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music School Application Form

COURSE DATES 10/10/2012 15/11/2012 Name of Applicant

Age of Applicant Name of Parent/Guardian/Sponsor

Date of Birth

Address for Correspondence

Phone Email for Correspondence

Emergency Contact/Mobile

Applicants musical knowledge, song writing and interests and experience:-

I agree to my Son/Daughters participation in Music School and know of no medical reason why they should not participate. I understand that participants are selected on merit and not on a first-come, first-served basis. The closing date for applications is:- 02/11/2012 I enclose the full fee of 90.00 (cheques payable to La Motte Street. I understand that if my son/daughter is unsuccessful this money will be returned to me in full. I understand that the fee is not refundable should I withdraw my son/daughter. I undertake to inform organisers if any of the above details change before or during the period of the course SIGNED_____________________________NAME (caps)_____________________________Date ___/___/20____

music School?
music School is a guided social/musical experience for groups of young musicians

music School will:Bring together up to four young people in each of the following disciplines guitar, bass guitar or drums (further disciplines may be added in future) Guide young participants through a group-learning session led by experienced tutors Develop a supportive and creative environment

music School will be held over six Saturday sessions at La Motte Street Youth Centre, during term time, in two ability levels Kick Start for those staring out 2pm to 3pm Moving Up for intermediates 3pm to 4pm
The course will be run by experienced musicians selected from our Rock School and music tutors supported by the youth work staff of La Motte Street. The course is open to young people aged School Yr7-18yrs. La Motte Street is fully equipped with instruments and amplification or participants may wish to bring their own. and refreshment/snack bar so all participants needs are catered for on-site. COURSE DATES 10/17/24th Nov, 1st/8/15th Dec 2012 Course Fee - 90:00 payable to La Motte Street Ages School Yr7-18yrs inclusive
Further information can be obtained from course administrator Carmel Butel at La Motte Street Youth Centre on, or by calling (01534) 729136

music SCHOOL
Carmel Butel, Course Administrator New St James Place St Helier JE2 4QL 01534 729136 (course administrator) 01534 729081 (senior youth worker)

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