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u n i v e r s i t y of

exeter Vice-Chancellor’s
Excellence Scholarships
Investing in all-round Excellence

At the University of Exeter we believe that a University education should be about more
than just an academic qualification. These prestigious awards are designed for students in
any subject area who combine high levels of academic achievement with excellence in
the kind of extra-curricular activities we believe make an important contribution to the life
of the University.

What are the criteria for these awards?

Ten awards of £5,000 per year are available for students applying for any subject, who, in addition to academic excellence
(normally the achievement or prediction of three A grades at A level or equivalent examinations), demonstrate achievement
and potential in, and continued commitment to, at least one of the following areas:

• volunteering
• leadership
• entrepreneurship
• exceptional talent in music, the arts or sporting activities/participation of benefit to the community outside their field of study
(i.e. a Drama student would not normally be eligible for a performing arts-based award or an Exercise and Sport Sciences
student for a sports-based award)

Students of outstanding sporting talent showing national competitive achievement or potential should consider applying for our
Sports Scholarship Scheme. Details can be found at:

What are the conditions for renewing the scholarship?

Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarships are renewed annually on the basis of (a) evidence (e.g. a report and references) of
continued contribution and achievement in the relevant areas; and (b) continued excellent academic performance (the normal
expectation would be performance at a level likely to lead to the award of a First Class Honours degree).
How to Apply
Applications will only be considered from students who have obtained or are predicted at least three A grades at GCE A level (or equivalent
examinations), excluding General Studies, regardless of their choice of degree subject, and who demonstrate achievement and potential in
at least one of the extra-curricular fields outlined above.

If you wish to be considered for a scholarship, complete your supporting statement on page 1 of the application form and ask your referee to
complete the reference on page 2.

Your referee must be able to confirm the evidence of exceptional academic and personal achievement given in your supporting statement. S/he
should NOT be the same person as the referee selected for your UCAS application form nor a family member. Applications cannot be processed
unless this reference is included.

Please return your application form to:

University of Exeter
Admissions Office
Laver Building
North Park Road
Exeter UK EX4 4QE

The deadline for receipt of applications is normally 30 January 2009.

Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by email to the address supplied on your UCAS form (if applicable).

The initial selection will be made by the end of February, before you have to confirm your firm choice options to UCAS, and the final decision will
be made in August, once we have received any outstanding examination results (if appropriate).

For further information, please contact the Admissions Office, Tel: 01392 262469;

Further information on all our scholarships can be found at

u n i v e r s i t y of
Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship
Application Form
Please consider me for a University of Exeter Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship


Degree Programme


Supporting statement
Please describe the achievements, activities and personal qualities you would like us to take into account in assessing your eligibility for a
Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship. You may attach additional sheets but your statement should be no longer than 500 words.

I understand, and agree to abide by, the terms and conditions of the scholarship scheme.

Signed Print name


The Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarships are designed to recognise achievement and potential in, and continued commitment to, at least one
of the following: volunteering; leadership; entrepreneurship; and/or exceptional talent in music, the arts or communal sport outside the applicant’s
field of academic study. Please state below how you consider the applicant meets these criteria and what specific personal qualities and achievements
we should take into account in assessing their application.

Signed Name


School/College Address

Telephone Email

Please return completed application form to:

University of Exeter
Admissions Office
Laver Building
North Park Road
Exeter UK EX4 4QE

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