PUSHED TO IT. Finished Script.

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By Brittany Woodring


INTERROGATION INT. INTTERROGATION ROOM. Matthew is sitting at a empty table except for a cassette recorder, in a room that has only a table, two chairs, himself, and the detective. DETECTIVE ( Old, Gray short hair with bald spot, big gut.) So, why'd you do it? (CU) MATTHEW ( Medium brown hair. Average height, slim.) (Remains silent.) (Detective slams the table) (PAN of them from side view.) DETECTIVE Why did you do it?! ( Medium shot) MATTHEW How about I tell you my side of the story, huh? (MS) (The detective grabs the chair from the corner of the room and sits down across from Matthew.) DETECTIVE Okay, start. (MS) MATTHEW Okay well, you see, I see.. well seemed to be the class lo-(MS) CUT TO

EXT. SCHOOL FRONT OF SMALL GYM - NOON THOMAS ( Black short hair, Tall, chubby.) LOSER!

( Matthew turns to look at Thomas walking towards with, with Jacob right next to him.) (MS) JACOB ( Dirty blonde short hair, average height slim) Yeah, loser, where ya going?! (MS) ( Matthew keeps walking and then hears them jogging up to him, then Thomas pushes his shoulder and his books fall to the ground.) THOMAS Didn't you hear me nerd? (Matthew tries to pick up his books, but Thomas pushes him to the ground and stands over him, then steps on his hand, putting pressure on it. Matthew tries pulling his hand away but Thomas puts more pressure on it and Matthew gives out a small whimper.) Next time answer me when I call you. ( Matthew's POV) ( Thomas takes his foot of Matthew's hand and he and Jacob walk away laughing. Matthew grabs his books and regains himself. He holds his hand and walks towards the football field.) CUT TO


Matthew walks into his house and slams the door.)(MS) MOM ( Thin long light brown hair, short height. She's sitting on the couch drinking some coffee. When she see's Matthew she gets shocked and puts the coffee on the table and rushes towards him.) What are you doing home? (MS) MATTHEW Just because. MOM What happened? MATTHEW Nothing. MOM Matthew you know you can tell meMATTHEW I'm fine! ( Matthew runs past mom and up the stairs to his bedroom. You see the mother raise her hand towards him but puts it down. Matthew is sitting on his bed holding his head in a pillow. He punches the pillow angrily. He gets back up and rushes down the stairs. He grabs his coat of the rack. Mom is sitting at the computer but then quickly gets up when she sees him.) MOM Where are you going? (MS) MATTHEW Out. MOM Out where?-

( Matthew slams the door before he can answer, See Mom just sigh in the living room.) CUT TO

EXT. BASEBALL FIELD - EDGE OF CLIFF LATE AFTERNOON ( Matthew is on the edge of the cliff throwing small pebbles.) MATTHEW They think they can just do that to me? Pick on me like I'm dirt? ( He throws a huge rock as hard as he can and watches as it breaks all the plants on the way down.) Well I'm not dirt, I won't let them walk on me anymore. ( Matthew hears someone kicking the sand of the Baseball field and turns around. He sees Thomas on the right of him, and Jacob of the left. Jacob walks through the opening of the fence and Thomas comes from around the fence.) THOMAS Aye Buddy! We missed you today! Where did you go? ( He smirks and runs his fingers across the fence.) JACOB Yeah, Why did you leave?

( Matthew suddenly makes a dash to the right, Thomas tries to grab him but he makes it past him. He start to get away out is quickly caught by Jacob. He struggles but can't get out of Jacob's grip. Thomas walks over and Jacob smirks and pushes Matthew towards Thomas. Thomas Smiles but Matthew hits him in the arm in his struggle to get loose. Thomas loses his smile and hold Matthew out and then punches him in the stomach. Matthew grunts in pain and falls to his knees holding his stomach. Thomas kicks him and the shoulder and he tumbles down the hill. When he finally reaches the bottom he looks up at the boys.) THOMAS Sorry buddy, Play time is over! We've got to ditch! See you at school tomorrow! ( Thomas and Matthew laugh and walk away. You see Matthew on the ground groaning and holding his stomach.) CUT TO

INT. MATTHEW'S HOUSE AFTERNOON ( Matthew walks into the house. Mom sees he's covered in dirt and gets up and walks rushes towards him.) MOM Oh my God! What happened? MATTHEW Nothing, I um, I was walking down the hill, but tripped over a rock and fell 6

down the hill. I'm fine. Really. ( Gives a faint smile. Mom gives an suspicious look, but then sighs.) MOM Well... Okay. Go change out of those clothes. I just put some clean ones in your room. MATTHEW Okay mom, thanks. ( Matthew smiles and walks up past her and up the stairs.) CUT TO

INT. MATTHEW'S HOUSE SAME TIME ( You see a cup of coffee with a hand stirring it (CU) the coffee gets picked up and the camera follows it, then the camera zooms out and you see it's mom, then Matthew walks into the living room from the stairs in new clothes. Mom sits on the couch and Matthew follows and sits on the other couch.) MOM Have you heard about the guy who murdered all those people? ( She looks down at her coffee as if there was something interesting in it.) MATTHEW No I haven't actually. ( He leans forward.) MOM Well, I guess something happened to him, I really don't know what, but he just went crazy in the movie theater. His name is James Holmes. Killed 12, Wounded many more. He somehow bought all the guns and ammo he used online. It's just unbelievable.

( Matthew sits back.) MATTHEW Yeah, just unbelievable. MOM ( Places her cup on the table and gets up.) Yep, truly sad. Well I need to go run to the store to get something for dinner, do you want to come? MATTHEW No, I'm just going to chill here. MOM ( Grabbing her coat and purse and walking towards the door.) Okay, I'll be back in a little bit, behave yourself. Bye.


INT. MATTHEW'S HOUSE COMPUTER EVENING ( Matthew is sitting at the computer typing. See on the screen he's searching for guns. The camera then moves with his hand and you see him grab a credit card and pull it towards him. Then see the mouse go towards the Add to Cart button, and then Matthew smiles.) FADE TO


( Close up on the box, and then zoom out and see the door open. Matthew quickly grabs the box and brings it inside. He rushes to his room and sit on the floor and opens the box. After pushing all the paper out of the way, he slowly pulls the gun out of the box. He smiles and quickly puts it under his bed. He gets on his feet and falls onto the bed. He smiles and closes his eyes.) CUT TO

INT. MATTHEWS HOUSE MORNING ( Show Matthew in his room putting on his shoes and coat. Then he pauses and looks down at the bed. He gets on the ground and grabs the gun. He takes a big breath and walks out of his room. Then see him walk through the living room and rushes past the kitchen, but pauses when he hears his mom.) MOM Have a nice day at school, Matthew. I love you. ( Matthew turns his eyes to the left and bites his lip.) MATTHEW Yeah, sure, I will. See you later. ( Matthew walks out of the house and walks a couple feet. He then looks back into his pocket and looks at the gun. He straighten his back and continues to walk. The camera zooms into his eyes. The camera goes dark and a few seconds later you hear gun shots and screams.)


INT. INTERROGATION ROOM ( Camera is zoomed in on his eyes again, but zooms out and you see Matthew smile and sit back.) MATTHEW Well, that was my side of this story, anymore questions? ( The detective shakes his head and then walks out of the room. The door closes and you see Matthew laughing in the the room. The door close and the screen goes black.) FADE OUT THE END



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