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KKL Simplified.

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Section One:....................................................................................................................... 4
Create a Webserver .................................................................................................... 4
Step 1:................................................................................................... 5
Step 2:................................................................................................... 7
Step 3:................................................................................................... 7
Step 4:................................................................................................... 8
Step 5:................................................................................................. 11
Step 6:................................................................................................. 13
Section Two...................................................................................................................... 19
Keys Preparation ...................................................................................................... 19
Step 7:................................................................................................. 20
Step 8:................................................................................................. 22
Section Three................................................................................................................... 26
Uploading the Keys ................................................................................................... 26
Step 9:................................................................................................. 27
Section Four..................................................................................................................... 32
Creating KKL File .................................................................................................... 32
Step 10:............................................................................................... 33
Section Five...................................................................................................................... 43
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 43

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Creating KKL using KKSN V1.2.8:

The following are procedure on how to create a mirror of Kaspersky Keys from posted
KKL File in your own KKL File. You could also use some steps of this procedure to
share your own keys on KKL file.

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Section One:

Create a Webserver

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Step 1:

First thing you need is a Webserver, which is a computer that can be used to download
files from. That computer could be yours (IF you know how to create a Web Server, and
you wish to do so) or you could use the free webhosting service that are available in the
internet (that is what we are showing in this document)

So we Googled for “Free Webhost” and we got a nice website which is :

“ “ ( you could use any other one)
See Figure (1-1).

Figure (1-1)

We decided to check “000Hosted” and give it a try.

Figure (1-2)

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Clicked on the site Name and re-directed to a page with more details of this site
information to offer. See Figure (1-3)

Figure (1-3)

The most important information we are looking for is Bandwidth limit (the higher the
number, the better), and FTP availability (To be able to upload keys very easily).

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Step 2:

Clicked on the site to open an account See Figure (1-4)

Figure (1-4)

We Clicked on Signup to start the registration procedure for a new account.

Step 3:

Fill-up the account information; see Figure (1-5). Then we click Register.

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Figure (1-5)

Figure (1-6)

Step 4:

Now you will be asked for confirmation and email verification See Figure (1-7)

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Figure (1-7)

1- Control Panel Website address, User Name and Password. (This is where you will
manage the website)
2- FTP Host Name, Username and Password. (This is where you will use FTP to
upload files)
3- Your Domain Names. (These are the name of the webservers links)

We had to click on “Verify your domain” Link and do the following. See Figures (1-8) to

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Log in. Figure (1-8)

Fill-up the Information. Figure (1-9)

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Finish the verification. Figure (1-10)

Step 5:

Go back to Figure (1-7), and click to visit the control panel.

Log in if necessary

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Figure (1-11)

Now you should see some highlighted information above that will help you using your
newly created account. See Figure (1-11).

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Step 6:

You need to use the “File Manager” from in Figure (1-11) to be able to create folders and
upload Keys. See Figures (1-12) to (1-23)

After selecting File Manager this is what you may see. Note “Do not upload files here”
comment. Figure (1-12)

Click on the main directory to see what is inside, which is the web site. Figure (1-13)

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Create new Directory and name it for example “2008”. Figure (1-14)

Figure (1-15)

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Figure (1-16)

Also you create another sub-directory for example “Dec_22”. Figure (1-17)

Figure (1-18)

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Figure (1-19)

As you see the path above shows that you are inside the sub-directory. Figure (1-20)

The next few figures just to show you how to upload keys from the website file
manager. Do not upload yet.

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Upload the Key Files. Figure (1-21)

Figure (1-22)

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Now you can see the files uploaded. Figure (1-23)

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Section Two

Keys Preparation

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Step 7:

Since you already have webserver, now you need the keys. You can search the internet
for keys that are shared by others by any means; there are four major sources (as far as I
1- P2P: Use any Peer-to-Peer application and find keys that are shared, there is so
many in the P2P Network.
2- Direct download website: One example is
3- Warez Sites or any other sites that share the file with a download link hosted in an
online hosting services: example Rapidshare, Megaupload and many others. And
you can find the links on sites similar to
4- KKL Files: You can have keys from the collections that are already exist and
shared by the other KKSN users. This one is most useful because you can clean
up the list and remove the blacklisted keys, and you can create a mirror, so if the
original KKL Creator had his mirror down, yours will be working and more users
are able to depend on you.

Here is how to get some keys using KKL File, See Figures (2-1) to (2-5)

Start KKSN application and Click “List Keys”. Figures (2-1)

Select the KKL file you wish to download from and open it. Select all keys or just the
keys you need to download. Figures (2-2)

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Update the save location and then click on “Save Key” button. Figures (2-3)

Download should be complete shortly. Figures (2-4)

Check for the keys in the save location. Figures (2-5)

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Very Important to Note:
Keys must be named as follow:
KAV or KIV followed by the one number to indicate the version, then “_” then the
date the key valid till in a format “yyyymmdd” which is year, moth then date,
followed by “_” then the keys serial number then “.key”
e.g. KAV6_20090610_767657657.key

Step 8:

So you have the webserver and the keys, now you can go on and start working on the
keys. So the first thing we need is to rename the keys to something that can not be
identified as a kaspersky key, something like “000001.ABC” which means nothing. But
we must note down the old name because we need to rename it back when the user
download it. If you have few keys, you can do that manually, but if you have hundreds
then it’s very difficult to do this task. To make this task easier, you can use “Key List &
Preparation” that is part of KKSN, which will do the renaming for you and create a list
that you could use to import it when you are creating the KKL file that makes it even
much easier.

From KKSN click on “Keys Prep” Button, see Figure (2-6)

Figure (2-6)

Remember that we created a directory in the webserver called “2008” and a sub directory
“Dec_22”. We are going to upload the keys to the sub-directory “Dec_22” so the online
path is “2008/Dec22/”. Also, we need to rename the file extension to be “.abc”.

Use this information to fill-up the details on the “Keys & List Preparation” form. Also
don’t forget to correct the “Update date” calendar to show the users when did this list
created. See Figure (2-7).

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Figure (2-7)

Click “Show me” button to select the key files.

Select all the key files you need to prepare. Figure (2-8)

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Figure (2-9)

A list will be displayed (Figure (2-9)) to show you the change that will be made, if you
are fine with that, click “Process” button and then check the folder that you had the keys
in, See Figure (2-10)

Keys name are changed and “The List” is created. Figure (2-10)

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Open “The List” file to see how it was made. Figure (2-11)

The Key List consist of three columns that are separated by “Tab”
1- The online path and the new file name.
2- The Update date.
3- The real key name.

Now you have Keys ready to be uploaded and list to create KKL.

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Section Three

Uploading the Keys

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Step 9:

You could upload the keys using “File Manager” from your webserver control panel, see
figures (1-21) to (1-23)

But I will focus more in using the FTP, because it’s the easier way to upload multiple
files at once.

We will use “FileZila” as an FTP Client (you could use any one of your choice), FileZila
could be found in

Start FileZila and Click on “Open the site Manager” that is highlighted in the Figure (3-1)

Figure (3-1)

“Site Manager” Window will be open to allow you to create a new connection setting.
1- Click “New Site” button and the connection to whatever you wish.
2- Under “General” Tab, fill-up the information you got from section one when you
created the webserver regarding the FTP Host, FTP User name and FTP Password
as you see in Figure (3-2), just make sure the “Logon type” is Normal and “Server
Type” is FTP.

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After you finish filling up the right info, click “Connect”. Figure (3-2)

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You should see that you are connected now to the webserver. Figure (3-3)

Using the “local Site” area browse to the folder where you had your keys saved. And on
the Remote Site drill down to the folder that you intend to move the keys to. In our case
we are moving the keys to “2008/Dec_22” subfolder.

After you drill down you could see the content of the directory. Figure (3-4)

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Select the keys from the local site. Figure (3-5)

After you drag the selected files from local to remote, the files get copied over.

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Figure (3-6)

From the webserver control panel you can see the files there now. Figure (3-7)

So now you have all keys in the Webserver inside the intended directory that you wish.

Note: Since this is the first time you use this webserver, I suggest you upload only
one or two keys and test it to see if the webserver is good enough to do the download
function that we need.
How? After you upload the file and you are in Figure (3-7), click on one of they
keys, if it open as a text file, this webserver is no good. But if it’s asking you to save
the file, then this webserver is good to go and you can continue.

For this exercise, we will continue without testing and you will see how it will fail.

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Section Four

Creating KKL File

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Step 10:

Start the KKSN and click on the “KKL Creator” button.

Figure (4-1)

Fill-up the webserver with the name you hade from Section one and Three. Figure (4-2)

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Figure (4-3)

After you added the webserver, you need to add the keys path, file name and the keys
name. You can add it manually one by one or fortunately we had the list already made
from section 2 using “Key List and preparation”.

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Right click on the keys info area and select “Import Keys”. Figure (4-4)

Select “the List” that was created in section two, the click open. Figure (4-5)
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Now you should have all the keys listed. Figure (4-6)

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Select all the keys. Figure (4-7)

Right click the Keys area and click “link Selected” and click “1” which is the webserver
number. Figure (4-8)

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You should see all the keys checkedmarked under thecolmun with the headline text =
“1”. Figure (4-9)

Figure (4-10)

If you have more that one webserver and has the same director and sub-directory you
could add them too and check mark the keys to where it belong for the other webservers.

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Figure (4-11)

Fill-up the “Password” area and make sure you remember it. Then click “Create” button.

Type the name of the KKL file you wish to use. Figure (4-12)

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You should see the KKL file saved. Figure (4-13)

.Use KKSN to open the KKL file by clicking on “List Keys”. Figure (4-14)

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Select the new KKL that you just created. Figure (4-15)

The keys are listed. Figure (4-16)

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Test your keys. Figure (4-17)

From Figure (4-17) notice that all keys downloaded failed, the reason could be because
you entered a wrong combination of webserver and file path and name. If you verified
that you have the correct address and you should now past that link on the website and
see if you will be able to download it. If they link you have is not downloadable then this
operation will fail.

See below to find what we have done to fix that issue.

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Section Five


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First Thing you should do is entering the key link manually in the web browser to see
what reaction you are getting back. See Figure (5-1) and (5-2)., The Link show a text on
the browser. You may think this is a correct response, but no, it should download the file
not open it.

Figure (5-1)

Figure (5-2)

So I decided to try another webserver, because this webserver seems not good to do the
download function that we need. See the next few figures to see how we created another
webserver from another website and we created the directories and uploaded the keys.

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We selected a new web host. Figure (5-3)

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We registered. Figure (5-4)

Login. Figure (5-5)

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Configure the site. Figure (5-6)

Figure (5-7)

Figure (5-8)

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We kept a note of the above information. Figure (5-9)

We verified the email. Figure (5-10)

Figure (5-11)

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We are going to create a folder and sub-folder. Figure (5-12)

Figure (5-13)

Folder “/2008/Dec_22/” Created. Figure (5-14)

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Uploaded the keys and clicked on one of them. Figure (5-15)

This is the link of one of the keys. Figure (5-16)

Tested the key link and I got the right window. Figure (5-17)

This is the window that you should expect when opening the link of any key, the
download window. So this webserver is good to go.
Now we should adjust the KKL File with the new webserver.

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Open KKL Creator from KKSN and fill-in the Password that we used before and click
Import. Figure (5-18)

Select your created KKL file. Figure (5-19)

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Figure (5-20)

.Remove the unwanted webservers Figure (5-21)

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Add the correct webserver. Figure (5-22)

Select All. Figure (5-23)

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Link the new webserver (Number 2) to all the keys. Figure (5-24)

Save the KKL file again to the same name. Figure (5-25)

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Figure (5-26)

Load the KKL file using KKSN now. Figure (5-27)

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Figure (5-28)

Figure (5-29)

Download test worked fine now. Figure (5-30)

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All keys are saved fine. Figure (5-31)

Now you can share your KKL file with the others.

Thank you for supporting the community and helping the others.

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