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Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313, Israel; ;

" 91313 " 4413

12-11-20 Silman v Bituach Leumi (1752-08) in the Tel Aviv District Court "Post-it" decision by Magistrate Avigail Cohen in re: Request for a) Due Process, and b) Appointment record of Chief Clerk Kobi Bleich
The Court continues to disregard the requests to serve signed and authenticated decision papers. The decision paper was received unsigned by the Magistrate and accompanied by an unsigned authentication letter by the office of the clerk. Moreover, Magistrate Cohen failed to rule on the request for the Chief Clerk's appointment records, instead responding with the question: How would the appointment letter advance the inspection of the court file. # 1 2 Record
12-11-20 Silman v Bituach Leumi (1752-08) in the Tel Aviv District Court "Post-it" decision by Magistrate Avigail Cohen in re: Request for a) Due Process, and b) Appointment record of Chief Clerk Kobi Bleich [English translation - jz] 12-11-20 Silman v Bituach Leumi (1752-08) in the Tel Aviv District Court "Post-it" decision by Magistrate Avigail Cohen in re: Request for a) Due Process, and b) Appointment record of Chief Clerk Kobi Bleich [Hebrew original]

Page # 2 3

LINKS: [1] 12-10-10 Human Right Alert's Appendix IV to Submission; 2013 UPR of the State of Israel Integrity, or lack thereof, in the electronic record systems in the courts of the State of Israel - the case of Moshe Silman
[2] 12-11-24 PRESS RELEASE Self-immolated social protest activist Moshe Silman and t he Tel-Aviv District Court additional evidence of simulated process (Heb + Eng)



Tel Aviv District Court November 20, 2012 Civ 1752-08 Moseh Silman et al v Bituach Leumi et al To: Joseph Zernik, P.O. Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313 Information Center 077-2703333 Transmittal Letter Attached is a decision record.

November 20, 2012 Date

[no signature-jz]

Clerk's Signature

[Court's stamp] Request page 1 Request page 2 [The Post-it decision is an image, superimposed on the last page of the November 19, 2012 Request paper]

November 19, 2012 Decision Request #7 in file 1752-08 Magistrate Avigail Cohen 1. The Requester is not a party to the case, only filer of a request to inspect the file, as evidenced in his July 2012 Request. 2. His claims regarding judicial and ministerial functions in the Court, are not part of the Request before the Court. How would his demand to inspect the appointment record of Mr Bleich advance his request to inspect the court file? Also, it is unclear how the process would be enhanced if the Requester receives orders from the Court "accompanied by a transmittal letter, signed by an authorized person in the office of the Clerk of the Court", while decision records are electronically signed and issued through Net HaMishpat. 3. If the Requester is interested in advancing his request to inspect the records, he should follow my October 25, 2012 decision.






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