Site Restructuring Report: Advanced Advertising Strategies

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Site Restructuring Report,, &
Bill Anders 11/17/2012 Version 2.0

Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 2 URL Recommendation .................................................................................................................................. 2 Content Recommendations .......................................................................................................................... 4 Flow Chart ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Current Content .................................................................................................................................... 6 New Content ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Platform Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 7 Content Updates ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 9 Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 9 Usability Test ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Executive Summary................................................................................................................................... 9 ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Testing Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 11 Major Findings & Recommendations.................................................................................................. 13 Detailed Findings................................................................................................................................. 13 Navigation Prototype................................................................................................ 18 Testing Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 18 Major Findings & Recommendations.................................................................................................. 20 Detailed Findings................................................................................................................................. 21 Search Engine Optimization ........................................................................................................................ 26 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 26 Keyword Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 27 Keyword Charts ................................................................................................................................... 28

Currently Mozingo Lake Recreation Area has three to four separate websites housing different information about the parks and available activities, and each sporting a different brand identity. The re-branding of Mozingo into a single comprehensive entity applies to all possible marketing faucetsincluding the web.,,, and some parts of will be merged together as a single web entity utilizing the domain name This name was chosen based on market research collected from both an in-person and online survey. More than 75% of those polled said that Mozingo Lake and Mozingo Lake Recreation Area were the best names to describe the entire Mozingo complex. It is known that URLs need to remain relatively short; therefore was chosen as the domain name. will include content from all four websites. The most important information and tasks on each of the three sites will be reorganized and republished in a more user-friendly structure. New content and functionality will be added to increase the user experience, and decrease the workload of Mozingo employees. Additionally, the repurposed content should be re-written with search engine optimization in mind. It is imperative that appear in search engine results page to become a regional travel destination. Inserting specific keywords in certain areas of the Meta tags, website code, and actual content can ensure that begins to rise in search rankings. A Usability test was conducted on and navigation prototype of in an effort to better understand how visitors interact with the websites, and what their main tasks/objectives would be. Testing participants were qualified based on their representation of the three core target markets of Mozingo: RVers, Golfers, and Anglers. These participants were posed with

introductory questions and tasks to complete on each of the websites. Data such as completion rate, time of completion, and verbal feedback was collected and analyzed to identify major usability issues with both sites. Three major issues were identified with, and four major usability issues were found on the navigation prototype. Solutions have been sculpted for these issues, and will be implemented on the new comprehensive site. The new website will be built on WordPress, a free content management system. WordPress is intuitive to the not so tech savvy, and within a short time an individual can quickly teach themselves how to add, edit, and update all content and features on the website. This content management system also supports multiple themes to change the visual layout of the site and widgets and plugins to add extra functionality.

It is recommended that the new comprehensive website be built on the domain This domain name was chosen based on market research gathered from an inperson survey distributed to Maryville residents/visitors, and an online survey open to anyone. Each survey posed the question, Which of the following names best describes the entire Mozingo complex? More than 75% of both surveys chose Mozingo Lake or Mozingo Lake Recreation Area, with the majority deciding on Mozingo Lake Recreation Area (47%). Segmenting these surveys by age, location, and household income to close in on the target market reveals that 54% of the Mozingos target prefers the name Mozingo Lake Recreation Area. It is common web practice to have domain names as short as possible. Longer domain names are harder for customers to remember, take longer to type, and can often result in misspelling. Additionally, longer domain names require much more room on print advertisements and outdoor signage. For these

reasons, it is recommended that Mozingo Lake Recreation Area is shortened down to the URL: This URL has been secured for a 12-month period through, where a 12-month hosting plan was also purchased. Related Passwords are as follows: o Passwords have been removed for client protection.

These passwords are also included in the client versions of this projects plans book.


Much of the content that will be included in the new website will be republished from existing content on,, and The following pages will feature repurposed content from the previously named sites: Course Information Rates & Membership Golf Lessons Gift Cards Request a Tournament Golf Mailing List RV Camping Cabins Primitive Camping Youth Cabins Hunting Fishing Boating Newsletters Overview Mozingo Board Parks Regulations Getting To Mozingo

Additionally, these pages can be identified on the flow chart above by the recycling symbol on each. Each piece of content listed above represents vital information and that most visitors will be seeking or doing on the website. It is imperative that this content be included on the new site.

Pages that do not have the recycling emblem are pages that require new content to be added, and may possibly need updated. The addition, of these pages and content blocks would further user interaction on the site, increase their understanding of the content being presented, and overall increase their web experience.

The first piece of content that is recommended to be added is a working tee-time scheduling system. The current system does not work and requires users to go through several steps including registering for a user name before they find out they need to call to reserve a time. This has a severe negative impact on the user experience; therefore, it is absolutely necessary to have a working tee time scheduling system. The next piece of content that can greatly increase the user experience on the site and cut down on overall workload at the city is a camping reservation system. This system will allow for reservations for primitive spots, RV spaces, and cabin rentals. This system will work via an email form with the following options: Name, phone number, email address, preferred RV space/cabin/primitive spot, and the dates of the reservation. Additionally, an overall calendar of events taking place at Mozingo would enhance the website. This calendar would be comprehensive and include all events taking place at Mozingo; from golf and fishing tournaments to 4th of July celebrations. This particular content addition will require someone to update the information via a widget in the back end of the website. The final functionality piece missing is an online store. This store will sell golfing gift cards, t-shirts, hats, and other promotional items directly pertaining to Mozingo. Instead of paying $69.99 to secure an SSL for the domain name, this store will be hosted on a third party site; likely A SSL connection is used to secure and encrypt credit card numbers. Third party sites like Zazzle offer the same functionality, without any major costs.


It is recommended that be built on a content management system. Content management makes the web more usable. They break down the barriers of website creation, make it much easier to launch a site, and allows for easy content updates. WordPress also formats webpages for viewing on mobile devices which is very important considering everyone in todays world has a mini computer in their pocket. CMSs are for the non-techies that want to make a big impact in the digital world. Additionally, most content management systems are free, or extremely cheap. Web firms typically charge anywhere from $3,000 to $15,000 to build a custom website depending on functionality, and the finished product is typically for more tech-savvy clients. Using a free content management system allows for a robust site to be built at a fraction of the cost it would take to hire a firm. It is recommended that utilize the WordPress content management system. WordPress is a free, open source software that is simple enough for a personal site, and robust enough for a large e-commerce site. This content management system offers thousands of free themes and templates that you can download and use to change the visual aesthetics of the site with a few simple clicks. Additionally, WordPress allows for plugins and widgets to be installed, so reservation functionality can be added to the site with ease. A WordPress website has already been opened at and populated with the appropriate framework recommended above. Passwords are located in the URL Recommendation section of this report.

Content updates will be handled by multiple parties on All golfing information including updated course rates and tournament & event schedule will be handled by the golf

professional at the clubhouse. At this time this person is Payton Whitworth. All other Mozingo pertinent information including newsletters, events schedule, and possibly a blog will be updated by a city employee, depending on who has the necessary content and is available to update the website.

It is recommended that remove all content regarding Mozingo Lake when the new site launches. Leaving the content up will result in duplicate content in multiple places, making it more difficult for users to find the exact information they are searching for and making updating content overly burdensome. Additionally, Google has recently released an update to combat stolen or copyrighted material, which means duplicated content will be negatively affected in search engine results pages. can and should post links to the specific content on the new unified site. This can have a significant impact on the SEO of the new site, since .org links hold a high value in the search engine results algorithm. Additionally, the website can have pictures of Mozingo and its amenities that are linked to the new site, but it is recommended that no content appear on

It is recommended that all existing links on be altered to point to the new website: This will ensure traffic goes to the appropriate page, even if Mozingo no longer owns It also will aide in driving traffic to the new site, because this URL has a greater domain age- therefor a higher initial SEO ranking.Search Engine Optimization


This usability study was conducted in an effort to further understand the end users of the website, how they interact with it, and what their main tasks on the site are. Nine participants representing Mozingos three main target markets (Anglers ,RVers/Campers, and Golfers) interacted with a digital navigation prototype of the proposed and Their interactions were monitored and recorded by the testing administrator. These actions can help to better understand how possible site visitors will look for information and how the navigation should be structured to make their search as easy as possible. The Nine test subjects were chosen initially based on their interests in fishing, camping and camping. Subjects were then narrowed down and chosen based on their ability to represent an even distribution across major market demographics and weekly computer usage. Qualified subjects met with the test administrator for approximately 30 minutes each in their main place of computer use. Testing took place at the subjects main place of computer use, typically their residence, in an effort to ease test anxiety. Three participants tested Subjects were posed with 6 tasks- each representing major task users may perform on the website. Key metrics such as task completion rate, navigation path, verbal feedback, and navigation label expectations were gathered from each testing participant. This data was then analyzed for issue trends, and ways to solve navigation problems. Three major issues were identified: Mislabeled page or misleading page titles, a tee reservation system that takes 5 steps before it tells you it is broken, and the site appears to be out of date. These issues can be resolved by implementing the solutions detailed in the Major Findings & Recommendations section of this report.

6 subjects participated in the testing of Test subjects were posed with 6 tasks- each representing major task users may perform on the website. Key metrics such as task completion rate, navigation path, verbal feedback, and navigation label expectations were gathered from each testing participant. This data was then analyzed for issue trends, and ways to solve navigation problems. Four major issues were identified with MozingoLake.coms navigation: Navigation clarity, nearly empty or unused pages, redundant content that is confusing to the user, and missing content or links to appropriate content. These issues can be resolved by implementing the solutions detailed in the Major Findings & Recommendations section of this report.

Test Subject Qualifications
Audience Type Golfers TOTAL (participants) 3 3 Computer Usage 0 to 10 hrs. wk. 11 to 25 hrs. wk. 26+ hrs. wk. TOTAL (participants) Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 60-74 TOTAL (participants) 2 1 0 0 3 Gender Women Men TOTAL (participants) 0 3 3 1 1 1 3

Marital Status Single Married TOTAL (participants)

2 1 6

Household Income $20,000-$39,000 $40,000-$59,000 $60,000-$79,000 $80,000-$99,999 $100,000 + TOTAL (participants)

0 1 1 1 0 3

Participant Tasks
Three participants met with the test facilitator individually for roughly 30 minutes each. Subjects were tested at their typical web browsing place in an effort to keep them as comfortable as possible and remove any test anxiety. Participants were qualified based on their alignment with Mozingo Golf Courses target market, as well as their computer usage and internet experience. Three participants are evenly divided between the three levels of computer usage: 0-10hrs per week, 11-25hrs per week, and 26+ hrs. per week. Additionally, these 3 participants represent a fairly even distribution among age, marital status, and household income. Test subjects were posed with introductory questions prior to any site navigation. Following the browser navigation and introductory questions, participants were posed with six navigational tasks to perform on the prototype. The navigation prototype can be reviewed in the Apendix Section of this report.

Data Collected
The following data was collected during the usability study on Time per task Task completion rate Navigation path Navigation Label Expectations Verbal feedback Usability Score- calculated as user score per task over total users. Each user is assigned a score between 0 and 2 based on task completion

o o o

0= Incomplete 1= Complete, but with major indecision and difficulties 2= Completed with ease


No. 1. Issue The site contains many mislabeled pages that mislead the user on their contents. Additionally, many of the buttons are somewhat confusing to the user 2. The Reserve a Tee Time system is a 5 step process, including registering for an account, and is broken. First and foremost, a working tee time system. Cutting out the user profile and just having a contact form with available times simplifies the registration process down to two steps, and requires a lot less effort from the user. 3. The site appears out of date Update site with current course rates, newsletters, events, etc. Solution Appropriately label pages, buttons, and any other interactions users may have with the website.

Introductory Questions
Testing subjects were posed with the following questions prior to beginning the usability tasks:
Introductory Questions Have you heard of Mozingo Lake Golf Course? Responses Two of the test subjects have played Mozingo, one test subject had never heard of the course. Are you familiar with How many rounds do you play per year? None of the participants have used Subject 1- 10-15 rounds per year Subject 2- 20-30 rounds per year Subject 3- 30-50 rounds per year

What is your typical way to reserve a tee-time?

One participant identified the course website as the primary way of reserving. The other two participants said they primarily used the phone to reserve tee times. One participant who used the phone said he was weary of online reservation systems because You typically have to pay in advance, and I may have to cancel and dont want to be charged.

How many times per year do you play at a course other than your home course?

One participant said less than 3 times per year, one participant said roughly 10 times per year, and one subject said he had no home course.

Task 1
You and your friends want to play 18 holes at Mozingo. Reserve a tee time for the four of you.
Number of participants Percent successful Usability Score Task Results 1 navigated to the tee reservation system via the path: Book Online-> Tee Time Specials. Then the test subject noticed the system was broken, and was unable to complete the task. (Score of 0) 3 0% 0/6 Findings & Recommendations All participants were unsuccessful in reserving a tee time online because the system on is broken. It is highly recommended that a working reservation system be implemented and appropriately labeled Reserve a Tee Time. Currently, the only way to access the reservation system via the navigation is by clicking either: Policies and 2 participants accessed the tee time reservation system from the widget on the left of the home page. These participants then went through a 4 Information, Log in Now, or Tee Time Specials. All of these are in appropriate labels and do not clearly communicate that the page allows for reservations.

step process of signing up, logging in, finding a date, then finding a time before realizing the system was broken. Subjects were unable to complete the task. (Score of 0) Additionally, the current 4 step process needs to be cut down significantly. Using a simple form that allows for users to input their first and last name requires less technical functionality and is less work than signing up for a user name. Also, users may be weary of paying for tee times prior to playing, in case the weather doesnt cooperate or they have a more pressing engagement.

Task 2
Find out the cost to play 18-holes with a cart on the weekend.
Number of participants Percent successful Usability Rating 3 100% 6/6 Findings & Recommendations While all three test subjects completed this task easily, one commented that the top of the page said 2011 rates.

Task Results All 3 participants found the Course Rates page by hovering over Golf Course, and moving down to the page. This task was completed with ease by all. (Score of 6)

It is highly recommended that all content stay up to date. If content rarely changes or is unable to be updated, dont put a date at the top. If content goes without being updated, users lose trust in the information they are receiving, and may look to other sources.

Task 3
Find out what time the 2012 Labor Day shamble starts.
Number of participants Percent successful 3 100%

Usability Score


Task Results 1 subject completed the task with significant difficulty by using the path: event info>calendar->back 1 year button->forward 1 year button->Back 1 month button (score of 1)

Findings & Recommendations All participants were successful in this task, but two had significant difficulty due to the buttons on the calendar. Labels for these buttons would decrease confusion on which one moves forward or backward one month and the one that moves in year increments.

2 participants completed the task by hovering over outing and events tab, and moving down to events calendar. One participant clicked back one month and found the information easily, and One took the button path: back 1 year button->forward 1 year button->Back 1 month button. (Score of 2) (Score of 1)

Task 4
Register yourself to receive specials and news updates from Mozingo Golf Course via Email.
Number of participants Percent successful Usability Score Task Results 2 participants completed the task with ease by signing up for the e-specials club via the path: 3 100% 6/6 Findings & Recommendations All test subjects completed this task with ease, but two expressed concerns about requiring their phone number. It

hover over amenities-> move down and click on e-specials club (Score of 4)

is recommended that the phone number and address be removed. These are not necessary for a club that exists only online and markets via email.

1 test subject completed the task by using the path: hover over news and links->Newsletters>e-specials club link. Task was completed with ease (Score of 2)

Task 5
You want to purchase a gift card for a friend. Find out how to do this and navigate to the checkout page.
Number of participants Percent successful Usability Score Task Results All 3 participants completed the task via the path: Gift Cards(card balance page) -> Online Store -> Gift Card Image- -> Select $100 Card>add to cart-> proceed to checkout. Participants had difficulty identifying the correct page and completing the task (Score of 3) 3 100% 3/6 Findings & Recommendations Prior to finding the Online Store where the gift cards are sold, all three participants first navigated to the page titled Gift Cards. This page allows users to check the balance of their gift cards, and should be labeled as such. Correctly labeling this page with the world balance will cut down on a great amount of user confusion.

Additionally, since gift cards are the only thing sold in the online store, this page can be re-labeled to Gift Cards. This will aid in the reduction of user confusion from miss-labeled pages.

Task 6
You want to take golf lessons at the course, but you dont know who the golf professional is. Find out the instructors name and phone number.
Number of participants Percent successful Usability Score Sample Findings 2 participants completed the task with ease by finding the golf professional via the path: Shop & Staff -> Contact. (Score of 4) 3 66% 4/6 Sample Recommendations It is recommended that contact information be kept in relevant areas, like the golf professionals contact information on the golf instruction page. Additionally, a search option would be incredibly helpful to users and has 1 test subject gave up on the task after searching for more than 5 minutes. The initial path taken was: Golf Instruction -> Golf Shop & Staff->Golf Instruction -> Course Rates -> Shop & Staff. The subject searched intently on these pages until he was unable to find the information and gave up. pretty much become a web standard.


Test Subject Qualifications
Audience Type Anglers RVers & Campers 3 3 Computer Usage 0 to 10 hrs. wk. 11 to 25 hrs. wk. 2 2

TOTAL (participants)

26+ hrs. wk. TOTAL (participants)

2 6

Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 60-74 TOTAL (participants) 2 1 2 0 8

Gender Women Men TOTAL (participants) 2 4 6

Marital Status Single Married TOTAL (participants)

3 3 6

Household Income $20,000-$39,000 $40,000-$59,000 $60,000-$79,000 $80,000-$99,999 $100,000 + TOTAL (participants)

2 0 2 0 2 6

Participant Tasks
Six participants met with the test facilitator individually for roughly 30 minutes each. Tests were conducted at the users typical place for internet browsing- mainly their place of residence or office. Subjects were tested at their typical web browsing place in an effort to keep them as comfortable as possible and remove any test anxiety. A Screen shot of the home page can be reviewed in the Appendix Section of this report. Participants were qualified based on their alignment with Mozingos target market, as well as their computer usage and internet experience. Six participants are evenly divided between the three levels of computer usage: 0-10hrs per week, 11-25hrs per week, and 26+ hrs. per week. Additionally, these 6 participants represent a fairly even distribution among age, marital status, gender, and household income.

Test subjects were posed with introductory questions prior to any site navigation. Following the browser navigation and introductory questions, participants were posed with six navigational tasks to perform on the prototype.

Data Collected
The following data was collected during the usability study on Mozingolake.coms navigation prototype: Time per task Task completion rate Navigation path Navigation Label Expectations Verbal feedback


No. Issues 1. Lodging navigation label communicates hotel to 83% of test subjects. Solutions Change the label to be Camping and Lodging to clearly communicate section contents and allow for expansion when hotel does arrive. 2. Location of park regulations for each entity is unclear to users, and park regulations PDF is long and hard to sort through Include links to Park Regulations on pages such as: RV Spots, Fishing, Hunting, Boating, and Primitive Camping. Additionally, the Parks Regulations page should be in HTML, and include text anchor links to each main topic. 3. Users are confused when a store page is included in each site section as well as the top level navigation. They are unable to identify the appropriate place to purchase items online. 4. The Fishing Tournaments page is not Remove the Fishing Tournaments page because Only have one Store page that exists in the main navigation. This page will link directly to the Zazzle store, which should be broken up into departments such as: Golf, T-Shirts, Hats, etc.

utilized to find information about fishing events. Testers preferred the Calendar page that exists within the main navigation.

it contains redundant information that can already be found in the calendar, and is not utilized in finding event information.

Introductory Questions
The following chart details the test subjects main navigation label expectations for Mozingolake.coms navigation prototype. Participant No. 1. Outdoor Recreation
Fishing, hunting, boating Camping Fishing, boating, playgrounds Primitive camping, fishing, regulations, trails, picnic areas Fishing, hunting, boating

Golf pricing, course map

Hotel, camping areas, rv spots Cabins, hotel Hotel, lodges Cabins rv spots

Current events

Lake history, general info

News releases


2. 3. 4.

Golf information Course information , pricing Course info

Events All events,

Lake information History

PR releases News releases News releases, updates

t-shirts, hats T-shirts, hats, golf towels Fishing permits, boat permits, local store information

Current events, adding events fishing tournaments

About Mozingo, history


Hours, course pricing, club rental, canlendar Course information , pricing


Cabins, hotel, motel, camping , RV spots Hotel, cabins, camping

Current events, hours of operation

History, general information, maps and directions General information, board of directors

News releases, news letters

t-shirts, maps, hats merchandise

Fishing, trails

Events, holidays

Press releases, news links


Task 1
You and your friends are planning a get-a-way weekend to Mozingo and you want to rent an RV spot for the four of you. Identify the main navigation label that houses cabin and rental information.

Number of participants Percent successful

6 66% Findings & Recommendations The Lodging navigation label should be changed to something that clearly communicates outdoor camping. In the introductory questions, 83% of test participants

Task Results -4 participants correctly identified Lodging as the navigation label for RV information.

2 participants incorrectly identified Outdoor Recreation the navigation label that holds RV information.

indicated the Lodging category holds information about a hotel, which Mozingo does not have-yet.

To clearly communicate to site visitors that the Lodging section holds information about all forms of camping, the navigation label should be changed to Camping & Lodging. An important thing to note is that keeping the word lodging in the title allows for the addition of a hotel category without restructuring the navigation.

Task 2
Your friends plan on bringing a cooler full of beer to the cabin, but you arent sure if alcohol is allowed on the premises. Which main navigation label would you click to begin finding this information?
Number of participants Percent successful 6 66% Findings & Recommendations For this task test subjects identified a number of areas to find park regulations. To ease the users search for this information, it is highly recommended that the page for each entity at Mozingo with park regulations governing it 1 participant incorrectly identified Outdoor include either: A) excerpts of park regulations directly

Task Results 4 participants correctly identified the About section to find information about park regulations.

Recreation as the appropriate navigation label.

pertaining to the presented information, or, B) A Link to the park regulations page where the top section includes anchor

1 participant incorrectly identified Lodging as the appropriate navigation label to find park regulations.

text at the top for each main topic.

Implementing either of these options will ensure that when users want information, it is in the first place they look. Additionally, this will cut down on a great bit of user confusion when browsing the site for information.

Task 3
You want to contact the golf course to see if they offer club rental. Identify the main navigation tab that would allow you to email them.
Number of participants Percent successful 6 100%

Task Results 6 participants correctly identified Golf as the main navigation label used to email the golf course.

Findings & Recommendations While 100% of participants were successful in this task, the indecision among 33% of subjects should not be overlooked. It is recommended that the contact page within the About navigation label have a drop down box allowing web visitors

2 successful participants also pondered the option of About as a way to email the golf course.

to set the email to the attention of a recipient. Example: Attention: Golf Course, Attention: Campgrounds.

Including the option to contact all Mozingo facilities from a number of contact forms on the site allows the user to reach out to Mozingo without having to search around for the

appropriate contact form.

Task 4
You want to purchase golf towels from Mozingo for everyone going on the trip. Identify the main navigation label that would allow you to purchase these.
Number of participants Percent successful 6 33% Findings & Recommendations The majority of subjects were unsuccessful in identifying Golf as the main navigation label that would hold the items for sale at the golf course. It is recommended that instead of having a shop or store for Golf, Lodging, and 4 test subjects incorrectly identified Store as the main navigation label used to purchase golf towels. The Store navigation tab should link directly to the Zazzle online store. Within Zazzle, Different departments can be created to hold the varying items for each of Mozingos facilities. Outdoor Recreation, all items for sale online be held within a single main navigation label- Store.

Task Results 2 participants correctly identified Golf as the main navigation label used to purchase golf towels.

The removal of the store subpages from the golf, outdoor recreation, and lodging sections cuts down on the number of virtually empty pages and simplifies dropdown navigation. Additionally, it cuts out all confusion for the user on where to purchase items online.

Task 5
You heard a fishing tournament is taking place at Mozingo the same weekend you are visiting, and you dont want to have to compete for a fishing spot. Identify which page you think this information is kept on.
Number of participants Percent successful Sample Findings 5 test participants correctly identified the Calendar page as the place they were likely to go to find event information. 6 83% Sample Recommendations Based on test findings, the Fishing Tournaments page is unnecessary. This page can be removed, and the calendar will serve as a comprehensive calendar for all of Mozingos entities. 1 test subject identified the Fishing Tournaments page as the appropriate place to find out fishing tournament dates. The calendar page should clearly separate information for fishing, celebrations, and all other events by either: A) color coding calendar information, or, B) implementing calendar filter options to only show certain types of events.

Task 6
You are afraid your fishing boat might be too big to take out on the lake. Identify the page that would hold information about these regulations.
Number of participants Percent successful 6 100% Sample Recommendations While all 6 participants were successful in finding the boating regulations, the 4 that used the path Outdoor

Sample Findings 4 participants correctly identified Boating as the page that would contain boating


Recreation->Boating were able to access the information much quicker. Subjects who took the About->Park

2 participants identified Park Regulations via the path: About-> Park Regulations.

Regulations tab had to search through over 10 pages of a PDF to find the necessary information.

To make this information easier to access and sort through, regulations pertaining to each Mozingo entity should be either: A) including excerpts from the regulations on each page that it pertains to, or, B) include links on each page to the park regulations page. The park regulations page should be in HTML format in case the user doesnt have the appropriate browser plug ins, and should include anchor text links to each main topic section.


Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is the art of gaining free traffic from search engines. Major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo have complex algorithms in place to rank websites according to what a user is searching for. These search engines use website crawlers to analyze a sites Meta attributes, coding structure, and content and then determine their rankings based on keywords found within the site. The exact ranking algorithm is unknown, but there are a few time-tested tactics to improve search rankings.

Additionally, these search engine sites often release information about recent updates to their ranking system. It is known that the following site attributes have an impact on your ranking: meta tags, image names, HTML tags, inbound and outbound links, social media usage, and the most important of all, content. Strategically placing important keywords in these places will positively impact your rankings on search engines. The more frequently a site appears in the top of the search rankings, the more visitors the site, and ultimately, the more visitors to Mozingo.

It is recommended that target the following keywords and phrases listed below. These were chosen because keywords and phrases must align with the content being presented on the website, or no SEO value is gained. Additionally, targeting keywords with high amounts of competition or low amounts of local search volume will also prove futile. The perfect keywords have a low amount of competition, a high search volume, and align perfectly with a sites content. These top 10 keywords were chosen according to many of the factors stated above, but with a little added analysis. First, we only want to target people searching for keywords and phrases that are either within our target area, or are searching for our target area. Therefore, the word Missouri has been included in each key phrase to ensure Mozingo appears in localized searches. Additionally, these keywords were ranked according to their KOI, or Keyword Opportunity Index. KOI refers to a keywords ability to rise quickly in search engine rankings and its ability to assume a top position for those searched terms. Missouri Cabins Missouri Campsites Cabin rental in Missouri Golf in Missouri Missouri Hunting Cabins in Missouri Hunting in Missouri

RV Parks in Missouri Missouri RV parks Camping in Missouri

See appendix.

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