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Alb&Dy. TLred hilled.' 21.

11. Geo!'ge B{1IBS r,escuealfrom drorv- Newhurgh.
DlDg in Itiie can&l. : 24: Cov E
tr.4.Dr. Horoce B. Sillimau assullles House.
all expeuse--of_lq4trnpletionot ealaxged 2?. l rE1. l
Cbhoes hospital. caqdidate fr
' 16. I,rIiDg Witbock ot Eowel'x,''stle€t hoes.
net a, texriijie death by eledfocuiion 18. Sixth
on Dor1erltr?lrsrnission wlres at c]reE- at Larldn I
'c9nt. N or . :d.l
20, Alllrual r.ellnion of Albariy Corrnt]' 22: C€lebl
Veterans at Blothelhoocl P4rti. oi iMgr Dug
24. I-eslie Wa,t.son,agcd ter years ol 23. Janes
the Ilast Siaie,f:.rlls ovol c,liff irto Mo- and Condilc
hawl( ,r'iv€r.Is seriously llurt. on Green li
qLarge ot a,
2C. ThaDli
3. Robelt B, I,Va,teIs norrin&ted toi
Member of Asseu:t'blyat t b e Cit y Ha ll.
8.../lr5s I4trD'J
stleet injr!red, ihl' fall frou Wtritc lin€
t\rlss t\.u I I
c&t. lile by a fal
$. II. T/i,jtloi' stliclirer with
Lancaslef -lieolgL. 5. The ho
dealh_at aDlual clamlbalie ot Col)oes \\'ald Qatpe
a !'unawir,t
Lodge. F. and LA..l{. at.Westlsand Laiie. IJ l s . l IoIi n
11. Isrrei Belalgel' aDDoinl.edl-tecor'
F. W. Ne
dcr cl il:. city o{ Cohoes to succeed iart distriil
I n(i!,c i . r.i:11Fellows. 8, The b(
12. liirc in cottage ovl)ed by' Jotln
Mosss olr FiNt s,t.reet.DaDlage 5j:,{}(]. 11. Home
16. Lotis Doninicli, all eight I'ear
old lol', narrolvlj escaped death ullder bl es s r ol en,
wlreeils of car". 12. Mxs.-I
16. GeLrdonG 'dller ,c.gecl six I'ears, stxeel had
drolvned in Erie canal.
lrlf,ed arter
1?, Miss i\{ary o'Ldi}ry is ssriouslJ' 11. J ohr ,
injured in ipa,iut store. SLrucli on [ead rnau, is tet r
by hea,vy:cans. Renoved to bosDittrl' l1'lorial chul
excul'lon 21. Unirerl Wasle ConrDcl)y's l)loni iu 1-1.lliss .
Trol',rbtrrnerl,oDe lile lost. & I{. traiu
ll. . 24. Flancois H. Delislo ol Cohoes. siqg arrd tu
OI dieri ddenly while r.isitlng in llon- 11. Deattl
iIt treal. hostital.
?5. Lqn& Falley, 8.ged 3 tefim, saYe(l CaDture (
trrom chov.ning in Erio ct!)l&l lly a. lloy thisf at Bil
q$utq P.
st{{ll€rii:r c
251. Cbris
!G. P&tri(
". . BtIeeLl.nocked. down by & t'unawat $'ar-d Qarp
Lodg;e Ii'- and A, l{. at.\rest Sartd Laiie.
. , hojsa and irrjured. ltfs. rMorin
i- 11. I$rn.el Belanger tLpDoiDl.ecl llecor -
o. DeDalture
l c l / B r i Lu r of Co. B. Iof a weeii's F. W. N(
I . camping tIiD at ', I'al'li. Be- dc'i c: l:. city of Cohoes to stcceed iant distri(

ginlrin'gl oI \,acatio wee]i lu ('olrucs. J u (iiI , i: : irll F e llo ws . 8. The b

- 12. ],'i,c in cottage owDed by' John
r" Mns. Philo of the Dast Side strucli 23 tea$, f
Masse on Fir'st stl'eet. Damage $20t1.
Lv..- lishlnilq dulinc stor'rn&i she wts 11. Hom,
r potaloes I0. Lo(lis Doninicli, q,D eight I'ear
!€eling 9t her home. Seliotls- streel burl
old bol', narlorvl]' escaped dcath unclel-
ly injured. bles stolet
wlreeils of car.
li 1.9.Three Cohoesboys, Charies 1(a- 12, Mrs.
Da,I"l',fiylvestol Faley al]d Crlal les 1 C. c e rd o n G a ld n c r' s
, . L g p rl ix ] o a t s street had
:, l.
i.:i, otus a,rrestdd at Aib:ary qharged wittl drowngd in Erie sanal. arte
\' -:"b'irglary 1 7 . Mi$ s MrI y O L c c ry is E e rio u s l Y "lu,Ted
commilred irr Syr&cllse. 1?. John
:, ' ': 't2\]6lrtr excuraio[ n'f
il!(lttf avnlilrainn ol LK. 6f
ot tl-A O: injured in ,paiut store. Strrck on head man-,is fst
tj.-A. O:
H,r{o SaagBdagaPark. by healy cans, Relnoved to hospital. morial eb1
2 1 . Un it e d Wa s le Co n p a n y s Dla n i i n
i. .' 1.1 .Ze CqUo*i{}Susine€aMEn's excu'ilon 14. Miss
r 11tor.q.l.9'-ltstlu
tG-Pla,ltstlureh. reh Tl oI' burued; oDe liig lost. & H. trai:
; ',:.124.Brrlgls,ry of stor€ of L. N. and .ts 24, Flancois H. Delisle ot Oohoes.si4g a,r}dI
, Ma,rcll on Remsell stroet. Arrest ot died suddenly while visitiD8 in MoE- 1?, Deat
: Jghn l(aral eitargeil with complicitv in treal. nos?lral.
il:t, , .l tUe *ilne. 25. Le[a Farley, aged 3 yeals, save.l Capture
j"::, Ftcht on s*lf,togastrest.'lstitr" chi- from drorvDing in Erie €a,Dal by a boy thiet at B
i' i -cagoBta'bb-ed.. namealtseaupre. :qa.!litD
fG ifiIanrio mili ci iiofi iludcrwear:stalled.ln
Co. flame'sweDt.Loss $8,000. 25. Chri
20. Furious lvind sto'rm. ProDerty 26. Patt
d&mrged.lce housesblown dowrl. izen. diecl
OCTOBDR. 28. All€
Coronel I
4. Rev. J. R. Elits le$igns as Dasto:' 3L. Rev
of rle First Balrrisl church'. pasto'rate
8,,CohoesClty ConventioDheld.
lu. Annuat rnspectrolrol uouoes
East lice and fire departmeuts,. 1. Locli
is. se. 13: T'lroma"sLaisselle, agcil 4 years, e(Jat locli
crusilcd 10 death undor vbeels ot
-Call ext
truck. rdnE of P
15, Mrs:J'homas QFinil apal son,Rtlh- tor of thr
a{d of gummit strdet hav€ narqow e€- 2. ,Men'
. 3. orga
Calnp No
Asphyxiated by gas.
)UL Y ,YUY 31. Fre{1. Vallie f
E--*rt4!'r_--l Himes mili. Di€d lat

ent Values.. , 556,L32.73 1, Josepb Morgan,
, ,9,17832 ck 'by trolley ca
00$l|I0r pioked
'u,p by feDdel

5'. BeDDy McGr&F

. $1,550,421r.8s
'' . A$$t.
J.S.fiutg Truasuru rls Presutti, both
face terribiy. sla,she(
by qpponent.IrJurec
hoes hosDital. llis al
in Green Islaud.
soD of MT. aDd Mrs.
Bridge avenue,is d
hawk rlver.
6. Dr. iFarry O. Fr
tatally iljufed st i
11. EdFa,rd- Vano.
burncd. i 18, Masonlc sslvlce ai Slllrman Ms-
21, Steamer New Yo,rh burlred' at I ZS,W. J. Bryan in Coiroes,, lution of paris .gre€
Nevburgh. " i 30. House and barn bwied by Jos- oarl.oiv €sc&pe trol]
24, Gov Hushe,s art Ooihoes Opeia-leDh BiBFoltnettobur[ed,..Two'hordes 1B- Rev..-wrn. F. Sheeb.
IJouss. lcinorEted.Itire incendiary. 1?. Openiug of lh
fair in NatioDal Ban
27. Wnl, llowafd T&ft, ReDulbildoan I Couisio[ hetwers[penrose& MoEen-
eaqdidate f or Pre i0eEt, s]4j!lis in Co- | 1's. wneon antl Wlr.lote.llne csr near. 19. lvtriiit&ry levi{
hoes. Woodward meda.l b:
18. Sixth Wa)d Republicurscclel,rilteltbres n16uiDjrued, '" Armory,
at LarkiE hall ln honor of victorj' or - 20. Perfofme!]€e€
Noa.:ld. i JAtriuAnY' o\v &t o.pela bouse t(
2 2 . L e l c l l r l i o n o t 4 vtl I a l l n i re rsj l r] hos!,it&1.
. .,.:, I L Nr w YenI oLser vr uces: acciJetr t
._:r.Jilntps lreorcr r'. .||ry,, ffi;';;;";'"il;
oi M$ Drgas a1 St. .t''ieprL s .i)lll ...
#-1J",':--"i.:J,.:,';,,i$J,l''i':i;ll'l;",,1:,1:i"::i:r:, | . - ,.a. . ^r-^^,

- ',',, .,,, lSl0viD ltillcrl it| colliAion.

21. Serious fire at
lolor]re[t trouse on
1 n'l ('urr r l ' r e r o'rt r a o l tr Il ti r1 " .v
..- l, ,. tlr s. lltta plr { ey fell bl,catiing $,uedbt'D noc i r C {
- l :'' ,""-
.'' (;t., pn litrO .tf lry tacl(lLlFel
*llan1,1"". t,"a ilutl teD&rrts dtiven
tiJ.-ifi,i**l,,Tlu"n"u"n.o". tllt""'ll rta'rrar
otco. :3. Splerdid gilts
i, ';;";;"
llrl}cs silot
:::,tn': :'"
lrnd tiillerl irr r.ow &t Wii.ter- llriln to the Cohoes
I NovExrEDIt. _ "l ;;,; ,',o.u',*'u'o,n .., o,',, 1114n€ocs o\'el' do.ul
|llr. ' ,
l. I o s id o Dc r' u |l(llY t g n r s lrc d o ( ry. llont is overtrlru(
I L n l n c l i on l ) ay. ro s s dro\\' ed.
... 1,. , , ' , , . t i, rs r. r, rrwirv rio ; l. n l. n rl;
I i ' i i s s ' ;'i i i ;it. S ir i, ir:,, ,,,,,i 1',' ,.l'- j,-, , 1 ' , , , :

1.' .",''"'''
15. Bi shotr IJr..'-.

- 'tl_ i'..'""' rrou"n tersd.

of co$t

,'c,:o ,r.'r,ri
rt,l s-
sit' r ti{ r"' i111-
st $tr ccl' Ioss sllslr t'
?i. ,Itrs. Itrrcet
f,\,nnnn ar , 'l\ ha.
I' lr : ; . '; ; "; ; , n r ^ , i , r t,,,t
$lard Qal"p€nter ou Renison stre€t all,l l^r'DolntllleDt ot clty ofllclals' ter€d.
!Jls. Molin on Har"t stxeeL bBrrglarize,al.| 10 Fire in old Alexander ll'otlse
2?. Mrs. trllest R
tr',.w. Neary a,ppoirtedsecondassis-l'i9; sJ'latoca street' loss slight' avenue ends her life
ta.ntdistridt attsr'lreyo.1Albary colrnty.I ll Iiire in Sta"rMill, damage$1,000 2?. Y. P.
S. C. I}. c
8. Tbe body of Jaaep,hWiteirz, ageo | 1-:r'Rev J C Heldircl(son accepts rrran
l\{emorial churc
28 yearu, louDd in cohoes co'S-itinal. l'arl ro parstora"teof 1st Baptist chulch.
11. Home of wD1. H. l,yncb onwhltc I I J Eva' Manley, a Poiish girl struclr MI
stleet burglarizdd. ielvehy and va.lua- | lry fleight car at ontarlo Etreet crosa- 1: r{arcus Lang, a
btes stoleD- of the D. & H., taken to Cbhoes
liqc Ontario street, Darr
trospltal a sef ious coudition'
12. M'xs.-Hanuah cunningltam otM&in I .in phyxialion, bli gas.
l'apr hait h,nr^.tr pcr,,,na I lL
'" Johu rrrdr
nyan yr of vuuuets
OobdeB rs
is rounu
stleel had harrrow ewape tlrrougb nlp- | .. ":"i Beet of eohoes Fiel(
'1r.orgh "nn-
,Lui"ed l:::j:::l-.] :_T:-y_i,:lgr.'. g.
dviug at:11":
.st. S I ot
1?. Joiitr;. colrtr€ll,a TroyinsrrrquceI::""o.l!"u. to expo'sure left for Patrama,'
man, is fatally injuxealby a {all. lllary's hoslrital
le Iurs.chatles Fluirv of cotrgress 4. Fred Chappelle
mqriat cnurbh, I
inJtiled bv a lall on an l€y fell t'hrough €lwator
14. lvliss gliza,bethAllen struol. by o lsttuet' ground at the new I
Iurdewallion white srreet'
& H' train at tho oDeida,stree! qos-.|?.':
rriq; rioJo"u.o.
t:"?ul or Is
ssrlorGly lujufed.
5r r{B 4 u u r 4er r J uJu rs u . , ,
| plctures
lor ry"::"''i*9: -moYlns
guf'7. Ftre iD twa sk
ltarlatr eerthquake
Dea,tbof Mtbs.qll€aat{be oohoesI
l ret el.s, at corner of SargEnl
nogDIal. | ^^ ,
rroonan re meok I 28 c-"o"gu91..Redden- 8' veteraD Loss $500. Arborl
captuie o,p'tvtar,tin
llajlr.oad nlan lfjued by the cafs, a.t sbhools,
thisf at'Binghamton. t{en6selaer'. I
:'''" !4- Ij_--- 8. Mysterioffi-aka
!. S._W.-Y"
_D_J-_rs!4s!a_n -r-orhMu"orr-a'n
Gffi ;;ilffir" r,ut,] | v .'Eter nrier' ten street resutts lD
26;chrtstmasobservances. -r- y€ar olal Gen€vleve
bv local pouce' tak€o to thg Cobo€l
;;. P;&;n""d" oldmt
iz"*dlg,1s" "rt- lin^corto"t bu{ c"otrdlUon --- ,.
28. All€n inquesl"lleld at CttY f-ffi#"r;HHHi,J#z;n:i#i
10, Guy Sttcel aE
c"r-r." a;t; triitrarge: lstreel Ise Co, iEJu
| . dr.nJ i. n*""iu sih""o.:ao"tlo""| / ' FEBRUARY'
- ' -- toe a,hputated,
'[u*to,rrtu of FnrsiBapttst.ohurcb. 1: Ileugurltyl
ot- a,b]te Dla,cue iz. ierribte expl.r
| _ .
lssjc lcruisadein Cohoes.Mr$. Irouis.seror quarrT at South I
ltutnlly burned in flre at her hp*re killeal, m ny lnJur"
1. LochtenderEdwerd Brlerc rlrorzn-lon Columbla street' . .13:Mds. M,ary Ii,
in Erie calxal, 4 MccuiDnesE' q:atef loak {8,
l:' ^ - the
""" "^' " "- : - "' || -,
1 '- - '- - . 1 iSt,
:' Lancaster Etreet f{
.Call.extehded to Rev, J- FYancis B€h - John and etreet livrcck6d p!
| -Mohavk horrreaged\woman .
renF of Pdttslqwn, Pa,, to }eqouto,Dio- I [u_.1._. 1$. Body af mau
tor ol thF Cob0€6 BaflLis! clul cli.. dies tn Ckihoeshosptt-
.5.-[.ir:: _Seror badh's Fer.ry aam,
z.i"#" r"u."izy'o"tt_ ---- sittimao]a! ot i njrl'f2--
--T-+-ffi;-r;ffi -
"t'it nrl4t Belfice tifl€d as thaL ol-A
Memorial glrurch.
f Memoi.ial qhu,Lch. I , lYreourr4r service
6:l vrto; i!, ii rsl
t- - - ^ ,
' I 3. Organizatlonof D' J. JobnstoulM' D Church'
"oumottrge throt'n
so"q"l *"i vor- l a' Iuo Mioha€t
u 1""." fi. ti,
i lerans of Oohoes. D & II' tlaln at d€pot aud badlv
I lt9-
-l: n r'-; *"
2?, Mis. trnest Roblnson of Dudtey ar'lested. Burglaries proved
a,venueends her life'by poi6on.
27. Y. P.,S, C. p. couvention at Siui-
lhem; all llooty recovered.
24."HisLor lc
For t W m. Heur y HoLel
ma]] trfemorial qhul'ch, lJahe George. 407 RiverStre
MAY, 27. Edwitr G. Adams oi conoeu 100Feetl{orth
1! trfar.cusLang, an a,gedresiden,t ot struck by a D. & H. tra,in at the Onei-
Ontario street, namowly escap€s as- da strest clossing and fatally injured.
phyxiauoD by gas. First snaod
meet of OohoesField C,lubl
Peter Smith, foirmerly of Cohoes shoots,
"a:c" himself in Ssheoeetady, SUNDAYI
.2.Dr. tr. S. StU of St. Johu,s
left for Panama, J{JLY,
4. tr'reil Chappelle ot Ctifton btre€t, 1, Beginning ol La,ke. Cha.mltaiu Ner^/ Yor
fell through €levator shaft forty feet ro celebratlon. James Van Bramer ot E{ie f
grountl at the new l(avanaugh buildtng St., drowned in caDal at--lock 1?.
is ssrlonsly injureil,. 3. Col B. Ieft with regiment tor

!'ire in t$/o, stary yi'ick residence
of field servicoat Lal(e CbamDlain,

4 and. 5. Indbpenilence c,olebra,tion

at corner of Sargent End White streets.
I.oss g500. "bbon Dal observed ir fir'es and accidents all of a minor ohar- ' $ 2 . 50 R
(0hools. acter.
'0. trIimes starehouse Trains leave
8. Mysteliorrs explll5iirn oii vao v*"i, {Iebked D flr,e A . M ,
te{r street resuilts in serious injuty to 11 at Northside. I-oss 93000. This is.the. sear
yea,rold Geit€vieveFoltln, Cle ,child is ?. Early morning fhes. Qutnn's barn
the many beach€
Lakento Lhe CohoeshosDttalln & s€ti- on canal,darlragedby incendiary blaze, sorls located in
:-'lousconattton, Second flpe in cellar of Tllggins sa-fe.
L( ro. euy Sitcer an 10. The Warerfold briiase.a nistbl tc
| employee ot tlre Call ou Ticket
la.ud nr&rk, totauy des,troyed, hy ffre,
Djfter Ice Co, lnjured ln acaident, A. ticulars.
toe a,mputated. StNcture built tlr] 180S.
e | 13. Telrible explc)€ion in CallaDan 11. Fody ot Henry.B. lnarks, sssre-
'b€thlehem. tary of dhe S{ohawl< Pines Co,, Y,'ho
'r iquarry at South Twenty
e lktlled, many rnFrell:i .-- had commltted s,qicide by sliootirg,
.13. M4's. Mary D. ,Wo!.sley of No. ? forud i-Duudefblush a,t the park.
13. luls. Sanjuel T. Bolto,n of Nor''jh
Iratrcaster street fo!ffd dead .at her
honrs a.gedowornall 'froy, died fmm an overdoaeqf Dor'-
.liYed a,lone.
lS. Body.ot Inatr dl'o.wjgd_at Duns.- lqlgtYlltg-go the rvay to, tte aroY
bacl's Fel'r'y dam, recoveredand ideu-
JL l^ y' /t- l? .

'.20.iJohn O$troskiof,NilribFlde filled
uy b; anh'Il. frelghf, traln near North.
aide brid'se.
21. D'if,F. S, Sill, complet€s26 yeals stylish
p.p:qtorlteat st. Johriid"rchurch." I
23, JF.mesSadd,lerottempts ,Euicjde
bt' throwthB' hlElself under a, U. T.
Co. cnr on, Moha,wk street.
' 24. Dev, Jqd-sgnfC, Hendr:icltson a,nd
fs,mily ]velcoitred to, Flrst ils.ptist
trfe askyou to make cor
25. Alhauy County Republican or-
and alsomake hasteas thev
ganiz a t i o n r l i , l r et: a t A l b a n y,
- MA-RCH. bargainsto be snappedup t
,2. Fjre in Page Mfg. Co's bat strop.
stcirehouse flar0eswel)r.
?, House and store ot Geor'8'eGrober
wrec,lred by fire. Loss 93000.
16. OohoesCouncil 1505 R. A. vlns
trollhy iu tri county contest 1or mem-
bers. Oneida
17. ,Si. Patrick's dal observenrc..
20. lvlrs. Matlld& Pelly of Can.lda
gtriclren lvith healt lalhrre I'alls clown
stairE and dies at the resiclcnceollnuls
St, llillinre on Ileae)voll' St. A Gooil Errsftrecs Profr
21. HeDry Moran lall$. in{o jdl'is cr- T h o P la c c a t Wh i' c h t o B u y l$ wh e rc v o u c a n g e t
n a l a r < l is ) xd ly inJ[]ed. _r y o u r mo n e y ,
lf y o u wr i a n y t h in g ln t h e lln e c , f p a i t s . O i t s ,
24. Vcler.arrUr'{rnrencelrilrtirlo.
Wa ll P a p e r, o t c . , c t c . , c u c h a p la c e ls rl : g h t a t o | l l . s t o
27. J,'iIr)in Molltr\vli IJIl1sIL(ids l)lILn1 We h a v e c o n s t a n t ly o n h a n d t h c la rgb s t a s s o r t m e n t
2 t t . M r s. M ar i,(hrrrn Iolllr(l {1cn.(llIr it y o f g o o d s , f o l t h e p ric c , t o b a f o u n d i n t h e c j t y .
lF .l ni h nr ]l.n r. Nn l?, 1 Vl1. ' f Alr c ( \ 1. llr A ll o rr. lc a lin n s ' , Wc A im t d p l. rr: . - , '
28. Ml's. Mary Curran fouDd.dead in Ity of goods,for the prlcc, to be tound:tn thc city.
bed at her home No. 1?4 Vtist, Blreel, lh All our

31. .F'red. Vallle fatally injured in

Himes mlll. Died later ln rlle uollo€s

/ ,. ,.:

1, Josopb. Morgan, tj years o{ oge is
y'trolley ca,r o[ Easts.lde;,Is-
pioked.up by feuder,and.lFad',ed unln- ff amt,ta:patac,a trui:itii\i-' - --
red. cHAM0ts
wlRE_ptc.TUnE xooxs_Fnr
ADd eovf i&crything thb!
worldt, botutily ygur: homo, ia hia.tree. aar
f, Be_nnyMccraw atiacked by Mor-
ris P,resuttt, both ltd.lians. llccraw's --\:---il-

| . vgg'J
face terrlbly. slasheil tly ,razor vtelal€d
by opponent.lujured man lirl(en to Co-
hdFpliospttal. His ass&ilantts s&ptur€d er, arrested aL Sprtngneld,Mass., I .-
iI. Green Island.
zl. slavtn's roa junk store-I *t ;*i"fi"|"*l;
W nre af Nortb_slde-
--5- C:eorg€EtiifrE ti; ageil lrie- years, _ l""lt_tt
so! of Mr. a,nd'Mls. W,m. Bou,alreoli' ot - 23. Seventleth annlvErsary ot ttre I ri r,
Brldge avenuq ls drowuealin the Mo-
'ii:#i.ji:""1i.i0"u,,"u Dt
h&wk rlyer.
6. Dr.l*lafry O: Falrw€atber oI Troy,
vas drowDedtould tn the t{ualson &t I Tbey so ,
Trqy. "r" styu
a faislly tnju,realst nre. Dl€d two da,yg 30.Memorial lretpin .their
laten Day exercises. IAf;!?,it:j"0,?rty
11. Ddwartl VaDitverdealal dra t so- ruNE. liliFt ,:.1"-:lT
lutlon oi Bo,rlsgre€n bV mistake. Has '2, Dog catcheNbeginwork.
nalrow esqapefuorn d€ath, Death ot 8. Baxn of tr{. E. Platz aladloged b- l R€m9mber,au (
R.ev..Wm. F, ,sheehanof iwetervher. ffre and hor€esuffoia,ted.
17, Op€'ntngot Mur,p,hy.Steam€! Co,s 10. Monument Day Da,radea!.d "^," i 6j
lalr In Nattona,lBank hall. bration- I D
19. Mdlitary revlew a.nd d.rilr tor 11. Ibnk J. lurrEvoy, ClArenceCross- '
Woodn'aro medal by Co. E at State tngbam. WB!€}. PrrEl l d,rerh and'Mich- \[e heYe the
Armory. ael Ryan of Cohoesseriously inJule(t lishmelrt lor cle
- 20,Perfortmonces of the Collegeiwtld- w,hen all,antomol,lJs in which thely !'€Pai!:iUgclothins
olv at operabousefor beqeflt of Cohoes w€re riding orlash€illnto the Northslde State. ot Ne\y yr
very reasoaable.
hospdtal. Iridge. AU foun rtaken to the lrosptt&l, liier yolk.
21. Seriousllre at Northside. trour 16. Underta.lref Thomrs 1{. Nealou Just r.eceh'ed,1,0
tenement houso o. ! Sara,togh, avenue mystedonsly sihol-and liilled ln his of- Y ue. We sell il
owneil by Enooh Cop;leyguLted iby tlre fice in Troy. {ll [rr]ies of Sur
and tena,rtts drlyen into,.the stree,t, (These s
:17.,Corrtla,ctfor construction of Co-
23. S.plelrdldgifts of Dr. H. Bl Sillt- hoes new filtratio,u plant, ruv0,rdcd i'I' 1,000Dnir ot Out
for ,............
Illan to the Cohoes hospita,l. Uulrnown Waicr loaqf" to. t he\.--Itr-ew Yorli Courl- AII our ll]nc), \l
t9 lnan,goesover dam at Dlrnsb.lloh's lrol'- nental Jewefcor oI N. Y. Citt'.
)I ;\ lor. of .{ll \1roo
ry. BoiLt ls'oy€rtur ed a,udthe occrD&nt 18. J. L. Iarclintn's, stole b[rglrliz- ins Corts, for
J"q (irowned. ed. Lr ol.rr Custorn
25, Bishop Burl(e vt8ited 6t. JoseD,h'sl ?0. Chas. l?ogors & Sbrl's stors { rt meni rvo brt.vt' 1.:
ftoru. lt you pq
rhurch, rlLe o[ c"ontlHnoLloDoaltnl)rls-,p,lovision lrouso r1:t)beil. to ord,.:r'Nc cRrt f
Dr\.^ l{ n nI a7

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