7.3 The Shallow-Water Approximation: U L U L W D

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1 Notes on 1.63 Advanced Environmental Fluid Mechanics Instructor: C. C. Mei, 2002 ccmei@mit.

edu, 1 617 253 2994 November 17, 2002


The Shallow-Water Approximation

u v w + + =0 x y |{z} z |{z}

The continuity equation reads



If the horizontal length scale of motion L is much greater than the sea depth D, i.e., shallow water, D 1 (7.3.1) L we have DU W = U (7.3.2) L Momentum conservation requires u u u u 1 pd +( u + v +w ) fv = |{z} t x y | {z } z x |{z} | {z }
U T U2 L

v v v v + u +v +w t x y z

| {z }
U2 L

U2 L


| {z }

+ fu =

1 pd , y

where pd stands for the dynamic pressure

w w w w 1 pd +( u +v +w )= t x y | {z } z z |{z} | {z }

| {z }


| {z }

p = gz + pd Examine rst the horizontal momentum balance. In order that pressure gradient forces the rotating ow, the pressure gradient has to balance either the Coriolis force (rotation important), assuming that the Rossby number is no greater than O(1). The scale of pressure is U L P = , or Uf L T

2 From the vertical momentum we nd, if P = U L/T ,

w t 1 d z


D2 L2

and if P = U f L,
w t 1 d z


D2 1 L2 T f

Since the time scale of interest is of a day or so, f T = O(1). We conclude that the vertical pressure gradient is practially zero with error of order D2 /L2 1, implying that pd ' g or the total pressure is hydrostatic ptotal ' g( z) Thus, pd = g x x pd = g y y (7.3.5) (7.3.4) (7.3.3)

We now show by a formal perturbation scheme for horizontal bottom, that u, v are independent of z to the leading order or approximation, u v w + + =0 x y z u u u u +u +v +w f v = g t x y z x v v v v +u +v +w + f u = g t x y z y On the bottom w=0 On the free surface +u +v = w, t x y z= (7.3.9) (7.3.10) (7.3.6) (7.3.7) (7.3.8)

Assuming the following expansions: u = u0 + v = v0 + z+h (z + h)2 u1 + u2 + L 2L2 z+h (z + h)2 v1 + v2 + L 2L2 (7.3.11) (7.3.12)

3 z+h (z + h)2 w2 + (7.3.13) w1 + L 2L2 where un , vn , wn are independent of z. From the x momentum equation we get from (7.3.7) w= u0 u0 u0 + u0 + v0 f v0 + g t x y x ! (z + h) u1 u0 u1 u0 u1 w1 u1 + + u1 + u0 + v1 + v0 + f v1 L t x x y y L z+h + L

( ) + = 0


with a similar equation for the y momentum. Separating the zeroth power of (z + h)/L we get u0 u0 u0 + u0 + v0 f v0 = g (7.3.15) t x y x v0 v0 v0 + u0 + v0 ) + f u0 = g t x y y Thus u, v are depth-independent to the leading order. Also from continuity, u0 v0 w1 + + =0 x y L and from the free surface condition +h + u0 = w1 t x L Hence after eliminating w1 , [( + h)u0 ] [( + h)v0 ] + + =0 t x y In summary, for shallow seas, u u 1 u +u +v fv = t x y x v v v 1 +u +v + fu = t x y y (7.3.20) (7.3.21) (7.3.19) (7.3.18) (7.3.17) (7.3.16)

to leading order. If Rossby number is small, then the convective inertia is negligible; the momentum equations reduce to : u f v = g (7.3.22) t x

4 v + f u = g t y (7.3.23)

where are linear. Take for estimates, U = 0.1, 1m/s, = 2.31 105 , L = 100, 1000km = 105 , 106 m, Rossby number U/2L = 0.043. We leave it as an exercise to work out the equations for h(x, y) with a small slope.


Geostrophic motion

For steady ow at small Rossby number, H =+h'h the momentum equations reduce to f v = g x f u = g . y

Thus, Coriolis force and pressure gradient are in balance u= implying u or ~ = 0. q Physically along a streamlines, the free surface height remains constant. Hence, the surface contours are parallel to the streamlines and to isobars. This state is called geostrophic. +v =0 x y (7.3.24) g f y v= g f x


Remark: Depth-integrated mass conservation

The depth integrated mass conservation (7.3.25) is a general an exact result which holds for variable depth as well. On the seabed z = h(x, y), vanishing of the normal veocity requires w = u h h v . x y

On the free surface z = (x, y, t), the kinematic boundary condition reads, w= +u +v t x y z=

5 Integrating the continuity equation and using Leibnizs rule u v w + + 0 = dz y z h x Z Z = [w]h + udz + vdz x h y h h h + u() + v() u(h) v(h). x y x y

Dene the total depth to be H = + h 0= wu v x y


h h w+u +v x x

Hu (Hv) + x y

Using the boundary conditions we get H Hu Hv + + = 0. t x y (7.3.25)

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