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Atcostas Classroom Rewards & Consequences

I. Rewards I. Individual Rewards
A. Students can earn stickers for:
1. Helping each other without being asked 2. Bringing homework back 3. Making good decisions regarding class work, behaviors, and conflicts with other students.

B. Students collect as many stickers as they can to turn in for prizes from Treasure Chest every Friday
1. 1-5 stickers: 1 small prize (i.e. pencils, erasers, etc.) 2. 6-10 stickers: 2 small prizes 3. 4. 10-15 stickers: 1 medium prize (i.e. Capri sun, fruit snacks, folders, etc.) 15 stickers and up: Students can choose 2 of any prize or chose to have homework passes or to play on the computer during their free time.


Group Rewards
A. Groups can earn marbles in their group jars by:
1. Being the first quiet/cleaned up group after an activity 2. Always having a clean area 3. Always treating each other nicely and not arguing or tattle telling.

B. Groups earn extra free time and computer time by:

1. Being quiet/cleaned up without being told 2. Helping other groups clean up 3. Doing work quietly during individual work time 4. Having the most marbles at the end of the week

C. Group to have the most marbles at the end of the week can choose:
1. Treasure Chest 2. Computer Time 3. Extra Free Time 4. To have the teacher eat with them at lunch

III. Whole Class Rewards

A. The whole class can earn extra free time by:
1. Not having to be reminded to use quiet voices 2. Coloring in all of the letters of Ms. Atcostas Koalas attendance poster (one letter colored each day every student is present and on time)

B. The whole class can earn extra recess by:

1. No students being sent to the stage at lunch 2. Getting good notes from specialists

3. Behaving for, and getting good notes from substitutes

Consequences IV. Individual Consequences

A. Talking without raising hand B. Talking while someone else is talking C. Being disrespectful to classmates and teacher D.Refusing to do or try class work
1. First offense- I will give student a verbal warning and explains that the student should behave the right way from now on. Student loses one sticker. Second offense- student will be told to change their pin from green light to yellow light and student will lose five minutes from their free time. Student loses two stickers. Third offense- student will be told to change their pin from yellow light to green light and must spend free time working on unfinished classwork or homework. Student loses 3 stickers. I will fill out a Sad Note to send home to their parents telling them about their childs misbehavior.



V. Group Consequences
A. Being a loud group B. Being disrespectful to group members and materials C. Refusing to help group members
1. First offense- I will give student a verbal warning and explain that the student should always speak to each other with quiet voices, try to help their group with the work, and treat their group members nicely.

2. Second Offense- Student will be told to change their pin from the green light to the yellow light and will lose 5 minutes from their free time. Student/s loses two stickers. 3. Third Offense- Student will be told to change their pin from the yellow light to the red light and will not be allowed to continue to work with their group. Student/s will also spend free time working on unfinished work. Student/s loses two stickers.

VI. Whole Class Consequences

A. Class is very loud and acting out B. Class misbehaved in specials or lunch C. Class was very loud and disruptive walking through halls
1. First Offense- I will remind class that they must follow all directions and listen to teachers at lunch and specials, must be quiet while walking through halls to not disturb other classes, and must use quiet (inside) voices when in the classroom. Whole class will lose one sticker each. 2. Second Offense- for misbehaving in specials or lunch, students will write an apology letter to the teachers. For being loud and disruptive in the hall class will lose five minutes from free time each time I have to remind them to quiet down and behave. If the class is loud and acting out during Whole class will lose 2 stickers each. 3. Third Offense- Class will lose all of free time and will spend that time finishing any unfinished work or homework for being loud and disruptive in hall or being loud and misbehaving in class. Whole class will lose their privilege for Treasure Chest that week.

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