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Books about Albania and the Albanian people

This is a reference of various books (and some journal articles) about

Albania and the Albanian people, their origin, history, culture, etc. The
publication dates range from the 17th century to present times. All of
them are fully accessible online, curtsey of Google Books, The Internet
Archive, and other similar public projects. Each copy of every book and
article has also been uploaded on Scribd; a sharing site, a YouTube-like
for text files and various publications. For each book and article there’s
publishing information and links, to Scribd and to the original location,
where it can be read in full or downloaded.

While the books can be read in any of the alternative sites, Scribd is recommended because of its additional
features; it provides full-screen reading and an optional embed link for blogs and websites. The books on
Google Books and Internet Archive also have a few extra empty pages, which have been removed prior to
uploading them on Scribd. The two journals included here (Noli’s “The Adriatic Review” and Konitza’s
“Albania”) had some of the same pages being repeated throughout (scanning errors it seems), which have
also been sorted out on the Scribd version. The books and articles are available for download as well, in pdf
format, for which Adobe Reader (free program) is needed. In the author field of each book alternative
spellings of names or aliases are provided, when applicable. By clicking on the image of the book a full-
screen picture of its cover can be seen. The Albanian version of this reference can be accessed here

Most of the materials included here are in English, but there are also a few in French, German, Italian, and
Albanian, and they’re listed below in that order. At the end of the reference (after the non-English books)
there are some journal articles (in English) from National Geographic, Scribner Magazine, etc. A lot of these
books are also available in public and university libraries, in the United States and other countries. Worldcat
(World Catalog) is a very helpful online database for that purpose. By searching via the book title, it
provides a list of the libraries nearby that have that particular book.

Title: Albania past and present

Author: Constantine Chekrezi [Kostandin Çekrezi]
Year: 1919
Publisher: Macmillan (New York)
Links: Scribd Internet Archive
With introduction by Charles Downer Hazen, professor of History at Harvard University, at that
time of publication.

Title: George Castriot, Surnamed Scanderbeg, King of Albania

Author: Clement Clarke Moore
Year: 1850
Publisher: D. Appleton & Co. (New York)
Links: Scribd Google Books
Scanderbeg (actual name Gjergj Kastrioti) is a legendary European warrior and leader of the 15th
century, and the national hero of Albanians. With a small army under his command he successfully fended
off several major Ottoman crusades against his homeland for about 25 years. His military accomplishments
are credited as being one of the main components that prevented Western Europe from falling under
Ottoman occupation. For that, Scanderbeg was recognized by Pope Pius II and Pope Nicholas V with the title
Athleta Christi (Champion of Christ). Scanderbeg is considered to be one of the most able military leaders of

all times. Diplomatically, Scanderbeg is the first Albanian to have forged nationwide allegiances of the kind
and scale he did. He also formed alliances with leaders of other European nations.
Since then, numerous historical and biographical books have been published about him, in several languages.
The first to circulate in Western Europe was the work of Marin Barleti (Marinus Barletius) during early 16th
century. Several novels, plays, poems and other works have been published about Scanderbeg as well, by
authors from different countries and time periods.

Title: A journey through Albania and other provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to
Constantinople, during the years 1809 and 1810
Author: John Cam Hobhouse Broughton
Year : 1817
Publisher: M. Carey & Son (Philadelphia)
Vol I: Scribd Google Books Vol II: Scribd Google Books

Title: High Albania and its customs in 1908

Author: Mary Edith Durham
Year: 1910
Publisher: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (London)
Links: Scribd Internet Archive

Title: The Adriatic Review

Author: Fan Stylian Noli [Fan Noli]
Year: September 1918 - October 1919
Publisher: Pan-Albanian Vatra Federation of America (Boston)
Links: Scribd Google Books
"The Adriatic Review" was a monthly journal published and edited by the famous Albanian
writer and patriot Fan Noli and the Vatra organization in Boston. All of its published issues are included in
this record. Most of the articles in each issue are in English, followed by a few articles in Albanian.

Title: The memoirs of Ismail Kemal Bey

Author: Ismail Kemal Bey, Sommerville Story
Year: 1920
Publisher: Constable and company (London)
Links: Scribd Internet Archive
Ismail Kemal (Ismail Qemali) is the founder of the modern Albanian state. He proclaimed the
independence of Albania from the Ottoman Empire on November 28, 1912. His memoirs in this book by
Sommerville are mostly about his time in the Ottoman administration. The last chapter is about the
independence of Albania.

Title: The Captain of the Janizaries: A Story of the Times of Scanderbeg and the Fall of
Author: James Meeker Ludlow
Year: 1890 (First publication: 1886)
Publisher: Harper (New York)
Links: Scribd Google Books
This is a novel about Scanderbeg.
Title: Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum, I-IV
Author: Sir Arthur John Evans
Year: 1883
Publisher: Westminster: Nichols & sons
Links: Scribd Internet Archive Google Books
The links on Scribd and Internet Archive contain an additional publication titled "On the
Roman town of Doclea".

Title: Travels in Sicily, Greece and Albania

Author: Thomas Smart Hughes
Year: 1820
Publisher: J. Mawman (London)
Vol I: Scribd Google Books Vol II: Scribd Google Books
Other editions of this book have slight variations, as does the second volume included here:
"Travels in Greece and Albania".

Title: Journals of a Landscape Painter in Albania, &c.

Author: Edward Lear
Year: 1851
Publisher: Richard Bentley (London)
Links: Scribd Google Books
Other title versions from different editions: "Journals of a landscape painter in Albania, Illyria,
&c." and "Journals of a landscape painter in Greece and Albania".

Title: Albania, the foundling state of Europe

Author: Wadham Peacock
Year: 1914
Publisher: D. Appleton & company (New York)
Links: Scribd Internet Archive

Title: Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, &c., during the years
1812 and 1813
Author: Henry Holland
Year: 1815
Publisher: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
Links: Scribd Google Books
About Albania see page 99 and on.

Title: The Burden of the Balkans

Author: Mary Edith Durham
Year: 1905
Publisher: Edward Arnold (London)
Links: Scribd Google Books

Title: The Albanian Question
Author: Mehmet Konitza [Mehmet Konica]
Year: 1818
Publisher: Williams, Lea, Co. (London)
Links: Scribd Internet Archive

Title: Researches in Greece

Author: William Martin Leake
Year: 1814
Publisher: John Booth (London)
Links: Scribd Google Books
About the Albanian language see page 237 and on. The book also contains a 2000 words
Greek-Albanian–English dictionary, which begins on page 293.

Title: Travels in Albania and Other Provinces of Turkey in 1809 & 1810
Author: John Cam Hobhouse Broughton
Year: 1858
Publisher: John Murray (London)
Vol I: Scribd Google Books Vol II: Scribd Google Books

Title: Communist Takeover and Occupation of Albania

Author: Charles J. Kersten; U.S. Congress
Year: 1954
Publisher: U.S. Government Printing Office (Washington D. C.)
Links: Scribd Internet Archive
Full title: Communist Takeover and Occupation of Albania. Special Report No. 13 of the Select
Committee on Communist Aggression. House of Representatives.

Title: Skenderbeu [Scanderbeg]

Author: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Fan Stylian Noli)
Year: 1916 (1863)
Publisher: E. Diellit (Boston)
Links: Scribd Google Books
This is a poem by the Longfellow adapted in Albanian and published by Fan Noli. It contains
both the English and the Albanian versions. The year 1863 refers to the original publication by Longfellow.

Title: Illyrian Letters

Author: Arthur John Evans
Year: 1878
Publisher: Longmans, Green, and Co. (London)
Links: Scribd Google Books
Full title: Illyrian Letters: a revised selection of correspondence from the Illyrian provinces of
Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Dalmatia, Croatia, and Slavonia, addressed to the Manchester
guardian during the year 1877.

Title: Albania: a narrative of recent travel
Author: Edward Frederick Knight
Year: 1880
Publisher: S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington (London)
Links: Scribd Internet Archive

Title: Scanderbeg: Or, Love and Liberty

Author: Thomas Whincop
Year: 1747
Publisher: W. Reeve
Links: Scribd Google Books
This is the first play (tragedy) that is known to have been written about Scanderbeg.

Title: High Albania

Author: Edith Durham
Year: 1909
Publisher: Edward Arnold (London)
Links: Scribd Univ of Penn
This is not the same as the above listed "High Albania and its customs in 1908" publication of
Durham. Also, unlike all other books included in here which are mere scans of the print version of the
books, this is an electronic edition provided by University of Pennsylvania, so the page numbers of this
version do not correspond with the page numbers of the printed book. The content however, including all the
illustrations, is identical.

Title: Travels through the Morea, to Constantinople, Albania and several other parts of
the Ottoman Empire in the years 1798, 1799, 1800 and 1801
Author: François Charles Hugues Laurent Pouqueville
Year: 1806
Publisher: Richard Phillips by Barnard & Sultzer (London)
Links: Scribd Google Books

Title: The economic and financial situation of Albania

Author: Albert Calmes; League of Nations
Year: 1922
Links: Scribd Internet Archive

Title: Histoire de Georges Castriot, Surnommé Scanderbeg, Roy d'Albanie

Author: Jacques De Lavardin, Seigneur du Plessis Bourrot (Marin Barleti)
Year: 1604 (First publication: 1576)
Publisher: Iean Arnavld
Links: Scribd Google Books
Full title: Histoire de Georges Castriot, Surnommé Scanderbeg, Roy d'Albanie: Contenant ses
illustres faicts d'armes, & memorables victoires à l'encontre des Turcs, pour la joy de Iesus-Christ.

This book is based on the aforementioned Marlin Barleti’s work on Scanderbeg. The English version of
Barleti’s book was adapted from this French version of Lavardin and Bourrot. The English version is
available in various libraries, though unfortunately not on any free digital library. It can be accessed however
on EEBO (Early English Books Online) with a personal (paid) account, or for free via university (library)
accounts that do provide access on EEBO.

Title: Albania
Author: Faik Konitza [Faik Konica, Trhank Spirobeg]
Year: June 1898 - November 1899
Publisher: Bureaux de la Revue albanaise (Bruxelles)
Links: Scribd Google Books
"Albania" was a biweekly journal published and edited by the renowned Albanian writer and
patriot Faik Konitza (Faik Konica) in Brussels, and later on in London. What’s included here is not a full
record of the journal; it contains issues from Volume B, Nr 6 through Volume D, Nr 11. Each issue has
articles in French and Albanian, followed by a few pages in Turkish. Trhank (Thrank) Spiroberg was an alias
of Konitza.

Title: Albanesische Studien, I-III

Author: Johann Georg von Hahn
Year: 1854
Publisher: Verlag von Friedrich Mauke (Jena)
Links: Scribd Google Books

Title: Albanien und die Albanesen: eine historisch-kritische Studie

Author: Wassa Effendi [Pashko Vasa, Vaso Pasha]
Year: 1879
Publisher: Julius Springer (Berlin)
Links: Scribd Google Books

Title: Griechische Und Albanesische Märchen

Author: Johann Georg von Hahn
Year: 1864
Publisher: Wilhelm Engelmann (Leipzig)
Links: Scribd Google Books

Title: Poesie Albanesi

Author: Girolamo de Rada [Jeronim De Rada]
Year: 1847
Publisher: Stamperia del Fibreno (Napoli)
Links: Scribd Google Books
De Rada is another renowned 19th century Albanian writer and patriot. The poems in this book are
both in the original Albanian version and the adapted Italian version. It also contains "Kenget e Milosaos"
(Canti di Milosao), which is another title of other editions of some of the same poems.

Title: L'Albania: Notizie Geografiche, Ethnografiche e Storiche
Author: Arturo Galanti
Year: 1901
Publisher: Societa editrice Dante Alighieri (Roma)
Links: Scribd Google Books

Title: Albania
Author: Eugenio Barbarich
Year: 1905
Publisher: Enrico Voghera (Roma)
Links: Scribd Google Books
Full title: Albania (Monografia antropogeografica) Con 10 illustrazioni e 13 tavole fuori testo.

Title: Rapsodie d'un Poema Albanese

Author: Girolamo da Rada [Jeronim De Rada], Niccolo Jeno de' Coronei
Year: 1866
Publisher: Federigo Bencini (Firenze)
Links: Scribd Google Books
Full title: Rapsodie d'un poema albanese raccolte nelle colonie del napoletano tradotte da
Girolamo de Rada e per cura di lui e di N.J. de Coronei ordinate e messe in luce.

Title: Dhiata e re
Author: Konstandin Kristoforidhi [Konstantinit Kristoforidit, Constantine Christoforides]
Year: 1872
Publisher: A. H. Boyagianit (Konstantinopol)
Links: Scribd Google Books
Full title: D e zotit ed e esit t'une - tit.

Title: Kalendari i Vatres i motit 1918

Author: Fan Noli; Vatra
Year: 1918
Publisher: Shtypur ne Shtypeshkronjen e Gazetes Dielli (Boston)
Links: Scribd Google Books
This book (in Albanian) has among other things many photographs, and a long list of the names
of the people who contributed to the Albanian-American organization for that particular time period, along
with the sum of each contribution.

Title: Kater Ungjillat Author:

Konstandin Kristoforidhi [Konstantinit Kristoforidit, Constantine Christoforides] Year:
1872 Publisher:
A. H. Boyagianit (Konstantinopol) Links:
Scribd Google Books
Full title ' e zotit ede se esit toune Iesu-Kristit, ede Punet' e

Title: Ceshtja shqiptare ne analet diplomatike amerikane (1918 - 1945)
Author: Masar Kodra, Majlinda Kodra
Year: 1997
Publisher: Logos-A (Shkup)
Links: Google Books
The full version of this book (in Albanian) can be read on the link provided, though it doesn’t
offer an option to download it.

Journal articles and other brief publications

Title: Albania and its people

Author: William Henry Green
Year : Oct 1857
Journal: The Princeton Review; Volume 29, Issue 4, pp 699-719
Links: Scribd Univ of Mich

Title: Scanderbeg
Year: May 1876
Journal: The Catholic World; Volume 23, Issue 134, pp 234-243
Links: Scribd Univ of Mich

Title: In Albania with the Ghegs

Author: Athol Mayhew
Year: Jan 1881
Journal: Scribner's Monthly; Volume 21, Issue 3, pp 377-392
Links: Scribd Cornell Univ

Title: The Encyclopædia of Missions, Vol 1: Albania; pp 35-39

Author: Edwin Munsell Bliss
Year : 1891
Publisher: Funk & Wagnalls (New York, London, Toronto)
Links: Scribd Google Books
Full title of the book: The Encyclopædia of missions. Descriptive, historical, biographical,
statistical. With a full assortment of maps, a complete bibliography, and lists of Bible versions; Vol I.

Title: Albania, A new nation in an old world

Author: Viola I. Paradise, Helen Campbell
Year: July - December 1922
Journal: Scribner's Magazine; Volume 72, pp 566-580
Links: Scribd Internet Archive

Title: Recent Observations in Albania
Author: George P. Scriven (Brig. Gen., U.S. Army)
Year: August 1918
Journal: The National Geographic Magazine; Volume 34, Number 2, pp 90-114
Links: Scribd Google Books

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