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Union files counterclaim in GPS levy fray

. . . -
say it's OK, too. to 'use property or personnel grounds.
" i Itsaysemails don't
violate agreement,
The Cincinnati: Federation' fc;>rcampaigI}.purposes. The agreement broadly prQ-
of Teachers filed ai motion last The eFT, in aCQunterelaim communi-
week in Hamilton County Com- filed Nov. 21, asks the jIiifae to ' cation on distriet property. '
By Jessica Brown
monPl,eas Court askingaj1.J.dge rule that portions of tbe OOJ\ST COAST has sued the district'
to exempt it from 812002 agree... agreement, violate . twice tor Violating that agree-
ment Pub- First rights and ' ment It receiVed $16;000 in a
, The Cincinnati teachers 'lie Schools and alqc81 BntHax sijould be voided." ' , "" 2()10 settlement. In the current
union says it's OJ(: for teachers group, the Coalition to case" COAST and its;
, J ...
:Pany time to'discuss aptrtax: ,(CJAST). ,",' i ; ,',','.: ,I' "COASTsued trictfort&' ' " the, district because teachers.
,,"',',' . ," .. " ' ,;
WS now aslcing a judge to, natl]?ublic ',,:1tS ';:", $ .. -JON; Page B3
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_--, _________ --,---:--__ -;--_________ ........ __ e ........ _____ ...... ..
said COAST attorney
Chris Finney. "COAST has
decided to make 'this a
Continued from Page B1 core of our strategy.
And We've been success-
used the company email ful:'
system to discuss voter '. But 10m Mooney, who
registration and rallies in
advance of a Nov. 6 CPS Federation of Teachers,
tax renewal. says the teachers were
"It's wrong, and it's ille- acting 'on their own, not
gal. It's illegal to cam- under the direction of the
paignwithourtaxdollars, ,.school:diitrict. The 2002
they' '
vent them from using
email to discuss, ,a cam-
paign, 'according to his
The countertlaim also
notes teachers have the
right under the Ohio Con-
stitution, Ohio law and
their collective bargain-
ing agreement to 'support
school leViesl especially
since the passage of the

''We're there to say
there is no violation of the
(COAST)' agreement,"
said Mooney. "We're there
, to stand up for the rights
of CFTand their mem-
bers to eXpress their,First
Amendment right."
"I think there is a dif-
{erent of
the 2002 agreement, said
Mooney. ''1 think'
never intended to go."
Finney disagreed.
''What they're saying" is
that means the have the
right to campaign using
public propeny," he said.
"It's posi-
tion they're

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