Assignment b22

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Kuvempu University Assignments for B.Sc.(IT) & M.Sc.

(IT) Courses Subject: Data Structures using C Subject Code: BSIT - 22 Assignment: TA (Compulsory)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Explain various string handling functions. Explain parameter passing methods with an example for each. Explain Dangling Pointer Problem. Write a note on enumerated constants. Briefly explain implementation of data structures. Give the algorithm to evaluate a postfix expression, explain the same with an example. Discuss the primitive operations that can be performed on a queue. Explain the recursive definition for the Tower of Hanoi problem. Assignment: TB (Compulsory)

PART - A I. Answer all the questions: 1) What is the difference between structure and union? 2) List out different classes of data types supported by ANSI C. 3) Give advantages and disadvantages of pointers. 4) Give the declaration of array of integer pointers. 5) What is enumerated constants ? 6) Define the following terms related to Graph : a) Edges and Vertices b) Path. c) Cycle. 7) Define Graph. Explain it with example. 8) Explain Dangling Pointer Problem. 9) Define a student structure consisting of data member Rollno (integer), Stu_name (pointer to char) and marks (array of 3 integers). Give declaration for structure variable. PART-B II. Answer any FIVE full questions: 1) a) Define scope and life time of different storage classes. b) What is Dynamic Memory Allocation? Give the syntax malloc function. Show how size of 10 integer data type allocated. 2) a) What is stack? Write a program to show all the stack operations. b) What is recursion? Write a function code to find the factorial of n using recursion technique.

3) a) What are the different steps to be followed to evaluate postfix expression? b) Write postfix expression form for following infix expression: 1) b - (a + b) *((c - d)/a + a). 2) (a + b) * (c - d) _ e. 4) a) Give the difference between ordinary queue and circular queue. Write function definition of insertion and deletion of ordinary queue. b) Mention any five real time applications of queue. 5) Write down the functions used to the implementation of stack using linked list. 6) a) Explain different ways of representing a Graph. b) What do you mean by Graph traversal ? Describe BFS traversal methods. 7) a) Write the function code to create BST (Binary Search Tree) by iteration method. b) Define BST. Give one example. 8) a) Explain Selection Sort Algorithms. b) Write Algorithm for Quick Sort.

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