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Peruvian values

Inequality Peruvian society tends to be hierarchical. They think that there are people who are better than others depending on how much money they have, the education level, ethnic group or race. Only the person who has money can have access to a good education, products and services of quality, and justice. Curiously, the majority is not who discriminates against the minority but the opposite. For example, people who live in the highland have been historically subjugated by and discriminated against by a small group of rich families. These families controlled for a lot of time the country and excluded people from the highland and jungle from voting and all the participation in the State. That was because according them, they were ignorants that didnt know how to write and read. But it was the government that was responsible for this situation. It never cares about them and condemned them to keep their lifestyle without the opportunity to improve. Although, the State has been working on social inclusion in recent years, there still continues the discrimination and injustice to the poor people and popular majorities. Some time ago, Ricardo Apaza, who is from Cusco, was discriminated against in the UVK cinema in Larcomar. He went to the bathroom and when he came back the security guard wouldnt let him enter to the cinema hall again. He was wearing traditional clothes from Cusco. The guards judged him for his appearance and thought that he didnt have enough money to buy the ticket. The past and progress Peruvians value the past, which they think is better than the present. Most Peruvians believe that the Inca Empire was the best time in the history of Peru because it was more organized and there wasnt racism and poverty. Frequently, they criticize the present and compare this with the past, when the society and economy was better. There is some rejection of technology because it is thought that it may bring negative consequences for the environment. They dont try to control the environment, but they leave in the hands of God or the "APUS", name of the gods in the highland. Although, in Lima the technology is perceived as progress there is just a little investment in this area and there is a preference for foreign products. Peruvians admire people who work hard and become rich. I mean people who were poor and with effort and dedication managed to overcome the difficulties and made it their business progress. An example of that is the Aaos family who began their soft drink business in a province of Ayacucho. They sold their product at a low price so everyone could buy it and to make the long story short, they expanded their business and now export their products to Venezuela, Ecuador and Mexico. Also, they employee many people.

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