Lizano Borrero Khevin Erickson Andre, Campos Zapata Alan Kenyo

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Implementation of the control in wind energy *Lizano Borrero Khevin Erickson Andre , **Campos Zapata Alan Kenyo * Universidad

de Piura. Av. Ramn Mugica 131, Urb. San Eduardo, Piura. Telf:979455815, ** Universidad de Piura. Av. Ramn Mugica 131, Urb. San Eduardo, Piura. Telf:969817164, Abstract: In this paper we will focus mostly on an introduction to the concepts of wind energy, the parameters used and how to simulate the main components in a Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) Keywords: wind power PMSG, wind, model, tip speed ratio, Power Coefficient, WECS 1. INTRODUCCIN

The wind energy potential has recently been considered in the past two decades. This has manifested itself in the development of new technologies for wind turbines, ie change the old fixed speed wind turbines with squirrel cage motors by now developed powers of approximately 2.5 MW with a system of variable speed operation. You use a permanent magnet generator and inverter AC-DCAC equipment with the latest technology allowing the decoupling between the frequency of the generator and the mains frequency. To start the model of the whole system of power is important to note two very important concepts: 1.1. Tip speed ratio(): The speed ratio is a very important parameter for modeling the wind turbine also useful parameter in addition to some criterion applied in the control system for wind power generation. It is defined as: (1)

DONDE: = The speed of rotation of the turbine rotor R= Radio turbine V= Air velocity at the tip of the wind vane. l.2.Power Coefficient: describes the ability of the extraction turbine having a given tip speed ratio and the pitch angle. The power coefficient is generally characterized in curves as shown[1]:

Note that the theory limit Benz. Cp has a maximum value of 0.59 but assumes perfect blades and the air vane have an incidence angle of 0 . Cp values between 0.35 to 0.4 when it has a tilt angle of 0 are talk of good design. 2. Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS)

After understanding the meaning of the coefficients y Cp; can model the wind turbine. The wind turbine power is defined as follows: (2)

Donde = El ngulo de paso de la pala = tip speed ratio v= Air velocity at the tip of the wind vane R= Radio turbine = density

Cp recorder this function and . Cp curves depend on each blade which is used in the wind turbine. The curves can be approximated using the following empirical equations for any profile. [2] (3)

3.DRIVE TRAIN Drive train is a subsystem which couples the low speed shaft (rotor of the wind turbine) with the highspeed shaft (rotor of the generator). The following image shows the gear train and how it could be represented as a mass spring system [3]:

(4) ( )

With all the above, the model of the turbine is as follows: This system meets the following equation [3]:
Torque Turbina (Baja Velocidad)

landa1 4




P turbina

Where: = Torque D, K = equivalent damping and stiffness [Nms/rad], [Nm/rad] Now if we connect in a single system the effect of the generator and the turbine rotor effect is obtained has the following figure [3]:

Pot. Turbina


Cp L factorcarga




Paso B








T,G= wind turbine aerodynamic and generator electromagnetic torque[Nm] JT,JG= moments of inertia of the wind turbine rotor and the generator [kgm2]

T, G= wind turbine rotor and the generator speed [rad/s] T, G= angular position of the rotor and the generator [rad] D, K = equivalent damping and stiffness [Nms/rad], [Nm/rad] Relating the above concepts have the following equations: (6) [ ] (7) [ ]

4. PERMAMENT-SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR (PMSG) We assume:sinusoidal distribution of stator winding, electric and magnetic symmetry, negligible iron losses, unsaturated magnetic circuit and the homopolar voltage, u0, by virtue of symmetry. In rotor coordinates (d,q) the PMSG model becomes [4]: (8) (9) In addition: (10) (11)


The electromagnetic torque is obtained as: (12) ( [ ( ) ) ]

Wt 2

If the permanent magnets are mounted on the rotor surface the , the electromagnetic torque becomes: (13) ( ) When the machine operates as a grid connected generator [4]: (14) (15) Donde: P= number of pole pairs R = stator resistance Stator voltage = d and q inductances stator pulsation = Using Simulink diagrams have the following block diagrams





1 s

1 s

Display3 Integrator3 1/Jt Display5 Integrator 1 s 1 s -K1/70 1/Jg Sum of Elements2 K1 -KK -KD1 -KD Telectro=T generador 2 Sum of Elements Display2





[2] Mohit Singh ,Surya Santoso Dynamic Models for Wind Turbines and Wind Power Plants, pages 115,October 2011 [3] Emil Ceang, Antoneta Bratcu,Nicolaos-Cutilulis, Iulian Munteanu.Optimal Control of Wind Energy System, Springer, pages 288,2008 [4]Ricardo A. Bastianon, Aerodynamics of Wind TurbinesClculo y Diseo (Second Edition), pages 192, Earthscan [5] Escudero Lpez, Jos Mara, Manual de energa elica: investigacin, diseo, promocin, construccin y explotacin de distinto tipo de instalaciones, pages 417 Mundi-Prensa, Madrid 2008 [6]Fernando D. Bianchi, Hernn De Battista, Ricardo J. Mantz, Wind Turbine Control Systems Principles,Modelling and Gain Scheduling Design,pages218, Springer 2007









1 s




1 s







Sum of Elements





5.Conclusion The importance of wind power, knowing the most salient details of a wind turbine. The simplified model generation system connected directly to the electricity grid. Wind energy is a viable solution to power generation without presenting direct pollution. Future implementations for the study of wind energy is to add a model study "power converter" (AC-DCAC).

REFERENCES [1] Fernando Berrutti, Modelado y control de turbinas de aerogeneradores de velocidad variable, UdelaR 2010


Sum of Elements1



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