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E Biomedical Engineering SEMESTER: III


UNIT-1 PART-A 1. What is a sonar image? 2. What is the visible portion of electromagnetic spectrum? 3. Define standard RS-170 signal. 4. What is digitized image? 5. What is the need for color imaging? 6. Define TEM. 7. Define pseudo color 8. What is lookup table? 9. Define IEEE 1394 standard protocol for digital video. 10. What is surface image? 11. How the satellite images are acquired? 12. What is stereoscopy? 13. What is the use of dynamic fluorescence imaging? 14. What is electron microscopy? 15. What are the basic concepts of electron mediated microscopic image acquisition? 16. Define dark field mode. 17. Define STEM. 18. Write down the advantages of STEM. 19. Define SEM. 20. What is acuity? 21. Write short note on multiple images. 22. How to recognize image in human vision? 23. Write down the principle of 3D imaging techniques. 24. What is dynamic fluorescence image? 25. What are the uses of electron microscope in image acquisition? PART-B 1.Explain i) TEM ii) STEM iii) SEM 2. What are three dimensional imaging techniques and explain with principles. 3. What is dynamic fluorescence image? Explain physical properties of fluorescence. 4. Explain human reliance on image for information. 5. Explain electronics and BW limitations in high resolution imaging. 6. Explain multiple images in detail. 7. Describe in detail about stereoscopy in detail. 8. Explain in detail about image recognition in human vision. 9. What is acuity? Explain in detail. 10. Discuss spatial comparison in detail.

UNIT-2 PART-A 1. How noisy image occurs? 2. What is Neighborhood averaging? 3. What are the types of noise reduction is done? 4. Define noise by temporal averaging. 5. What is the application of median filter? 6. Draw the block diagram of an asymmetric histogram 7. Define Olympic filter. 8. Define principal-components analysis (PCA). 9. What is defect removal? 10. Define maximum entropy 11. What is a non-planar view? 12. How computer graphics are done? 13. What is Geometrical distortion? 14. What is Alignment? 15. Define Morphing. 16. Write short note on alignment of images in geometric transformations. 17. What is non uniform illumination? 18. How to fit a background function in Correcting Imaging Defects? 19. How the images aligned in geometric transformations? 20. What is term defect removal? 21. What is maximum entropy? 22. Write short note on maximum likelihood. 23. What is the use of computer graphics in imaging? 24. Write short notes on neighborhood averaging in correcting imaging defects 25. Write short note on noisy images. PART-B 1. Explain about Correcting Imaging Defects in detail 2. Define noisy images and explain how it is generated 3. Discuss about non-planar views and computer graphics. 4. Explain in detail about geometrical distortion. 5. What is Morphing? Explain in detail. 6. Describe in detail about neighborhood averaging in correcting imaging defects. 7. Explain the following. i) Defect removal ii) Maximum entropy and maximum likelihood 8. Explain in detail about non uniform illumination. 9. How to fit a background function in Correcting Imaging Defects? Explain briefly. 10. Explain in detail about alignment of images in geometric transformations.

UNIT-3 PART-A 1. What is diagnostic ultrasound? 2. What are the diagnostic techniques used in ultrasound? 3. What is axial resolution? 4. What is lateral resolution? 5. Define B-mode scan. 6. How the transducer construction is done in ultrasound? 7. What are the advantages of tissue harmonic imaging? 8. Give the frequency ranges and its application in ultrasound. 9. What is morphological operation? 10. Mention the types of medical imaging. 11. Give any two applications of morphological operations. 12. How B-mode scan is better than M-mode? 13. Define orientation in ultrasound imaging. 14. What is alignment scanning in ultrasound? 15. What are the image measurements done in B-mode scan? 16. Mention some application of ultrasound. 17. State working principles of ultrasonic waves. 18. Define characteristic impedance. 19. List some physical properties of audible sound waves. 20. Write four application of A-Scan. 21. Draw the block diagram of an echocardiograph circuit. 22. What is meant by penetration? 23. What is linear scan? 24. Draw the diagram of compound scan. 25. Mention some biological effects of ultrasound. PART-B 1. Explain about diagnostic ultrasound in detail. 2. Describe about B-mode scan imaging in ultrasound. 3. What are ultrasound imaging systems? Explain in detail. 4. Explain counting features and feature size in diagnostic ultrasound. 5. Explain in detail about application of morphological operations. 6. Discuss briefly about the application of A-Scan. 7. Explain the following. i) Biological effects of ultrasound. ii) Detection of ultrasound 8. Explain basic pulse echo apparatus with block diagram. 9. Explain briefly about Frequency, AED and focusing. 10. Describe in detail about types of BScans.

Unit -4 PART A 1. Define FID. 2. What are the applications of MRI in medicine? 3. What is imaged in MRI? 4. Mention the types of image reconstruction techniques used in MRI. 5. Define fast imaging method. 6. Give the principle of NMR Microscopy. 7. What are the types of coils used in MRI? 8. Define methodology. 9. What is adaptive filter? 10. What is segmentation? 11. Write about three dimensional applications. 12. Define effects of motion in MRI system. 13. What are the advances in MRI? 14. What are the components of architecture? 15. Define Echo-planar imaging. 16. Give the biological effects of NMR imaging. 17. Write a note on imager system used in gradient control system. 18. Write a short note on Magnet in NMR. 19. Write a short note on transmitter system. 20. Draw the timing diagram for 3D zeugmatography. 21. What are the types of coils used in detection system of NMR? 22. Draw the subsystem of typical NMR imaging system. 23. Write short note on spin echo sequence family. 24. Write about sequential point method. 25. Give some applications of NMR in medical field. PART-B 1. Write the basic NMR components and explain in detail. 2. Explain in detail about projection reconstruction in MRI. 3. Explain the following. i) Describe about biological effects of NMR imaging ii) Advantages of NMR imaging system 4. Explain about fast imaging methods. 5. Discuss about implementation of architecture in detail. 6. Explain the basic principle of NMR imaging system. 7. Explain the classification of various NMR imaging methods with neat diagram 8. Describe the types of imaging sequence in NMR system. 9. Explain the following NMR components. i) Magnet ii) Detection system 10. Describe in detail about gradient control system with neat block diagram.

Unit-5 PART-A 1. Broadly classify medical imaging system 2. Define Radiography 3. What are the various examinations done by radiography? 4. What are the advantages of digital radiography? 5. Mention the parts of digital x-ray imaging system 6. What is the main use of SPECT? 7. Name the isotopes commonly used in PET 8. What is DAP? 9. Mention the properties of x-rays. 10. What is the purpose of using collimator in x-ray machine? 11 Define exposure time. 12. What are the types of anodes used in x-ray machine? 13. Classify ultrasound used in medical field. 14. What is mean by phased array system? 15. What are the types of transducers used in ultrasonic imaging system? 16. What are the uses of collimator in SPECT? 17. Write down the principle of camera based SPECT. 18. Write some clinical applications of SPECT and PET. 19. What is the advantage of PET over conventional nuclear imaging? 20. Draw the block diagram of DAS of PET scanner. 21. What is the main function of DAP? 22. What types of isotopes used in SPECT? 23. What is filtered back projection? 24. Write the principle of PET scanner. 25. What is ECT? PART-B 1. Explain in detail about radiographic imaging systems. 2. What are the system components in CT? Explain in detail. 3. Define SPECT. Explain in detail. 4. Write the principle of PET scanner and explain. 5. Explain in detail about multi element linear array scanner. 6. Explain about physics of thermography. 7. Describe in detail about medical thermography. 8. Explain the schematic diagram of digitization of a thermogram. 9. Explain briefly about single photon emission computed tomography. 10. Explain briefly about emission computed tomography.

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