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Tyler Priestap Period 7

1a. Effortful processing is learning or storing information by using effort, while automatic processing is storing information automatically or without trying to. 1b. Shallow processing is when we dont fully encode something, but rather certain characteristics of the thing, while deep processing is when we encode either the whole or majority of whatever the thing may be. 1c. Focused attention is when whatever it is that is distracting us has our full attention, while divided attention is when the thing has only part of our attention and the other part of our attention is on something else. 2. Psychological systems of memory such as short term memory are not manually started or stopped. These systems of memory are always happening whether we know it or not. But physiological systems of memory on the other hand happen when we are aware and are triggered manually. Procedural memory for instance occurs when we are taught something and we learn a new skill. 3. Encoding is the most important function for memories. Encoding takes everything that we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste and stores it into our memories like a document is stored into a computers hard drive. Storage is the act of placing something into our memory. Storage is also called central processing because everything that we remember must be processes, or stored, to be put into our memory. 4. Some strategies that can help improve memory include paying better attention at everything, keep using the memory, and continuously use positive transfer. 5. Biological factors can give one an advantage in memory because some parents have an excellent memory, and this can be passed down to the offspring. Cognitive factors basically are the base of memory because they occur where memories are stored. Cultural factors such as religion can place some types of memories such as baptisms and fasts. 6. Some problem solving strategies include rereading and having focused attention. Rereading allows for a better understanding of what you were reading by making the memory of what you just read clearer. Focused attention makes sure the reader has 100% of their attention on what they are observing and nothing else. 7. Creative thoughts have a lot of personality in them. The creator of the thoughts puts his visualizations and his perspectives into these thoughts. Creative thinkers in general are leaders and arent influenced by many people. They are their own person, they have their own views. Noam Chomsky: American philosopher, author, and cognitive scientist. Wrote over 100 books and won the Sydney Peace Prize. Hermann Ebbinghaus: German Psychologist who pioneered the study of memory. Wolfgang Kohler: German psychologist who contributed to Gestalt psychology.

Tyler Priestap Period 7

Elizabeth Loftus: American cognitive psychologist and expert on human memory. George A. Miller: one of the founders of cognitive psychology.

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