TheSun 2009-01-28 Page16 Asian Shares Gain Tokyo Lepas On Govt Rescue

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16 theSun | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 2009


Asian shares gain, Tokyo

leaps on govt rescue
TOKYO: Japanese shares led Asian markets its losses against the euro and sterling as
higher, climbing 4.9% after Tokyo launched shares gained and investor risk tolerance
a US$16.7 billion (RM60.12 billion) scheme appeared to pick up.
yesterday to help firms threatened by the The yen has tended to fall against higher
financial crisis. yielding currencies as investor risk appetite
In Europe, shares were expected to improves and the currency had slipped on
open down with the focus on earnings and Monday after a rise in US existing home
a German business sentiment indicator, sales and British bank Barclays said it was
with Britain’s FTSE 100 seen falling 21 to 32 not seeking fresh capital.
points and Germany’s DAX expected down The euro was up 0.8% at ¥118.32,
6 to 31 points. well above last week’s seven-year low of
Japan’s funding plan helped the Nikkei ¥112.08, while sterling, which hit a record
average to its biggest one-day gain in low last week, climbed 1% to ¥125.68. The
percentage terms since mid-December, dollar gained 0.4% to ¥89.46.
along with a fall in the yen and a 9% surge US Treasuries edged down in Asia as
in shares of Honda Motor Co. The carmaker shares rallied, sapping demand for safe
announced further production cuts in North haven debt, and the bond market was in
America in Japan, but a newspaper reported wait-and-see mood ahead of a two-day
it would boost capacity in China. Federal Open Market Committee meeting
Japan’s trade ministry said capital would which ends today.
be provided only while companies faced The Fed is expected to leave the target
difficulty in fund-raising due to market tur- range for the benchmark overnight federal
moil, and firms receiving the funds would funds rate unchanged at zero to 0.25% and
be required to draw up plans to boost to flesh out new ways to free up lending.
profitability within three years. The benchmark 10-year note fell 2/32
“This news will be positive, since it’s di- in price to yield 2.653%, up about 0.5 basis
rected at firms in general and raises hopes point from late US trade.
that this will help with fund-raising, but Japanese government bond futures
the yen’s fall has helped too,” said Yutaka dropped, tracking falls in Treasuries and
Miura, senior technical analyst at Shinko euro zone government bonds and dented
Securities. by the rebound in stocks from a three-
“We’ll have good news and bad news, month closing low on Monday.
just one mountain after another, before the Analysts warned investor sentiment
downside really solidifies.” could turn quickly, with layoffs continuing
The MSCI index of Asia-Pacific stocks and European and US corporations disclos-
outside Japan was up 1.36%, after a 0.48% ing plans to cut more than 70,000 jobs to
gain in the Dow Jones industrial average cope with the downturn.
and a 0.56% rise in the Standard & Poor’s Gold held steady just above US$900
500 index on Monday. (RM3,240) an ounce after a three-day rally
Many Asian markets were closed for Lu- on safe-haven buying.
nar New Year, but Australian shares closed Oil prices rose more than 1%, reversing
up 3% after a one-day holiday, helped by losses as traders focused on short-term
miners such as Rio Tinto, which were bu- factors, such as cold US weather and an
oyed by a rebound in metal prices. Australian cyclone. US light, sweet crude
News of the funding plan helped push for March delivery climbed back above
the yen down against the dollar and deepen US$46 (RM165.60) a barrel. – Reuters

Japan to inject public

severe and the plan is unlikely to revive the
economy in the mid and long term,” said
Japanese companies have been severely
affected by the global economic downturn,
which has pushed the world’s second larg-
est economy into its first recession in seven

funds into companies

A survey released yesterday said 400,000
temporary workers in Japan’s manufacturing
sector are expected to lose their jobs by the
end of March.
Japan has an estimated one million non-
regular employees in the manufacturing
TOKYO: Japan said yesterday it would inject smoothly,” said a trade and industry ministry sector, of which 20% have already lost their
public funds into ailing companies to help official. jobs, according to the joint survey by a labour
them through the global economic crisis, Companies eligible for the bailout scheme association and an outsourcing group.
cheering investors who sent Tokyo share include major companies that are likely to Automakers are among the hardest hit.
prices soaring. recover from the recession as well as firms Honda Motor Co said it would roll back pro-
The latest effort to ease a credit crunch that are vital to regional economies, officials duction further in Japan and North America,
in Asia’s biggest economy came as Japan’s said. although it is stepping up output in China,
top securities firm Nomura Holdings posted Tokyo’s Nikkei stock index soared 4.9% as where demand is still growing despite the
a quarterly loss of US$3.8 billion (RM13.68 investors responded positively to the news, global economic crisis.
billion) because of the financial meltdown. which came as Washington pushed ahead with After the closing bell Nomura said it logged
In parliament, meanwhile, political wran- efforts to revive the US economy, confirming a net loss of ¥342.9 billion for the fiscal third
gling held up the enactment of a US$54 billion Timothy Geithner as Treasury secretary. quarter, against a year-earlier profit of ¥21.8
(RM194.4 billion) extra budget to fight the re- “Markets welcomed the plan as it would billion.
cession as the ruling coalition and opposition mean that capital would flow to companies “Last quarter was extraordinary for our
clashed over cash handouts. and the economy. Fears that companies may industry and Nomura was no exception,” said
Japan has already offered financial lifelines go bankrupt eased,” said Okasan Securities company president Kenichi Watanabe. “How-
to banks hit by the worst financial crisis since equity strategist Hideyuki Ishiguro. ever, our financial position remains strong.”
the Great Depression. “With the US pressing ahead swiftly on its Nomura, which last year bought swathes of
Now it plans to channel funds to other policy measures, Japan is giving a sign that failed US investment bank Lehman Brothers,
industries through state-backed lenders in a it is moving to put its finances to work,” he said it lost ¥43.1 billion due to Iceland’s finan-
scheme local media said could be worth ¥1.5 added. cial crisis and ¥32.3 billion due to exposure to
trillion (RM61.2 billion). But the market rally may be short-lived alleged Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff.
“The plan would ensure companies operate as “economic conditions in general remain – AFP

Japan’s NEC Tokin to shed 9,450 jobs worldwide

TOKYO: Japanese electronics maker NEC Tokin global layoffs. company spokesman Toshiyuki Mitani said.
announced yesterday that it would axe 9,450 jobs The company currently makes electronic ma- The company would carry out the job cuts “as
worldwide due to the economic crisis. terials and devices with some 3,000 employees quickly as possible,” he added.
The electronic component manufacturer, a in Japan and 16,000 in China, Thailand, the Philip- NEC Tokin revised its net loss forecast to ¥39.9
subsidiary of Japanese hi-tech giant NEC Corp, pines and Vietnam. billion (RM1.602 trillion) for the current business
said it would shed about 450 domestic posts “We have made the decision due to stagnant year to March from a ¥1.3 billion projected earlier.
and 9,000 jobs overseas, the latest in a wave of demand following the global economic slowdown,” – AFP

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