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RVSM means Reduced Vertical Separation Minima - or in plain English the reductio n of the vertical separation required between

FL290 and FL410 from 2000ft to 100 0ft. By doing this you double the amount of airspace available, therefore doubli ng the traffic capacity. With the skies getting busier and busier every day the need for more room has become more and more important. In the real world aircraft must have the following equipment aboard to be RVSM c ertified and therefore take advantage of the reduced separation minimum: Two primary altitude reporting systems; One automatic altitude-keeping device; One altitude-alerting device. In addition, while changing altitudes, the altitude holding device must not over shoot an assigned level by more than 150 feet. Also, to gain certification for RVSM, each aircraft must overfly a stationary He ight Monitoring Unit (HMU) or a portable Ground Monitoring Unit (GMU) unless fli ght test evidence can be supplied to the regulator that the airframe is complian t with Altimeter System Error (ASE) targets. Aircraft who do not meet the standards are excluded from RVSM airspace except fo r the purpose of climbing or descending to/from the CVSM airspace above FL410. ( Exceptions do exist though, see bottom of page for complete listing.) In the real world this was a costly affair for operators who still had older air craft in their fleet. On IVAO there isn't much to it, as any aircraft can be con sidered RVSM, or non-RVSM. There are however a few important procedures for pilo ts and ATC to follow. They are detailed below. Altitudes Pilots flying through RVSM airspace continue using the Odd-East / West-Even rule up to FL410, after which the airspace becomes CVSM. Use the following table for reference: RVSM airspace (the new way) West track (180-359) Even Altitudes East track (000- 179) Odd Altitudes 4,000 ft 6,000 ft 8,000 ft 10,000 ft 12,000 ft 14,000 ft 16,000 ft FL 180 ... FL 280 ------------FL 300 FL 320 FL 340 FL 360 FL 380 FL 400 FL 430 FL 470 FL 510 ... 5,000 ft 7,000 ft 9,000 ft

11,000 ft 13,000 ft 15,000 ft 17,000 ft FL 190 ... FL 290 ------------FL 310 FL 330 FL 350 FL 370 FL 390 FL 410 FL 450 FL 490 FL 530 ... CVSM airspace (the old way) West track (180-359) Even Altitudes East track (000- 179) Odd Altitudes 4,000 ft 6,000 ft 8,000 ft 10,000 ft 12,000 ft 14,000 ft 16,000 ft FL 180 ... FL 280 ------------FL 310 FL 350 FL 390 FL 430 FL 470 FL 510 ... 5,000 ft 7,000 ft 9,000 ft 11,000 ft 13,000 ft 15,000 ft 17,000 ft FL 190 ... FL 290 ------------FL 330 FL 370 FL 410 FL 450 FL 490 FL 530 ... Changes to cruise direction from the old system to the new RVSM system are highl ighted in red.

Pilot Guidelines All pilots operating within RVSM airspace are to comply with the following guide lines: Pilots flying RVSM certified aircraft are expected to file altitudes appropriate for the direction of flight in compliance with the previous table. The equipment suffix W shall be filed in the flight plan to indicate RVSM certif ication. Autopilot must be used to maintain altitude in level cruise flight. Manual trimm ing of the aircraft is not acceptable. If the autopilot does not work or the alt itude hold mode is known to be inaccurate, the aircraft will be considered non-R VSM, and therefore not allowed into RVSM airspace. The equipment suffix "W" is n ot to be used on such aircraft. If a pilot notices his aircraft is unable to accurately maintain altitudes with the autopilot altitude hold he/she is to consider the aircraft as not up to RVSM standards and notify ATC at once. This applies regardless of whether the aircra ft is already in, or cleared to enter RVSM airspace. ATC may instruct pilots of such aircraft to leave RVSM airspace if traffic requires. Pilots are to report any encounters with turbulence greater than moderate. By it s nature, severe turbulence means that control of the aircraft is affected, and RVSM procedures can no longer be maintained. ATC Guidelines All controllers operating positions involving RVSM airspace are to follow the fo llowing guidelines: All aircraft having filed /W equipment suffix will be considered RVSM certified and equipped, unless there it is apparent that the aircraft is unable to hold al titude with reasonable accuracy. Aircraft not having filed /W equipment suffix, will not be cleared to enter RVSM airspace except for those aircraft meeting the conditions described in the exce ptions listed below. Aircraft operating in RVSM Airspace who indicate an inability to maintain altitu de correctly shall be considered non-RVSM compliant. Separation for such aircraf t shall be immediately increased to 2,000 feet vertically, and the aircraft shal l be cleared to climb or descend out of the RVSM airspace as soon as practicable . Aircraft who are unable to make destination due to fuel requirements at lower levels will not be required to descend below RVSM airspace, but 2000ft separatio n will have to be maintained at all times. The idea is to remain within the rule s of RVSM while not creating a fuel shortage for the aircraft involved. It is es sential to pass this information to adjacent sectors/units. Use of altitudes inappropriate to direction of flight (wrong-way) in RVSM airspa ce remain the same as outside of RVSM airspace. Aircraft cruising at such altitu des should be cleared back to correct altitudes as soon as practicable. If an aircraft reports greater than moderate turbulence, use of 2,000 feet verti cal separation will be required. Immediate action must be taken to provide anoth er form of separation, including changing of altitudes, use of speed control, or re-routing. Exceptions There are a few exceptions which may allow a non-RVSM certified aircraft to oper ate with RVSM exclusionary airspace. For those who do get clearance into it, the following rules apply: RVSM certified aircraft will receive priority for altitude assignment over non-R VSM aircraft. (see example above) Vertical separation of 2,000 feet will be maintained between non-RVSM aircraft a nd all other aircraft. Aircraft wishing to climb or descend through RVSM airspace are to be granted cle arance provided they do not level off within RVSM airspace, should maintain a no rmal rate of climb or descent (no cruise climbs/descents allowed). Aircraft used by military, police and customs services are exempt from RVSM cert

ification requirements, do not require advance approval, and will be provided wi th 2,000 feet separation from all other aircraft in RVSM airspace.

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