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Italy Brief Fact File:

Capital Currency Language(s)

Rome Euro (EUR) Italian (official), German (parts of Trentino-Alto Adige region are predominantly German speaking), French (small French-speaking minority in Valle d'Aosta region), Slovene (Slovene-speaking minority in the TriesteGorizia area)

Local time Telephone code Major cities

GMT + 01:00 39 Milan, Naples,Turin, Florence, Venice

Italy's economy is a diversified industrial economy. It is divided into a developed industrial north, mainly dominated by private companies, and a less developed, welfare-dependent agricultural south. Most of the raw materials for the industries and approximately 3/4th of energy requiremnents are imported. It is the sixth largest economy in the world. The agriculture sector contributes to 3% of the GDP. It is largest producer of rice, fruits and vegetable in Europe and ranks second in the world for exporting wine. The luxury goods industry is an important sector. The three largest import and export countries of Italy are Germany, France, the Netherlands and Germany, France, the United States respectively.

Major Exports:
Wine (second in the world) Engineering Products Textiles And Clothing Production Machinery Motor Vehicles Transport Equipmen Chemicals Food Beverages And Tobacco Minerals And Nonferrous Metals

Major Imports:
Engineering Products Chemicals Transport Equipment Energy Products Minerals And Nonferrous Metals Textiles And Clothing Food Beverages And Tobacco

Business Practices:

Business Dress

Fashions and fashion design are trademarks of Italy. Therefore, good clothes are a signature of success. Men should wear fashionable and high quality suits. Shirts may be colored or pin-striped but should be paired with an Italian designer tie. Women dress in quiet, expensive elegance. Slacks are generally not worn by either sex. Quality accessories such as shoes and leather goods make a good impression with the Italians.

Communication Guidelines

Italian is the official language, although many diverse dialects exists. English is spoken by many businesspeople. Avoid talking about religion, politics, and World War II. At social gatherings, it is considered insulting to ask someone, just met, about his/her profession. Good conversational topics include Italian culture, art, food, wine, family and films.

Business Hour

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm and from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm.

Business Visa Rules for Italy

Business Visitor Visas are required for the foreigners coming from one of the countries that require a visa to enter the Schengen . By the Law in Italy, every foreigner must register with the Local Police Station, known as Questura, within 8 days from the date of arrive to Italy (the stamp that the Police of the Airport makes on the entry visa is normally considered the proof of entry date in Italy). This process allows the foreigner obtain a Permit of Stay (Permesso di Soggiorno).

Allowable Activities as a Business Visito

The allowable of business visitors are typically limited to the following: Attend any business meetings or discussions; Attend sales calls to potential client in the provided that the employee represents a commercial entity outside Italy or the International Market; Attend trainings, conferences or seminars.

Maximum Period of Stay as a Business Visitor

This maximum validity is up to 90 days within a "given" 6 month period. The Business Visa is not extended or renewed.

Basic Requirements to Apply

The following requirements for Business Visitors are subject to change or modification:

Business Visitors must have a residence and an employer outside of Italy. He/she must not be in any manner subordinate to the management of the entity doing business in Italy, and must be traveling to Italy for a limited and a pre-set time period. Business Visitors should not receive compensation from sources within Italy; however, incidental expenses like accommodation, travel, and meals may be paid by the host. Business Visitors must have evidence of adequate funds to defray expenses while on the business visit. Business Visitors must have specific, realistic and pre-determined plans for his/her stay in Italy. The period of intended stay must be consistent with the intended purpose of the trip. Applications must be submitted to the Italian Consulate having jurisdiction over the applicant's place of residence. A personal appearance is required.

Public Holidays

New Year's Day Epiphany Rome's foundation Liberation Day Anniversary of the Republic St. Peter and Saint Paul Assumption of Mary All Saints' Day The Victory in WWI Immaculate Conception Christmas Day St. Stephen's Day New Year's Eve

January 1 January 6 April 21 April 25 June 2 June 29 August 15 November 1 November 4 December 8 December 25 December 26 December 31


In Rome only

In Rome only

Travel Tips

A passenger can carry two pieces of checked luggage and one carry-on bag. The alloted weight should not be more than 70 pounds each. The carry-on bag should be around or under 16 pounds. Italy's climate varies considerably so pack the bag with allowing maximum flexibility in clothing including mix-and-match outfits. A passenger can carry without incurring customs duty 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 100 cigarillos or 250g of tobacco; 50g of perfume and 250ml of eau de toilette; 500g of coffee or 200g of cofee extract; 100g of tea or 40g of tea extract and gifts not exceeding Euro 174.82. The passenger should be over 17 years of age, except for coffee and coffee extract which can be over 15 years of age. Electricity is on 220 volts, 50 cycles alternating current (AC). Tipping is 10% in addition if the service has been good. All hotel bill include service charges and state taxes. Be careful of pickpockets, especially on crowded buses. Make two photocopy of the passport, credit cards and other valuables. Leave one at home and pack other in your luggage, separate from the original. Taxis are plentiful and have an illuminated 'TAXI' sign on the top. They charge according to the meter in the city but outside it, they charge per kilometer and also are entitled to charge for the return fare. Make sure that the taxi is a registered and the meter operates properly.

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