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Cody Walker Context for Learning Information

About the School Where You Are Teaching

1. In what type of school do you teach? _____ Elementary school __X___ Middle school _____ High school _____ Other (please describe): __________________________________________________________________________ 2. List any special features of your school or classroom setting (e.g., themed magnet, classroom aide, bilingual, team taught with a special education teacher) that will affect your teaching in this learning segment. Merrill is an IB School 3. Describe any district, school, or cooperating teacher requirements or expectations that might affect your planning or delivery of instruction, such as required curricula, pacing plan, use of specific instructional strategies, or standardized tests. o Merrill being an IB school, changes the way that curriculum is covered.

About the Class Featured in This Assessment

1. How much time is devoted each day to social studies instruction in your classroom?
90% of class, roughly 35 min.

2. Is there any ability grouping or tracking in the content area? If so, please describe how it affects your class. - No 3. Identify any textbook or instructional program you primarily use for instruction. If a textbook, please provide the title, publisher, and date of publication. o World Studies: Africa, Prentice Hall, 2005 o World Studies: the Ancient World, Prentice Hall, 2005 4. List other resources (e.g., SmartBoard, manipulatives, on-line resources) you use for Social Studies instruction in this class. - Projector

About the Students in the Class Featured in This Assessment

1. Grade level(s), 7 Grade ____________________________________________________ 2. Number of students in the class _23__ males __8__females _15__ English language learners_0__ students identified as gifted and talented_0__ students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans_1__

2011 Stanford University Generic Handbook for use in 2011-12 academic year

3. Complete the chart below to summarize required accommodations or modifications for students receiving special education services and/or students who are gifted and talented as they will affect your instruction in this learning segment. As needed, consult with your cooperating teacher to complete the chart. The first row has been completed in italics as an example. Use as many rows as you need.

Special Education Category

Number of Students

Accommodations, Modifications and/or Pertinent IEP Goals



Generic Handbook for use in 2011-12 academic year

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