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RULES OF ATTENDANCE AND LATE COMING Purpose This policy applies to all employees of Ubisoft Entertainment India Pvt.

Ltd. to be punctual in reporting for scheduled work. Absenteeism and tardiness effects the Company s overall operations therefore, we expect employees to strive for perfec t attendance and to arrive for work on time and maximize company s efficiency. Policy The company is working Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with an hour lunch recess from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. Actual working timing may vary from time to time based upon project need and will be communicated to you by your di rect Manager with proper intimation to the HR Department. Every day you are requ ired to complete 8 working hours in the studio. In case you are unable to comple te requisite working hours (8) on a particular day, you have to compensate the r emaining hours in the following day/days, with proper validation by your direct Manager/Team Lead and intimation to the HR department about the same. In order to mark your attendance, it is mandatory to swipe your card at the entr ance door while entering the first time and existing the last time from office. Based on your card swipe, your attendance will be recorded and considered by the HR department. It is your responsibility to correctly use your card and mark yo ur attendance. Any action taken by the HR department for your late coming or poo r attendance will not be changed later. Late comer s regulation

We expect everyone to be in the office by 8:00 am to start with their daily work . Late coming till 8:15 am (15 minutes exceeding from the reporting time) is toler ated. Any late coming beyond 8:15 am, whether informed or not, will be registered as l ate. An employee can exceptionally come 3 times a month after 8:15 am without being p enalized, but once the 3 exceptions are over any other late coming will deduct 0 .5 LOP from your salary. Ex: An employee is coming 6 times late during a particular month, 1.5 LOP will b e deducted from the salary of this same month (the 3 first times are exceptions, no penalties + 0.5 LOP for each 3 following). Note that you need to follow the same guidelines if your reporting time for the start of the day is subjected to a change. The count of the number of exceptions used for a month follows the cut-off dates of the payroll. The payroll cut-off dates are usually around the 20th of each m onth. Ex: for September payroll the dates considered for cut-off are from 21st A ugust from 21st September. You are responsible for keeping track for your late coming. Please remember no w arnings will be given to you before a salary cut, it will be reflected automatic ally in your pay slip. If you are forgetting your card, you must send an e-mail at your arrival to the HR department and manager. The time taken into account for your arrival will be

the one of the mail itself. Prior intimation before late-coming or absence You are responsible to directly inform your direct manager about your late arriv al or absence. If no intimation is given before 9:00 am, your manager will autom atically registered your absence in HRTB as LOP, even if you have leaves availab le. If you have informed your manager before 9:00 am and you have a positive balance of leaves, then your manager will put a leave for you or will ask you to enter it once you are back. Exceptional Cases. In case, if you have some valid reason to regularly report late to work (like cl asses in the morning) you can discuss the cause with your direct Manager and the HR department with the days concerned and your expected timing of arrival. The HR department, after validation by your direct Manager can allow you to come lat e for the required days and you will need to compensate the lost working hours i n the evening. If you are requested to stay exceptionally late -after 8:00 pm- for a call with Canada/US or similar situation, with the prior approval of your direct manager, you can compensate by coming later or leaving earlier the next day or another da y of the week. In such cases the direct manager has to send a confirmation mail to the HR department so that a track can be kept.

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