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4 theSun | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 2009

news without borders

Pakatan Rakyat report card roadshow

by Maria J. Dass to the public, said state executive “It is the people who will be giv- a survey on the quality of services Even Liu has come under fire councillor in charge of local govern- ing us our report cards,” Liu added. delivered by the local authorities to recently for what was perceived to
ment, research and development This will be a good avenue for the determine areas that need improve- be his interference in local councils.
PETALING JAYA: The public in Ronnie Liu. public to voice out their problems ment. His predecessor, Datuk Teh Kim Poo,
Selangor will get a chance to evaluate “All local council presidents, and grouses and to give suggestions The PR has had a few hiccups has accused him of collecting money
the performance of the local authori- councillors, officers and I will at- on how to improve the administra- during the start of its administration from traders for the Chinese New
ties and the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) state tend the hearings,” he told theSun tion. when there was much displeasure Year market in Pandamaran to help
government during a road show in recently. “We have to be bold enough to over the appointment of several lo- them get a space to trade from the
March. “This is how we will be evaluat- face criticisms hurled at us,” Liu cal councillors, whose appointments Klang Municipal Council – a practice
The road show will be held at ing our performance since Pakatan said. were viewed as payback for their which Liu accused Teh himself of
every local council and will be open Rakyat took over last year. He said the state will also conduct loyalty to their respective parties. initiating.

Panel to enhance
delivery system in KL
KUALA LUMPUR: The Federal modern city management concept
Territories Ministry has set up the and study the power and liaison
Modern City Management Com- coordination mechanisms involv-
mittee to enhance the service ing various agencies or institu- Solar spectacle ... sequence shots of the solar eclipse caught by the lenses of the National Planetarium
delivery system in Kuala Lumpur. tions,” he said in a statement. on Monday evening. About 2,000 visitors to the planetarium witnessed the eclipse that lasted two-and-a-half hours. The
Minister Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Zulhasnan said the committee phenomenon occurs when the shadow of the moon is cast onto the sun.
Rafique said the move would had held a workshop involving
hopefully turn Kuala Lumpur into agencies under the ministry as
a first class city by 2020. well as other relevant agencies
He said the committee would
study and compare management
and it had come out with recom-
mendations which would soon be Corruption main obstacle to Pilot airlifted
mechanisms, laws and admin- fine-tuned before their tabling in from crash site
istrative and local government
structures adopted by developed
the cabinet.
He said the public assumed
development, says Dr M JOHOR BARU: A Singaporean pilot,
countries. that Kuala Lumpur City Hall had KUALA LUMPUR: Corruption is the single At this stage, he said it may still be who survived when the light aircraft
The committee chaired by Putra- full control over the management most important obstruction to a nation’s possible to reduce corruption but when it he flew crashed at the foot of the Gu-
jaya Corporation president Tan Sri and administrative affairs of development, former prime minister Tun Dr reached the second stage, becoming part nung Pulai Forest Reserve near here
Samsuddin Osman would also scru- Kuala Lumpur but actually, over Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday. of the people’s culture, and everyone, from on Monday, was rescued yesterday
tinise the administrative, planning 16 ministries, 30 departments or He said corruption was a social disease the top to the bottom openly expect and morning.
and development implementation agencies under those ministries found all over the world and that no coun- accept bribes, little could be done to stop Sanjay Purusottam, 40, was air-
systems as well as the efficiency of and five local authorities had some try was absolutely free from the menace corruption. lifted from the scene at 7am by a Fire
municipal service delivery. jurisdiction in matters pertaining and that in some nations, corruption had However, he said corruption could be and Rescue Department helicopter to
“The committee will also iden- to the city’s planning and develop- become institutionalised. reduced although it cannot be prevented the Sultan Ismail International Airport
tify the basic criteria to meet the ment. – Bernama “And corruption is among the most altogether. in Senai before an ambulance took
difficult crimes to detect and even more “In Malaysia we insisted in shortening him to the Sultanah Aminah Hospital.

Electrician gunned down difficult to gain conviction in courts of law.

But corruption is the single most important
obstruction to a country’s development,”
the process and the time for making deci-
sions. This we did by introducing manuals
of procedures for every type of work, by
“He fractured his right thigh and
had a swollen right eye,” Kulaijaya
police chief Supt Zulkepfly Yahya told
by Charles Ramendran an accomplice. he said his speech at the Global Competi- having work flow charts and desk files for reporters at the hospital here. Mohd Noor was rushed to the tive Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. every officer. Sanjay, a bank executive in Sin-
Kuala Lumpur Hospital but was The text of his speech, titled “Sharing “If the time taken to approve or gapore, was treated at the hospital
KUALA LUMPUR: A 25-year-old pronounced dead on arrival. He Malaysia’s Experience in Becoming a Com- disapprove goes beyond that stipulated before being transferred to the Mount
electrician returning after an outing suffered a gunshot wound to his petitive World Player”, was made available in the procedures we would be able to Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore.
at an entertainment outlet at the KL back. to Bernama. quickly know that something was wrong Sanjay, who piloted a Cessna 152
Sentral Plaza, Brickfields was fatally Wan Bari said initial investiga- The former prime minister said contrac- and we would know where the delay had light aircraft, left the Senai airport at
shot at close range by an unidenti- tions showed that the victim was tors for government projects were usually taken place and the culprit involved,” he 9.40am on Monday and was sched-
fied gunman early Monday. not involved in any argument or the principal victims of corruption and “just added. uled to arrive at the Batu Berendam
Brickfields police chief ACP Wan fight before the incident. “We have about anything which involves approvals He said the result of this system was Airport in Malacca at 10.50am.
Bari Wan Abdul Khalid said the victim, recorded statements from the girl- by the authorities would be subject to dramatic and suddenly the city of Kuala However, due to strong winds, he
identified as Mohd Noor Asrulfaiz, friend and friend but we are yet to demands for illegal gratification”. Lumpur grew, investments were approved, obtained permission to return, only to
was walking towards his car at a ascertain the motive of the killing. “There is corruption in Malaysia, though factories were built and all the infrastruc- lose contact with the Senai air traffic
carpark with his girlfriend and male We are trying to gather clues or it was still at the first stage during my time, ture projects took off. control tower at 10.15am. Rescuers
friend during the 4am incident. leads to the killing.” that is, the corrupt officers still hid their “Admittedly there was still some corrup- found Sanjay trapped in the aircraft
He said the assailant turned He urged those with information acceptance because they feared being ap- tion but not to the extent that the develop- which was stuck nose-down on the
up and opened fire at the victim to contact the Brickfields CID at 03- prehended or they did not like doing wrong ment of the country could not take place or branches of a tree in the forest at
before escaping in a car driven by 2274 2222. openly,” said Mahathir. be grossly delayed,” said Mahathir. about 5pm. – Bernama

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