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issue #4
Tis The Season!

Around IST- pg. 2-3
BERMUN 2012- pg. 2
Free Dress Day: Halloween- pg. 3
ISSEA Volleyball- pg. 3
Entertainment- pg. 4-5
Advice from Locker 114- pg. 4
Overheard- pg. 4
Recipe- pg. 5
Heyy readers,
our sincerest apologies for an untimely issue,
we've been having kinks in our publication
process! If this annoys you as much as it does
us, now would be a good time for you; a more
commited and time keeping writer to join our
crew! Putting our problems aside,
Finally, we bring to you the November issue,
'Tis the season! Well I bet you're all wondering
why 'tis the season in November, and not De-
cember, but we decided to have an early
Christmas and enjoy all the other festivities
before the WORLD ENDS in December!! Of
course, we, the IB2's, will totally flip out if the
world really does end - considering we're al-
most out!!
Watch out for our early December issue,
which will update you some more on the END
of the WORLD!!
Happy reading and enjoy the festivities while
they last!!
Jhanvi and Disha.

For the first time in IST history, nine IB2 dele-
gates, accompanied by Mr. Foss (MUN Director)
and Ms. Lynley, jetted off to Berlin, Germany for
the 21
annual Berlin Model United Nations
(BERMUN). With Nirma serving as a Chair of the
Human Rights Committee, Tayba and Fatima rep-
resenting in Security Council (SC) and Anushka
being accepted into the Advisory Panel, IST was
well-represented. We established an excellent
name for our school as, out of the five delegates
representing Portugal in the General Assembly
(GA), three were Main Submitters of resolutions!
All in all, the conference was well worth the two
plane rides, Manuel holding open the subway
doors like the Hulk, getting lost on the way to the
dancc, Tanu's YOLO" ambassadorial spccch,
war constantly being declared in the SC, ridicu-
lously strong amendments being failed, and over-
sleeping the 4:45am meeting time on the last day
because we really just wanted BERMUN to last
another week!
For those of you who have never tried MUN... it is
truly an amazing experience. You become so
much more aware of the world around you but
also get to learn about new concepts, ideas and
solutions. For example, I never knew what 'poverty
pornography' was until it became an integral part
of my group's resolution at BERMUN!
As this was the last international conference for
IST seniors, I speak on behalf of all of us; we will
miss traveling to MUN conferences, representing
IST and standing up for our country's beliefs.
While we still look forward to hosting Dar es Sa-
laam MUN (DARMUN) later this school year,
our international MUN experiences, memories
and YOLO moments will always stay with us! Get
your game face on, guys.... ;)
IST Delegation at Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany
Nirma, Deep, Serena at BERMUN Closing Ceremony
IST Game Faces ;)

I D D n

Dcar. wcll I don`| rcallv know vour namcs,
so never-mind!
I really liked a guy all through last year -
LIKL LIKL!!! I honcs|lv don`| know whv, bu|
it just seems like he ignores ever since we got
to secondary school!!!
I rcallv don`| know wha| |o do, bccausc I |ricd
inorin him as wcll |o show him |ha| I don`|
carc bu| i|`s so hard - no matter how hard I
convincc mvscll |o lc| o, I us| can`|. You
know what I mean, right - love is stronger
|han anv|hin. cvcn vour own scll-convincing
So what do you think I should do, keep ignor-
ing him while I still like him deep inside, or
just tell him how I feel????
Loads of Love and Appreciation,
Anonymous Cool Girl ;)
Dear Cool Girl -
I|`s dillicul| |o |cll vou cxac|lv how |o lix |hcsc
problcms. I`d sucs| vou o up |o him and
sing your feelings to him - but then again, this
isn`| Hih School Music, and nor is i| Glcc.
The opposite gender can often be difficult to
comprchcnd, and |ha|`s okav (i| kccps |hc
mystery alive)! Anyhow, I can sympathize with
vou, bu| I can`| |cll vou wha| |o do. Tha|`s all
right though, you have a ton of options, actual-
1 - Keep ignoring him, and try and get over
2 - Try and just be friends with him, maybe
hc`s uncomlor|ablc wi|h |hc idca ol a rcla|ion-
3 - Break out in song for him and tell him
how you feel!
4 - Google tips on invisibility so that you can
s|alk him and liurc ou| whv hc`s inorin
5 - (this is probably the most viable sugges-
tion) Print out a picture of mistletoe (because
i| docsn`| row hcrci, dra him |hrouh a door
with you, and hold it over your heads. This
basically means he has to kiss you - and |ha|`s
a great way to tell him how you feel!
Good Luck and Merry Christmas,
Every now and then, walking around IST, you
hear someone saying the most random things
you could ever hear. The Image now brings
you snatches of everyday conversations at

'Haha, I know, I'm too funny for this country!
Someone should pay me for how hilarious I

'You know, I think I would make an excellent
pirate! Arrrr matey!'

"I'm losing my sense of humor to the IB. It's
winning, guys"

'HE's such a drama queen!'

'It wouldn't be an issue without some errors!'

Watch out for some more snatches of ongo-
ing conversations at IST in the next issue of
The Image...

Have you overheard something funny lately?
Post it on our facebook group (The Image -
IST's student run newspaper) or e-mail it
to, to share your over-

k M
Total Time: 45 minutes
350g all purpose/plain flour
Pinch of salt
225g butter
1 beaten egg + 1 cold water as needed
1 jar of mincemeat
2 tbsp icing sugar

Preparation: Heat the oven to 400F/205C
Make the Pastry
Place the flour, butter and salt into a large
clean bowl.
Rub the butter into the flour with your finger-
tips until the mixture resembles fine bread-
crumbs, working as quickly as possible to pre-
vent the dough becoming warm.
Add the egg to the mixture and using a cold
knife stir, add cold water a teaspoon at a time
until the mixture binds but don't make it too
wet that it is sticky.
Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for a
minimum of 15 minutes, up to 30 minutes.

Assemble the Pie(s)
Choose a muffin or bun tin for the size of the
pie you want.
Dust a work surface lightly with a little flour
and roll out two-thirds of the pastry to
1/8"/3mm thick. Cut circles to line the cups of
your tin, don't worry if the pastry doesn't come
to the top.
Fill the pastry lined tins 2/3 full with mince-
Roll out the remaining pastry to the same
thickness and cut smaller circles to fit as lids
on the tarts or to be decorative, cut stars or
other fancy shapes.
Dampen the edges of the tart bases with a little
cold water and press the lids on. Make a small
hole in the surface of each pie with a small
sharp knife to allow the steam to escape.
Bake in the preheated oven for 20 mins or
until golden brown. Remove from the oven
and sprinkle with the icing sugar.
Recipe taken from: http://

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