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Southlands Elementary School PAC Annual General Meeting Minutes November 2, 2012 7:00 pm Location: Southlands Elementary School

Library Attendees: Kim Nemeth (Principal), Michelle Kokan (Co-chair), Andrea Bishop (Co-chair), Dawn Olinek (Treasurer), Heidi MacLean (Fundraising), Amalia Cook (Co-chair Fundraising), Averill GroeneveldMeijer (Secretary), Gina Nasrabadi, Sofia Sandover, Jennifer Thornley, Xuegin Qiu, Angle Xing, Ester Rosillo Pascual, Fiona MacKenzie Stroh. 1. Chair Welcome (Michelle Kokan) Sofia Sandover accepted the minutes from October 2, Heidi MacLean seconded. 2. Principals report (Kim Nemeth) Volleyball has started. There is one boys team, coached by Mr. Jung and Ms. Kinnard. Unfortunately there were not enough girls for a team; hopefully there will enough for basketball later in the year. IB Update: o Div. 1 is presenting at the next IB assembly which also is our Remembrance Day Assembly on November 8th. They will be presenting their thoughts about Remembrance Day and the importance of peace in the world. They will link this to this months IB learner trait: being reflective o Div. 8 will also be sharing a song that they have learned at the assembly as well o Div.7 and 8 are working on a unit of inquiry that is representing the visual arts to express themselves. They are looking at the math connections that link with this. Specifically shapes, spaces, lines, symmetry, etc.

Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

o Div. 3 is completing the transdiscipliary theme: Who we are. Some of their theme work includes the Friendship program, recognizing individual talents, studying great Canadians, and the human body. Traffic Safety: The Vancouver Police Department Traffic Enforcement has started ticketing drivers in front of the school for speeding and other unsafe maneuvers in front of the school. Please keep reminding parents to drive slowly and to park a safe distance from the cross walk. Sofia Sandover asked about the traffic cones weve had in previous years. She will price out 10 cones. Registration began Nov. 1. Information is available on the Southlands website as well as the VSB website. Please encourage parents to check out the Southlands IB information on the VSB website and to register. IB is now a district program, but with preference given to local families. Playground installation has begun. The students are very excited about playing on the newest pieces. Thank you to the PAC for fundraising for this initiative. o Nov. 8 Remembrance Day assembly will be held at 11am. Photo retakes will be at 9am. o Nov. 23 Student Council has organized a Pajama Day for with a coin drive for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. o Nov. 30: Professional Development Day o Dec. 3 IB Assembly: Open-minded by Division 6 o Dec. 5 Band Concert 6-7:30. PAC will provide refreshments. o Dec 19 Winter Celebrations with entertainment by students at 1 and 5:30pm (TBC) and a bake sale. 3. IB (Fiona Stroh) The Matters to be Addressed from IB Internationals report have now all been addressed. The report information will be submitted to IB International near the end of November. This is an exciting time at Southlands with so much commitment for IB!

Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

As parents we can start talking up the program in the community to encourage new students. Ester Rosillo Pascual suggested we have a party to celebrate when Southlands officially passes. This idea was met with enthusiasm and suggestions included inviting people from previous years who contributed to the process as well. When we get closer to the date the PAC will start planning. 4. Treasury Report (Dawn Olinek) Financial Statements attached. MK added that grocery vouchers are down significantly from last year which is unfortunate as this is a major source of revenue for the PAC and costs parents nothing. Forms are available on the blog and people can sign up at any time. AB: Teachers have been asked for planning purposes how they would like to spend their field trip and classroom funds and responses are coming in. 5. Fundraising (Heidi MacLean) Subway and Breadgarden are doing well. Grade 7 parents will take over Breadgarden in January for Grad fundraising. Innsbruck gift wrap orders were down more than 50% from two years ago. Purdys Christmas Chocolate already looks to be a success. Winter Celebration: Bake sale during the afternoon and evening sessions, Grade 7 basket raffle, Class baskets auction, refreshment sales. New ideas for Spring fundraising are always welcome. Some thoughts include a family bingo night. ERP suggested an Osborne Books night with 25% of sales going toward new books for the school, especially interesting as Osborne has many books in other languages. Maybe a second hand book sale in Spring? Parent/teacher conferences are a good time for Book Fairs as parents are in the school. The Direct Appeal letter will go out in November. HM and AB will update it with current info on what teachers are hoping we can purchase for the school this year and the submission deadline for tax receipts.
Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

HM commented on a fun recent Southlands fundraising event Chef Geoff the previous weekend. These events are sponsored by Southlands families and sold to families at annual silent auctions (the most recent Silent Auction was held in the library during the Spring Fair). All families are welcome to bid on the events and to participate. The February Dinner Dance will be held again this year. 5. Other Business Jenn Thornley asked if there will be an airband concert again this year. This is a fun event all children can participate in. The students can choose from a list of approved songs, have a few rehearsals and put on a show for parents and each other. KN will check with staff. Amalia Cook asked about protocol for when students are injured at school. Kim Redston is the only first aid attendant at the school. She assesses injury and calls parents if necessary. Wish lists: $12,000 is available to spend on improvements to the school. Teachers have been asked to submit their wish lists and these will prioritized with KN and brought to the PAC. Technology appears to be high on the lists so far. MK pointed out that Smartbaords are considered obsolete and that Ipads or other tablets are more current. KN has a meeting scheduled with VSB technology manager.

Copies of the finalized Southlands PAC Meeting Minutes are posted on the Southlands PAC blog.

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