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Circulation. 2008; 117: 754-761
PubIished onIine before print January 22, 2008, doi: 10.1161/
Dietary Intake and the DeveIopment of the MetaboIic Syndrome
The AtheroscIerosis Risk in Communities Study
PameIa L. Lutsey, MPH; Lyn M. Steffen, PhD, MPH, RD; June Stevens, PhD, MS, RD
Author Affiliations
Correspondence to Lyn M. Steffen, PhD, MPH, RD, 1300 S 2nd St, Ste 300, Minneapolis,
MN 55415. E-mail
Background- The role of diet in the origin of metabolic syndrome (MetSyn) is not well
understood; thus, we sought to evaluate the relationship between incident MetSyn and
dietary intake using prospective data from 9514 participants (age, 45 to 64 years) enrolled
in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARC) study.
Methods and Results- Dietary intake was assessed at baseline via a 66-item food
frequency questionnaire. We used principal-components analysis to derive "Western and
"prudent dietary patterns from 32 food groups and evaluated 10 food groups used in
previous studies of the ARC cohort. MetSyn was defined by American Heart Association
guidelines. Proportional-hazards regression was used. Over 9 years of follow-up, 3782
incident cases of MetSyn were identified. After adjustment for demographic factors,
smoking, physical activity, and energy intake, consumption of a Western dietary pattern
=0.03) was adversely associated with incident MetSyn. After further adjustment for
intake of meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables, refined grains, and whole grains, analysis of
individual food groups revealed that meat (3
<0.001), fried foods (3
=0.02), and
diet soda (3
=< 0.001) also were adversely associated with incident MetSyn, whereas
dairy consumption (3
=0.006) was beneficial. No associations were observed between
incident MetSyn and a prudent dietary pattern or intakes of whole grains, refined grains,
fruits and vegetables, nuts, coffee, or sweetened beverages.
Conclusions- These prospective findings suggest that consumption of a Western
dietary pattern, meat, and fried foods promotes the incidence of MetSyn, whereas dairy
consumption provides some protection. The diet soda association was not hypothesized
and deserves further study.
Key Words:
dairy products
food habits
metabolic syndrome X
Received May 18, 2007; accepted December 7, 2007.
CIinicaI Summaries
Circulation. 2008;117:711-713, doi:10.1161/CRCULATONAHA.107.188520
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