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Dear President Truman, I would like to commend you on your great journey as president.

I know it must have been hard to come into office at the time you did, but you took the role of a leader, and stepped up to the plate. As president I know you want to get out of this war quickly and bring our troops home safely, but is this method efficient? In this letter I will show you that the appropriate course of action is not use an atomic weapon in the fight against Japan. At this point of the war, I know things are getting intense, you must feel overwhelmed with stress about what decisions to make. I feel the atomic bomb should not be dropped on Japan. First and foremost this has never been tested before and it would be risky not knowing the after effect yet whats going to happen when its dropped. Hiroshima has no valleys or mountains, the bombing would severely ruin everything. I believe it would be too harmful and that much destruction would be not necessary. The number of civilians outnumbers the soldiers who are actually fighting in the war; therefore many people will die that had absolutely nothing to do with the war. Many innocent lives of women and children would be taken. Civilians have no way of protecting themselves during the dropping, the soldiers would have a better chance of protecting each other because of their training. As you know the United States in winning at this point and Japan is on the verge of quitting, many of their cities are already ruined by pervious bombing. If you really want Japan to surrender, then I would advise a bomb to be dropped, but not powerful enough to wipe out most of the race. I think a more appropriate place to drop it is over the Tokyo harbor, more soldiers would be located at this site with fewer civilians to harm. Also the 9,000 pound Uranium-235 radioactive bomb would cost over 5 billion dollars to create, which money could go to something more important like war costs and perhaps towards the country. The radioactive substance could possibly have major effects on survivors if any. There will be nothing left if you decide to drop these bombs, please consider a different plan of action towards ending the war. President Truman, I have shown through evidence that the appropriate course of action is to not drop the atomic bomb. I believe the affect would be way too powerful and harmful. I know you would like to end the war rapidly but maybe thats not an efficient way. I hope this opens eyes to the devastation that is about to be created if you do decide to continue with the droppings. The united states is a very powerful country already, no need to overdo it to prove a point. Thank you for taking this time out of your busy day to read this and I would hope my letter helps you to reconsider the droppings of two atomic bombs, thank you again, enjoy the rest of your day.

Sincerely, Lupita Silva

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