Digital Video Planning Document

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Digital Video Planning Steven Simpson This Digital Video production will demonstrate the proper steps of assembling

g a computer for a classroom teacher. 1. The following standard will be addressed by this video:

AECT Standard 1.1.3 Produce instructional materials which require the use of multiple media (e.g., computers, video, projection).


The target audience for this presentation:

The target audience for this presentation will be high school faculty members at Georgia Military College Prep School. The age range of these teachers is from 25 to 60, all are professionally certified to teach and their educational levels range from four year college degrees to PhD levels. Experience levels range from entry level to thirty plus years of experience teaching. There is a cultural mix of white, African American, and Hispanic educators. All GMC Prep School teachers have used computers in their teaching but the teachers have varying experience in connecting the components and setting up computers. Previously, their computers were connected and ready for use when they walked into the classroom, but this year every teachers computer has been replaced and many are still in the boxes in the classrooms or at best, unpacked and sitting on the desk. Most are not connected at all. Due to the fact that the IT office employees only three people to serve the entire campus, the teachers will have to connect their own computers or be placed on a long waiting list for help from IT. This presentation will be offered at the first faculty meeting in the fall to provide some guidance for the teachers who do not know how to connect the components of their computer systems and perhaps introduce a bit of humor into the process. The motivation for producing this video and for watching it is to facilitate getting the computers up and running for the beginning of the school year. If the teachers have to wait for IT to connect their computers, the students may already be present. By learning how to connect the component parts of the computers, the teacher will be able to prepare for the arrival of the students more efficiently and will be able to access the programs they need for handling the administrative tasks required.



After viewing the instructional video, high school faculty members at Georgia Military College Prep School will be able to assemble their own computer, if necessary, without the help of the employees from the Information Technology (IT) department.

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