TheSun 2009-01-28 Page02 Nasarudin Goes Into Hiding

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2 theSun | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 2009

news without borders

Nasarudin goes into ‘hiding’

by Humayun Kabir According to Ismail, this has forced Na- general election when the state fell to PR,
Housing sector to get
RM1.2b boost
PETALING JAYA: The government has al-
located RM1.2 billion from the stimulus pack- sarudin to go “underground”. He is expected BN had made many claims that many state
to resurface in about three days to put mat- PR assemblymen had wanted to crossover age for the housing sector, said Housing and
IPOH: Where is Nasarudin? This seems to ters in their right prospective. to BN to wrest the state from PR. Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Ong
be the pertinent question surrounding Bota Ka Chuan.
Nasaruddin has completely cut himself Perak Umno liaison charirman and former
assemblyman Datuk Nasarudin Hashim who off from all means of communication by mentri besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Tajol Rosli
Tourism In his Chinese New Year message, he said
industry the public housing programme will also provide
is believed to have gone into “hiding” after changing his mobile number and other had even said the state would fall into BN
further opportunities for almost 140 trades
crossing over to Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) contact numbers, Ismail added. hands by the end of August last year. braces linked to the property and construction indus-
from Umno. Nasarudin, 58, had been quoted in an Meanwhile, in SITIAWAN, Tajol Rosli
According to sources, Nasarudin has English daily as saying his decision to jump claimed that PR was coaxing BN elected rep-
for slump tries. “These measures, coupled with other
pg 6 development projects, will boost construction
“gone underground to avoid distractions” fol- ship was due to political developments and resentatives in the state to cross over with activity to help cushion the impact likely to be
lowing attempts by Perak Umno to persuade the people’s support for the Opposition the offer of posts in a desperate move to felt by the manufacturing and service industries
him to return to the Umno fold after he had during the general election and the current enable the PR maintain its power in Perak. over the coming months,” he said.
announced his defection to PKR on Sunday. situation in Umno. The PR government in Perak was forced Meanwhile, in his new year message, MCA
Perak Umno is desperately trying to arrange On Monday, Perak Mentri Besar Moham- to resort to such a measure in preparation for president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat said the
a meeting between him and Umno deputy mad Nizar Jamaluddin said three more the possible loss of two PKR assemblemen government will cushion the adverse impact
president Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak. BN assemblymen are set to cross over to who were charged last August for accepting on Malaysia through the formulation and
When contacted yesterday, many state Pakatan Rakyat (PR) as they were unhappy bribes, he said at the Chinese New Year open implementation of prudent policies.
PKR leaders had sudden amnesia over Na- with the present political scenario in BN. house organised by Perak MCA chairman “As we usher in the Year of the Ox, it may
sarudin’s contact numbers, passing the buck Nizar also refuted Najib’s claims that no Datuk Kong Cho Ha at SMJK Nan Hwa. be pertinent to take note of its values – sturdi-
instead to other party leaders. other BN state assemblymen will be joining Changkat Jering assemblyman Capt (Rtd) ness, tenacity, determination and an ability to
PKR state liaison chairman Ismail Yusof PR, as discussions by PR with the three BN Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu, 57, and Behrang bear hard work without flinching – and reflect
said Perak Umno was very desperate to assemblymen had indicated otherwise. assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, 52, on how we can apply these values in our own
contact Nasarudin and they are “searching This latest political development has put are scheduled to attend court hearing from lives,” he said.
high and low for him”. the Perak BN in a spot. Since the March Feb 10 on the charges.
MACC under scrutiny

PETALING JAYA: Ipoh Timur MP Lim Kit Siang

wants Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-
Corruption Commission (MACC) Datuk Seri
Ahmad Said Hamdan to explain the inaction
and selective persecution of the MACC in the
first month of its establishment.
“The MACC had swung into action in the
past week and although it seemed to be in an
all-out war against Umno ‘ikan bilis’ (ancho-
vies) , it has to convince Malaysians that it is
becoming another ICAC (Independent Com-
mission Against Corruption of Hongkong),”
said Lim in a statement yesterday.
“Firstly, when will it move from ‘ikan bilis’
to Umno ‘ikan Yu’ (shark)? And secondly, its
“stop work” in its first 17 days of establish-
ment for fear of jeopardising Umno’s victory in
the Kuala Terengganu by-election,” said Lim.
He added that Malaysians were promised that
the MACC would hit the ground attacking cor-
ruption from Jan 1, 2009.
He said on Jan 14, three days before the
by-election, the MACC delayed charging a
former Barisan Nasional (BN) assemblyman
for corruption, so as not to affect Umno’s
result in the by-election.
He said former Semenyih rep Datuk Ah-
mad Kuris Mohd Nor was charged with four
counts of corruption involving RM200,000 in
the Ampang sessions court a week after the
by-election. “Would the MACC be so consider-
ate as to hold back corruption charges if the
accused involved had been a Pakatan Rakyat
leader?” asked Lim.

Framed in goodwill...
P ENANG Chinese Town Hall chairman Tan Sri Lim Gait Tong presents a painting to Yang
Di-Pertua Negeri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas at the town hall’s Chinese New year celebration
Kugan funeral
yesterday. With them are (from left) Health Minister and Penang MCA chairman Datuk Liow » From Front Page
Tiong Lai, Gerakan president Tan Sri Koh Tsu Khoon, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and Chinese should strictly be confined to paying respects to
ambassador to Malaysia Liu Jian. the deceased.
“They are free to to carry out the funeral as
they wish but it must be done in an orderly man-
ner so as to not inconvenience the public.

‘Case not a racial issue’ “We are even prepared to help out in traffic
control if the family requests for our assistance.
However, we will not allow the display of placards
by Karen Arukesamy statements in support of a thorough investiga- and banners with sensitive or racist statements. tion in this matter. “If this happens, then we will have no choice
“In fact, (Minister in the Prime Minister’s but to take action. Do not turn this into a political
PETALING JAYA: The two deputy ministers Department) Tan Sri Bernard Dompok had asked rally. We do not want any problems.” he said.
embroiled in controversies following the death- me to do a report on behalf of the Public Com- Police will be stationed along the route of the
in-police custody of A. Kugan, have asked all par- plaint’s Bureau on Kugan’s issue as he wants to procession.
ties to stop harping on it being a racial issue. submit it to the cabinet,” Murugiah said. Meanwhile, Ismail said police will only allow
“This is no racial issue at all. Even the DPM He added that Deputy Prime Minister Datuk family members to claim the body and warned
(deputy prime minister) expressed concern on Seri Najib Abdul Razak was very upset and angry that any mass gathering by others including
humanitarian grounds,” said Deputy Minister upon seeing photographs of Kugan’s body. non-government organisations such as Majlis
in the Prime Minister’s Department Senator T. Murugiah said Najib also related to him Prime Permuafakatan Ummah (Pewaris) who are
Murugiah. Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s planning to assemble and demonstrate against
“Don’t see Kugan as an Indian. See him as concern over this matter. mourners will be illegal.
a Malaysian, as a human,” Murugiah said when Meanwhile, fellow deputy minister in the Pewaris had yesterday warned that it would
contacted yesterday in response to parties Prime Minister’s Department Datuk S. K. Deva- also demonstrate if mourners politicised and
asking the Indian community to refrain from many urged all parties not to blow the issue out turned Kugan’s death into a racial issue.
racialising Kugan’s death. of proportion. Kugan, who was arrested by police on Jan
“People cannot turn this matter into a racial “If there is any Malay, Chinese or Kadazan 15 for suspected car hijacking activities and led
issue or even think this is a racial issue. It can in Kugan’s place, we would do the same,” De- police to the recovery of 15 cars, collapsed and
happen to anyone and I would still go all out to vamany said. died at the police station during interrogation.
push for action.” Meanwhile, both deputy ministers advised A post mortem report at the Serdang Hospital
Murugiah also pointed out that since no one relatives and friends who will be present at soon after his death showed that he died of water
knows who is behind Kugan’s death, people Kugan’s funeral today to refrain from carrying retention in his lungs. However, minutes short of
could not conclude it is a racial issue. banners and placards that could aggravate the his burial on Jan 21, his family decided to send his
He said MCA and Gerakan had also issued situation. body to UMMC for a second post mortem.

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