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Points of the Nervous System

Points of the Nervous System

Autonomic Nervous System Points:

Sympathetic Tone (Sympathetic)- T.O.: Affects Neuro-vegetative disorders, Abdominal Pain, Vasodilatation, Vasospasm, Tachycardia, Cardiac Dysrhythmia, Hyperhydrosis. - Dr. H: *Key point for relieving visceral pain and spasm. However, do NOT use this point for abdominal distension (as further visceral relaxation will be counterproductive) * Also the Key point for Hyperhydrochlorhydria Autonomic Nervous Dysregulation, Smooth Muscle Spasms, Excessive Secretions: Gastrospasm, Enterospasm, Urinary & Biliary Calculi, Gastritis Gastric & Duodenal Ulcer, Asthma. Hyperhydrochlorhydria, Pediatric Ptyalorrhea; Hyperhydrosis; Seborrheic Dermatitis. Vasodilatation: Thromboangiitis Obliterans; Phlebitis, Arteritis, Raynauds Disease. Master Autonomic (Reactional Point) - T.O.: Regulates Neuro-vegetative and Autonomic Disorders This point is close or identical to Dr. Hs External Sympathetic Point, but T.O. Psychosomatic Point seems to be on the outer edge of the auricle and may more exactly match the Ext. Sympathetic, which is for Vertigo, Dizziness, Headache, Frontal Headache, Vertex Headache, Migraine, Eye Diseases Pre-ganglionic Sympathetics - T.O.: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Vasospasm, Neuralgia Cranial Parasympathetics - T.O.: Cranial Neuro-vegetative Control, Hiccups Sacral Parasympathetics (Pelvic Splanchnic Nerve) - T.O.: Abdominal Visceral Control, Pelvic Pain, Sexual Desire Vagus Nerve T.O.: Parasympathetic Projections: Cardiovascular & Visceral control & regulation (Diarrhea, Palpitations), Anxiety For Dr. H:the nearby Mixed Glossopharyngeal (CN IX), Facial (CN VII), and Vagus (CN X) area: Vagus & Glossopharyngeal for the following centers: respiratory, cardio-regulatory center, vasomotor, salivary secretion, vomiting, and coughing. Glossopharyngeal and Facial for internal organs, facial paralysis, and facial Superior Cervical Ganglia - T.O.: Affects Cranial Sympathetic Control Middle Cervical Ganglia (Wonderful/Marvelous Point) - T.O.: For (Cardio)vascular regulation & Hypertension Inferior Cervical Ganglia (Cervico-Thoracic Stellate Ganglion) - T.O.: Thoracic Sympathetic Control, Migraines, Whiplash Olfactory Nerve - T.O.: Olfactory Sensory Disorders Optic Nerve - T.O.: Visual Disorders & Dysfunctions Trigeminal Nerve - T.O.: Trigeminal Neuralgia and Dental Pain Auditory Nerve - T.O.: Hearing Disorders and Deafness Dr. Hs Auriculotemporal Nerve Point (mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve): Trigeminal Neuralgia especially of the ramus of the mandible Ear Pain, Migraine, Dizziness due to cranial nerve disorders Glossopharyngeal Nerve (Appears to be situated identically to Medulla Oblongata) - T.O.: Pharynx Sciatic - T.O.: Sciatic Neuralgia, Lower Limb Paralysis, Polio

Points of the Nervous System

Minor Occipital Nerve (Chinese Cranial Nerves) - T.O.: Affects Migraines, Cerebral Vasospasm For Dr. H, Lesser Occipital Nerve Clears the channels; Calms the Mind; & Relieves Pain: Occipital Headache/Pain; Greater Occipital Neuralgia; Earache; One-sided Head, Body, or Extremity Numbness due to Vasospasm, Post-Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Arteriosclerosis, Neurosis or Spondylopathy. Hypogastric Nerve (Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves) - T.O.: Pelvic Dysfunctions, Rectal and Bladder Control Solar Plexus: (Celiac Plexus, Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves, Abdominal Brain) - T.O.: Abdominal Dysfunctions, GastroIntestinal Spasms Cardiac Plexus (Cervical Splanchnic Nerves) - T.O.: Cardiovascular Regulation: Angina, Hypertension, Tachycardia, Anxiety Broncho-Pulmonary Plexus (Parasympathetic Vagus Projection) - T.O.: Respiratory Regulation: Broncho-pneumonia, Asthma Thyroid Plexus - T.O.: Sympathetic Thyroid Arterial Supply Thymic Plexus - T.O.: Sympathetic Thymus Arterial Supply Adrenal Plexus - T.O.: Sympathetic Adrenal Regulation

Brain and Spinal Cord Points:

Lumbro-sacral Spinal Cord - T.O.: Lumbar, Dorsal Horn, Sensory Cells of Spinal Cord - Neuralgias and Shingles of Lower Body Thoracic Spinal Cord - T.O.: Thoracic, Dorsal Horn, Sensory Cells of Spinal Cord - Neuralgias and Shingles of Upper Body Cervical Spinal Cord - T.O.: Cervical, Dorsal Horn, Sensory Cells of Spinal Cord - Neuralgias, Shingles of Upper Body, Sunburned Neck Anterior Horn Cell Motor-Neurons - T.O.: (On the Posterior side of the Helix, opposite the Dorsal Horn Cells) Ventral Motor-neurons Muscle Tremors & Paralysis Brain (Encephalon, Pituitary) - T.O.: Pituitary Control, Endocrine Dysfunction, Asthma, Sleep For Dr. H this point is for Brain Disorders e.g.: Deficient Blood Supply to the Brain, Cerebella Ataxia, Epilepsy, Hyperactivity, Low I.Q. Brain Stem: - T.O.: Nervousness, Psychological Complexes, Brain Trauma, Meningitis, Palsy, Convulsions, Pain Control, Shock - For Dr. H: it Calms internal Wind (Convulsions), Tonifies the Brain, Pacifies Over-Excitement; Relieves Coughs & Quenches a Fever. For: Meningeal Irritation; Epilepsy; Schizophrenia; Neurosis; Bronchitis and low-grade Fever. Medulla Oblongata (Metabolic Regulation Point)- seems to be situated identically to T.O.s Glossopharyngeal point) T.O.: Body Temperature, Respiration and Cardiac Regulation Pons - T.O.: Sleep & Arousal, REM Sleep, Dreams Midbrain Tectum - T.O.: Visual and Auditory Subcortical Reflexes (controlled by the Superior and Inferior Colliculi)

Points of the Nervous System

Midbrain Tegmentum (on the posterior surface of the ear behind Midbrain Tectum) - T.O.: Extra-pyramidal Control of Semi-Voluntary Muscles Parkinsonian tremors, Torticollis, Writers Cramp Reticular Formation - T.O.: Arousal, Attention, Vigilance and Brain Laterality Trigeminal Nucleus - T.O.: Trigeminal Neuralgia and Dental Pain

Forebrain Points:
Thalamic Nuclei (Subcortex, Dermis, Thalamus) - T.O.: Supra-Spinal Thalamic Gate Pain Control For Dr. Huang, Subcortex is divided into Coronary Vascular S., Digestive S., and Nervous S. However, T.O. equates Subcortex with Thalamus, which, for Dr. H, is a separate point: Dr. Huang relates Thalamus to the hypothalamus and says it helps with the internal organs and physiological regulation of, for example, temperature, water and electrolyte balances, digestive assimilation, and emotional reactions Acupuncture Comprehensive Text seems to place Pituitary at the Thalamus point Anterior Hypothalamus - T.O.: Parasympathetic Sedation; Adrenalin Release; Diuresis Posterior Hypothalamus - T.O.: Sympathetic Arousal Hippocampus (Limbic Memory, Fornix) - T.O.: Amnesia, Memory - especially of lived-through emotional experiences. Amygdala (Limbic Emotional Brain) - T.O.: Anger, Irritability, Aggression, Mania, Sexual Compulsion Septum (Limbic Reactional Brain) - T.O.: Instinctive Responses, Pleasure, Reinforcement Basal Ganglia (Striatum, Extra-pyramidal System) - T.O.: Muscle Tone, Parkinsonian Tremors This is very close to and possibly identical to Dr.Hs Libido Point for Impotence and Low Libido Cerebellum - T.O.: Motor Coordination & Postural Tonus. Intentional Tremors, Spasms, Semi-automatic Movements, Vertigo, Depression Olfactory Lobe (Rhinencephalon) Olfactory Memory, Sensitivity to nauseous smells Frontal Lobe (Pre-central Gyrus, Pyramidal System): Initiates Action; Poor Concentration; Motor Paralysis; Muscle Tonus Occipital Lobe: Visual Neurological Disorders; Blindness Temporal Lobe (Acoustic Line): Auditory Disorders, Tone Discrimination Parietal Lobe (Post-Central Gyrus): Tactile Paresthesias; Somesthetic Dysfunction due to Stokes, Musculoskeletal Pain Corpus Callosum (Conception Vessel, Governing Vessel): Brain (Cerebral) Laterality

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