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The 102 men, women, and children that survived the arduous 66 day crossing in the Mayflower that

arrived in what we now call New England in November 1620 are popularly known as the Pilgrims. They are also known for celebrating the first Thanksgiving in November 1621.

November 20 , 2012
Next Meeting: November 27 Tuesday Noon Meeting at 12:00; Soda Center Program: Trinity Center Respite Center for Homeless and Poor in central CC County. Invocation & Greeter: Kevin Reneau
~~ COMING UP ~~ *Nov 27 Trinity Center; respite center for homeless and poor Nov 27 Nite at Races committee mtg; 5:30 at Mays Dec 1 -- Stocking Decoration at Juvenile Hall (ID required) *Dec 4 Official visit of District Governor Laura Day Dec 11 Moraga Rotary Christmas Party; 6 pm at Miramonte Gardens Clubhouse Dec 16 Stocking stuffing potluck dinner 5 pm Dec 18 Christmas program Dec 25 and Jan 1 no meeting *Regular weekly luncheon in Soda Center **Monthly evening meeting at Soda Center

Prior to the Pilgrims arrival, the coast of New England had been explored by English sailors and fishermen from Newfoundland, and some trading with natives was tried. Relations with the natives were very wary after an English captain treacherously captured 24 of their men to be taken elsewhere and sold as slaves or curiosities. However, one native called Squanto was treated well, was quartered by Spanish monks, and was eventually taken to England and learned to speak English. He eventually made his way back to New England, and was able to act as interpreter for the natives and Pilgrims. During the first winter, about half the Pilgrims died. The crop seeds they brought with them were not suitable for the climate, and yields were poor. However, assisted by Squanto, they were able to conclude a military alliance with the Wampanoah tribe who helped them plant and fertilize suitable crops, which saved the colony. Pres. Frank thanked and honored Mr. Howland by sending a $25 microcredit donation in his name to a woman in Pakistan to expand her home-based blanket business.

Guests this week were Emily Orwig, President of Campolindo Interact Club, and our speaker, Roger Howland.

Ron Mucovich gave a Thanksgiving prayer, and led the Pledge of Allegiance to begin the meeting.


Our speaker today was Roger Howland, a historian with the Mayflower Society in California, who spoke about the early history of the Pilgrims leading up to the First Thanksgiving. Roger has a BS in Anthropology from UCBerkeley and an MS from San Francisco State. He is a member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants, and a volunteer at the State Library, and a former Governor of the East Bay Mayflower Colony. King James I was crowned in 1603, and required that all of his subjects worship the way he specified. Those that didnt were fined, imprisoned, or hanged. Many Separatists escaped to Leyden, Holland, where religious freedom was well established. These separatists continued to print and smuggle religious tracts into England. By 1620, pressure from England on the Separatists caused several of them to gain permission to emigrate to America.

Pres. Frank announced a few Club members packed and shipped six boxes of quilts to Rotary Hurricane Sandy relief in the New York area. Many of the quilts were very intricate, with a lot of skilled and loving work put in to them. In addition, individual Club members have donated to date $758, which will be matched by the Club from its disaster contingency funds. The Club also received a check for $250 from Club 56 Ceramic House, a business, and this will be sent also. Pres. Frank reported that 17 Moraga Rotarians, spouses, and friends had a great time at Golden Gate Fields last Saturday, along with Rotarians from 34 other Clubs in the area, an estimated total of about 550 people. He also asked that Club members who have not signed up to attend the Club Christmas party on Dec 11 should do so quickly, to help the organizers firm up their catering numbers.

Emily Orwig announced that Campolindo Interact is once again conducting their Christmas luminaria fundraiser projectthe cost is $5 for 10 bags and candles, and other donations are gratefully accepted. Last year, Interact was able to donate $500 to a worthy cause. Luminarias will be available at future Club meetings. Debbie Roessler announced that Barbara Bruners son is in Stanford Hospital with serious heart problems. She also announced that members may sign up to decorate stockings at Juvenile Hall on Saturday, Dec 1 at 9:30 am. The potluck dinner party to stuff the stockings will be Sunday, Dec 16 at 5 pm at Holy Trinity Hall. Gary Irwin announced that Bob Connor, former Moraga Rotarian and Past President, has died of an apparent heart attack, and that a Celebration of his Life will be held on Nov 30 at 3 pm at the Contra Costa Country Club. Pres. Frank said that the Nite at the Races Committee (all are welcome) will meet at his house at 5:30 on Tuesday Nov 27.


Al Simonsen just returned from a long cruise from SF to four Hawaiian Islands, and return. He spun the wheel for a $20 recognition. Birthdays: The new youngest member of the Club, Grant Shoaf, celebrated by buying his Squaw/Alpine ski pass, and was recognized for $28. Lad Lynch celebrated with his family in a tour of the Giants stadium (forgot the name du jour) with dinner afterward at SF icon Johns Grill; he paid the max of $60. Anniversary: George Renworth complimented his wife Pat for putting up with him for 63 years (so far), and was recognized for the maximum of $40. One Happy Buck from each: Lad Lynch for UCLAs victory over USC; Doug Damaschino for the firing of UCBs football coach Jeff Tedford; Frank May for Emily Orwigs Interact service, and Marv Ellenberg in honor of George and Pat Renworth. When the red ticket was drawn for $10, the lucky holder was Tony Schoemehl, but unfortunately he missed the white marble .

CALENDAR OF FUTURE EVENTS Dec. 4 Official Visit of District Governor Laura Day Dec. 11 Moraga Rotary Christmas Party Dec. 16 Christmas Stocking Stuffing and Pot Luck Dinner at Trinity Hall Mar. 16 A Nite at the Races dinner/auction

MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-13 President....Frank May President-elect ..Nora Avelar Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer..Louise Schopke Community Service Chair.Barbara Bruner New Generations...Rich Render International Service ChairTony Schoemehl Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Membership.Nora Avelar Director at LargeDebbie Roessler Director at Large..Mary Elena Dochterman Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary InternationalSakuji Tanaka District Governor, 5160..Laura Day Assistant District Governor.Jose Avelar
Newsletter Editor for November Gary Irwin

For ninety years, Rotary has demonstrated that people can live, work, share, and serve together. This is true even with all the differences of philosophy, religion, languages, customs, skin color, and political orientation. Even with all of these differences, it is possible to have a one-world organization committed to the friendship, cooperation, and volunteer service, which leads to peace. As I was saying C. D. p.155

Rotary International Theme for 2012-13 PEACE THROUGH SERVICE

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