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Shadows of the Yu Nie Hearts


Night grows to her-

Her peak.

Hearts start to rise-

Rise with heighten joy.

Rise as high as Shandong.

This night, the last-

This night a friend comes.

A friend of old.

A friend, a brother.
Hearts rise tonight.

Rise as high as Shandong.

A friend visits me-

Visits me this night.

For I know in my…

In my soul of this…
This happiness will die.

This happiness will turn,

Turn to sorrow.

My friend knows this.

This pain I feel.

But tonight we…

We celebrate this-

This friendship.

This brotherhood…

Shadow of the Night

A thousand thoughts crowd upon my mind.

Thoughts from I don’t know where.

Thoughts of sorrow and sadness,

Thoughts of happiness and joy.

Where do these thoughts come?

What force crowds them?

Crowds them onto my mind.

Am I the thinker of thought?

Or rather is it I am their creator?

Is this the reason of my thoughts?

Can it be that I a simple man-

A simple man be the creator…

The creator of such thoughts?

A night there shadows of my mind-

Shadows of my mind haunt me.

May they be nights of mares…

May they be nights of joy.

It is only for the caster to tell.

But is it I that is the caster?

Or may it be…

Be some immortal force?

Through these immortal thoughts…

That guide me…

Guide me though the realm of…

The realm we call reality.

The Night

There is no moon.

It is shrouded by gray.

Is this as our lives?

Shrouded in gray?
Gray as well our heart.

Does this moon…

This moon shine?

The heart, does it shine?

Can the heart be both…

Light and dark?

Can it be liken to this,

This night may it be,

Be so liken too?

Can it be, the heart is…

Is as the night?

Is as vague as night?
Or is it the enfeebled mind?

A mind that grows old.

Older with each passing…

With each passing night.

It be true that I am…

Am drunken with thoughts,

Thoughts of the moral.

Morals called good and evil.

Who may define this?

Is it not like the night?

The true understanding…

Understanding the unseen…

Understanding the unuttered.

For this goes unanswered.

If it were as easy,

As easy as day.

Then and only then…

Let it be shown.
Nay; I say it cannot,

It cannot be as clear…

As clear as this the day.

But yet it is,

Only as vague as night.

This night;
Shadowed is this night.

This night of the heart.

This night of the soul.

Sleeping Dragon

Where is your heart?

Where is your soul?

You who have taught…

Taught honor,
Taught Loyalty.

You are Yu;

Spirit of wisdom.

Where are you now?

Where, my friend?

Friend of old,

Is it not you?

You, whom taught,

Taught the Ancients,

Taught them of Odes.

You are Yu,

Teacher of Man.
Where my friend?

Where is thy teaching?

Or is it that thy teaching…

Thy teaching is it lost?

Lost to those you honor?

Those loyal to your words.

Or has your teaching past…

Past to this the netherworld?

You my friend, where?

Where are you now?

Is it that all have betrayed you?

Is it only I that stands your loyal?

If this be so…

I will light the incenses.

Light incenses for you my friend.

Dear friend and beloved of wisdom.

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