Ap Us HW#20

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HW #20

Haarin Kwon 11/27/11

AIM: How effectively did early political leaders govern the new nation? The United States in a Wider World, 1789-1796 Hamilton's financial program caused a political division between sides that favored industry/overseas business vs. famers, planters, small businesses, etc Spanish Power in Western North America Winning Louisiana from France (1762) temporarily revived Spanish fortunes in N. America The Spanish attempted to submit the Indians to their authority - Ironically, Spanish colonists depended on the Natives that had trade agreements w/ Americans through Louisiana and Mississippi This led to truces between N. Americans and the Spanish Spain's attempts in New Mexico + Texas were meant to counter other European rivals Russians crossed the Bering Sea into N. America Spaniards responded by establishing the province of Alta California but it failed to bring Mexican settlers - The Natives were receptive at first but the Spaniards imposed Catholicism, harsh work and diseases Spain wanted to dominate between the Pacific and the Mississippi River but failed due to N. American resistance Challenging American Expansion, 1789-1792 Spain, Britain and the U.S. all desired the Mississippi River The idea of peace improved when Spain opened N. Orleans to American commerce 1791-1796: The U.S. admitted Vermont, KY and Tennessee to the Union Reason: they hoped to improve their resident's loyalty to the U.S. Washington's western policy: He attempted to decrease Spanish influence by neutralizing the Creek Indians Treaty of New York: signed by Creek leader Alexander McGillivray, it permitted Americans to stay on Georgian lands while preserving it against further expansion Washington also insisted on Georgia returning the lands of the Creeks' allies that Georgians had sold off to speculators Washington adopted a harsher policy towards Natives resisting colonial efforts to inhabit the Ohio Valley - It failed twice and Spain convinced the Creeks to renounce the Treaty of NY France and Factional Politics, 1793 French Revolution supporters: Jefferson considered it an assault on monarchy Southern slave owners supported it and were inspired by the French Revolution 1791 - a slave uprising in St. Domingue made French planters flee to the U.S. telling how the British encouraged it - This increased anti-British hysteria French Revolution dissenters: Hamilton described France as a "mobocracy" and supported Britain in resisting its efforts Northerners were appalled by the bloodshed - NE Protestants disliked the French for believing in reason instead of God - Middle Atlantic Federalists condemned the French radicals as inciting the poor against the rich Economic reasons for French Revolution:

Northern merchants traded mostly w/ Britain and feared that an alliance w/ France would make the British retaliate against this Members of Parliament seemed inclined to favor liberalizing trade w/ the U.S. The South believed trade w/ Britain was a menace to national self-determination Anti-Federalists wanted a tariff to reduce dependency on British goods - Federalists warned a tariff would lead the U.S. to war against Britain American neutrality was issued by Washington (April 22, 1793) Enthusiasm for a Pro-French foreign policy increased in the southern + western states after France went to war w/ Spain+ Britain (1793) - They believed a French victory would lead to free U.S. navigation of the Mississippi and evacuation of British garrisons France tried to bring the U.S. into the war but Washington declared neutrality Citizen Genet - a French minister sent to the U.S. to rally American support He found volunteers for the American foreign legion who defied Washington's Neutrality Proclamation

Diplomacy and War, 1793-1796 Great Britain attempted to stop American support for the French Nov. 6 1793 - the Privy Council ordered the confiscation of foreign ships trading w/ the French in the W.I. The Royal Navy impressed (forced enlistment) of U.S. crewmen They impressed American crews for British men who had fled but ended up taking Americans too - American argued that the gov't's willingness to protect their citizens were a sign of national character Britain, Spain and N. Americans continued fighting for control over lands west of the Appalachians The Canadian governor denied all U.S. claims north of the Ohio River - This encouraged Britain and Spain to build forts on American land Washington tried to stop the drift towards war (1794) by: Authorizing Gen. Wayne to negotiate a treaty w/ the Shawnees Sending John Jay to Great Britain Dispatching Thomas Pinckney to Spain Treaty of Greenville (August 1795) Shawnees + allies scoffed at the U.S.'s attempt at a treaty Battle of Fallen Timbers - General Wayne and his troops destroyed Shawnee lands, forcing them to flee to their British allies at Fort Miami, where there denied entrance Wayne signed a treaty w/ the Shawnees + allies which opened up most of modern day Ohio and some of Indiana to American settlement Jay's Treaty Wayne's victory at Fallen Timbers allowed Jay to get Britain to withdraw troops America Americans gained access to W. Indian markets for small American ships in exchange for the U.S.'s right to load French cargo during wartime This treaty was viewed as a failure - Britain violated America's neutrality and undermined profits by restricting U.S. trade w/ France - It did not end impressment - The South was not compensated for slaves taken away during the Revolution by the British Effects: - War w/ Britain was diffused and British occupation ended - Trade was stimulated w/ Britain W. Indies and British controlled India Treaty of San Lorenzo (1796) Pinckney convinced Spain to allow unrestricted access to the world market through the Mississippi Spain also promised recognition of the 31st parallel (Florida) and discouraged N. Americans from attacking

Parties and Politics, 1793-1800 Controversies over domestic and foreign policies led to the formation of two political parties: Federalists and Republicans Ideological Confrontation, 1793-1794 Federalists Horrified by 'mob rule' and artisans in PA + NY rallied around Pro-French politicians (EX: Jefferson) Citizen Genet encouraged opposition to Washington's administration Equated democracy w/ mob rule Believed in elected officials ruling in the people's name Republicans Believed that a gov't dominated by a few would lead to corruption - Power had to split between the property holders (voters) Southerners supported Republicanism while denying their slaves the same right Political division Political ambition made men like Jefferson and Madison rouse the public about civic affairs Washington as president decreased complaints against Federalists and their policies Jefferson (Anti-Federalist) resigned due to being overruled at everything - His resignation from the cabinet solidified the split Anti-Federalists began organizing Democratic (Republican) societies in port cities and the South and West - These societies included farmers, merchants, artisans, etc but not clergymen, the poor, etc The Republican Party, 1794-1796 1794 - Washington openly sided w/ Federalist policies Republicans attacked the Pro-British Federalist stance and became the majority in the House of Representatives These local elections signified the change from Democratic (Republican) societies to the Republican Party Federalists and Republicans used the newspapers to mold public opinion The two parties' accusations stimulated citizens to become politically active Washington's Farewell Address He grew tired of the [political division and retired after two terms His address, written by Hamilton, advised the U.S. to: - Not split into political parties - Not to get caught up in foreign affairs, especially wars The address created an image of an isolated America free from foreign affairs The Election of 1796 Republicans cultivated many supporters They targeted Democratic societies and immigrants Many French and Irish immigrants came over - The Irish in PA + NY would tip the balance towards the Republicans The candidates were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson The crucial states were PA + NY - Republicans took PA, Federalists took NY - Adams (Federalist) became president, Jefferson (Republican) became vice-president The French Crisis, 1798-1799 XYZ Affair The French knew Jay's Treaty assisted the British against France

With Jefferson's defeat, they started seizing American ships carrying goods to British ports Adams sent a peace commission to France but the foreign minister Charles de Tallybrand sent three agents (X, Y,Z) who said peace talks could begin after he received $250,000 and France received $12 million Quasi War (1798-1800) Republican's foreign policy views were discredited but they still defended France Congress sent U.S. forces to seize French privateers in the Caribbean Britain extended its protection to American merchant ships Congress tripled the army in case of a civil wear caused by French and Irish immigrants

The Alien and Sedition Acts Four measures designed to protect national security Republicans opposed all of them 1) Alien Enemies Act - It was a procedure for determining whether citizens of a hostile country were a threat to the U.S. - If so, they would be deported/jailed 2) Alien Friends Act - It authorized the deportation of foreign citizens w/o proof of guilt 3) Naturalization Act - It increased the residency requirement for U.S. citizenship from 5 to 14 years - It was meant to reduce Irish voting 4) Sedition Act - It was enforceable against American citizens - It was meant to distinguish free speech from attempts to overthrow the gov't - It only interfered w/ free speech, especially newspapers criticizing political activity Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Virginia and Kentucky militia signed petitions denouncing the Alien and Sedition Acts Republicans realized since they controlled all three branches of gov't, none of their policies (Bill of Rights, checks and balances, etc) protected individual rights The resolutions were adopted by both states legislatures Madison's Virginia Resolutions - Declared that state legislatures never surrendered their right to judge Federal actions and they had interposition (an authority to protect their liberties) - Jefferson's resolution for KY declared states to have ultimate sovereignty and could 'nullify' federal laws The acts divided the country Jefferson hinted at Southern secession State militias were purchasing muskets for civil war The Election of 1800 The two parties rallied around Federalist Adams and Republican Jefferson again Both sides did not resort to political slander like last time Adams signed a peace treaty w/ France in 1799 As the possibility of a French war disappeared, Federalist credibility disappeared Taxes and the national debt increased for nothing Jefferson beat Adams due to decreased Federalist support + increased Republican support and voter turnout Jefferson and his running mate, Aaron Burr, were tied The constitution failed to anticipate ties between the candidate and running mate - Hamilton chose Jefferson over Burr, making Jefferson president

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