes e responsabilidades deste contrato no lugar DO PARTICIPANTE. ARTIGO X. No caso de uma disputa na interpretao ou aplicao do contedo deste contrato, AS PARTES concordam em submeter o litgio para a jurisdio e competncia do Frum de So Paulo, com resignao expressa de qualquer outro frum. Para todos os efeitos legais deste contrato AS PARTES estabelecem seus endereos legais como informado no incio do documento, onde todas as notificaes devem ser enviadas. Como prova de conformidade, 2 conjuntos originais do documento de igual contedo e efeito so assinados PELAS PARTES, no local e data informados no incio do documento. Tambm fica estabelecido que cada parte fica com seu documento original.

CI/International Doorway


PAIS (a ser completado somente se O PARTICIANTE for menor de idade): Nome ____________________________Nome __________________________________ RG ______________________________RG ____________________________________


Parabns por sua deciso de participar do programa IDEA pela CI! Abaixo apresentamos algumas informaes importantes de como preencher o application. No deixe de ver as orientaes complementares. Note que ao final est o check list com todos os documentos integrantes. Sugerimos o prazo de 15 dias para devoluo do mesmo

Como preencher seu application IDEA O preenchimento do seu application o passo mais importante de seu processo: atravs dele, as Universidades conhecem seus interesses, aptides e podem escolher voc. Segue abaixo instrues de itens que devem ser observados. 1- Program Admission Form Escrito com caneta preta com letra legvel. Procure no amassar as folhas e deixe-as em ordem numrica. Em caso de rasura, preencha novos formulrios. Preencher completamente o application. No deixe nenhum campo em branco. 2- Fotos 1 Foto 3x4 Sorrindo 3- About your Former Education Grade Avarage: Coloque a mdia das notas de seu histrico escolar. Passing grade: coloque a nota mnima para passar de ano da escola. Maximum grade: coloque a nota mxima da escola. 4- About your Future Education 1- Fields of study or academic Majors of interest: Descreva as 4 reas de interesse (Obrigattio). O IDEA compromete-se a enviar at 10 bolsas de estudo, conforme a escolha das 4 reas. 2- Do you have a specific institution in mind? Se voc j tiver feito uma pesquisa, e visto faculdades participantes no Programa IDEA que possuem o curso de sua escolha, descreva no application. 3- Do you have a preferred U.S. city or state? Coloque as cidades que gostaria de estudar. Mas, lembre-se, isso ser levado em conta, porm no o que determinar o recebimento das bolsas. 4- Please briefly describe your ideal institution: Ao descrever a Instituio de seus sonhos, seja objetivo e busque falar sobre o desenvolvimento humano que ter durante os anos de graduao e ps-graduao. PERSONAL OBJECTIVES Ao descrever seus objetivos pessoais, no se esquea que est competindo com outros milhares de alunos internacionais. Portanto, seja maduro e impressione as faculdades, sempre de uma maneira verdadeira. 5- High School Transcript: Obter uma cpia traduzida e juramentada. Se tiver feito o ltimo ano (3 colegial) fora do pas, pedir que enviem o documento em ingls original e carimbado.

6- 2 Cartas de Recomendao: Caso a pessoa que escreva a referncia no fale ingls, voc dever traduzir as cartas, que devem ser digitadas. Casos contrrios devero apenas ser digitados e ter o carimbo da escola. 7- Contratos: Leia atentamente e preencha completamente antes de assin-los. ingls, 8- Carta Pessoal em ingls, e digitada incluindo os seguintes tpicos (mximo de duas pginas): 1. Por que mereo uma bolsa? 2. Quais so meus objetivos nos Estados Unidos? 3. Quais so meus planos depois de me formar no ensino superior? Iniciar a carta com: To Whom it may concern e finalizar com: Best Regards e assinar. 9- Entrevista com o Candidato Deve ser totalmente preenchido pelo consultor CI. Seja sincero e responda o que mais se parece com suas escolhas. 1010-Medical Report Deve ser integralmente preenchido pelo mdico, assinado e carimbado. 11-TOEFL 11-TOEFL O TOEFL oficial NO um pr-requisito para se inscrever no programa, nem para participar do Show Case ou mesmo para ter acesso ao relatrio de oferta de bolsas. Mas, para entrar ingressar diretamente na universidade o aluno dever fazer a prova do TOEFL no Brasil e conseguir a pontuao exigida pela universidade que escolher. Para os alunos que no tm interesse em fazer a prova do TOEFL no Brasil, podero utilizar-se das bolsas de ESL (English as Second Language), que tambm recebero. 12 Bank Statement O Bank Statement nada mais do que um extrato bancrio (traduzido e juramentado), ou ento uma carta (em ingls ou traduzida e juramentada), no papel timbrado do banco, com a assinatura e carimbo do gerente, atestando a idoneidade do pagante/sponsor, provando que o mesmo tem fundos para manter o aluno nos EUA durante seu ano escolar e mencionando h quanto tempo ele tem a conta no banco. Deve ser de, no mnimo, 9.000 USD.


Check List
Confira todos os itens e a seqncia dos documentos abaixo antes de enviar por sedex para a CI ou entregar pessoalmente em uma de nossas lojas. Documentos incompletos no podero ser enviados organizao internacional. Formulrio Preenchido (application form). Entrevista do Consultor CI (counseling interview). Carta de liberao Mdica (Medical release letter) Currculo resumido em ingls indicando atividades acadmicas e extracurriculares

(esportivas, artes, entre outras). Histrico escolar do Ensino Mdio, original ou cpia autenticada - traduzida para o Ingls e juramentada. Cartas de Recomendao (mnimo 2) Cpia do Passaporte (2 Primeiras Pginas) TOEFL (Paper Based ou iBT) Graduao: Apresentar duas cartas de recomendao em ingls do Ensino Mdio (High School) ou Universidade (da qual esteja transferindo crditos), carta de professor de ingls tambm ser aceita. Ps-Graduao: Apresentar duas cartas de recomendao em ingls da graduao, carta de professor de ingls tambm ser aceita. Redao pessoal Bank Statement

estiver Se estiver transferindo entre universidades: A traduo atravs do WES Evaluation ser exigida, fale com o seu consultor para mais informaes.

Entregar junto ao Application: Apresentar prova de recursos financeiros (Bank Statement ou similar) para estudar nos Estados Unidos por um ano acadmico. Esta prova necessria para a emisso do I-20 que possibilita tirar o visto de estudante F-1.

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