UnderstandPlanSolve Handout

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The Situation

The Fix Reread the relevant strategy guide chapter and redo the in action questions at the end of the chapter. Read questions at a speed that allows you to absorb all of the relevant information. If you missed or ignored an important constraint, make sure to write constraints on your scrap paper. Look up the problems classification in the OGC. Identify question language that would help you recognize this type of problem. For help, look at examples in the relevant strategy guide chapter and in the list of OG problems for that strategy guide. Find OG and CAT problems with the same categories and compare / contrast ways to solve similarities and differences between problems.

U1 I guessed or got the problem wrong. After Did Not Understand reading the solution, I am still confused. the Content I got the problem wrongor right accidentally. U2 I know how to do that, I just read the problem Misread the Problem incorrectly!


I could not recognize what type of problem it U3 was. (I may have solved this problem, but not Could Not Categorize efficiently.)


I can categorize this problem, but I dont know P1 how to adapt a strategy that I know to this Could Not Strategize problem either directly or using a back-up strategy. S1 My method would have worked. I couldnt Missing Something implement it because I did not know a rule, Critical to Solving formula, math fact, or simplification technique.

Look up the forgotten rule or formula OR revisit the FOM or EIV book to refine techniques.

SOLVE S2 Made a Careless Error I made algebra and/or arithmetic errors while solving that led to an incorrect answer. Drill! Work on scrap paper organization. Write out each math step.



I got this question right, and I could explain to Teach the problem to someone else. Explaining another GMAT test-taker how to answer this how to answer the question will strengthen your question correctly. I am confident I could answer understanding of the relevant topic. a similar problem correctly.

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