Sunday, November 25, 2012

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

this circular mark aims to project rosedale as a place of unity and vibrant culture; established but still youthful, and a bit unexpected.

rosedale info guide

> informs > facilitates > communicates > supports > represents > unifies

Sunday, November 25, 2012

weve decided to create an info guide for rosedale to better inform the current community, as well as newcomers and visitors, what rosedale has to offer. this booklet will facilitate communication for the community, and be used as a way people can more easily locate information.

> what is rosedale? > brandmark explained > info on rda > table of contents > map of boundaries/communities > map with resources > churches > parks > schools > grocery stores > bus routes > etc.
Sunday, November 25, 2012

> yearly events > neighborhood group support > healthy kids > youth programming > farmers market/community gardens > minor home repair - ku med > directory for specific inquiries

while our current mock-up just shows a select few of these items, weve considered what content the full booklet would have based on what weve found to be currently blurred information. this content would include brief information about what rosedale is, our new brandmark explained, info about the rda, maps with the boundaries and resources, as well as key information highlighted on the rosedale website. we also have provided a quick directory for common questions/concerns that the rda gets called about.

solving language barriers

Sunday, November 25, 2012

because rosedale is so diverse and communication is a large barrier in the community, weve decided to resolve this in our handbook by using many icons and images to communicate the information. this makes the handbook an easy read for all languages. weve also highlighted important information, such as phone numbers and websites, in the book through color or bold type.

easy navigation

Sunday, November 25, 2012

another way weve made this handbook a quick, easy information tool is by color coding each section so that the desired information can easily be found through a color coded index. heres some examples of how this works.

distribution methods

> rda > rda events > local stores > churches > community centers > community banks > easily accessible by bus/bike/foot > college students > mail

Sunday, November 25, 2012

places that these handbooks could be distributed include...

cover material

> eco-friendly > natural, earthy feel > stands out, easy to recognize > colors pop > modern, hip

Sunday, November 25, 2012

weve decided to make the cover out of this craft brown paper because we feel it connects well with rosedales green neighborhood, with many community gardens and farmers markets.



river s ansa k
Sauer Castle

i-35 southwest blvd

Step Up

Shawnee Rd.
Rosedale Arch

McFarland Heights

Rose Alert

state line rd

KU Med

Rosedale Park

Hanover Heights Frank Rushton Spring Valley

i-35 69

Friendship Heights

county line rd


Sunday, November 25, 2012

because we found that many people were not aware of rosedales boundaries, or where all rosedale covered, weve decided to include a map showing this, as well as showing each of rosedales sub-communities and where they cover.



s river ansa
X-Tension Mart

r as rive kans

state line rd

state line rd

lv d



ut hw es








Le Estrella Fashions Phillips 66



El Sol Minimart

Whitmore Park Rosedale Park

So ut h







w es t


So ut hw es t

Bl vd


Stop N Shop

Bl vd


Mt Marty Park


Fisher Park


si Mis d on R

Oklahoma Joes
W 43rd

W 43rd
Mission Rd

Rainbow Blvd

Rainbow Blvd

county line rd
Fill N Shop

county line rd

Sunday, November 25, 2012

weve also included resource maps so people can easily locate places such as parks, stores, schools, churches etc. these pages also provide phone numbers and addresses, along with these location specic maps to help facilitate the process of navigating around rosedale.

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

environmental graphics

target area

Sunday, November 25, 2012

environmental graphics will be implemented on rainbow boulevard in the vicinity of KU med, where lots of new construction is occurring and many people from all over the city come to work; signicant outward-facing area

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

current view of the area

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

street banners using the rosedale branding in vibrant orange color, establishing rainbow blvd as a main artery of rosedale

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

street banners using the rosedale branding in vibrant orange color, establishing rainbow blvd as a main artery of rosedale (featuring the more slogan)

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

rainbow boulevard has its own sub-branding under the rosedale mark, similar to main street or 39th street west

environmental graphics

rainbow BLVD rainbow BLVD

rainbow BLVD rainbow BLVD

rainbow BLVD rainbow BLVD

rainbow BLVD

Sunday, November 25, 2012

another concept takes the rainbow mark and uses it as a graphic pattern rather than an object, creating a range of different options for street banners

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

street banner concept using only the rainbow mark

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

splashes of the vibrant orange color and the rosedale brandmark could be implemented on sidewalks, stairways, and landscaping elements

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

brandmark shown on a landscaping element

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

rainbow blvd would also receive new street signs to make the experience more cohesive

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

manhole covers!

environmental graphics

Sunday, November 25, 2012

taking the mundane and making it exciting; little surprises hidden in the environment, much like how rosedale itself is surprising once discovered

RDA branded materials

Sunday, November 25, 2012

branding for the rosedale development association featuring the rosedale mark

RDA branded materials

Sunday, November 25, 2012

stationery elements and stickers for distribution

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The logo build can be used to unify any potential video work into the Rosedale identity. It can be tagged on to the front or end of any promotional or event based video.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

This transition can be placed at the start of a video segment and can lead into another segment with a simple fade out of the nal full color frame.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

This transition may be useful for a more playful kids event video.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The lower third graphic can be have text added to the bottom corner when the dot scrolls back over to the left. This can be useful for presentations or videos in which names or descriptive words need to be displayed before entering into a new scene.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

This transition can also be used to go from one scene to another, and can be introduced and exited with a simple fade in and out.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

This video is a emotional, lyrical, and gestural exploration of what makes the Rosedale community what it is, from the land itself, through the structures that inhabit it, to the people who live and work and play there. It acts as a promotional experience that can make Rosedale residents proud while introducing outsiders to the heart of the area. This video culminates in the introduction of the new logo, in a build that sets the stage for the tagline.

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