TheSun 2009-01-28 Page10 Geithner Wins Ok For US Treasury Vows Quick Action

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10 theSun | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 2009

news without borders

Week Ending Jan 23
tains to around the geothermal pools
and geysers at Kao Chia Son to escape
path, even invading homes in search of
food. Agriculture Minister Christopher
the cold snap. Snake farmers in some Toe told reporters that the army worms
areas of Thailand say the reptiles have were also polluting fresh water sources
Reflective cooling begun to die from exposure. with their excrement in Bong County’s
GROWING more reflective crops Zota district, as well as just across the
would help combat the predicted rise Bats ravage crops border in neighbouring Guinea.
in temperatures due to greenhouse SWARMS of Australian fruit bats,
gasses this century, according to a known as flying foxes, have caused Tropical cyclones
new study by British researchers. more than US$4 million (RM14.4 MADAGASCAR was drenched on
Andy Ridgewell and colleagues at the million) in damage to the country’s two fronts as tropical cyclones Eric and
University of Bristol say that growing Granite Belt crops so far this year, Fanele swirled into the island’s eastern
crops already cools the planet be- according to agricultural officials. and western coasts respectively. Eric
cause many cultivated plants reflect Some growers say they haven’t seen struck first, with locally heavy rain and
more sunlight into space than natural such large numbers of the flying foxes storm-force winds that killed one person
vegetation. Using a global climate for about 20 years. The Queensland and left 2,600 others homeless in the
model, they found that by being more Farmers Federation says up to half of Fenerive-Est region. Category 3 Cyclone
selective in which crops to grow, and the plums, peaches and nectarines Fanele caused widespread flooding and
genetically altering some to reflect were destroyed by the pests, and the significant damage from its 208kmh
more light, summertime temperatures region’s US$20 million (RM72 mil- winds to parts of Toliara province, on
could be kept down by 18°C across lion) apple crop was in jeopardy. The the island’s western coast.
much of the American Heartland and group blasted the government for not
the middle latitudes of Eurasia. allowing farmers to shoot the bats, as Earthquakes
well as not compensating them for EARTH movements were felt in
Thai chill damages. A ban on shooting the flying Australia’s Northern Territory, New
THE coldest wintertime conditions to mammals was imposed last Septem- Zealand’s Hawke’s Bay and around
strike normally temperate Thailand in ber after an Animal Welfare Advisory Alaska’s Denali National Park.
10 years have killed some of the coun- Committee declared the practice was
try’s wildlife and human population inhumane, since wounded bats were Gastronomic extinction
unaccustomed to such a chill. Officials often left to die a slow and painful SOME species of frogs could be on
say that at least two people have died death. their last legs because of a growing
of exposure in the north of the tropical demand for the amphibians by gour-
country, where the mercury in some Crawling invasion mets around the world, researchers
neighbourhoods dipped to only 6.8°C. THE West African nation of Liberia de- warn. “Frog legs are on the menu at
The Bangkok Post reports that Lam- clared a state of emergency as hordes school cafeterias in Europe, market
pang’s Elephant Hospital was caring of army worms attacked crops in a stalls and dinner tables across Asia
for eight ailing pachyderms that fell ill leading agricultural area. The infestation and high-end restaurants throughout
due to the cold temperatures. In the has become so acute that some resi- the world,” said University of Adelaide
southern province of Phattalung, wild dents report the worm-like caterpillars ecologist Corey Bradshaw. – Universal
macaques migrated from the moun- were consuming all vegetation in their Press Syndicate

Geithner wins OK for US

Treasury, vows quick action
WASHINGTON: Timothy Geithner
won confirmation as US Treasury
secretary on Monday and vowed to
act quickly to protect the US economy
from the worst financial crisis since
wife Carole
the Great Depression. “We are at
watches as
a moment of maximum challenge
he is sworn
for our economy and our country,”
in as US
Geithner said as he was sworn into of-
fice shortly after the Senate approved
secretary at
him on a 60-34 vote.
the Treasury
Faced with a full-blown crisis,
senators largely set aside misgivings
about Geithner’s failure to pay some
taxes earlier this decade in light of his

on Monday.
experience in battling the financial
storm as head of the New York Fed-
eral Reserve Bank.
Geithner will immediately start
work on a massive overhaul of the The new administration, which is disturbed enough by Geithner’s late
US$700 billion (RM2.5 trillion) US already pushing Congress to approve payment of US$34,000 (RM120,000) in
financial rescue programme and is an US$825 billion (RM2.9 trillion) eco- self-employment taxes to vote against
expected to propose new efforts to un- nomic stimulus package, may need the nominee even though they felt he
clogged frozen credit markets within to go back to lawmakers to ask for was well suited for the job otherwise.
the next two weeks. more funds to clean up the banking Only 10 Republicans voted in support,
“At this moment of challenge and system, possibly through the creation while three Democrats opposed him.
crisis, Tim’s work and the work of the of a government-run “bad bank” to “I would rather have a battle hard-
entire Treasury Department must be- soak up distressed assets. ened veteran at the helm who knows
gin at once,” President Barack Obama “I don’t want to prejudge what the the shoals and whirlpools than a
said as Geithner was sworn in. “We parameters might be or the decisions neophyte who has to wade into these
cannot lose a single day because every that might ultimately be made,” White churning waters for the first time,”
day the economic picture is darken- House spokesman Robert Gibbs told Republican Sen Orrin Hatch of Utah
ing, here and across the globe.” reporters. Some lawmakers were said . – Reuters

Job cuts mount, Dubai port freezes growth

DUBAI/AMSTERDAM: Major European hammered over the last two weeks, was reviewing all expansion projects,
employers including Philips and ING leapt after it said its projected 2008 cutting costs and freezing recruitment
announced thousands of job cuts on pretax profit of more than £5.3 billion as growth slows in 2009.
Monday and Dubai container port opera- (RM26.3 billion) would include the im- “The management has initiated
tor DP World halted all development as pact of £8 billion (RM 40 billion) in gross broad measures to cut normal costs
the downturn bit. writedowns. like travel ... There is a general freeze
News that a giant US$68 billion But an International Monetary Fund on recruitment and a close review of
(RM244 billion) takeover of US based official warned at the weekend that replacements as far as headcounts are
Wyeth by world No. 1 drugmaker Pfizer global growth was set to slow further. concerned,” said Chief Financial Officer
was close offered evidence that big DP World, one of the world’s largest Yuvraj Narayan. DP World 48 marine ter-
corporate deals can still be done. container ports and a key indicator of minals and 13 new port developments in
And shares in British bank Barclays, growth in the Gulf, said on Monday it 31 countries worldwide. – Reuters

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