Native American Smoking Fact Sheet

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Native American Smoking

Background: In 2010 Native Americans amount to 5.2 million and make up 1.7% of the population. There are 2 types of tobacco use: ceremonial and recreational. Ceremonial- used to communicate and pray to the gods. Recreational- use of cigarettes in daily lives. More than many other groups, Native Americans experience a lack of medical services and health care. 29.2% do not have any health care. Benefits of Tobacco: Native Americans can farm and sell their tobacco products taxfree. Tobacco commerce stimulates their economy and creates jobs. Tobacco smoke is a way to preserve their culture and traditional ways of life. Tobacco use: Tobacco abuse is one of the top three health problems. Children are vulnerable due to marketing campaigns and modeling after their parents. Tobacco industry exploits the Native American culture through images and promotion of their product as natural. Tobacco companies even promote through sponsoring cultural events such as powwows and rodeos.

32% of Indians smoke cigarettes compared to the 20.9% for all adults in the US. 25.6% of men over 18 and 21.6% of women over 18 smoke cigarettes. Negative Effects of Tobacco: Tobacco users are more likely to use other addictive drugs. Cancer Lung (leading cause of death in Native Americans) Oral Uterine Liver Kidney Bladder Stomach Cervical Leukemia Reproductive Problems Miscarriages SIDS Low birth weight Babies being born with respiratory illness Heart disease Stroke Oral Health Tooth decay Loss of taste buds Addiction Death Solutions: Nicorette gum or patches Electronic cigarettes Get support from those around you Replace your smoking habit with another habit, such as exercise Think of others who are harmed through second hand smoke.


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