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3038 SUSE Linux Advanced Administration

Duration: Traditional Instructor Led Learning - 5.00 Day(s) Mentored Learning - Flexible Overview: SUSE LINUX Advanced Administration is designed to help students prepare for the Novell Certified Linux Professional (Novell CLP) Practical test. The Novell CLP is an entry-level certification for people interested in becoming SUSE LINUX administrators. Who Should Attend: While the target student for this course is the current Novell CNESM who has completed courses 3036 and 3038 in the CLP curriculum, Linux professionals and administrators with experience in other operating systems can also use this course to help prepare for the Novell CLP Practicum. At Course Completion: In this course, students will prepare for the Novell Certified Linux Professional (Novell CLP) Practical test by learning how to perform the following SUSE LINUX advanced administration tasks for SLES 9: - Install SLES 9 with a custom partitioning. - Configure the network manually. - Configure network services. - Secure a SLES 9 server. - Manage backup and recovery. - Create shell scripts. - Compile software from source. - Perform a health check and performance tuning. - Manage hardware and component changes. Prerequisite(s) or equivalent knowledge: 3037 Linux Administration 3036 SUSE Linux Fundamentals Outline: Lesson 1: Install SLES Perform the SLES 9 Base Installation Configure the SLES 9 Installation Troubleshoot the Installation Process Lesson 2: Configure the Network Manually Understand Linux Network Terms Set Up Network Devices With the ip Tool Save Device Settings to a Configuration File

Set Up Routing With the ip Tool Save Routing Settings to a Configuration File Configure Host Name and Name Resolution Test the Network Connection With Command Line Tools Lesson 3: Configure Network Services Configure a DNS Server Using BIND Deploy OpenLDAP on a SLES 9 Server Configure an Apache Web Server Configure a Samba Server as a File Server Lesson 4: Secure a SLES 9 Server Create a Security Concept Limit Physical Access to Server Systems Limit the Installed Software Packages Understand the Linux User Authentication Ensure File System Security Use ACLs for Advanced Access Control Configure Security Settings with YaST Stay Informed About Security Issues Apply Security Updates Lesson 5: Manage Backup and Recovery Develop a Backup Strategy Create Backup Files With tar Work With Magnetic Tapes Copy Data With the dd Command Mirror Directories With the rsync Command Automate Data Backups With the cron Service Troubleshoot the Boot Process of a SLES 9 System Configure and install the GRUB Boot Lesson 6: Create Shell Scripts Use Basic Script Elements Use Variable Substitution Operators Use Control Structures Use Advanced Scripting Techniques Learn About Useful Commands in Shell Scripts Lesson 7: Compile Software from Source Understand the Basics of C Programming Understand the GNU Build Tool Chain Understand the Concept of Shared Libraries Perform a Standard Build Process

Lesson 8: Perform a Health Check and Performance Tuning Find Performance Bottlenecks Reduce System and Memory Load Optimize the Storage System Tune the Network Performance Lesson 9: Manage Hardware and Component Changes Understand the Differences Between Devices and Interfaces Understand How Device Drivers Work Understand How Device Drivers Are Loaded Understand the sysfs File System Understand How the SLES 9 Hotplug System Works Understand the hwup Command Add New Hardware to a SLES 9 System Lesson 10: Prepare for the Novell CLP Practicum Install and Configure SLES 9 Configure a DNS Server Configure a Web Server Configure a Samba File Server

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