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INTRODUCTION Background of the Study

Speaking skill is one of four important aspects in learning English because if the students could not speak English, they could not master English well. Basically, speaking is not easy. In fact, the students get difficulties when they speak English both in the classroom and in their daily activities. The reasons they cannot speak English are caused by poor vocabulary, difficulty in pronunciation and feeling nervous when they practice. And in learning English, sometimes the students are bored with certain teaching atmosphere. Moreover, the teacher felt difficulties in teaching speaking as well. Regarding to the phenomenon above, the teacher should have a good method in teaching speaking. The teacher should be able to encourage the students to speak English without being fear and unconfident. Therefore, the teacher should employ appropriate method to teach speaking. In teaching English, there are some methods that can be used by the teacher such as, Direct Method, Silent Way Method, AudioLingual Method, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method and the so forth. In the researchers opinion, the appropriate method that can be used by the teacher to improve the students speaking skill is CLT method. Referring to CLT method discussed above, it is crucial to be highlighted in order that the readers particularly the teacher can know and understand what CLT is. Through knowing and understanding the theory and principles of CLT itself, it can help the teacher to get easy to implement it in the classroom. One of the benefits of CLT is it can motivate the students to study English particularly in speaking. In addition, the students will enjoy learning speaking through this method in their classroom. Related to CLT, Liu (2010) defines CLT as, A teaching methodology, which requires learners to practice in real situations. Regarding to Lius statement (2010) above that CLT is a kind of method for the teacher to train particular skill to the students to be able to practice as in real situation. Furthermore, Larsen-Freeman

(2000:121) states, Communicative language teaching aims broadly to apply the theoretical perspective of the communicative approach by making communicative competence the goal of language teaching and by acknowledging the interdependence of language and communication. Based on the aim of CLT such expressed by Larsen-Freeman (2000) above, CLT is aimed to be applied by the teacher as the theoretical approach to produce communicative competence from the students in order to implement in the real communication. And at the end of learning process, the students will be able to use English for their communication. Dealing with the background of study above, the researcher is interested to conduct the research related to the problems, then this research entitled: The Advantages of Communicative Learning Teaching Method in Improving Students Speaking Skill. In relation to the present study, the researcher took some previous studies conducted by some researchers to support it. The first researcher is Ming Chang (2011), he investigated the factors of affecting the implementation of communicative language teaching in Taiwanese college English classes. To get the data, he employed case study method where he conducted interview to eight teachers from two universities in southern Taiwan as the participants. The aim of the study was exploring factors that promote or hinder EFL teachers implementation of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Taiwanese college English classes. Then the results of his study reported that teachers need administrative to support overcome these classroom. Furthermore, CLT is an appropriate method in college English classes in Taiwan to improve their English skills. Then, the second researchers are Md. Zulfeqar Haider and Takad Ahmed Chowdhury (2012), their research focused on repositioning of CLT from curriculum to classroom: a review of the English language instructions at Bangladesh secondary schools. They conducted the study at EFL classroom, particularly at secondary levels schools in Bangladesh. The study aimed to identify the problem areas that interrupt the successful implementation of CLT at the secondary EFL classrooms of Bangladesh and seeks suggestions to deal with them. To get the data, the researchers

employed case study method where the researcher employed with interview and questionnaire as the instrument. Then the results of their study reported that the teachers problem to implement CLT in the classroom caused by some factors, such as: the lack of trained and competent teachers, faulty of assessment, the lack of the teachers supplement, and materials which made the process of teaching and learning becomes hard to reach the success.

The Aims of the Study In particular, this study aims at investigating the advantages of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method in improving the students speaking skill. The investigation was focused on the subject of speaking during the students learning in the second grade. In the present study, the researcher tried to answer the following question: to what extent does CLT method improve the students speaking skill?

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