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11/26/12 Workf orce Div ersity Questionnaire Surv ey

Workforce Diversity Questionnaire Exit this survey

*13. The ideal way to resolve conflicts caused by diversity within the workforce is
Use of Power by managers


A combination of both methods in a & b

Other (Please specify)

*14. Do you think your organisation represents your vision about diversity in the
workplace?Please answer by yes or no and explain your answer

*15. The existing policies, practices, and procedures in your organisation

Does not impact diverse groups differently

Does impact diverse groups differently

Don’t know

*16. When you apply to a new job you

Feel more comfortable if the manager was interested in your cultural background

Do not feel comfortable if the manager discusses cultural and other diversity issues

Doesn’t make a difference

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11/26/12 Workf orce Div ersity Questionnaire Surv ey

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