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ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSION 7-A Dorothy Irene Height Public Library MONTHLY MEETING 6:30pm Tuesday, May 3rd,

2011 Meeting called to order Roll Call Commissioner Johnson opened the meeting @ 6:32pm o Martha Kent, o Evie Washington o Eboni-Rose Thompson o Latese Gilbert o Shahidah Hamlett o Villareal Johnson o Sheila Carson-Carr Motion to change agenda to move citizens comments nd 2 all in favor and no abstentions April 19th minutes read by Commissioner Gilbert Treasurers report by Commissioner Kent o Checking - $41,902.34 o Savings - $33,589.92 Citizens Comments o Carolyn Hayes are actions going to take place in reference to complaints being made. Eboni-Rose will follow up on Ms. Hayes concerns Rufus Norris addressed some citizens concerns Angela Thompson-Murphy commented about the laws of the ANC. What they can or cant do with taxpayers money and stated that there were financial discrepancies. Beatrice Jefferson o Kids First Inc. stated that she did not receive grant money that was promised to her from the previous commission. Carr did state that there was a vote to pay them, but the DC Auditors refused to let the previous commissioners write checks. The present commission will follow up on the request. Woodlawn Cemetery Association and the Friends of Benning Stoddert requested grants also from the previous commission. The present commission will follow up on the request. Tina Thompson announced that there will be a Career Week at Neville Thomas Elementary School. Starting 5/23 thru 5/27. She would like community support. Brenda Chambers has been complaining about an abandon building in the 400 block of Burbank for the last 3 years and nothing has been done.

Charlene Exum has a concern about flooding on Anacostia Rd. Commissioner Gilbert will follow up with Ms. Exum in reference to this situation. Ms. Exum stated that she provide Commissioner Gilbert with the information after the meeting. MPD gave an update on crime in the area and mentioned that our PSAs are 603 and 604. General Information Over the three-day holiday weekend, Metro will shut down all Blue and Orange Line service between Federal Center SW and Minnesota Avenue (Orange)/Benning Road (Blue), and close the Capitol South, Eastern Market, Potomac Ave and Stadium-Armory Metrorail stations to customers. There will be bus shuttles running between the affected stations, but traffic is expected to be quite heavy with potentially 100,000 people coming to town for the four-day Stars, Stripes and Spokes motorcycle event at RFK Stadium. Tara Mann with the DuPont Civic Service Association complained about the Mayors Call Center in reference to registrations being stolen from cars and received no help. WTF (Director of Programs) Mr. Willis was available for questions and concerns from the impacted constituents. Mrs. Mitchell would like to know if there will be programs for adults and Sr. Citizens at the Benning Stoddert Rec Center. Wanted to know what happened to the computer that the center was supposed to receive. Commissioner Washington requested a letter from WTF in reference to the constituents that will be impacted. Stacey Simms had several issues to discuss with WTF. Commissioner Carr requested a motion to call for a Special Call Meeting for WTF to communicate with the impacted constituents. Commissioner Thompson 2nd and everyone were in favor. Motion passed to have the meeting at Benning Stoddert Rec Center May 9th at 6:30pm. New Business Vote to approve the 1st and 2nd quarterly reports. o Commissioner Kent motioned o Commissioner Hamlett 2nd o Motion approve Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm Meeting minutes transcribed by Commissioner Gilbert, Secretary
Next monthly meeting will be held at the Dorothy Height Public Library June 7th at 6:30pm.

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