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My First Train Journey

I experienced my first train journey just last year when my parents took us all to Penang for a holiday. We arrived at the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station at 7.00 a.m. to catch the 7.30 express train to Butterworth. Crowds had started gathering at the ticketing counter to buy tickets and there were long queues. Fortunately, we had bought our tickets two days earlier, so we went straight to the platform. There, we waited for the train and saw many people rushing to the platform. Children were running about happily. We quickly bought some magazines, mints and chocolates. The train finally arrived and we scrambled into our coach to get to our seats. I was lucky to get a good seat near the window. At last, the guard blew the whistle and the train moved slowly and pulled out of the station. I felt thrilled at that very moment and I enjoyed the jerky movement and the new experience. There were friendly passengers all around and soon we started talking and joking among ourselves. The scenery outside was interesting and varied. Trees, bushes, rice-fields and farmers' huts flashed past us and we were greeted by village children waving and smiling at us happily. I also saw vegetable farms with rows and rows of long beans, chilies and brinjals. After about three hours, I felt sleepy and dozed off in spite of the rattling sound of the wheels. Suddenly, there was a jerk and the train came to a halt. The engines hissed and the brakes squeaked. I woke up with a start and looked out of the window. We had reached a station. Three minutes later, the train started moving again and accelerated gradually until it was traveling at a constant speed. I spent the rest of the journey reading as the initial excitement had gone. Finally, the train jerked to a complete stop. We had at last reached our destination. We disembarked and walked a short distance to board the ferry to the island of Penang. It had been a very pleasant journey, one I could look forward to on our return to Kuala Lumpur.

rattling jerk disembark

a rapid series of short loud sounds To move in sudden abrupt motions to leave a vehicle


Am experimentat calatoria mea primul tren doar anul trecut, cnd prinii mei ne-a luat pe toi s Penang pentru o vacanta. Am ajuns la Kuala Lumpur Gara de la ora 7.00 am la 7.30 prinde trenul expres la Butterworth. Multimile au nceput s se adune de la ghieu de bilete s cumpere bilete i nu au fost cozi lungi. Din fericire, am cumparat biletele noastre cu dou zile mai devreme, asa ca am mers direct la platforma. Acolo, am asteptat de tren i am vzut muli oameni graba de a platformei. Copiii au fost difuzate despre fericit. Am cumparat rapid cateva reviste, bomboane de ment i ciocolat. Tren sosit n sfrit i am amestecat n antrenorul nostru pentru a ajunge la locurile noastre. Am fost norocos pentru a obine un loc bun n apropierea ferestrei. n cele din urm, poliistul de suflat fluierul i trenul sa mutat ncet i scos din staie. M-am simit ncntat de la acel moment m-am bucurat foarte i micarea sacadat i experien nou. Nu a fost uor de pasageri peste tot n jurul i n curnd am nceput s vorbim i de glum ntre noi.Peisajul exterior a fost interesant i variat. Arbori, arbuti, orez de cmpuri i cabane de fermieri fulger trecut noi i am fost ntmpinai de copii din sat ondularea i zmbind la noi fericit. Am vzut, de asemenea, ferme vegetale, cu rnduri i rnduri de lungi fasole, ardei iute i brinjals. Dup aproximativ trei ore, m-am simit somnoros i aipit, n ciuda a sunetului zngnit de roi. Dintr-o data, a existat o smucitur i trenul a ajuns la un popas. Motoarele uier i frnele chii. M-am trezit cu un nceput i se uit pe fereastr. Am ajuns la o staie. Trei minute mai trziu, trenul a nceput din nou n micare i a accelerat treptat, pn cnd a fost cltorie la o vitez constant. Mi-am petrecut restul de lectur cltoriei ca entuziasmul iniial a trecut. n cele din urm, trenul scuturat pentru a opri complet. Am avut la ultimul nostru a ajuns la destinaie. Am debarcat si am mers o distan scurt s urce la bordul feribotului la insula Penang. Aceasta a fost o cltorie foarte plcut, pe care am putea privi cu nerbdare la ntoarcerea noastr de la Kuala Lumpur.

I experienced my first train journey just last year when my parents took me to grand parants for a holiday. but , last month I was at the my best friend at the Constanta . I arrived at the Patarlagele Station at 7.00 a.m. to catch at the 9.30 a.m the train at Constanta .for this journey , I prepared a week before a home look afraid. In the station crowds had started gathering at the ticketing counter to buy tickets and there were long queues. Fortunately, I had bought my tickets two days earlier, so I went straight to the platform. There, I waited for the train and saw many people rushing to the platform . I quickly bought some magazines, gum mints and chocolates. The train finally arrived and I scrambled into my coach to get to my seats. I was lucky to get a good seat near the window. At last, the guard blew the whistle and the train moved slowly and pulled out of the station. I felt thrilled at that very moment and I enjoyed the jerky movement and the new experience. There were friendly passengers all around and soon we started talking and joking among ourselves. The scenery outside was interesting and varied. Trees, bushes and rice-fields . I also saw vegetable farms with rows and rows of long beans, chilies and sunflower . After about three hours, I felt sleepy and dozed off in spite of the rattling sound of the wheels. Suddenly, there was a jerk and the train came to a halt . We had reached a station. Three minutes later, the train started moving again . I spent the rest of the journey reading as the initial excitement had gone . Finally, the train to reached my destination. My friend was waiting there with her car. review was great because I no longer saw a year. She is passionate about high-speed machines, so I experienced a pleasant trip mileage but risky when the needle reached 200 km / h on the highway. weather was beautiful, the sun was above us and the wind moving the leaves gently. I could not resist and I stopped by the Port. We did have some pictures to memory, when suddenly comes a super nice guy to us. He asked me to take a picture with him and then told us that actually had kept after us from the station. A bit confusing I introduced and got to see you in another day. I passed over this time and we have seen our business.

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