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Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

Components in Defining Strategic CSR

that firms incorporate a CSR perspective within their strategic planning process; that any actions they take are directly related to core operations; that they incorporate a stakeholder perspective; that they shift from a short-term perspective to managing the firms resources and relations with key stakeholders over the medium to long-term.

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance

Freedom of association / collective bargaining Wages & benefits for our faculty and employees meets national laws Permanent faculty / employees are provided paid sick leave Dependents of faculty /employees have access to free education. Faculty /employees have access to medical care. As well as their dependents has free check up in our clinic.

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance

Strategic CSR
(In the book) The incorporation of a holistic CSR perspective within the firms strategic planning and core operations so that the firm is managed in the interest of a broad set of stakeholders to achieve maximum economic and social value over medium to long term. A business strategy that is integrated with core business objectives and core competencies to create a business value and positive social /environmental value, and is embedded in day-today business culture & operations.

Four key Pillars of Strategic CSR

a CSR Perspective the core operation of the firm a stakeholder perspective medium to long-term planning

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance

1. CSR Perspective
Essential to any definition of strategic CSR is that firms incorporate a CSR perspective within their strategic planning process. Three levels of Interactions by Porter and Kramer Generic social issue (not directly related to firms operation) Value chain social impacts (the extent to which a firms operations affects society) Social dimension of competitive context (the extent to which the environment constraints a firms operations)

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance

Examples of 3 levels of interaction

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance
Generic social issue not directly related to firms operation Social dimension of competitive context (the extent to which the environment constraints a firms operation)

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance

Value chain social impacts (the extent to which a firms operations affects society)

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance

2. Core Operations
A second component of strategic CSR is that any action a firm takes is directly related to its core operations.

Strategic CSR

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance

The stakeholder perspective suggests that besides shareholders, other groups or constituents
(stakeholders) are affected by a companys activities and have to be considered in managers decisions possibly equally in shareholders.

3. Stakeholder Perspective

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance

4. Medium to Long Term

Vision In a Culture of Conscience, Discipline, and Excellence, we envision Letran Calamba as a University, a center of Science and Technology, as well as a vital formation center in the religious and socio-economic development of the region.
- Letran Calamba drafted a long term plan (strategic plan) - Accreditation - address the 9 sections/areas of concern: philosophy and objectives, faculty, instruction, library, laboratories, physical plant and facilities, student services, social orientation and community involvement, and organization and administration.

Strategic CSR

Graduate School and Professional Services

Social Responsibility and Good Governance





Strategic CSR

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