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An efficient financial system is must for the economic development of the country. The economic development of the country depend on it's functioning of the financial system Banking is one of the activities of the financial system, which canalize the saving to the investment for the economic development of the country. The Indian banking industry is divided in to three important parts such as public sector banks; private sector banks included old private sector banks, the new private sector banks and the foreign banks. The private sector banks play an important role, which is focusing on the customer satisfaction and the capturing the higher market share, and providing number of services and financial products to the customer. The private sector banks provide the technological and the innovative products to the customer. The banking industry canalizing the investment in the country, where private sector banks plays an important role by promoting the banking industry with the satisfied customer, innovative products and loyal customer which results in to the promotion of the Indian banking industry in the Indian banking industry. The Indian private players like ICICI bank; HDFC bank etc. have started expanding themselves at the global level. The general objective of this research project is to study the impact of external forces on the Private banking sector, how it effects its growth, what are the features enhancing the performance of Private banking sector and what could be the steps taken in order to keep the Private banking industry in progress. The projects aim is to identify factors, which induce the Private banking industry to work efficiently. It also aims to identify the factors, which restrict the industry from coming up and identifying the fields where the industry is lagging behind. This project is useful in getting the information about the related factors effecting to Private banking industry. 1

Here we would like to acknowledge the great support and help provided by the faculty member and the people who have guided us durning the time of research. We would like to especially thanks to Dr. Jay Ashish Sethi to guide us and providing a great opportunity of conducting the research on the industry, understanding the industry and apply our analytical skills to analysis the industry. We would especially thanks to Miss.Vaibhavi Bhatt, the faculty member of the NSVKMS MBA College to guided and always encourage us for the completion of the report. We would also like to acknowledge the great support provided by the computer lab. In charge and the librarian. I would like to express my gratitude to our project guide faculty member Mr. Bhavesh Patel, Ms. Rekha Savnani Mr. Kalpesh Patel for their guidance and constant encouragement throughout the course of the project and in the preparation of this report.


We would like to declare that the report is based on the secondary informations available from the journals, magazines, research papers, books and the net sources. This report has not been submitted to any other university for the examination purpose. For the analyzing the private sector banks we have selected 15 banks based on the total income, interest income, PAT, deposits, advances, and the total assets. The selected private sector banks are leading on this parameter out of the 28 private sector banks in India. DAVE ATIT P. JANI ARVI K. HERUWALA PRASHANT R. TAHCKER NISHANT R.

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