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Tuesday 20th November Fish Tank Questions 1.

. Mia Joanne Tyler Billy Connor Mia is most sympathised due to her negligence she experiences from the mother and lack of a friendship group. Joanne (her mother) next as even though she is portrayed as self-loving and careless, it is clear her weakness without Connor. Tyler her sister is next as she is also experience negligence but she is supported by Mia. Billy even though is seen as lonely in some parts of the film is, independent and supportive of himself without anyone else, and Connor is least sympathised with due to his careless act with Mia as he already has a family off his own, even though is seen as caring throughout the first art of the film. 2. The main themes of the film are centred around Mia and her behaviour, which included anger, violence, negligence, lust and carelessness. The film on a general note is about stereotypical council house estates and the negativity that brings, which is represented through Mia. 3. The typical audience member would be of teenage age, yet above 15 not only due to the certificate, but the age of Mia herself and the similar experiences a girl of that age might be facing. I feel that any class would watch it as the higher class would be interested and curious as to how Mia lives and the lower class would understand her. Almost definitely would the gender be female as most of the main characters are female and as it has been directed by a female (Andrea Arnold) and the life through a females eyes, makes it much more appealing to women. 4. I feel it won the Cannes Jury Prize due to exposure of such taboo subjects which wasnt really aired and filmed through a teenage girls eye before, and the way it was filmed and shot, made Connor the subject of lust rather than a female, turning stereotypes upside down and airing such hidden and covered up experiences. 5. Due to Katie Jarvis having such a background, helped in the verisimilitude of the film, creating almost a documentary, as the settings were real and the characters were very relatable to many audience members. 6. I feel she represents these women in the same way due to their interesting experiences within the films, but also their weakness which is bold within the films

but hidden by angst and violence. They both also represent trials and tribulations of women which are hardly ever noticed due to their little exposure and negativity as stereotypes already place them in a category of which they play up to in these films. Yet they show the other side of their violent lives and their emotions which drove them to such experiences, which is not always talked about. 7. I definitely believe its a womans film as I said before it is directed by a female for a female character, causing the certain shots to be aimed at sexualising the male character instead of the other way round, which is noticeable in most films. AS it is through a females perspective, women are more likely to relate and understand than a male making it harder from them to watch and necessarily grasp the situation, unlike women viewers. 8. I would unlikely recommend this film to positively portrayal women as even though Mia is a strong independent woman, she is constantly reminded of her troubles and weakens her even though she has a hard exterior throughout.

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